/* * lib/krb5/ccache/cc_retr.c * * Copyright 1990,1991,1999,2007,2008 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * All Rights Reserved. * * Export of this software from the United States of America may * require a specific license from the United States Government. * It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating * export to obtain such a license before exporting. * * WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and * distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and * without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright * notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and * this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that * the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining * to distribution of the software without specific, written prior * permission. Furthermore if you modify this software you must label * your software as modified software and not distribute it in such a * fashion that it might be confused with the original M.I.T. software. * M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of * this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express * or implied warranty. * * */ #include "k5-int.h" #include "cc-int.h" #define KRB5_OK 0 #define set(bits) (whichfields & bits) #define flags_match(a,b) (((a) & (b)) == (a)) static int times_match_exact(const krb5_ticket_times *t1, const krb5_ticket_times *t2) { return (t1->authtime == t2->authtime && t1->starttime == t2->starttime && t1->endtime == t2->endtime && t1->renew_till == t2->renew_till); } static krb5_boolean times_match(const krb5_ticket_times *t1, const krb5_ticket_times *t2) { if (t1->renew_till) { if (t1->renew_till > t2->renew_till) return FALSE; /* this one expires too late */ } if (t1->endtime) { if (t1->endtime > t2->endtime) return FALSE; /* this one expires too late */ } /* only care about expiration on a times_match */ return TRUE; } static krb5_boolean standard_fields_match(krb5_context context, const krb5_creds *mcreds, const krb5_creds *creds) { return (krb5_principal_compare(context, mcreds->client,creds->client) && krb5_principal_compare(context, mcreds->server,creds->server)); } /* only match the server name portion, not the server realm portion */ static krb5_boolean srvname_match(krb5_context context, const krb5_creds *mcreds, const krb5_creds *creds) { krb5_boolean retval; krb5_principal_data p1, p2; retval = krb5_principal_compare(context, mcreds->client,creds->client); if (retval != TRUE) return retval; /* * Hack to ignore the server realm for the purposes of the compare. */ p1 = *mcreds->server; p2 = *creds->server; p1.realm = p2.realm; return krb5_principal_compare(context, &p1, &p2); } static krb5_boolean authdata_match(krb5_authdata *const *mdata, krb5_authdata *const *data) { const krb5_authdata *mdatap, *datap; if (mdata == data) return TRUE; if (mdata == NULL) return *data == NULL; if (data == NULL) return *mdata == NULL; while ((mdatap = *mdata) && (datap = *data)) { if ((mdatap->ad_type != datap->ad_type) || (mdatap->length != datap->length) || (memcmp ((char *)mdatap->contents, (char *)datap->contents, (unsigned) mdatap->length) != 0)) return FALSE; mdata++; data++; } return (*mdata == NULL) && (*data == NULL); } static krb5_boolean data_match(const krb5_data *data1, const krb5_data *data2) { if (!data1) { if (!data2) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } if (!data2) return FALSE; return data_eq(*data1, *data2) ? TRUE : FALSE; } static int pref (krb5_enctype my_ktype, int nktypes, krb5_enctype *ktypes) { int i; for (i = 0; i < nktypes; i++) if (my_ktype == ktypes[i]) return i; return -1; } /* * Effects: * Searches the credentials cache for a credential matching mcreds, * with the fields specified by whichfields. If one if found, it is * returned in creds, which should be freed by the caller with * krb5_free_credentials(). * * The fields are interpreted in the following way (all constants are * preceded by KRB5_TC_). MATCH_IS_SKEY requires the is_skey field to * match exactly. MATCH_TIMES requires the requested lifetime to be * at least as great as that specified; MATCH_TIMES_EXACT requires the * requested lifetime to be exactly that specified. MATCH_FLAGS * requires only the set bits in mcreds be set in creds; * MATCH_FLAGS_EXACT requires all bits to match. * * Flag SUPPORTED_KTYPES means check all matching entries that have * any supported enctype (according to tgs_enctypes) and return the one * with the enctype listed earliest. Return CC_NOT_KTYPE if a match * is found *except* for having a supported enctype. * * Errors: * system errors * permission errors * KRB5_CC_NOMEM * KRB5_CC_NOT_KTYPE */ krb5_boolean krb5int_cc_creds_match_request(krb5_context context, krb5_flags whichfields, krb5_creds *mcreds, krb5_creds *creds) { if (((set(KRB5_TC_MATCH_SRV_NAMEONLY) && srvname_match(context, mcreds, creds)) || standard_fields_match(context, mcreds, creds)) && (! set(KRB5_TC_MATCH_IS_SKEY) || mcreds->is_skey == creds->is_skey) && (! set(KRB5_TC_MATCH_FLAGS_EXACT) || mcreds->ticket_flags == creds->ticket_flags) && (! set(KRB5_TC_MATCH_FLAGS) || flags_match(mcreds->ticket_flags, creds->ticket_flags)) && (! set(KRB5_TC_MATCH_TIMES_EXACT) || times_match_exact(&mcreds->times, &creds->times)) && (! set(KRB5_TC_MATCH_TIMES) || times_match(&mcreds->times, &creds->times)) && ( ! set(KRB5_TC_MATCH_AUTHDATA) || authdata_match(mcreds->authdata, creds->authdata)) && (! set(KRB5_TC_MATCH_2ND_TKT) || data_match (&mcreds->second_ticket, &creds->second_ticket)) && ((! set(KRB5_TC_MATCH_KTYPE))|| (mcreds->keyblock.enctype == creds->keyblock.enctype))) return TRUE; return FALSE; } static krb5_error_code krb5_cc_retrieve_cred_seq (krb5_context context, krb5_ccache id, krb5_flags whichfields, krb5_creds *mcreds, krb5_creds *creds, int nktypes, krb5_enctype *ktypes) { /* This function could be considerably faster if it kept indexing */ /* information.. sounds like a "next version" idea to me. :-) */ krb5_cc_cursor cursor; krb5_error_code kret; krb5_error_code nomatch_err = KRB5_CC_NOTFOUND; struct { krb5_creds creds; int pref; } fetched, best; int have_creds = 0; krb5_flags oflags = 0; #define fetchcreds (fetched.creds) kret = krb5_cc_get_flags(context, id, &oflags); if (kret != KRB5_OK) return kret; if (oflags & KRB5_TC_OPENCLOSE) (void) krb5_cc_set_flags(context, id, oflags & ~KRB5_TC_OPENCLOSE); kret = krb5_cc_start_seq_get(context, id, &cursor); if (kret != KRB5_OK) { if (oflags & KRB5_TC_OPENCLOSE) krb5_cc_set_flags(context, id, oflags); return kret; } while (krb5_cc_next_cred(context, id, &cursor, &fetchcreds) == KRB5_OK) { if (krb5int_cc_creds_match_request(context, whichfields, mcreds, &fetchcreds)) { if (ktypes) { fetched.pref = pref (fetchcreds.keyblock.enctype, nktypes, ktypes); if (fetched.pref < 0) nomatch_err = KRB5_CC_NOT_KTYPE; else if (!have_creds || fetched.pref < best.pref) { if (have_creds) krb5_free_cred_contents (context, &best.creds); else have_creds = 1; best = fetched; continue; } } else { krb5_cc_end_seq_get(context, id, &cursor); *creds = fetchcreds; if (oflags & KRB5_TC_OPENCLOSE) krb5_cc_set_flags(context, id, oflags); return KRB5_OK; } } /* This one doesn't match */ krb5_free_cred_contents(context, &fetchcreds); } /* If we get here, a match wasn't found */ krb5_cc_end_seq_get(context, id, &cursor); if (oflags & KRB5_TC_OPENCLOSE) krb5_cc_set_flags(context, id, oflags); if (have_creds) { *creds = best.creds; return KRB5_OK; } else return nomatch_err; } krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV krb5_cc_retrieve_cred_default (krb5_context context, krb5_ccache id, krb5_flags flags, krb5_creds *mcreds, krb5_creds *creds) { krb5_enctype *ktypes; int nktypes; krb5_error_code ret; if (flags & KRB5_TC_SUPPORTED_KTYPES) { ret = krb5_get_tgs_ktypes (context, mcreds->server, &ktypes); if (ret) return ret; nktypes = 0; while (ktypes[nktypes]) nktypes++; ret = krb5_cc_retrieve_cred_seq (context, id, flags, mcreds, creds, nktypes, ktypes); free (ktypes); return ret; } else { return krb5_cc_retrieve_cred_seq (context, id, flags, mcreds, creds, 0, 0); } } /* The following function duplicates some of the functionality above and */ /* should probably be merged with it at some point. It is used by the */ /* CCAPI krb5_cc_remove to figure out if the opaque credentials object */ /* returned by the CCAPI is the same creds as the caller passed in. */ /* Unlike the code above it requires that all structures be identical. */ krb5_boolean KRB5_CALLCONV krb5_creds_compare (krb5_context in_context, krb5_creds *in_creds, krb5_creds *in_compare_creds) { /* Set to 0 when we hit the first mismatch and then fall through */ int equal = 1; if (equal) { equal = krb5_principal_compare (in_context, in_creds->client, in_compare_creds->client); } if (equal) { equal = krb5_principal_compare (in_context, in_creds->server, in_compare_creds->server); } if (equal) { equal = (in_creds->keyblock.enctype == in_compare_creds->keyblock.enctype && in_creds->keyblock.length == in_compare_creds->keyblock.length && (!in_creds->keyblock.length || !memcmp (in_creds->keyblock.contents, in_compare_creds->keyblock.contents, in_creds->keyblock.length))); } if (equal) { equal = (in_creds->times.authtime == in_compare_creds->times.authtime && in_creds->times.starttime == in_compare_creds->times.starttime && in_creds->times.endtime == in_compare_creds->times.endtime && in_creds->times.renew_till == in_compare_creds->times.renew_till); } if (equal) { equal = (in_creds->is_skey == in_compare_creds->is_skey); } if (equal) { equal = (in_creds->ticket_flags == in_compare_creds->ticket_flags); } if (equal) { krb5_address **addresses = in_creds->addresses; krb5_address **compare_addresses = in_compare_creds->addresses; unsigned int i; if (addresses && compare_addresses) { for (i = 0; (equal && addresses[i] && compare_addresses[i]); i++) { equal = krb5_address_compare (in_context, addresses[i], compare_addresses[i]); } if (equal) { equal = (!addresses[i] && !compare_addresses[i]); } } else { if (equal) { equal = (!addresses && !compare_addresses); } } } if (equal) { equal = data_eq(in_creds->ticket, in_compare_creds->ticket); } if (equal) { equal = data_eq(in_creds->second_ticket, in_compare_creds->second_ticket); } if (equal) { krb5_authdata **authdata = in_creds->authdata; krb5_authdata **compare_authdata = in_compare_creds->authdata; unsigned int i; if (authdata && compare_authdata) { for (i = 0; (equal && authdata[i] && compare_authdata[i]); i++) { equal = authdata_eq(*authdata[i], *compare_authdata[i]); } if (equal) { equal = (!authdata[i] && !compare_authdata[i]); } } else { if (equal) { equal = (!authdata && !compare_authdata); } } } return equal; }