-- lib/krb5/asn.1/KRB5-asn.py -- -- Copyright 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. -- -- Export of this software from the United States of America may -- require a specific license from the United States Government. -- It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating -- export to obtain such a license before exporting. -- -- WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and -- distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and -- without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright -- notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and -- this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that -- the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining -- to distribution of the software without specific, written prior -- permission. M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of -- this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express -- or implied warranty. -- -- ASN.1 definitions for the kerberos network objects -- -- Do not change the order of any structure containing some -- element_KRB5_xx unless the corresponding translation code is also -- changed. -- KRB5 DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- needed to do the Right Thing with pepsy; this isn't a valid ASN.1 -- token, however. SECTIONS encode decode none -- the order of stuff in this file matches the order in the draft RFC Realm ::= GeneralString HostAddress ::= SEQUENCE { addr-type[0] INTEGER, address[1] OCTET STRING } HostAddresses ::= SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE { addr-type[0] INTEGER, address[1] OCTET STRING } AuthorizationData ::= SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE { ad-type[0] INTEGER, ad-data[1] OCTET STRING } KDCOptions ::= BIT STRING { reserved(0), forwardable(1), forwarded(2), proxiable(3), proxy(4), allow-postdate(5), postdated(6), unused7(7), renewable(8), unused9(9), renewable-ok(27), enc-tkt-in-skey(28), renew(30), validate(31) } LastReq ::= SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE { lr-type[0] INTEGER, lr-value[1] KerberosTime } KerberosTime ::= GeneralizedTime -- Specifying UTC time zone (Z) PrincipalName ::= SEQUENCE{ name-type[0] INTEGER, name-string[1] SEQUENCE OF GeneralString } Ticket ::= [APPLICATION 1] SEQUENCE { tkt-vno[0] INTEGER, realm[1] Realm, sname[2] PrincipalName, enc-part[3] EncryptedData -- EncTicketPart } TransitedEncoding ::= SEQUENCE { tr-type[0] INTEGER, -- Only supported value is 1 == DOMAIN-COMPRESS contents[1] OCTET STRING } -- Encrypted part of ticket EncTicketPart ::= [APPLICATION 3] SEQUENCE { flags[0] TicketFlags, key[1] EncryptionKey, crealm[2] Realm, cname[3] PrincipalName, transited[4] TransitedEncoding, authtime[5] KerberosTime, starttime[6] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, endtime[7] KerberosTime, renew-till[8] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, caddr[9] HostAddresses OPTIONAL, authorization-data[10] AuthorizationData OPTIONAL } -- Unencrypted authenticator Authenticator ::= [APPLICATION 2] SEQUENCE { authenticator-vno[0] INTEGER, crealm[1] Realm, cname[2] PrincipalName, cksum[3] Checksum OPTIONAL, cusec[4] INTEGER, ctime[5] KerberosTime, subkey[6] EncryptionKey OPTIONAL, seq-number[7] INTEGER OPTIONAL, authorization-data[8] AuthorizationData OPTIONAL } TicketFlags ::= BIT STRING { reserved(0), forwardable(1), forwarded(2), proxiable(3), proxy(4), may-postdate(5), postdated(6), invalid(7), renewable(8), initial(9) } AS-REQ ::= [APPLICATION 10] KDC-REQ TGS-REQ ::= [APPLICATION 12] KDC-REQ KDC-REQ ::= SEQUENCE { pvno[1] INTEGER, msg-type[2] INTEGER, padata[3] SEQUENCE OF PA-DATA OPTIONAL, req-body[4] KDC-REQ-BODY } PA-DATA ::= SEQUENCE { padata-type[1] INTEGER, pa-data[2] OCTET STRING -- might be encoded AP-REQ } KDC-REQ-BODY ::= SEQUENCE { kdc-options[0] KDCOptions, cname[1] PrincipalName OPTIONAL, -- Used only in AS-REQ realm[2] Realm, -- Server's realm Also client's in AS-REQ sname[3] PrincipalName OPTIONAL, from[4] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, till[5] KerberosTime, rtime[6] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, nonce[7] INTEGER, etype[8] SEQUENCE OF INTEGER, -- EncryptionType, -- in preference order addresses[9] HostAddresses OPTIONAL, enc-authorization-data[10] EncryptedData OPTIONAL, -- AuthorizationData additional-tickets[11] SEQUENCE OF Ticket OPTIONAL } AS-REP ::= [APPLICATION 11] KDC-REP TGS-REP ::= [APPLICATION 13] KDC-REP KDC-REP ::= SEQUENCE { pvno[0] INTEGER, msg-type[1] INTEGER, padata[2] SEQUENCE OF PA-DATA OPTIONAL, crealm[3] Realm, cname[4] PrincipalName, ticket[5] Ticket, -- Ticket enc-part[6] EncryptedData -- EncKDCRepPart } EncASRepPart ::= [APPLICATION 25] EncKDCRepPart EncTGSRepPart ::= [APPLICATION 26] EncKDCRepPart EncKDCRepPart ::= SEQUENCE { key[0] EncryptionKey, last-req[1] LastReq, nonce[2] INTEGER, key-expiration[3] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, flags[4] TicketFlags, authtime[5] KerberosTime, starttime[6] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, endtime[7] KerberosTime, renew-till[8] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, srealm[9] Realm, sname[10] PrincipalName, caddr[11] HostAddresses OPTIONAL } AP-REQ ::= [APPLICATION 14] SEQUENCE { pvno[0] INTEGER, msg-type[1] INTEGER, ap-options[2] APOptions, ticket[3] Ticket, authenticator[4] EncryptedData -- Authenticator } APOptions ::= BIT STRING { reserved(0), use-session-key(1), mutual-required(2) } AP-REP ::= [APPLICATION 15] SEQUENCE { pvno[0] INTEGER, msg-type[1] INTEGER, enc-part[2] EncryptedData -- EncAPRepPart } EncAPRepPart ::= [APPLICATION 27] SEQUENCE { ctime[0] KerberosTime, cusec[1] INTEGER, subkey[2] EncryptionKey OPTIONAL, seq-number[3] INTEGER OPTIONAL } KRB-SAFE ::= [APPLICATION 20] SEQUENCE { pvno[0] INTEGER, msg-type[1] INTEGER, safe-body[2] KRB-SAFE-BODY, cksum[3] Checksum } KRB-SAFE-BODY ::= SEQUENCE { user-data[0] OCTET STRING, timestamp[1] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, usec[2] INTEGER OPTIONAL, seq-number[3] INTEGER OPTIONAL, s-address[4] HostAddress, -- sender's addr r-address[5] HostAddress OPTIONAL -- recip's addr } KRB-PRIV ::= [APPLICATION 21] SEQUENCE { pvno[0] INTEGER, msg-type[1] INTEGER, enc-part[3] EncryptedData -- EncKrbPrivPart } EncKrbPrivPart ::= [APPLICATION 28] SEQUENCE { user-data[0] OCTET STRING, timestamp[1] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, usec[2] INTEGER OPTIONAL, seq-number[3] INTEGER OPTIONAL, s-address[4] HostAddress, -- sender's addr r-address[5] HostAddress OPTIONAL -- recip's addr } -- The KRB-CRED message allows easy forwarding of credentials. KRB-CRED ::= [APPLICATION 22] SEQUENCE { pvno[0] INTEGER, msg-type[1] INTEGER, -- KRB_CRED tickets[2] SEQUENCE OF Ticket, enc-part[3] EncryptedData -- EncKrbCredPart } EncKrbCredPart ::= [APPLICATION 29] SEQUENCE { ticket-info[0] SEQUENCE OF