# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2012 OpenStack LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import import copy import memcache from keystone.common import logging from keystone.common import utils from keystone import config from keystone import exception from keystone.openstack.common import jsonutils from keystone.openstack.common import timeutils from keystone import token CONF = config.CONF config.register_str('servers', group='memcache', default='localhost:11211') config.register_int('max_compare_and_set_retry', group='memcache', default=16) LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Token(token.Driver): revocation_key = 'revocation-list' def __init__(self, client=None): self._memcache_client = client @property def client(self): return self._memcache_client or self._get_memcache_client() def _get_memcache_client(self): memcache_servers = CONF.memcache.servers.split(',') # NOTE(morganfainberg): The memcache client library for python is NOT # thread safe and should not be passed between threads. This is highly # specific to the cas() (compare and set) methods and the caching of # the previous value(s). It appears greenthread should ensure there is # a single data structure per spawned greenthread. self._memcache_client = memcache.Client(memcache_servers, debug=0, cache_cas=True) return self._memcache_client def _prefix_token_id(self, token_id): return 'token-%s' % token_id.encode('utf-8') def _prefix_user_id(self, user_id): return 'usertokens-%s' % user_id.encode('utf-8') def get_token(self, token_id): if token_id is None: raise exception.TokenNotFound(token_id='') ptk = self._prefix_token_id(token_id) token_ref = self.client.get(ptk) if token_ref is None: raise exception.TokenNotFound(token_id=token_id) return token_ref def create_token(self, token_id, data): data_copy = copy.deepcopy(data) ptk = self._prefix_token_id(token_id) if not data_copy.get('expires'): data_copy['expires'] = token.default_expire_time() if not data_copy.get('user_id'): data_copy['user_id'] = data_copy['user']['id'] kwargs = {} if data_copy['expires'] is not None: expires_ts = utils.unixtime(data_copy['expires']) kwargs['time'] = expires_ts self.client.set(ptk, data_copy, **kwargs) if 'id' in data['user']: token_data = jsonutils.dumps(token_id) user_id = data['user']['id'] user_key = self._prefix_user_id(user_id) # Append the new token_id to the token-index-list stored in the # user-key within memcache. self._update_user_list_with_cas(user_key, token_data) return copy.deepcopy(data_copy) def _update_user_list_with_cas(self, user_key, token_id): cas_retry = 0 max_cas_retry = CONF.memcache.max_compare_and_set_retry current_time = timeutils.normalize_time( timeutils.parse_isotime(timeutils.isotime())) self.client.reset_cas() while cas_retry <= max_cas_retry: # NOTE(morganfainberg): cas or "compare and set" is a function of # memcache. It will return false if the value has changed since the # last call to client.gets(). This is the memcache supported method # of avoiding race conditions on set(). Memcache is already atomic # on the back-end and serializes operations. # # cas_retry is for tracking our iterations before we give up (in # case memcache is down or something horrible happens we don't # iterate forever trying to compare and set the new value. cas_retry += 1 record = self.client.gets(user_key) filtered_list = [] if record is not None: token_list = jsonutils.loads('[%s]' % record) for token_i in token_list: ptk = self._prefix_token_id(token_i) token_ref = self.client.get(ptk) if not token_ref: # skip tokens that do not exist in memcache continue if 'expires' in token_ref: expires_at = timeutils.normalize_time( token_ref['expires']) if expires_at < current_time: # skip tokens that are expired. continue # Add the still valid token_id to the list. filtered_list.append(jsonutils.dumps(token_i)) # Add the new token_id to the list. filtered_list.append(token_id) # Use compare-and-set (cas) to set the new value for the # token-index-list for the user-key. Cas is used to prevent race # conditions from causing the loss of valid token ids from this # list. if self.client.cas(user_key, ','.join(filtered_list)): msg = _('Successful set of token-index-list for user-key ' '"%(user_key)s", #%(count)d records') LOG.debug(msg, {'user_key': user_key, 'count': len(filtered_list)}) return filtered_list # The cas function will return true if it succeeded or false if it # failed for any reason, including memcache server being down, cas # id changed since gets() called (the data changed between when # this loop started and this point, etc. error_msg = _('Failed to set token-index-list for user-key ' '"%(user_key)s". Attempt %(cas_retry)d of ' '%(cas_retry_max)d') LOG.debug(error_msg, {'user_key': user_key, 'cas_retry': cas_retry, 'cas_retry_max': max_cas_retry}) # Exceeded the maximum retry attempts. error_msg = _('Unable to add token user list') raise exception.UnexpectedError(error_msg) def _add_to_revocation_list(self, data): data_json = jsonutils.dumps(data) if not self.client.append(self.revocation_key, ',%s' % data_json): if not self.client.add(self.revocation_key, data_json): if not self.client.append(self.revocation_key, ',%s' % data_json): msg = _('Unable to add token to revocation list.') raise exception.UnexpectedError(msg) def delete_token(self, token_id): # Test for existence data = self.get_token(token_id) ptk = self._prefix_token_id(token_id) result = self.client.delete(ptk) self._add_to_revocation_list(data) return result def list_tokens(self, user_id, tenant_id=None, trust_id=None): tokens = [] user_key = self._prefix_user_id(user_id) user_record = self.client.get(user_key) or "" token_list = jsonutils.loads('[%s]' % user_record) for token_id in token_list: ptk = self._prefix_token_id(token_id) token_ref = self.client.get(ptk) if token_ref: if tenant_id is not None: tenant = token_ref.get('tenant') if not tenant: continue if tenant.get('id') != tenant_id: continue if trust_id is not None: trust = token_ref.get('trust_id') if not trust: continue if trust != trust_id: continue tokens.append(token_id) return tokens def list_revoked_tokens(self): list_json = self.client.get(self.revocation_key) if list_json: return jsonutils.loads('[%s]' % list_json) return []