\subsection{error_table krb5} % $Source$ % $Author$ The Kerberos v5 library error code table follows. Protocol error codes are ERROR_TABLE_BASE_krb5 + the protocol error code number. Other error codes start at ERROR_TABLE_BASE_krb5 + 128. \begin{small} \begin{tabular}{ll} {\sc krb5kdc_err_none }& No error \\ {\sc krb5kdc_err_name_exp }& Client's entry in database has expired \\ {\sc krb5kdc_err_service_exp }& Server's entry in database has expired \\ {\sc krb5kdc_err_bad_pvno }& Requested protocol version not supported \\ {\sc krb5kdc_err_c_old_mast_kvno }& Client's key is encrypted in an old master key \\ {\sc krb5kdc_err_s_old_mast_kvno }& Server's key is encrypted in an old master key \\ {\sc krb5kdc_err_c_principal_unknown }& Client not found in Kerberos database \\ {\sc krb5kdc_err_s_principal_unknown }& Server not found in Kerberos database \\ {\sc krb5kdc_err_principal_not_unique }& Principal has multiple entries in Kerberos database \\ {\sc krb5kdc_err_null_key }& Client or server has a null key \\ {\sc krb5kdc_err_cannot_postdate }& Ticket is ineligible for postdating \\ {\sc krb5kdc_err_never_valid }& Requested effective lifetime is negative or too short \\ {\sc krb5kdc_err_policy }& KDC policy rejects request \\ {\sc krb5kdc_err_badoption }& KDC can't fulfill requested option \\ {\sc krb5kdc_err_etype_nosupp }& KDC has no support for encryption type \\ {\sc krb5kdc_err_sumtype_nosupp }& KDC has no support for checksum type \\ {\sc krb5kdc_err_padata_type_nosupp }& KDC has no support for padata type \\ {\sc krb5kdc_err_trtype_nosupp }& KDC has no support for transited type \\ {\sc krb5kdc_err_client_revoked }& Clients credentials have been revoked \\ {\sc krb5kdc_err_service_revoked }& Credentials for server have been revoked \\ {\sc krb5kdc_err_tgt_revoked }& TGT has been revoked \\ {\sc krb5kdc_err_client_notyet }& Client not yet valid - try again later \\ {\sc krb5kdc_err_service_notyet }& Server not yet valid - try again later \\ {\sc krb5kdc_err_key_exp }& Password has expired \\ {\sc krb5kdc_preauth_failed }& Preauthentication failed \\ & \multicolumn{1}{c}{error codes 25-30 are currently placeholders} \\ \end{tabular} \begin{tabular}{ll} {\sc krb5krb_ap_err_bad_integrity }& Decrypt integrity check failed \\ {\sc krb5krb_ap_err_tkt_expired }& Ticket expired \\ {\sc krb5krb_ap_err_tkt_nyv }& Ticket not yet valid \\ {\sc krb5krb_ap_err_repeat }& Request is a replay \\ {\sc krb5krb_ap_err_not_us }& The ticket isn't for us \\ {\sc krb5krb_ap_err_badmatch }& Ticket/authenticator don't match \\ {\sc krb5krb_ap_err_skew }& Clock skew too great \\ {\sc krb5krb_ap_err_badaddr }& Incorrect net address \\ {\sc krb5krb_ap_err_badversion }& Protocol version mismatch \\ {\sc krb5krb_ap_err_msg_type }& Invalid message type \\ {\sc krb5krb_ap_err_modified }& Message stream modified \\ {\sc krb5krb_ap_err_badorder }& Message out of order \\ {\sc krb5placehold_43 }& KRB5 error code 43 \\ {\sc krb5krb_ap_err_badkeyver }& Key version is not available \\ {\sc krb5krb_ap_err_nokey }& Service key not available \\ {\sc krb5krb_ap_err_mut_fail }& Mutual authentication failed \\ {\sc krb5krb_ap_err_baddirection }& Incorrect message direction \\ {\sc krb5krb_ap_err_method }& Alternative authentication method required \\ {\sc krb5krb_ap_err_badseq }& Incorrect sequence number in message \\ {\sc krb5krb_ap_err_inapp_cksum }& Inappropriate type of checksum in message \\ & \multicolumn{1}{c}{error codes 51-59 are currently placeholders} \\ {\sc krb5krb_err_generic }& Generic error (see e-text) \\ {\sc krb5krb_err_field_toolong }& Field is too long for this implementation \\ & \multicolumn{1}{c}{error codes 62-127 are currently placeholders} \\ \end{tabular} \begin{tabular}{ll} {\sc krb5_libos_badlockflag }& Invalid flag for file lock mode \\ {\sc krb5_libos_cantreadpwd }& Cannot read password \\ {\sc krb5_libos_badpwdmatch }& Password mismatch \\ {\sc krb5_libos_pwdintr }& Password read interrupted \\ {\sc krb5_parse_illchar }& Illegal character in component name \\ {\sc krb5_parse_malformed }& Malformed representation of principal \\ {\sc krb5_config_cantopen }& Can't open/find configuration file \\ {\sc krb5_config_badformat }& Improper format of configuration file \\ {\sc krb5_config_notenufspace }& Insufficient space to return complete information \\ {\sc krb5_badmsgtype }& Invalid message type specified for encoding \\ {\sc krb5_cc_badname }& Credential cache name malformed \\ {\sc krb5_cc_unknown_type }& Unknown credential cache type \\ {\sc krb5_cc_notfound }& Matching credential not found \\ {\sc krb5_cc_end }& End of credential cache reached \\ {\sc krb5_no_tkt_supplied }& Request did not supply a ticket \\ {\sc krb5krb_ap_wrong_princ }& Wrong principal in request \\ {\sc krb5krb_ap_err_tkt_invalid }& Ticket has invalid flag set \\ {\sc krb5_princ_nomatch }& Requested principal and ticket don't match \\ {\sc krb5_kdcrep_modified }& KDC reply did not match expectations \\ {\sc krb5_prog_etype_nosupp }& Program lacks support for encryption type \\ {\sc krb5_prog_keytype_nosupp }& Program lacks support for key type \\ {\sc krb5_wrong_etype }& Requested encryption type not used in message \\ {\sc krb5_prog_sumtype_nosupp }& Program lacks support for checksum type \\ {\sc krb5_realm_unknown }& Cannot find KDC for requested realm \\ {\sc krb5_kdc_unreach }& Cannot contact any KDC for requested realm \\ {\sc krb5_no_localname }& No local name found for principal name \\ %\multicolumn{1}{c}{some of these should be combined/supplanted by system codes} \\ \end{tabular} \begin{tabular}{ll} {\sc krb5_rc_type_exists }& Replay cache type is already registered \\ {\sc krb5_rc_malloc }& No more memory to allocate (in replay cache code) \\ {\sc krb5_rc_type_notfound }& Replay cache type is unknown \\ {\sc krb5_rc_unknown }& Generic unknown RC error \\ {\sc krb5_rc_replay }& Message is a replay \\ {\sc krb5_rc_io }& Replay I/O operation failed XXX \\ {\sc krb5_rc_noio }& Replay cache type does not support non-volatile storage \\ {\sc krb5_rc_parse }& Replay cache name parse/format error \\ {\sc krb5_rc_io_eof }& End-of-file on replay cache I/O \\ {\sc krb5_rc_io_malloc }& No more memory to allocate (in replay cache I/O code)\\ {\sc krb5_rc_io_perm }& Permission denied in replay cache code \\ {\sc krb5_rc_io_io }& I/O error in replay cache i/o code \\ {\sc krb5_rc_io_unknown }& Generic unknown RC/IO error \\ {\sc krb5_rc_io_space }& Insufficient system space to store replay information \\ {\sc krb5_trans_cantopen }& Can't open/find realm translation file \\ {\sc krb5_trans_badformat }& Improper format of realm translation file \\ {\sc krb5_lname_cantopen }& Can't open/find lname translation database \\ {\sc krb5_lname_notrans }& No translation available for requested principal \\ {\sc krb5_lname_badformat }& Improper format of translation database entry \\ {\sc krb5_crypto_internal }& Cryptosystem internal error \\ {\sc krb5_kt_badname }& Key table name malformed \\ {\sc krb5_kt_unknown_type }& Unknown Key table type \\ {\sc