Copyright 1994 by OpenVision Technologies, Inc. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of OpenVision not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. OpenVision makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. OPENVISION DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL OPENVISION BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. $Id$ Kerberos V5 to Kerberos V4 Credentials Converting Service, ALPHA RELEASE ======================================================================== krb524 is a service that converts Kerberos V5 credentials into Kerberos V4 credentials suitable for use with applications that for whatever reason do not use V5 directly. The service consists of a server that has access to the secret key of the Kerberos service for which credentials will be converted, and a library for use by client programs that wish to use the server. The protocol is simple. Suppose that a client C wishes to obtain V4 credentials for a V5 service S by using the krb524 server. The notation {C,S}_n represents a Vn service ticket for S for use by C. (1) C obtains V5 credentials, including a ticket {C,S}_5, for S by the normal V5 means. (2) C transmits {C,S}_5 to KRB524. (3) KRB524 converts {C,S}_5 into {C,S}_4. (4) KRB524 transmits {C,S}_4 to C. (5) C creates a V4 credentials strucuture from the plaintext information in the V5 credential and {C,S}_4. Steps (2) through (4) are encapsulated in a single function call in the krb524 library. Obviously, not all V5 credentials can be completely converted to V4 credentials, since the former is a superset of the latter. The precise semantics of the conversion function are still undecided. UTSL. Programs contained in this release ====================================================================== krb524d [-m[aster]] [-k[eytab]] The krb524 server. It accepts UDP requests on the krb524 service port, specified in /etc/services, or on port 4444 by default. (A request for an official port assignment is underway.) The -m argument causes krb524d to access the KDC master database directly; the -k argument causes krb524d to use the default keytab (and therefore only be able to convert tickets for services in the keytab). Only one of -m or -k can be specified. test -remote server client service A test program that obtains a V5 credential for {client,service}, converts it to a V4 credential, and prints out the entire contents of both versions. It prompts for service's secret key, which it needs to decrypt both tickets in order to print them out. Enter it as an eight digit ASCII hex number. k524init [-n] [-p principal] Convert a V5 credential into a V4 credential and store it in a V4 ticket file. The client is 'principal', or krbtgt at the V5 ccache's default principal's realm if not specified. The -n argument causes the new ticket to be added to the existing ticket file; otherwise, the ticket file is initialized. Using libkrb524.a ====================================================================== To use libkrb524.a, #include "krb524.h", link against libkrb524.a, call krb524_init_ets() at the beginning of your program, and call one of the following two functions: int krb524_convert_creds_addr(krb5_creds *v5creds, CREDENTIALS *v4creds, struct sockaddr *saddr) int krb524_convert_creds_kdc(krb5_creds *v5creds, CREDENTIALS *v4creds) Both convert the V5 credential in v5creds into a V4 credential in v4creds. One assumes krb524d is running on the KDC, the other uses an explicit host. You only need to specify the address for saddr; the port is filled in automatically. Unresolved issues / Bugs ====================================================================== o krb524d requires access to the secret key of any service to be converted. Should krb524d run on the KDC or on individual server machines? The latter is more paranoid, since it prevents bugs in krb524d from provided unauthorized access to the master database. However, it also requires the client to provide the address of the server to be used. The client will usually have this information (since presumably it will be sending the converted V4 credentials to the same server) but it may not be in a convenient form. It seems "cleaner" to have krb524d run on the KDC. o Even if krb524d uses keytabs on server machines, it needs to be more flexible. You only want to run one krb524d per host, so it has to be able to scan multiple keytabs. This might get logistically messy. o This code is of alpha quality. Bugs, omissions, memory leaks, and perhaps security holes still remain. Do not use it (yet) in a production environment.