/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * COPYRIGHT (C) 2007 * THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * * Permission is granted to use, copy, create derivative works * and redistribute this software and such derivative works * for any purpose, so long as the name of The University of * Michigan is not used in any advertising or publicity * pertaining to the use of distribution of this software * without specific, written prior authorization. If the * above copyright notice or any other identification of the * University of Michigan is included in any copy of any * portion of this software, then the disclaimer below must * also be included. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS, WITHOUT REPRESENTATION * FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN AS TO ITS FITNESS FOR ANY * PURPOSE, AND WITHOUT WARRANTY BY THE UNIVERSITY OF * MICHIGAN OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING * WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE * REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SHALL NOT BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIM ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF IT HAS BEEN OR IS HEREAFTER ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGES. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pkinit.h" static void free_list(char **list) { int i; if (list == NULL) return; for (i = 0; list[i] != NULL; i++) free(list[i]); free(list); } static krb5_error_code copy_list(char ***dst, char **src) { int i; char **newlist; if (dst == NULL) return EINVAL; *dst = NULL; if (src == NULL) return 0; for (i = 0; src[i] != NULL; i++); newlist = calloc(1, (i + 1) * sizeof(*newlist)); if (newlist == NULL) return ENOMEM; for (i = 0; src[i] != NULL; i++) { newlist[i] = strdup(src[i]); if (newlist[i] == NULL) goto cleanup; } newlist[i] = NULL; *dst = newlist; return 0; cleanup: free_list(newlist); return ENOMEM; } char * idtype2string(int idtype) { switch(idtype) { case IDTYPE_FILE: return "FILE"; break; case IDTYPE_DIR: return "DIR"; break; case IDTYPE_PKCS11: return "PKCS11"; break; case IDTYPE_PKCS12: return "PKCS12"; break; case IDTYPE_ENVVAR: return "ENV"; break; default: return "INVALID"; break; } } char * catype2string(int catype) { switch(catype) { case CATYPE_ANCHORS: return "ANCHORS"; break; case CATYPE_INTERMEDIATES: return "INTERMEDIATES"; break; case CATYPE_CRLS: return "CRLS"; break; default: return "INVALID"; break; } } krb5_error_code pkinit_init_identity_opts(pkinit_identity_opts **idopts) { pkinit_identity_opts *opts = NULL; *idopts = NULL; opts = calloc(1, sizeof(pkinit_identity_opts)); if (opts == NULL) return ENOMEM; opts->identity = NULL; opts->anchors = NULL; opts->intermediates = NULL; opts->crls = NULL; opts->ocsp = NULL; opts->dn_mapping_file = NULL; opts->cert_filename = NULL; opts->key_filename = NULL; #ifndef WITHOUT_PKCS11 opts->p11_module_name = NULL; opts->slotid = PK_NOSLOT; opts->token_label = NULL; opts->cert_id_string = NULL; opts->cert_label = NULL; #endif *idopts = opts; return 0; } krb5_error_code pkinit_dup_identity_opts(pkinit_identity_opts *src_opts, pkinit_identity_opts **dest_opts) { pkinit_identity_opts *newopts; krb5_error_code retval; *dest_opts = NULL; retval = pkinit_init_identity_opts(&newopts); if (retval) return retval; retval = ENOMEM; if (src_opts->identity != NULL) { newopts->identity = strdup(src_opts->identity); if (newopts->identity == NULL) goto cleanup; } retval = copy_list(&newopts->anchors, src_opts->anchors); if (retval) goto cleanup; retval = copy_list(&newopts->intermediates,src_opts->intermediates); if (retval) goto cleanup; retval = copy_list(&newopts->crls, src_opts->crls); if (retval) goto cleanup; if (src_opts->ocsp != NULL) { newopts->ocsp = strdup(src_opts->ocsp); if (newopts->ocsp == NULL) goto cleanup; } if (src_opts->cert_filename != NULL) { newopts->cert_filename = strdup(src_opts->cert_filename); if (newopts->cert_filename == NULL) goto cleanup; } if (src_opts->key_filename != NULL) { newopts->key_filename = strdup(src_opts->key_filename); if (newopts->key_filename == NULL) goto cleanup; } #ifndef WITHOUT_PKCS11 if (src_opts->p11_module_name != NULL) { newopts->p11_module_name = strdup(src_opts->p11_module_name); if (newopts->p11_module_name == NULL) goto cleanup; } newopts->slotid = src_opts->slotid; if (src_opts->token_label != NULL) { newopts->token_label = strdup(src_opts->token_label); if (newopts->token_label == NULL) goto cleanup; } if (src_opts->cert_id_string != NULL) { newopts->cert_id_string = strdup(src_opts->cert_id_string); if (newopts->cert_id_string == NULL) goto cleanup; } if (src_opts->cert_label != NULL) { newopts->cert_label = strdup(src_opts->cert_label); if (newopts->cert_label == NULL) goto cleanup; } #endif *dest_opts = newopts; return 0; cleanup: pkinit_fini_identity_opts(newopts); return retval; } void pkinit_fini_identity_opts(pkinit_identity_opts *idopts) { if (idopts == NULL) return; if (idopts->identity != NULL) free(idopts->identity); free_list(idopts->anchors); free_list(idopts->intermediates); free_list(idopts->crls); free_list(idopts->identity_alt); free(idopts->cert_filename); free(idopts->key_filename); #ifndef WITHOUT_PKCS11 free(idopts->p11_module_name); free(idopts->token_label); free(idopts->cert_id_string); free(idopts->cert_label); #endif free(idopts); } #ifndef WITHOUT_PKCS11 static krb5_error_code parse_pkcs11_options(krb5_context context, pkinit_identity_opts *idopts, const char *residual) { char *s, *cp, *vp, *save; krb5_error_code retval = ENOMEM; if (residual == NULL || residual[0] == '\0') return 0; /* Split string into attr=value substrings */ s = strdup(residual); if (s == NULL) return retval; for (cp = strtok_r(s, ":", &save); cp; cp = strtok_r(NULL, ":", &save)) { vp = strchr(cp, '='); /* If there is no "=", this is a pkcs11 module name */ if (vp == NULL) { free(idopts->p11_module_name); idopts->p11_module_name = strdup(cp); if (idopts->p11_module_name == NULL) goto cleanup; continue; } *vp++ = '\0'; if (!strcmp(cp, "module_name")) { free(idopts->p11_module_name); idopts->p11_module_name = strdup(vp); if (idopts->p11_module_name == NULL) goto cleanup; } else if (!strcmp(cp, "slotid")) { long slotid = strtol(vp, NULL, 10); if ((slotid == LONG_MIN || slotid == LONG_MAX) && errno != 0) { retval = EINVAL; goto cleanup; } if ((long) (int) slotid != slotid) { retval = EINVAL; goto cleanup; } idopts->slotid = slotid; } else if (!strcmp(cp, "token")) { free(idopts->token_label); idopts->token_label = strdup(vp); if (idopts->token_label == NULL) goto cleanup; } else if (!strcmp(cp, "certid")) { free(idopts->cert_id_string); idopts->cert_id_string = strdup(vp); if (idopts->cert_id_string == NULL) goto cleanup; } else if (!strcmp(cp, "certlabel")) { free(idopts->cert_label); idopts->cert_label = strdup(vp); if (idopts->cert_label == NULL) goto cleanup; } } retval = 0; cleanup: free(s); return retval; } #endif static krb5_error_code parse_fs_options(krb5_context context, pkinit_identity_opts *idopts, const char *residual) { char *certname, *keyname, *save; krb5_error_code retval = ENOMEM; if (residual == NULL || residual[0] == '\0') return 0; certname = strdup(residual); if (certname == NULL) goto cleanup; certname = strtok_r(certname, ",", &save); keyname = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &save); idopts->cert_filename = strdup(certname); if (idopts->cert_filename == NULL) goto cleanup; idopts->key_filename = strdup(keyname ? keyname : certname); if (idopts->key_filename == NULL) goto cleanup; retval = 0; cleanup: free(certname); return retval; } static krb5_error_code parse_pkcs12_options(krb5_context context, pkinit_identity_opts *idopts, const char *residual) { krb5_error_code retval = ENOMEM; if (residual == NULL || residual[0] == '\0') return 0; idopts->cert_filename = strdup(residual); if (idopts->cert_filename == NULL) goto cleanup; idopts->key_filename = strdup(residual); if (idopts->key_filename == NULL) goto cleanup; pkiDebug("%s: cert_filename '%s' key_filename '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, idopts->cert_filename, idopts->key_filename); retval = 0; cleanup: return retval; } static krb5_error_code process_option_identity(krb5_context context, pkinit_plg_crypto_context plg_cryptoctx, pkinit_req_crypto_context req_cryptoctx, pkinit_identity_opts *idopts, pkinit_identity_crypto_context id_cryptoctx, const char *value) { const char *residual; int idtype; krb5_error_code retval = 0; pkiDebug("%s: processing value '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, value ? value : "NULL"); if (value == NULL) return EINVAL; residual = strchr(value, ':'); if (residual != NULL) { unsigned int typelen; residual++; /* skip past colon */ typelen = residual - value; if (strncmp(value, "FILE:", typelen) == 0) { idtype = IDTYPE_FILE; #ifndef WITHOUT_PKCS11 } else if (strncmp(value, "PKCS11:", typelen) == 0) { idtype = IDTYPE_PKCS11; #endif } else if (strncmp(value, "PKCS12:", typelen) == 0) { idtype = IDTYPE_PKCS12; } else if (strncmp(value, "DIR:", typelen) == 0) { idtype = IDTYPE_DIR; } else if (strncmp(value, "ENV:", typelen) == 0) { idtype = IDTYPE_ENVVAR; } else { pkiDebug("%s: Unsupported type while processing '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, value); krb5_set_error_message(context, KRB5_PREAUTH_FAILED, "Unsupported type while processing '%s'\n", value); return KRB5_PREAUTH_FAILED; } } else { idtype = IDTYPE_FILE; residual = value; } idopts->idtype = idtype; pkiDebug("%s: idtype is %s\n", __FUNCTION__, idtype2string(idopts->idtype)); switch (idtype) { case IDTYPE_ENVVAR: return process_option_identity(context, plg_cryptoctx, req_cryptoctx, idopts, id_cryptoctx, getenv(residual)); break; case IDTYPE_FILE: retval = parse_fs_options(context, idopts, residual); break; case IDTYPE_PKCS12: retval = parse_pkcs12_options(context, idopts, residual); break; #ifndef WITHOUT_PKCS11 case IDTYPE_PKCS11: retval = parse_pkcs11_options(context, idopts, residual); break; #endif case IDTYPE_DIR: idopts->cert_filename = strdup(residual); if (idopts->cert_filename == NULL) retval = ENOMEM; break; default: krb5_set_error_message(context, KRB5_PREAUTH_FAILED, "Internal error parsing X509_user_identity\n"); retval = EINVAL; break; } return retval; } static krb5_error_code process_option_ca_crl(krb5_context context, pkinit_plg_crypto_context plg_cryptoctx, pkinit_req_crypto_context req_cryptoctx, pkinit_identity_opts *idopts, pkinit_identity_crypto_context id_cryptoctx, const char *value, int catype) { char *residual; unsigned int typelen; int idtype; pkiDebug("%s: processing catype %s, value '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, catype2string(catype), value); residual = strchr(value, ':'); if (residual == NULL) { pkiDebug("No type given for '%s'\n", value); return EINVAL; } residual++; /* skip past colon */ typelen = residual - value; if (strncmp(value, "FILE:", typelen) == 0) { idtype = IDTYPE_FILE; } else if (strncmp(value, "DIR:", typelen) == 0) { idtype = IDTYPE_DIR; } else { return ENOTSUP; } return crypto_load_cas_and_crls(context, plg_cryptoctx, req_cryptoctx, idopts, id_cryptoctx, idtype, catype, residual); } krb5_error_code pkinit_identity_initialize(krb5_context context, pkinit_plg_crypto_context plg_cryptoctx, pkinit_req_crypto_context req_cryptoctx, pkinit_identity_opts *idopts, pkinit_identity_crypto_context id_cryptoctx, int do_matching, krb5_principal princ) { krb5_error_code retval = EINVAL; int i; pkiDebug("%s: %p %p %p\n", __FUNCTION__, context, idopts, id_cryptoctx); if (idopts == NULL || id_cryptoctx == NULL) goto errout; /* * If identity was specified, use that. (For the kdc, this * is specified as pkinit_identity in the kdc.conf. For users, * this is specified on the command line via X509_user_identity.) * If a user did not specify identity on the command line, * then we will try alternatives which may have been specified * in the config file. */ if (idopts->identity != NULL) { retval = process_option_identity(context, plg_cryptoctx, req_cryptoctx, idopts, id_cryptoctx, idopts->identity); } else if (idopts->identity_alt != NULL) { for (i = 0; retval != 0 && idopts->identity_alt[i] != NULL; i++) retval = process_option_identity(context, plg_cryptoctx, req_cryptoctx, idopts, id_cryptoctx, idopts->identity_alt[i]); } else { pkiDebug("%s: no user identity options specified\n", __FUNCTION__); goto errout; } if (retval) goto errout; retval = crypto_load_certs(context, plg_cryptoctx, req_cryptoctx, idopts, id_cryptoctx, princ); if (retval) goto errout; if (do_matching) { retval = pkinit_cert_matching(context, plg_cryptoctx, req_cryptoctx, id_cryptoctx, princ); if (retval) { pkiDebug("%s: No matching certificate found\n", __FUNCTION__); crypto_free_cert_info(context, plg_cryptoctx, req_cryptoctx, id_cryptoctx); goto errout; } } else { /* Tell crypto code to use the "default" */ retval = crypto_cert_select_default(context, plg_cryptoctx, req_cryptoctx, id_cryptoctx); if (retval) { pkiDebug("%s: Failed while selecting default certificate\n", __FUNCTION__); crypto_free_cert_info(context, plg_cryptoctx, req_cryptoctx, id_cryptoctx); goto errout; } } retval = crypto_free_cert_info(context, plg_cryptoctx, req_cryptoctx, id_cryptoctx); if (retval) goto errout; for (i = 0; idopts->anchors != NULL && idopts->anchors[i] != NULL; i++) { retval = process_option_ca_crl(context, plg_cryptoctx, req_cryptoctx, idopts, id_cryptoctx, idopts->anchors[i], CATYPE_ANCHORS); if (retval) goto errout; } for (i = 0; idopts->intermediates != NULL && idopts->intermediates[i] != NULL; i++) { retval = process_option_ca_crl(context, plg_cryptoctx, req_cryptoctx, idopts, id_cryptoctx, idopts->intermediates[i], CATYPE_INTERMEDIATES); if (retval) goto errout; } for (i = 0; idopts->crls != NULL && idopts->crls[i] != NULL; i++) { retval = process_option_ca_crl(context, plg_cryptoctx, req_cryptoctx, idopts, id_cryptoctx, idopts->crls[i], CATYPE_CRLS); if (retval) goto errout; } if (idopts->ocsp != NULL) { retval = ENOTSUP; goto errout; } errout: return retval; }