krb5_kt_notfound }& Key table entry not found \\ {\sc krb5_kt_end }& End of key table reached \\ {\sc krb5_kt_nowrite }& Cannot write to specified key table \\ {\sc krb5_kt_ioerr }& Error writing to key table \\ {\sc krb5_no_tkt_in_rlm }& Cannot find ticket for requested realm \\ {\sc krb5des_bad_keypar }& DES key has bad parity \\ {\sc krb5des_weak_key }& DES key is a weak key \\ {\sc krb5_bad_keytype }& Keytype is incompatible with encryption type \\ {\sc krb5_bad_keysize }& Key size is incompatible with encryption type \\ {\sc krb5_bad_msize }& Message size is incompatible with encryption type \\ {\sc krb5_cc_type_exists }& Credentials cache type is already registered. \\ {\sc krb5_kt_type_exists }& Key table type is already registered. \\ {\sc krb5_cc_io }& Credentials cache I/O operation failed XXX \\ {\sc krb5_fcc_perm }& Credentials cache file permissions incorrect \\ {\sc krb5_fcc_nofile }& No credentials cache file found \\ {\sc krb5_fcc_internal }& Internal file credentials cache error \\ {\sc krb5_cc_nomem }& No more memory to allocate (in credentials cache code) \\ \end{tabular} \begin{tabular}{ll} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{errors for dual TGT library calls} \\ {\sc krb5_invalid_flags }& Invalid KDC option combination (library internal error) \\ {\sc krb5_no_2nd_tkt }& Request missing second ticket \\ {\sc krb5_nocreds_supplied }& No credentials supplied to library routine \\ \end{tabular} \begin{tabular}{ll} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{errors for sendauth and recvauth} \\ {\sc krb5_sendauth_badauthvers }& Bad sendauth version was sent \\ {\sc krb5_sendauth_badapplvers }& Bad application version was sent (via sendauth) \\ {\sc krb5_sendauth_badresponse }& Bad response (during sendauth exchange) \\ {\sc krb5_sendauth_rejected }& Server rejected authentication (during sendauth exchange) \\ {\sc krb5_sendauth_mutual_failed }& Mutual authentication failed (during sendauth exchange) \\ \end{tabular} \begin{tabular}{ll} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{errors for preauthentication} \\ {\sc krb5_preauth_bad_type }& Unsupported preauthentication type \\ {\sc krb5_preauth_no_key }& Required preauthentication key not supplied \\ {\sc krb5_preauth_failed }& Generic preauthentication failure \\ \end{tabular} \begin{tabular}{ll} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{version number errors} \\ {\sc krb5_rcache_badvno }& Unsupported replay cache format version number \\ {\sc krb5_ccache_badvno }& Unsupported credentials cache format version number \\ {\sc krb5_keytab_badvno }& Unsupported key table format version number \\ \end{tabular} \begin{tabular}{ll} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{other errors} \\ {\sc krb5_prog_atype_nosupp }& Program lacks support for address type \\ {\sc krb5_rc_required }& Message replay detection requires rcache parameter \\ {\sc krb5_err_bad_hostname }& Hostname cannot be canonicalized \\ {\sc krb5_err_host_realm_unknown }& Cannot determine realm for host \\ {\sc krb5_sname_unsupp_nametype }& Conversion to service principal undefined for name type \\ \end{tabular} \end{small} \subsection{error_table kdb5} % $Source$ % $Author$ The Kerberos v5 database library error code table \begin{small} \begin{tabular}{ll} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{From the server side routines} \\ {\sc krb5_kdb_inuse }& Entry already exists in database\\ {\sc krb5_kdb_uk_serror }& Database store error\\ {\sc krb5_kdb_uk_rerror }& Database read error\\ {\sc krb5_kdb_unauth }& Insufficient access to perform requested operation\\ {\sc krb5_kdb_noentry }& No such entry in the database\\ {\sc krb5_kdb_ill_wildcard }& Illegal use of wildcard\\ {\sc krb5_kdb_db_inuse }& Database is locked or in use--try again later\\ {\sc krb5_kdb_db_changed }& Database was modified during read\\ {\sc krb5_kdb_truncated_record }& Database record is incomplete or corrupted\\ {\sc krb5_kdb_recursivelock }& Attempt to lock database twice\\ {\sc krb5_kdb_notlocked }& Attempt to unlock database when not locked\\ {\sc krb5_kdb_badlockmode }& Invalid kdb lock mode\\ {\sc krb5_kdb_dbnotinited }& Database has not been initialized\\ {\sc krb5_kdb_dbinited }& Database has already been initialized\\ {\sc krb5_kdb_illdirection }& Bad direction for converting keys\\ {\sc krb5_kdb_nomasterkey }& Cannot find master key record in database\\ {\sc krb5_kdb_badmasterkey }& Master key does not match database\\ {\sc krb5_kdb_invalidkeysize }& Key size in database is invalid\\ {\sc krb5_kdb_cantread_stored }& Cannot find/read stored master key\\ {\sc krb5_kdb_badstored_mkey }& Stored master key is corrupted\\ {\sc krb5_kdb_cantlock_db }& Insufficient access to lock database \\ {\sc krb5_kdb_db_corrupt }& Database format error\\ {\sc krb5_kdb_bad_version }& Unsupported version in database entry \\ \end{tabular} \end{small} \subsection{error_table isod} % $Source$ % $Author$ The Kerberos v5/ISODE 5.0 error table mappings --- see $<$isode/psap.h$>$ \begin{small} \begin{tabular}{ll} {\sc isode_50_ps_err_none}& isode (ps): No error \\ {\sc isode_50_ps_err_overid}& isode (ps):Overflow in ID \\ {\sc isode_50_ps_err_overlen}& isode (ps):Overflow in length \\ {\sc isode_50_ps_err_nmem}& isode (ps):Out of memory \\ {\sc isode_50_ps_err_eof}& isode (ps):End of file \\ {\sc isode_50_ps_err_eofid}& isode (ps):End of file reading extended ID \\ {\sc isode_50_ps_err_eoflen}& isode (ps):End of file reading extended length \\ {\sc isode_50_ps_err_len}& isode (ps):Length mismatch \\ {\sc isode_50_ps_err_trnc}& isode (ps):Truncated \\ {\sc isode_50_ps_err_indf}& isode (ps):Indefinite length in primitive form \\ {\sc isode_50_ps_err_io}& isode (ps):I/O error \\ {\sc isode_50_ps_err_extra}& isode (ps): Extraneous octets \\ {\sc isode_50_ps_err_xxx}& isode (ps):XXX \\ {\sc isode_50_pe_err_none}& isode(pe):No error \\ {\sc isode_50_pe_err_over}& isode(pe):Overflow \\ {\sc isode_50_pe_err_nmem}& isode(pe):Out of memory \\ {\sc isode_50_pe_err_bit}& isode(pe):No such bit \\ {\sc isode_50_pe_err_utct}& isode(pe):Malformed universal timestring \\ {\sc isode_50_pe_err_gent}& isode(pe):Malformed generalized timestring \\ {\sc isode_50_pe_err_mber}& isode(pe):No such member \\ {\sc isode_50_pe_err_prim}& isode(pe):Not a primitive form \\ {\sc isode_50_pe_err_cons}& isode(pe):Not a constructor form \\ {\sc isode_50_pe_err_type}& isode(pe):Class/ID mismatch in constructor \\ {\sc isode_50_pe_err_oid}& isode(pe):Malformed object identifier \\ {\sc isode_50_pe_err_bits}& isode(pe):Malformed bitstring \\ {\sc isode_50_pe_err_nosupp}& isode(pe):Type not supported \\ {\sc isode_50_pe_err_signed}& isode(pe):Signed integer not expected \\ {\sc isode_50_local_err_baddecode}& isode: ASN.1 decode failed \\ {\sc isode_50_local_err_badmsgtype}& isode: wrong message type after decoding \\ {\sc isode_50_local_err_badcombo}& isode: unacceptable combination of options \\ {\sc isode_local_err_missing_part}& isode: missing element during translation \\ \end{tabular} \end{small}