KRB-CRED-INFO, nonce[1] INTEGER OPTIONAL, timestamp[2] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, usec[3] INTEGER OPTIONAL, s-address[4] HostAddress OPTIONAL, r-address[5] HostAddress OPTIONAL } KRB-CRED-INFO ::= SEQUENCE { key[0] EncryptionKey, prealm[1] Realm OPTIONAL, pname[2] PrincipalName OPTIONAL, flags[3] TicketFlags OPTIONAL, authtime[4] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, starttime[5] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, endtime[6] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, renew-till[7] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, srealm[8] Realm OPTIONAL, sname[9] PrincipalName OPTIONAL, caddr[10] HostAddresses OPTIONAL } KRB-ERROR ::= [APPLICATION 30] SEQUENCE { pvno[0] INTEGER, msg-type[1] INTEGER, ctime[2] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, cusec[3] INTEGER OPTIONAL, stime[4] KerberosTime, susec[5] INTEGER, error-code[6] INTEGER, crealm[7] Realm OPTIONAL, cname[8] PrincipalName OPTIONAL, realm[9] Realm, -- Correct realm sname[10] PrincipalName, -- Correct name e-text[11] GeneralString OPTIONAL, e-data[12] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL } EncryptedData ::= SEQUENCE { etype[0] INTEGER, -- EncryptionType kvno[1] INTEGER OPTIONAL, cipher[2] OCTET STRING -- CipherText } EncryptionKey ::= SEQUENCE { keytype[0] INTEGER, keyvalue[1] OCTET STRING } Checksum ::= SEQUENCE { cksumtype[0] INTEGER, checksum[1] OCTET STRING } METHOD-DATA ::= SEQUENCE { method-type[0] INTEGER, method-data[1] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL } ETYPE-INFO-ENTRY ::= SEQUENCE { etype[0] INTEGER, salt[1] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL } ETYPE-INFO ::= SEQUENCE OF ETYPE-INFO-ENTRY PA-ENC-TS-ENC ::= SEQUENCE { patimestamp[0] KerberosTime, -- client's time pausec[1] INTEGER OPTIONAL } -- These ASN.1 definitions are NOT part of the official Kerberos protocol... -- New ASN.1 definitions for the kadmin protocol. -- Originally contributed from the Sandia modifications PasswdSequence ::= SEQUENCE { passwd[0] OCTET STRING, phrase[1] OCTET STRING } PasswdData ::= SEQUENCE { passwd-sequence-count[0] INTEGER, passwd-sequence[1] SEQUENCE OF PasswdSequence } -- encodings from -- Integrating Single-use Authentication Mechanisms with Kerberos PA-SAM-CHALLENGE ::= SEQUENCE { sam-type[0] INTEGER, sam-flags[1] SAMFlags, sam-type-name[2] GeneralString OPTIONAL, sam-track-id[3] GeneralString OPTIONAL, sam-challenge-label[4] GeneralString OPTIONAL, sam-challenge[5] GeneralString OPTIONAL, sam-response-prompt[6] GeneralString OPTIONAL, sam-pk-for-sad[7] EncryptionKey OPTIONAL, sam-nonce[8] INTEGER OPTIONAL, sam-cksum[9] Checksum OPTIONAL } -- these are [0].. [2] in the draft SAMFlags ::= BIT STRING { use-sad-as-key(0), send-encrypted-sad(1), must-pk-encrypt-sad(2) } PA-SAM-RESPONSE ::= SEQUENCE { sam-type[0] INTEGER, sam-flags[1] SAMFlags, sam-track-id[2] GeneralString OPTIONAL, -- sam-enc-key is reserved for future use, so I'm making it OPTIONAL - mwe sam-enc-key[3] EncryptedData -- PA-ENC-SAM-KEY, sam-enc-nonce-or-ts[4] EncryptedData -- PA-ENC-SAM-RESPONSE-ENC, sam-nonce[5] INTEGER OPTIONAL, sam-patimestamp[6] KerberosTime OPTIONAL } PA-ENC-SAM-KEY ::= SEQUENCE { sam-key[0] EncryptionKey } PA-ENC-SAM-RESPONSE-ENC ::= SEQUENCE { sam-nonce[0] INTEGER OPTIONAL, sam-timestamp[1] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, sam-usec[2] INTEGER OPTIONAL, sam-passcode[3] GeneralString OPTIONAL } END