# Lasso - A free implementation of the Liberty Alliance specifications. # # Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Entr'ouvert # http://lasso.entrouvert.org # # Authors: See AUTHORS file in top-level directory. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA import re import sys from utils import * class PhpCode: def __init__(self, binding_data, fd): self.binding_data = binding_data self.fd = fd def is_object(self, t): return is_object(t) and not is_int(t, self.binding_data) def generate(self): self.generate_header() for klass in self.binding_data.structs: self.generate_class(klass) self.generate_exceptions() self.generate_footer() def generate_header(self): print >> self.fd, '''\ _cptr = $cptr; return $obj; } return null; } function lassoGetRequestTypeFromSoapMsg($mesg) { return lasso_get_request_type_from_soap_msg($mesg); } function lassoRegisterIdWsf2DstService($prefix, $href) { lasso_register_idwsf2_dst_service($prefix, $href); } ''' def generate_class(self, klass): class_name = klass.name if klass.parent != 'GObject': inheritence = ' extends %s' % klass.parent else: inheritence = ' extends LassoObject' print >> self.fd, '/**' print >> self.fd, ' * @package Lasso' print >> self.fd, ' */' print >> self.fd, 'class %(class_name)s%(inheritence)s {' % locals() if klass.members or klass.methods: self.generate_constructors(klass) self.generate_getters_and_setters(klass) self.generate_methods(klass) print >> self.fd, '}' print >> self.fd, '' # Add a special class to get an object instance without initialising print >> self.fd, '/**' print >> self.fd, ' * @package Lasso' print >> self.fd, ' */' print >> self.fd, 'class %(class_name)sNoInit extends %(class_name)s {' % locals() print >> self.fd, ' public function __construct() {}' print >> self.fd, '}' print >> self.fd, '' def generate_constructors(self, klass): method_prefix = format_as_underscored(klass.name) + '_' for m in self.binding_data.functions: if m.name == method_prefix + 'new': php_args = [] c_args = [] for arg in m.args: arg_type, arg_name, arg_options = arg if arg_options.get('optional'): php_args.append('$%s = null' % arg_name) else: php_args.append('$%s' % arg_name) if self.is_object(arg_type): c_args.append('$%s->_cptr' % arg_name) else: c_args.append('$%s' % arg_name) php_args = ', '.join(php_args) c_args = ', '.join(c_args) # XXX: could check $this->_cptr->typename to see if it got the # right class type print >> self.fd, ' public $_cptr = null;' print >> self.fd, '' print >> self.fd, ' public function __construct(%s) {' % php_args print >> self.fd, ' $this->_cptr = %s(%s);' % (m.name, c_args) print >> self.fd, ' if (is_null($this->_cptr)) { throw new Exception("Constructor for ', klass.name, ' failed "); }' print >> self.fd, ' }' print >> self.fd, '' if m.name == method_prefix + 'new_from_dump': if len(m.args) == 1: print >> self.fd, ' public static function newFromDump($dump) {' print >> self.fd, ' return cptrToPhp(%s($dump));' % m.name else: print >> self.fd, ' public static function newFromDump($server, $dump) {' print >> self.fd, ' return cptrToPhp(%s($server->_cptr, $dump));' % m.name # XXX: Else throw an exception print >> self.fd, ' }' print >> self.fd, '' elif m.name == method_prefix + 'new_full': pass def generate_getter(self, c, m): d = { 'type': arg_type(m), 'name': format_as_camelcase(arg_name(m)), 'docstring': self.get_docstring_return_type(arg_type(m)), 'class': c.name } print >> self.fd, ''' /**' * @return %(docstring)s */ protected function get_%(name)s() {''' % d print >> self.fd, ' $t = %(class)s_%(name)s_get($this->_cptr);' % d if is_object(m): print >> self.fd, ' $t = cptrToPhp($t);' elif (is_glist(m) or is_hashtable(m)) and is_object(element_type(m)): print >> self.fd, ' foreach ($t as $key => $item) {' print >> self.fd, ' $t[$key] = cptrToPhp($item);' print >> self.fd, ' }' elif is_hashtable(m) or (is_glist(m) and (is_cstring(element_type(m)) \ or is_xml_node(element_type(m)))) or is_int(m, self.binding_data) \ or is_boolean(m) or is_cstring(m) or is_xml_node(m): pass else: raise Exception('Cannot generate a Php getter %s.