# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2012 OpenStack LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Workflow Logic the Identity service.""" import copy import urllib import urlparse import uuid from keystone.common import controller from keystone.common import logging from keystone import config from keystone import exception CONF = config.CONF DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID = CONF.identity.default_domain_id LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Tenant(controller.V2Controller): def get_all_projects(self, context, **kw): """Gets a list of all tenants for an admin user.""" if 'name' in context['query_string']: return self.get_project_by_name( context, context['query_string'].get('name')) self.assert_admin(context) tenant_refs = self.identity_api.list_projects() for tenant_ref in tenant_refs: tenant_ref = self._filter_domain_id(tenant_ref) params = { 'limit': context['query_string'].get('limit'), 'marker': context['query_string'].get('marker'), } return self._format_project_list(tenant_refs, **params) def get_projects_for_token(self, context, **kw): """Get valid tenants for token based on token used to authenticate. Pulls the token from the context, validates it and gets the valid tenants for the user in the token. Doesn't care about token scopedness. """ try: token_ref = self.token_api.get_token(context['token_id']) except exception.NotFound as e: LOG.warning('Authentication failed: %s' % e) raise exception.Unauthorized(e) user_ref = token_ref['user'] tenant_ids = self.identity_api.get_projects_for_user(user_ref['id']) tenant_refs = [] for tenant_id in tenant_ids: ref = self.identity_api.get_project(tenant_id) tenant_refs.append(self._filter_domain_id(ref)) params = { 'limit': context['query_string'].get('limit'), 'marker': context['query_string'].get('marker'), } return self._format_project_list(tenant_refs, **params) def get_project(self, context, tenant_id): # TODO(termie): this stuff should probably be moved to middleware self.assert_admin(context) ref = self.identity_api.get_project(tenant_id) return {'tenant': self._filter_domain_id(ref)} def get_project_by_name(self, context, tenant_name): self.assert_admin(context) ref = self.identity_api.get_project_by_name( tenant_name, DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID) return {'tenant': self._filter_domain_id(ref)} # CRUD Extension def create_project(self, context, tenant): tenant_ref = self._normalize_dict(tenant) if 'name' not in tenant_ref or not tenant_ref['name']: msg = 'Name field is required and cannot be empty' raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg) self.assert_admin(context) tenant_ref['id'] = tenant_ref.get('id', uuid.uuid4().hex) tenant = self.identity_api.create_project( tenant_ref['id'], self._normalize_domain_id(context, tenant_ref)) return {'tenant': self._filter_domain_id(tenant)} def update_project(self, context, tenant_id, tenant): self.assert_admin(context) # Remove domain_id if specified - a v2 api caller should not # be specifying that clean_tenant = tenant.copy() clean_tenant.pop('domain_id', None) tenant_ref = self.identity_api.update_project( tenant_id, clean_tenant) return {'tenant': tenant_ref} def delete_project(self, context, tenant_id): self.assert_admin(context) self.identity_api.delete_project(tenant_id) def get_project_users(self, context, tenant_id, **kw): self.assert_admin(context) user_refs = self.identity_api.get_project_users(tenant_id) for user_ref in user_refs: self._filter_domain_id(user_ref) return {'users': user_refs} def _format_project_list(self, tenant_refs, **kwargs): marker = kwargs.get('marker') first_index = 0 if marker is not None: for (marker_index, tenant) in enumerate(tenant_refs): if tenant['id'] == marker: # we start pagination after the marker first_index = marker_index + 1 break else: msg = 'Marker could not be found' raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg) limit = kwargs.get('limit') last_index = None if limit is not None: try: limit = int(limit) if limit < 0: raise AssertionError() except (ValueError, AssertionError): msg = 'Invalid limit value' raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg) last_index = first_index + limit tenant_refs = tenant_refs[first_index:last_index] for x in tenant_refs: if 'enabled' not in x: x['enabled'] = True o = {'tenants': tenant_refs, 'tenants_links': []} return o class User(controller.V2Controller): def get_user(self, context, user_id): self.assert_admin(context) ref = self.identity_api.get_user(user_id) return {'user': self._filter_domain_id(ref)} def get_users(self, context): # NOTE(termie): i can't imagine that this really wants all the data # about every single user in the system... if 'name' in context['query_string']: return self.get_user_by_name( context, context['query_string'].get('name')) self.assert_admin(context) user_list = self.identity_api.list_users() for x in user_list: self._filter_domain_id(x) return {'users': user_list} def get_user_by_name(self, context, user_name): self.assert_admin(context) ref = self.identity_api.get_user_by_name( user_name, DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID) return {'user': self._filter_domain_id(ref)} # CRUD extension def create_user(self, context, user): user = self._normalize_dict(user) self.assert_admin(context) if 