# Lasso - A free implementation of the Liberty Alliance specifications. # # Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Entr'ouvert # http://lasso.entrouvert.org # # Authors: See AUTHORS file in top-level directory. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA import os import sys import re import textwrap from utils import * lasso_package_name = 'com.entrouvert.lasso' lasso_java_path = 'com/entrouvert/lasso/' debug = 0 def with_return_owner(d): c = d.copy() c['return_owner'] = 1 return c def generate_arg_list(self,args): def arg_to_decl(arg): return self.java_arg_type(arg) + ' ' + format_as_camelcase(arg_name(arg)) return ', '.join([ arg_to_decl(x) for x in args if not is_out(x)]) def generate_arg_list2(args): def arg_to_decl(arg): if is_out(arg): return 'output' return format_as_camelcase(arg_name(arg)) return ', '.join([ arg_to_decl(x) for x in args ]) def generate_arg_list3(self, args): def arg_to_decl(arg): if is_out(arg): return 'Object[] output' r = self.java_arg_type(arg) + ' ' + format_as_camelcase(arg_name(arg)) return r return ', '.join([ arg_to_decl(x) for x in args]) def convert_class_name(lasso_name): return lasso_name[5:] def mangle_name(name): s = name s = s.replace('_', '_1') s = s.replace(';', '_2') s = s.replace('[', '_3') return s def jni_glist_elem_type(type): if is_cstring(type): return 'jstring' elif is_xml_node(type): return 'jstring' elif is_object(type): return 'jobject' else: return Exception('No jni_glist_elem_type for %s' % (type,)) def jni_hashtable_elem_type(type): if is_object(type): return 'jobject' else: return 'jstring' def JNI_elem_type(type): if is_cstring(type): return 'String' elif is_xml_node(type): return 'String' elif is_object(type): return convert_class_name(type) else: return 'Object' def wrapper_name(name): return 'Java_com_entrouvert_lasso_LassoJNI_' + mangle_name(name) def error_to_exception(error_name): if 'LASSO_ERROR' in error_name: name, = re.match('LASSO_ERROR(_.*)', error_name).groups() super = 'Lasso' else: super, name = re.match('LASSO(_.*)_ERROR(_.*)', error_name).groups() super = format_as_camelcase(super.lower()) name = format_as_camelcase(name.lower()) return (super+name+'Exception',super+'Exception') def wrapper_decl(name, jnitype): jniname = wrapper_name(name) return 'JNIEXPORT %s JNICALL %s(JNIEnv *env, jclass clss' % (jnitype,jniname) def is_collection(type): return is_glist(type) or is_hashtable(type) class Binding: def __init__(self, binding_data): self.binding_data = binding_data self.src_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) def print_list_of_files(self): l = ['GObject.java','LassoConstants.java','LassoJNI.java','LassoException.java', 'LassoUndefinedException.java', 'LassoUnimplementedException.java'] for c in self.binding_data.structs: class_name = convert_class_name(c.name) l.append(class_name + '.java') for c in self.binding_data.constants: type, orig = c if 'LASSO_ERROR_' in orig or '_ERROR_' not in orig: continue name, super = error_to_exception(orig) l.append(name + '.java') if not super + '.java' in l: l.append(super + '.java') l = [ lasso_java_path + p for p in l] for p in l: print p, print print def is_gobject_type(self, t): return t not in ['char*', 'const char*', 'gchar*', 'const gchar*', 'const GList*','GList*', 'GHashTable*', 'int', 'gint', 'gboolean', 'const gboolean'] + self.binding_data.enums def generate(self): if not os.path.exists(lasso_java_path): os.makedirs(lasso_java_path) self.generate_Constants() self.generate_JNI() self.generate_wrapper() self.generate_exception_classes() self.generate_lasso_classes() # LassoConstants def generate_Constants(self): fd = open(lasso_java_path + 