%s' % (c,m)) print >> self.fd, ' return $t;' print >>self.fd, ' }' def generate_setter(self, c, m): d = { 'type': arg_type(m), 'name': format_as_camelcase(arg_name(m)), 'docstring': self.get_docstring_return_type(arg_type(m)), 'class': c.name } print >> self.fd, ' protected function set_%(name)s($value) {' % d if is_object(m): print >> self.fd, ' $value = $value->_cptr;' elif (is_glist(m) or is_hashtable(m)) and is_object(element_type(m)): print >> self.fd, ' $array = array();' print >> self.fd, ' if (!is_null($value)) {' print >> self.fd, ' foreach ($value as $key => $item) {' print >> self.fd, ' $array[$key] = $item->_cptr;' print >> self.fd, ' }' print >> self.fd, ' }' print >> self.fd, ' $value = $array;' elif is_hashtable(m) or (is_glist(m) and (is_cstring(element_type(m)) \ or is_xml_node(element_type(m)))) or is_int(m, self.binding_data) \ or is_boolean(m) or is_cstring(m) or is_xml_node(m): pass else: raise Exception('Cannot generate a Php setter %s.%s' % (c,m)) print >> self.fd, ' %(class)s_%(name)s_set($this->_cptr, $value);' % d print >> self.fd, ' }' print >> self.fd, '' def generate_getters_and_setters(self, klass): for m in klass.members: self.generate_getter(klass, m) self.generate_setter(klass, m) def generate_methods(self, klass): methods = klass.methods[:] # first pass on methods, removing accessors for m in klass.methods: if m.rename: meth_name = m.rename else: meth_name = m.name if not ('_get_' in meth_name and len(m.args) == 1): continue methods.remove(m) try: setter_name = meth_name.replace('_get_', '_set_') setter = [x for x in methods if x.name == setter_name][0] methods.remove(setter) except IndexError: setter = None mname = re.match(r'lasso_.*_get_(\w+)', meth_name).group(1) mname = format_as_camelcase(mname) print >> self.fd, ' /**' print >> self.fd, ' * @return %s' % self.get_docstring_return_type(m.return_type) print >> self.fd, ' */' print >> self.fd, ' protected function get_%s() {' % mname if self.is_object(m.return_type): print >> self.fd, ' $cptr = %s($this->_cptr);' % meth_name print >> self.fd, ' if (! is_null($cptr)) {' print >> self.fd, ' return cptrToPhp($cptr);' print >> self.fd, ' }' print >> self.fd, ' return null;' else: print >> self.fd, ' return %s($this->_cptr);' % meth_name print >> self.fd, ' }' if setter: print >> self.fd, ' protected function set_%s($value) {' % mname if self.is_object(m.return_type): print >> self.fd, ' %s($this->_cptr, $value->_cptr);' % setter.name else: print >> self.fd, ' %s($this->_cptr, $value);' % setter.name print >> self.fd, ' }' print >> self.fd, '' # second pass on methods, real methods method_prefix = format_as_underscored(klass.name) + '_' for m in methods: if m.name.endswith('_new') or m.name.endswith('_new_from_dump') or \ m.name.endswith('_new_full'): continue if not m.name.startswith(method_prefix): print >> sys.stderr, 'W:', m.name, 'vs', method_prefix continue if m.rename: mname = m.rename else: mname = m.name cname = mname mname = mname[len(method_prefix):] php_args = [] c_args = [] outarg = None for arg in m.args[1:]: arg_type, arg_name, arg_options = arg arg_name = '$' + arg_name if is_out(arg): assert not outarg outarg = arg if arg_options.get('optional'): if arg_options.get('default'): defval = arg_options.get('default') if defval.startswith('c:'): # constant php_args.append('%s = %s' % (arg_name, defval[2:])) elif defval.startswith('b:'): # boolean php_args.append('%s = %s' % (arg_name, defval[2:])) else: print >> sys.stderr, "E: don't know what to do with %s" % defval sys.exit(1) else: php_args.append('%s = null' % arg_name) else: php_args.append(arg_name) if arg_type in ('char*', 'const char*', 'gchar*', 'const gchar*') or \ arg_type in ['int', 'gint', 'gboolean', 'const gboolean'] or \ arg_type in self.binding_data.enums: c_args.append(arg_name) else: c_args.append('%s._cptr' % arg_name) if