The replay cache functions deal with verifying that AP_REQ's do not contain duplicate authenticators; the storage must be non-volatile for the site-determined validity period of authenticators. Each replay cache has a string ``name'' associated with it. The use of this name is dependent on the underlying caching strategy (for file-based things, it would be a cache file name). The caching strategy should use non-volatile storage so that replay integrity can be maintained across system failures. \subsubsection{Per-type functions} The following entry points must be implemented for each type of credentials cache. \begin{funcdecl}{krb5_rc_initialize}{krb5_error_code}{\funcin} \funcarg{krb5_rcache}{id} \funcarg{krb5_deltat}{auth_lifespan} \end{funcdecl} Creates/refreshes the replay cache identified by \funcparam{id} and sets its authenticator lifespan to \funcparam{auth_lifespan}. If the replay cache already exists, its contents are destroyed. Errors: permission errors, system errors \begin{funcdecl}{krb5_rc_recover}{krb5_error_code}{\funcin} \funcarg{krb5_rcache}{id} \end{funcdecl} Attempts to recover the replay cache \funcparam{id}, (presumably after a system crash or server restart). Errors: error indicating that no cache was found to recover \begin{funcdecl}{krb5_rc_destroy}{krb5_error_code}{\funcin} \funcarg{krb5_rcache}{id} \end{funcdecl} Destroys the replay cache \funcparam{id}. Requires that \funcparam{id} identifies a valid replay cache. Errors: permission errors. \begin{funcdecl}{krb5_rc_close}{krb5_error_code}{\funcin} \funcarg{krb5_rcache}{id} \end{funcdecl} Closes the replay cache \funcparam{id}, invalidates \funcparam{id}, and releases any other resources acquired during use of the replay cache. Requires that \funcparam{id} identifies a valid replay cache. Errors: permission errors \begin{funcdecl}{krb5_rc_store}{krb5_error_code}{\funcin} \funcarg{krb5_rcache}{id} \funcarg{krb5_donot_replay *}{rep} \end{funcdecl} Stores \funcparam{rep} in the replay cache \funcparam{id}. Requires that \funcparam{id} identifies a valid replay cache. Returns KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_REPEAT if \funcparam{rep} is already in the cache. May also return permission errors, storage failure errors. \begin{funcdecl}{krb5_rc_expunge}{krb5_error_code}{\funcin} \funcarg{krb5_rcache}{id} \end{funcdecl} Removes all expired replay information (i.e. those entries which are older than then authenticator lifespan of the cache) from the cache \funcparam{id}. Requires that \funcparam{id} identifies a valid replay cache. Errors: permission errors. \begin{funcdecl}{krb5_rc_get_lifespan}{krb5_error_code}{\funcin} \funcarg{krb5_rcache}{id} \funcout \funcarg{krb5_deltat *}{auth_lifespan} \end{funcdecl} Fills in \funcparam{auth_lifespan} with the lifespan of the cache \funcparam{id}. Requires that \funcparam{id} identifies a valid replay cache. \begin{funcdecl}{krb5_rc_resolve}{krb5_error_code}{\funcinout} \funcarg{krb5_rcache}{id} \funcin \funcarg{char *}{name} \end{funcdecl} Initializes private data attached to \funcparam{id}. This function MUST be called before the other per-replay cache functions. Requires that \funcparam{id} points to allocated space, with an initialized \funcparam{id{\ptsto}ops} field. Since \funcname{krb5_rc_resolve} allocates memory, \funcname{krb5_rc_close} must be called to free the allocated memory, even if neither \funcname{krb5_rc_initialize} or \funcname{krb5_rc_recover} were successfully called by the application. Returns: allocation errors. \begin{funcdecl}{krb5_rc_get_name}{char *}{\funcin} \funcarg{krb5_rcache}{id} \end{funcdecl} Returns the name (excluding the type) of the rcache \funcparam{id}. Requires that \funcparam{id} identifies a valid replay cache. \subsubsection{Glue functions} The following functions are implemented in the base library and serve to glue together the various types of replay caches. \begin{funcdecl}{krb5_rc_resolve_full}{krb5_error_code}{\funcinout} \funcarg{krb5_rcache *}{id} \funcin \funcarg{char *}{string_name} \end{funcdecl} \funcparam{id} is filled in to identify a replay cache which corresponds to the name in \funcparam{string_name}. The cache is not opened. Requires that \funcparam{string_name} be of the form ``type:residual'' and that ``type'' is a type known to the library. Errors: error if cannot resolve name. \begin{funcdecl}{krb5_rc_register_type}{krb5_error_code}{\funcin} \funcarg{krb5_rc_ops *}{ops} \end{funcdecl} Adds a new replay cache type implemented and identified by \funcparam{ops} to the set recognized by \funcname{krb5_rc_resolve}. Requires that a ticket cache type named \funcparam{ops{\ptsto}prefix} is not yet known. \begin{funcdecl}{krb5_rc_default_name}{char *}{\funcvoid} \end{funcdecl} Returns the name of the default replay cache; this may be equivalent to \funcnamenoparens{getenv}({\tt "KRB5RCACHE"}) with an appropriate fallback. \begin{funcdecl}{krb5_rc_default_type}{char *}{\funcvoid} \end{funcdecl} Returns the type of the default replay cache. \begin{funcdecl}{krb5_rc_default}{krb5_error_code}{\funcinout} \funcarg{krb5_rcache *}{id} \end{funcdecl} Equivalent to: \begin{verbatim} krb5_rc_resolve_full(id, strcat(strcat(krb5_rc_default_type(),``:''), krb5_rc_default_name)) ; \end{verbatim} Except of course you can't do the strcat's with the return values.