'LassoConstants.java', 'w') self.generate_Constants_header(fd) self.generate_Constants_constants(fd) self.generate_Constants_footer(fd) fd.close() def generate_Constants_header(self, fd): print >> fd, '''\ /* this file has been generated automatically; do not edit */ package %s; public abstract interface LassoConstants { ''' % lasso_package_name def generate_Constants_constants(self, fd): print >> fd, '/* Constants (both enums and defines) */' # Declaration for c in self.binding_data.constants: print >> fd, 'static final ', if c[0] == 'i': print >> fd, 'int ', elif c[0] == 's': print >> fd, 'String ', elif c[0] == 'b': print >> fd, 'boolean ', print >> fd, '%s = LassoJNI.%s_get();' % (c[1][6:], c[1]) def generate_Constants_footer(self, fd): print >> fd, '}' # LassoJNI def generate_JNI(self): fd = open(lasso_java_path + 'LassoJNI.java','w') self.generate_JNI_header(fd) self.generate_JNI_constants(fd) for m in self.binding_data.functions: self.generate_JNI_functions(m ,fd) for c in self.binding_data.structs: self.generate_JNI_member(c, fd) for m in c.methods: self.generate_JNI_functions(m, fd) self.generate_JNI_footer(fd) fd.close(); def generate_JNI_header(self, fd): print >> fd, '''\ /* this file has been generated automatically; do not edit */ package %s; public final class LassoJNI { protected static native void init2(); protected static native void destroy(long cptr); ''' % lasso_package_name def generate_JNI_constants(self, fd): print >>fd, '/* Constants getters */' for c in self.binding_data.constants: print >>fd, 'public static native ', if c[0] == 'i': print >>fd, 'int ', elif c[0] == 's': print >>fd, 'String ', elif c[0] == 'b': print >>fd, 'boolean ', print >>fd, '%s_get();' % c[1] def java_arg_type(self, vtype): if is_boolean(vtype): return 'boolean' elif is_int(vtype, self.binding_data): return 'int' elif is_cstring(vtype): return 'String' elif is_collection(vtype): return 'Object[]' elif is_xml_node(vtype): return 'String' elif is_object(vtype): return convert_class_name(unpointerize(unconstify(vtype))) else: raise Exception('java_arg_type failed for %s' % vtype) def JNI_return_type(self, vtype): if vtype: m = re.match(r'(?:const\s*)?(.*)',vtype) vtype = m.group(1) if vtype == 'gboolean': return 'boolean' elif is_int(vtype, self.binding_data): return 'int' elif vtype in ('guchar*', 'char*', 'gchar*'): return 'String' elif vtype in ('const GList*','GList*','GHashTable*'): return 'Object[]' elif vtype == 'xmlNode*': return 'String' elif isinstance(vtype,basestring) and vtype.startswith('Lasso'): if vtype.endswith('*'): vtype = vtype[:-1] return convert_class_name(vtype) else: return 'void' def JNI_member_type(self,member): if is_glist(member): return self.java_arg_type(element_type(member)) elif is_hashtable(member): return self.java_arg_type(element_type(member) or 'char*') else: return self.java_arg_type(member) def JNI_function_name(self, m): if m.rename: return m.rename else: return m.name[6:] def generate_JNI_functions(self, m, fd): if m.name.endswith('_new'): jtype = 'long' else: jtype = self.JNI_return_type(m.return_type) name = self.JNI_function_name(m) print >> fd, ' public static native %s %s(%s);' % (jtype,name, generate_arg_list3(self,m.args)) def JNI_member_function_prefix(self,c,m): klassname = c.name[5:] mname = old_format_as_camelcase(m[1]) return '%s_%s' % (klassname,mname) def generate_JNI_member(self, c, fd): for m in c.members: prefix = self.JNI_member_function_prefix(c,m) mname = format_as_camelcase(m[1]) mtype = m[0] jtype = self.JNI_member_type(m) if mtype == 'GList*'or mtype == 'const GList*': name = '%s_get' % prefix print >> fd, ' public static native %s[] %s(GObject obj);' % (jtype,name) name = '%s_set' % prefix print >> fd, ' public static native void %s(GObject obj, %s[] value);' % (name,jtype) name = '%s_add' % prefix print >> fd, ' public static native void %s(GObject obj, %s value);' % (name,jtype) if not m[2].get('element-type') in ('xmlNode*',): name = '%s_remove' % prefix print >> fd, ' public static native void %s(GObject obj, %s value);' % (name,jtype) elif mtype == 'GHashTable*': name = '%s_get' % prefix print >> fd, ' public static native %s[] %s(GObject obj);' % (jtype,name) name = '%s_set' % prefix print >> fd, ' public static native void %s(GObject obj, %s[] value);' % (name,jtype) else: name = '%s_get' % prefix print >> fd, ' public static native %s %s(GObject obj);' % (jtype,name) name = '%s_set' % prefix print >> fd, ' public static native void %s(GObject obj, %s value);' % (name,jtype) def generate_JNI_footer(self, fd): print >>fd, ''' static { System.loadLibrary("jnilasso"); init(); init2(); } ''' print >>fd, '}' # Wrappers def generate_wrapper(self): fd = open('com_entrouvert_lasso_LassoJNI.c', 'w') self.generate_wrapper_header(fd) self.generate_wrapper_constants(fd) print >> fd, '/* Declaration of standalone functions */' for m in self.binding_data.functions: self.generate_wrapper_function(m, fd) print >> fd, '/* End of declaration of standalone functions */' print >> fd, '/* Declaration of getter/setter methods */' for c in self.binding_data.structs: self.generate_wrapper_getter_setter(c, fd) print >> fd, '/* End of declaration of getter/setter methods */' for c in self.binding_data.structs: for m in c.methods: self.generate_wrapper_function(m, fd) print >> fd, open(os.path.join(self.src_dir,'wrapper_bottom.c')).read() fd.close() def generate_wrapper_header(self, fd): print >> fd, open(os.path.join(self.src_dir,'wrapper_top.c')).read() print >> fd, '' for h in self.binding_data.headers: print >> fd, '#include <%s>' % h def generate_wrapper_constants(self, fd): print >> fd, '/* Declaration of constants */' for c in self.binding_data.constants: s = c[1]+'_get' if c[0] == 'i': print >>fd, wrapper_decl(s,'jint') print >>fd, ') {' print >>fd, ' return %s;' % c[1] print >>fd, '}' elif c[0] == 's': print >>fd, wrapper_decl(s,'jstring') print >>fd, ') {' print >>fd, ' return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, (char*) %s);' % c[1] print >>fd, '}' elif c[0] == 'b': print >>fd, wrapper_decl(s,'jboolean') print >>fd, ') {' print >>fd, '#ifdef %s' % c[1] print >>fd, ' return 1;' print >>fd, '#else' print >>fd, ' return 0;' print >>fd, '#endif' print >>fd, '}' print >> fd, '/* End of declaration of constants */' def jni_return_type(self, type): if type is None: return 'void' elif is_boolean(type): return 'jboolean' elif is_int(type, self.binding_data): return 'jint' elif is_cstring(type): return 'jstring' elif is_glist(type) or is_hashtable(type): return 'jobjectArray' elif is_xml_node(type): return 'jstring' elif is_object(type): return 'jobject' else: raise Exception('No jni_return_type for %s' % type) def c_to_java_value(self, left, right, type): if is_boolean(type): return '%s = (jboolean)%s' % (left,right) elif is_int(type, self.binding_data): return '%s = (jint)%s' % (left, right) elif is_cstring(type): return 'string_to_jstring(env, %s, &%s)' % (right, left) elif is_glist(type): el_type = element_type(type) if is_cstring(el_type): return 'get_list_of_strings(env, %s, &%s)' % (right, left) elif is_xml_node(el_type): return 'get_list_of_xml_nodes(env, %s, &%s)' % (right, left) elif is_object(el_type): return 'get_list_of_objects(env, %s, &%s)' % (right, left) else: raise Exception('c_to_java_value failed, %s' % ((left, right, type),)) elif is_hashtable(type): el_type = element_type(type) if is_object(el_type): return 'get_hash_of_objects(env, %s, &%s)' % (right, left) else: return 'get_hash_of_strings(env, %s, &%s)' % (right, left) elif is_xml_node(type): return 'xml_node_to_jstring(env, %s, &%s)' % (right, left) elif is_object(type): if is_transfer_full(type): return 'gobject_to_jobject(env, (GObject*)%s, &%s);' % (right, left) else: return 'gobject_to_jobject_and_ref(env, (GObject*)%s, &%s);' % (right, left) else: raise Exception('c_to_java_value failed, %s' % ((left, right, type),)) def java_to_c_value(self, left, right, type, full = False): if is_boolean(type) or is_int(type, self.binding_data): return '%s = (%s)%s;' % (left,arg_type(type),right) elif is_cstring(type): return 'jstring_to_string(env, %s, (char**)&%s);' % (right,left) elif is_glist(type): el_type = element_type(type) if is_cstring(el_type): return 'set_list_of_strings(env, &%s,%s);' % (left,right) elif is_xml_node(el_type): return 'set_list_of_xml_nodes(env, &%s, %s);' % (left, right) elif is_object(el_type): return 'set_list_of_objects(env, &%s, %s);' % (left, right) else: raise Exception('java_to_c_value failed: %s' % ((left, right, type),)) elif is_hashtable(type): el_type = element_type(type) if is_object(el_type): return 'set_hash_of_objects(env, %s, %s);' % (left,right) else: return 'set_hash_of_strings(env, %s, %s);' % (left,right) elif is_xml_node(type): return 'jstring_to_xml_node(env, %s, &%s);' % (right, left) elif is_object(type): if is_transfer_full(type) or full: return 'jobject_to_gobject(env, %s, (GObject**)&%s);' % (right, left) else: return 'jobject_to_gobject_noref(env, %s, (GObject**)&%s);' % (right, left) else: raise Exception('java_to_c_value failed: %s' % ((left, right, type),)) def generate_wrapper_function(self, m, fd): print >> fd, '/* Wrapper function for ', if m.return_type: print >> fd, m.return_type, else: print >> fd, 'void', print >> fd, '%s(' % m.name, for arg in m.args: print >> fd, '%s %s %s,' % (arg[0],arg[1],arg[2]), print >> fd, ') */' if m.rename: name = m.rename else: name = m.name[6:] # self.wrapper_list.append(name) # print >> fd, '''static PyObject* #%s(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) #{''' % name if m.name.endswith('_new'): jtype = 'jlong' else: jtype = self.jni_return_type(m.return_type) print >>fd, wrapper_decl(name, jtype) parse_tuple_format = [] parse_tuple_args = [] idx = 0 # Declare java args for arg in m.args: idx = idx + 1 arg_type, arg_name, arg_options = arg print >> fd, ',%s jarg%s' % (self.jni_return_type(arg_type.replace('const ','')),idx), print >> fd, ')' print >> fd, ' {' idx = 0 if m.return_type: print >> fd, ' %s ret;' % jtype # Declare C args for arg in m.args: idx = idx + 1 arg_type, arg_name, arg_options = arg if is_pointer(arg): print >> fd, ' %s %s = NULL;' % (arg_type.replace('const ',''),arg_name) else: print >> fd, ' %s %s;' % (arg_type.replace('const ',''),arg_name) # Declare return vars if m.return_type: print >> fd, ' %s return_value;' % m.return_type idx = 0 # Convert args for arg in m.args: idx = idx + 1 arg_type, arg_name, arg_options = arg print >> fd, ' %s' % self.java_to_c_value(arg_name, 'jarg%s' % idx, arg) if debug: print >> fd, ' printf("%s' % name, arglist = '' for arg in m.args: arg_type, arg_name, arg_options = arg arglist = arglist + ', %s' % arg_name if is_int(arg_type, self.binding_data): print >> fd, '%i', elif is_cstring(arg_type): print >> fd, '%s', else: print >> fd, '%p', print >> fd, '\\n"%s);' % arglist # Call function print >> fd, ' ', if m.return_type: print >> fd, 'return_value = ', if 'new' in m.name: print >>fd, '(%s)' % m.return_type, def arg2ref(x): if is_const(x): return '(%s) %s' % (x[0],x[1]) else: return x[1] print >> fd, '%s(%s);' % (m.name, ', '.join([arg2ref(x) for x in m.args])) # Free const char * args idx=0 for arg in m.args: idx=idx+1 arg_type, arg_name, arg_options = arg if is_cstring(arg_type): print >> fd, ' if (%s)' % arg_name print >> fd, ' g_free(%s);' % arg_name elif arg_type == 'GList*' or arg_type == 'const GList*': if is_cstring(element_type(arg)): print >> fd, ' free_glist(&%s, (GFunc)free);' % arg_name elif is_object(element_type(arg)): print >> fd, ' free_glist(&%s, (GFunc)g_object_unref);' % arg_name else: raise Exception('Freeing args of type list of \'%s\' not supported.' % arg_options.get('element-type')) # Return if m.return_type: if m.name.endswith('_new'): print >> fd, ' ret = (jlong)(ptrdiff_t) return_value;' else: options = {} if m.return_owner: options = with_return_owner({}) print >> fd, ' %s;' % self.c_to_java_value('ret','return_value', m.return_arg) if m.return_owner: if m.return_type == 'GList*' or m.return_type == 'const GList*': print >> fd, ' free_glist(&return_value, NULL);' elif is_cstring(m.return_type) and not is_const(m.return_arg): print >> fd, ' if (return_value)' print >> fd, ' g_free(return_value);' print >> fd, ' return ret;' print >> fd, ' }' def generate_wrapper_getter(self, c, m, fd): type = arg_type(m) name = arg_name(m) klass = c.name prefix = self.JNI_member_function_prefix(c,m) return_type = self.jni_return_type(m) signature = wrapper_decl("%s_get" % prefix, return_type) field = 'gobj->%s' % name d = locals() print >>fd, ''' /* Getter for %(type)s %(klass)s.%(name)s */ %(signature)s, jobject jobj) { %(klass)s *gobj = NULL; jobject_to_gobject_noref(env, jobj, (GObject**)&gobj);''' % d if debug: print >> fd, ' printf("%(prefix)s_get %%p %%p\\n", gobj, %(field)s);' % d print >> fd, ' %(return_type)s ret = 0;' % d print >> fd, ' if (gobj) {' print >> fd, ' %s;' % self.c_to_java_value ('ret', d['field'], m) print >> fd, ''' } else { throw_by_name(env, "java/lang/NullPointerException", "no gobject correspond to the given object"); } return ret; } ''' def generate_wrapper_setter(self, c, m, fd): type = arg_type(m) name = arg_name(m) klass = c.name prefix = self.JNI_member_function_prefix(c,m) return_type = self.jni_return_type(m) signature = wrapper_decl("%s_set" % prefix, 'void') field = 'gobj->%s' % name d = locals() print >> fd,'/* Setter for %(type)s %(klass)s.%(name)s */' % d print >> fd, '%(signature)s, jobject jobj, %(return_type)s value)\n {' % d print >> fd, ' %(klass)s *gobj = NULL;' % d if debug: print >> fd, ' printf("%(prefix)s_set %%p %%p\\n", gobj, value);' % d print >> fd, ' jobject_to_gobject_noref(env, jobj, (GObject**)&gobj);' print >> fd, ' if (!gobj) {' print >> fd, ' throw_by_name(env, "java/lang/NullPointerException", "no gobject correspond to the given object");' print >> fd, ' }' print >> fd, ' %s' % self.java_to_c_value(d['field'], 'value', m, full = True) print >> fd, '}' def generate_wrapper_adder(self, c, m, fd): type = arg_type(m) name = arg_name(m) el_type = element_type(m) jni_el_type = jni_glist_elem_type(el_type) klass = c.name prefix = self.JNI_member_function_prefix(c,m) return_type = self.jni_return_type(m) signature = wrapper_decl("%s_add" % prefix, 'void') field = 'gobj->%s' % name d = locals() print >> fd,'/* Adder for %(type)s<%(el_type)s> %(klass)s.%(name)s */' % d print >> fd, '%(signature)s, jobject jobj, %(jni_el_type)s value)\n {' % d print >> fd, ' %(klass)s *gobj = NULL;' % d print >> fd, ' jobject_to_gobject_noref(env, jobj, (GObject**)&gobj);' if is_cstring(el_type): print >> fd, ' add_to_list_of_strings(env, &%(field)s, value);' % d elif is_xml_node(el_type): print >> fd, ' add_to_list_of_xml_nodes(env, &%(field)s, value);' % d elif is_object(el_type): print >> fd, ' add_to_list_of_objects(env, &%(field)s, value);' % d else: raise Exception('generate_wrapper_adder failed for %s.