is_out(arg): php_args.pop() php_args.append(arg_name) c_args.pop() c_args.append(arg_name) if php_args: php_args = ', '.join(php_args) else: php_args = '' if c_args: c_args = ', ' + ', '.join(c_args) else: c_args = '' if m.docstring: print >> self.fd, self.generate_docstring(m, mname, 4) print >> self.fd, ' public function %s(%s) {' % ( format_underscore_as_camelcase(mname), php_args) if m.return_type == 'void': print >> self.fd, ' %s($this->_cptr%s);' % (cname, c_args) elif is_rc(m.return_type): print >> self.fd, ' $rc = %s($this->_cptr%s);' % (cname, c_args) print >> self.fd, ' if ($rc == 0) {' print >> self.fd, ' return 0;' print >> self.fd, ' } else if ($rc > 0) {' # recoverable error print >> self.fd, ' return $rc;' print >> self.fd, ' } else if ($rc < 0) {' # unrecoverable error print >> self.fd, ' LassoError::throw_on_rc($rc);' print >> self.fd, ' }' else: print >> self.fd, ' return %s($this->_cptr%s);' % (cname, c_args) print >> self.fd, ' }' print >> self.fd, '' print >> self.fd, '' def generate_docstring(self, func, method_name, indent): docstring = func.docstring.orig_docstring if func.args: first_arg_name = func.args[0][1] else: first_arg_name = None def rep(s): type = s.group(1)[0] var = s.group(1)[1:] if type == '#': # struct return var elif type == '%': # %TRUE, %FALSE if var in ('TRUE', 'FALSE'): return var print >> sys.stderr, 'W: unknown docstring thingie \'%s\' in \'%s\'' % (s.group(1), func.docstring.orig_docstring) elif type == '@': if var == first_arg_name: return '$this' else: return '$' + var return s.group(1) lines = [] for l in docstring.splitlines(): if l.strip() and not lines: continue lines.append(l) s = indent * ' ' + '/**\n' s += '\n'.join([indent * ' ' + ' * ' + x for x in lines[1:]]) s += '\n' + indent * ' ' + ' */' regex = re.compile(r'([\#%@]\w+)', re.DOTALL) s = regex.sub(rep, s) s = s.replace('Return value: ', '@return %s ' % self.get_docstring_return_type(func.return_type)) return s def get_docstring_return_type(self, return_type): if return_type == None: return '' elif return_type == 'gboolean': return 'boolean' elif return_type in ['int', 'gint'] + self.binding_data.enums: return 'int' elif return_type in ('char*', 'gchar*', 'const char*', 'const gchar*', 'xmlNode*'): return 'string' elif return_type in ('GList*', 'GHashTable*'): return 'array' else: # Objects return return_type.replace('*', '') def generate_exceptions(self): done_cats = [] for exc_cat in self.binding_data.overrides.findall('exception/category'): cat = exc_cat.attrib.get('name') done_cats.append(cat) parent_cat = exc_cat.attrib.get('parent', '') print >> self.fd, '''\ /** * @package Lasso */ class Lasso%sError extends Lasso%sError {} ''' % (cat, parent_cat) exceptions_dict = {} for c in self.binding_data.constants: m = re.match(r'LASSO_(\w+)_ERROR_(.*)', c[1]) if not m: continue cat, detail = m.groups() cat = cat.title().replace('_', '') detail = (cat + '_' + detail).title().replace('_', '') if not cat in done_cats: done_cats.append(cat) for exc_cat in self.binding_data.overrides.findall('exception/category'): if exc_cat.attrib.get('name') == cat: parent_cat = exc_cat.attrib.get('parent') break else: parent_cat = '' print >> self.fd, '''\ /** * @package Lasso */ class Lasso%sError extends Lasso%sError {} ''' % (cat, parent_cat) if detail not in exceptions_dict: print >> self.fd, '''\ /** * @package Lasso */ class Lasso%sError extends Lasso%sError { protected $code = %s; } ''' % (detail, cat, c[1]) exceptions_dict[detail] = c[1] print >> self.fd, '''\ /** * @package Lasso */ class LassoError extends Exception { private static $exceptions_dict = array(''' for k, v in exceptions_dict.items(): print >> self.fd, ' %s => "Lasso%sError",' % (v, k) print >> self.fd, '''\ ); public static function throw_on_rc($rc) { $exception = self::$exceptions_dict[$rc]; if (! class_exists($exception)) { $exception = "LassoError"; } throw new $exception(strError($rc), $rc); } } ''' def generate_footer(self): print >> self.fd, '''\ ?>'''