# Install bounded pep8/pyflakes first, then let flake8 install pep8==1.4.5 pyflakes==0.7.2 flake8==2.0 hacking>=0.5.3,<0.6 # Optional backend: SQL pysqlite # Optional backend: Memcache python-memcached # Optional backend: LDAP # authenticate against an existing LDAP server python-ldap==2.3.13 # Testing # computes code coverage percentages coverage # mock object framework mox # for test discovery and console feedback nose nosexcover openstack.nose_plugin nosehtmloutput # required to build documentation Sphinx>=1.1.2 # backport of unittest lib in python 2.7 unittest2 # test wsgi apps without starting an http server webtest # for python-keystoneclient # keystoneclient <0.2.1 httplib2 # replaces httplib2 in keystoneclient >=0.2.1 requests>=1.0.0 keyring # swift_auth test dependencies http://tarballs.openstack.org/swift/swift-master.tar.gz#egg=swift netifaces # For translations processing Babel