%s' % (c,m)) print >> fd, '}' def generate_wrapper_remover(self, c, m, fd): type = arg_type(m) name = arg_name(m) klass = c.name el_type = element_type(m) jni_el_type = jni_glist_elem_type(el_type) prefix = self.JNI_member_function_prefix(c,m) return_type = self.jni_return_type(m) signature = wrapper_decl("%s_remove" % prefix, 'void') field = 'gobj->%s' % name d = locals() if is_xml_node(el_type): print >>sys.stderr, 'W: remove for list of xml node not supported: %s' % (m,) return print >> fd,'/* Remover for %(type)s<%(el_type)s> %(klass)s.%(name)s */' % d print >> fd, '%(signature)s, jobject jobj, %(jni_el_type)s value)\n {' % d print >> fd, ' %(klass)s *gobj = NULL;' % d print >> fd, ' jobject_to_gobject_noref(env, jobj, (GObject**)&gobj);' if is_cstring(el_type): print >> fd, ' remove_from_list_of_strings(env, &%(field)s,value);' % d elif is_object(el_type): print >> fd, ' remove_from_list_of_objects(env, &%(field)s,value);' % d else: raise Exception('remove_from_list unsupported for %s.%s' % (c,m,)) print >> fd, '}' print >> fd, '' def generate_wrapper_getter_setter(self, c, fd): klassname = c.name for m in c.members: # getter self.generate_wrapper_getter(c, m, fd) self.generate_wrapper_setter(c, m, fd) mtype = m[0] prefix = self.JNI_member_function_prefix(c,m) jtype = self.jni_return_type(mtype) # add/remove if is_glist(mtype): self.generate_wrapper_adder(c, m, fd) self.generate_wrapper_remover(c, m, fd) def generate_exception_switch_case(self, fd, name, orig): print >> fd, ' if (errorCode == LassoConstants.%s) {' % orig[6:] print >> fd, ' throw new %s(errorCode);' % name print >> fd, ' }' def generate_exception_classes(self): efd = open(lasso_java_path + 'LassoException.java', 'w') print >> efd, open(os.path.join(self.src_dir,'LassoException_top.java')).read() # Generate the function to get class name by error code supers = [] for c in self.binding_data.constants: type, orig = c if 'LASSO_ERROR_' in orig or '_ERROR_' not in orig: continue name, super = error_to_exception(orig) self.generate_exception_switch_case(efd, name, orig) if super not in supers: supers.append(super) self.generate_exception_class(name,super,0,orig) for s in supers: self.generate_exception_class(s,'LassoException',1,'') # Special errors, UNIMPLEMENTED and UNDEFINED for c in self.binding_data.constants: type, orig = c if 'LASSO_ERROR_' not in orig: continue name, = re.match('LASSO_ERROR(.*)',orig).groups() name = name.lower() name = format_underscore_as_camelcase(name) name = 'Lasso%sException' % name self.generate_exception_class(name, 'LassoException', 0, orig) self.generate_exception_switch_case(efd, name, orig) print >> efd, ' throw new LassoException(errorCode, "Uknown lasso error code, maybe a bug in the binding, report it!");' print >> efd, ' }' print >> efd, '}' efd.close() def generate_exception_class(self, name, super,abstract,orig): fd = open(lasso_java_path + '%s.java' % name, 'w') print >> fd, 'package %s;' % lasso_package_name print >> fd, '' if abstract: print >> fd, 'abstract ', print >> fd, 'public class %s extends %s {' % (name,super) print >> fd, ' private static final long serialVersionUID = 6170037639785281128L;' if not abstract: print >> fd, ' public %s() {' % name print >> fd, ' super(LassoConstants.%s);' % orig[6:] print >> fd, ' }' print >> fd, ' protected %s(int errorCode) {' % name print >> fd, ' super(errorCode);' print >> fd, ' }' print >> fd, '}' fd.close() # Generate classes for Lasso Objects def generate_lasso_classes(self): def method_name(m,class_name): prefix = len(class_name) if m.rename: return m.rename else: name = format_as_camelcase(m.name[6:]) name = name[prefix:] return name[0].lower() + name[1:] for c in self.binding_data.structs: class_name = convert_class_name(c.name) parent_name = c.parent if parent_name != 'GObject': parent_name = convert_class_name(parent_name) path = lasso_java_path + '%s.java' % class_name fd = open(path,'w') print >> fd, 'package %s;' % lasso_package_name do_import_util = 0 for m in c.members: if m[0] in ('const GList*','GList*','GHashTable*'): do_import_util = 1 for m in c.methods: if m.return_type in ('const GList*','GList*','GHashTable*'): do_import_util = 1 if do_import_util: print >> fd, 'import java.util.*;' print >> fd, '' print >> fd, 'public class %s extends %s {' % (class_name,parent_name) # Constructeur private print >> fd, ' /* Constructors */' print >> fd, ' protected %s(long cptr) {' % class_name print >> fd, ' super(cptr);' print >> fd, ' }' # Constructeur de base def cprefix(name): i = name.find('_new') if i == -1: return name else: return name[:i].replace('_','').lower() cons = [ x for x in self.binding_data.functions if cprefix(x.name) == c.name.lower() and x.name.endswith('_new') ] for m in cons: print >> fd, ' public %s(%s) {' % (class_name, generate_arg_list(self,m.args)) print >> fd, ' super(LassoJNI.%s(%s));' % (self.JNI_function_name(m),generate_arg_list2(m.args)) print >> fd, ' }' # Constructeurs speciaux cons = [ x for x in self.binding_data.functions if cprefix(x.name) == c.name.lower() and not x.name.endswith('_new') ] for m in cons: name = method_name(m,class_name) print >> fd, ' static public %s %s(%s) {' % (class_name, name, generate_arg_list(self,m.args)) print >> fd, ' return (%s) LassoJNI.%s(%s);' % (class_name, self.JNI_function_name(m),generate_arg_list2(m.args)) print >> fd, ' }' print >> fd, ' /* Setters and getters */' for m in c.members: type, name, options = m prefix = self.JNI_member_function_prefix(c,m) jname = format_as_camelcase(name) jname = jname[0].capitalize() + jname[1:] old_jname = old_format_as_camelcase('_' + name) jtype = self.JNI_member_type(m) if type == 'GList*' or type == 'const GList*': print >> fd, ' public void set%s(List list) {' % jname print >> fd, ' %s[] arr = null;' % jtype print >> fd, ' if (list != null) {' print >> fd, ' arr = new %s[list.size()];' % jtype print >> fd, ' listToArray(list, arr);' print >> fd, ' }' print >> fd, ' LassoJNI.%s_set(this, arr);' % prefix print >> fd, ' }' print >> fd, ' public List get%s() {' % jname print >> fd, ' %s[] arr = LassoJNI.%s_get(this);' % (jtype,prefix) print >> fd, ' if (arr != null)' print >> fd, ' return Arrays.asList(arr);' print >> fd, ' else' print >> fd, ' return new ArrayList(0);' print >> fd, ' }' print >> fd, ' public void addTo%s(%s value) {' % (jname,jtype) print >> fd, ' LassoJNI.%s_add(this, value);' % prefix print >> fd, ' }' if m[2].get('element-type') not in ('xmlNode*',): print >> fd, ' public void removeFrom%s(%s value) {' % (jname,jtype) print >> fd, ' LassoJNI.%s_remove(this, value);' % prefix print >> fd, ' }' if old_jname != jname: print >> fd, ' public void set%s(List list) {' % old_jname print >> fd, ' this.set%s(list);' % jname print >> fd, ' }' print >> fd, ' public List get%s() {' % old_jname print >> fd, ' return this.get%s();' % jname print >> fd, ' }' print >> fd, ' public void addTo%s(%s value) {' % (old_jname,jtype) print >> fd, ' this.addTo%s(value);' % jname print >> fd, ' }' if m[2].get('element-type') not in ('xmlNode*',): print >> fd, ' public void removeFrom%s(%s value) {' % (old_jname,jtype) print >> fd, ' this.removeFrom%s(value);' % jname print >> fd, ' }' elif type == 'GHashTable*': print >> fd, ' public void set%s(Map map) {' % jname print >> fd, ' %s[] arr = null;' % jtype print >> fd, ' if (map != null) {' print >> fd, ' arr = new %s[map.size()*2];' % jtype print >> fd, ' mapToArray(map,arr);' print >> fd, ' }' print >> fd, ' LassoJNI.%s_set(this, arr);' % prefix print >> fd, ' }' print >> fd, ' public Map get%s() {' % jname print >> fd, ' return arrayToMap(LassoJNI.%s_get(this));' % prefix print >> fd, ' }' else: print >> fd, ' public void set%s(%s value) {' % (jname,jtype) print >> fd, ' LassoJNI.%s_set(this, value);' % prefix print >> fd, ' }' print >> fd, ' public %s get%s() {' % (jtype,jname) print >> fd, ' return LassoJNI.%s_get(this);' % prefix print >> fd, ' }' if old_jname != jname: print >> fd, ' public void set%s(%s value) {' % (old_jname,jtype) print >> fd, ' this.set%s(value);' % jname print >> fd, ' }' print >> fd, ' public %s get%s() {' % (jtype,old_jname) print >> fd, ' return this.get%s();' % jname print >> fd, ' }' print >> fd, ' /* Methods */' for m in c.methods: return_type = self.JNI_return_type(m.return_type) jni_name = self.JNI_function_name(m) mname = method_name(m,class_name) args = m.args doc = m.docstring def normalize(str,first=' * '): wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper() wrapper.initial_indent = first wrapper.subsequent_indent = ' * ' str = re.sub(r'\bNULL\b','null', str) str = re.sub(r'#Lasso(\w+)',r'{@@link \1}',str) str = re.sub(r'[^.]*must *be *freed *by[^.]*\.?', '', str) str = re.sub(r'[^.]*internally[^.]*\.?[^.]*freed[^.]*\.?', '', str) str = re.sub(r'[^.]*\bfreed?\b[^.]*\.?', '', str) str = re.sub(r'(a +)?#?GList\*?','an array', str) return wrapper.fill(re.sub(r'@\b(\w+)\b',r'\1',str)) if doc: first = normalize(doc.description, ' /** ') if first: print >> fd, first else: print >> fd, ' /**\n' print >> fd, ' *' for p in doc.parameters: name = p[0] desc = p[1] print >> fd, normalize(desc, ' * @param %s ' % format_as_camelcase(name)) if doc.return_value: print >> fd, normalize(doc.return_value, ' * @return ') if m.errors: for err in m.errors: err = error_to_exception(err)[0] print >> fd, normalize(err,' * @throws ') print >> fd, ' **/' outarg = None for a in args: if is_out(a): # only one output arg supported assert not outarg outarg = a if outarg: assert is_int(make_arg(m.return_type), self.binding_data) new_return_type = self.JNI_return_type(var_type(outarg)) print >> fd, ' public %s %s(%s) {' % (new_return_type, mname, generate_arg_list(self, args[1:])) print >> fd, ' Object[] output = new Object[1];' print >> fd, ' LassoException.throwError(LassoJNI.%s(this, %s));' % (jni_name, generate_arg_list2(args[1:])) print >> fd, ' return (%s)output[0];' % new_return_type print >> fd, ' }' elif m.return_type == 'GList*' or m.return_type == 'const GList*': print >> fd, ' public List %s(%s) {' % (mname,generate_arg_list(self,args[1:])) arglist = generate_arg_list2(args[1:]) if arglist: arglist = ', ' + arglist print >> fd, ' Object[] arr = LassoJNI.%s(this%s);' % (jni_name,arglist) print >> fd, ' if (arr != null)' print >> fd, ' return Arrays.asList(arr);' print >> fd, ' else' print >> fd, ' return null;' print >> fd, ' }' else: print >> fd, ' public %s %s(%s) {' % (return_type,mname,generate_arg_list(self,args[1:])) print >> fd, ' ', if m.return_type: print >> fd, 'return', arglist = generate_arg_list2(args[1:]) if arglist: arglist = ', ' + arglist if is_rc(m.return_type): print >> fd, 'LassoException.throwError(', print >> fd,'LassoJNI.%s(this%s)' % (jni_name,arglist), if is_rc(m.return_type): print >> fd, ');' else: print >> fd, ';' print >> fd, ' }' print >> fd, '}' fd.close()