'name' not in user or not user['name']: msg = 'Name field is required and cannot be empty' raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg) if 'enabled' in user and not isinstance(user['enabled'], bool): msg = 'Enabled field must be a boolean' raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg) default_tenant_id = user.get('tenantId', None) if (default_tenant_id is not None and self.identity_api.get_project(default_tenant_id) is None): raise exception.ProjectNotFound(project_id=default_tenant_id) user_id = uuid.uuid4().hex user_ref = self._normalize_domain_id(context, user.copy()) user_ref['id'] = user_id new_user_ref = self.identity_api.create_user(user_id, user_ref) if default_tenant_id: self.identity_api.add_user_to_project(default_tenant_id, user_id) return {'user': self._filter_domain_id(new_user_ref)} def update_user(self, context, user_id, user): # NOTE(termie): this is really more of a patch than a put self.assert_admin(context) if 'enabled' in user and not isinstance(user['enabled'], bool): msg = 'Enabled field should be a boolean' raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg) user_ref = self.identity_api.update_user(user_id, user) if user.get('password') or not user.get('enabled', True): # If the password was changed or the user was disabled we clear tokens self._delete_tokens_for_user(user_id) return {'user': self._filter_domain_id(user_ref)} def delete_user(self, context, user_id): self.assert_admin(context) self.identity_api.delete_user(user_id) self._delete_tokens_for_user(user_id) def set_user_enabled(self, context, user_id, user): return self.update_user(context, user_id, user) def set_user_password(self, context, user_id, user): return self.update_user(context, user_id, user) def update_user_project(self, context, user_id, user): """Update the default tenant.""" self.assert_admin(context) try: # ensure that we're a member of that tenant self.identity_api.add_user_to_project( user.get('tenantId'), user_id) except exception.Conflict: # we're already a member of that tenant pass return self.update_user(context, user_id, user) class Role(controller.V2Controller): # COMPAT(essex-3) def get_user_roles(self, context, user_id, tenant_id=None): """Get the roles for a user and tenant pair. Since we're trying to ignore the idea of user-only roles we're not implementing them in hopes that the idea will die off. """ self.assert_admin(context) if tenant_id is None: raise exception.NotImplemented(message='User roles not supported: ' 'tenant ID required') roles = self.identity_api.get_roles_for_user_and_project( user_id, tenant_id) return {'roles': [self.identity_api.get_role(x) for x in roles]} # CRUD extension def get_role(self, context, role_id): self.assert_admin(context) return {'role': self.identity_api.get_role(role_id)} def create_role(self, context, role): role = self._normalize_dict(role) self.assert_admin(context) if 'name' not in role or not role['name']: msg = 'Name field is required and cannot be empty' raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg) role_id = uuid.uuid4().hex role['id'] = role_id role_ref = self.identity_api.create_role(role_id, role) return {'role': role_ref} def delete_role(self, context, role_id): self.assert_admin(context) self.identity_api.delete_role(role_id) def get_roles(self, context): self.assert_admin(context) return {'roles': self.identity_api.list_roles()} def add_role_to_user(self, context, user_id, role_id, tenant_id=None): """Add a role to a user and tenant pair. Since we're trying to ignore the idea of user-only roles we're not implementing them in hopes that the idea will die off. """ self.assert_admin(context) if tenant_id is None: raise exception.NotImplemented(message='User roles not supported: ' 'tenant_id required') self.identity_api.add_role_to_user_and_project( user_id, tenant_id, role_id) role_ref = self.identity_api.get_role(role_id) return {'role': role_ref} def remove_role_from_user(self, context, user_id, role_id, tenant_id=None): """Remove a role from a user and tenant pair. Since we're trying to ignore the idea of user-only roles we're not implementing them in hopes that the idea will die off. """ self.assert_admin(context) if tenant_id is None: raise exception.NotImplemented(message='User roles not supported: ' 'tenant_id required') # This still has the weird legacy semantics that adding a role to # a user also adds them to a tenant, so we must follow up on that self.identity_api.remove_role_from_user_and_project( user_id, tenant_id, role_id) self._delete_tokens_for_user(user_id) # COMPAT(diablo): CRUD extension def get_role_refs(self, context, user_id): """Ultimate hack to get around having to make role_refs first-class. This will basically iterate over the various roles the user has in all tenants the user is a member of and create fake role_refs where the id encodes the user-tenant-role information so we can look up the appropriate data when we need to delete them. """ self.assert_admin(context) # Ensure user exists by getting it first. self.identity_api.get_user(user_id) tenant_ids = self.identity_api.get_projects_for_user(user_id) o = [] for tenant_id in tenant_ids: role_ids = self.identity_api.get_roles_for_user_and_project( user_id, tenant_id) for role_id in role_ids: ref = {'roleId': role_id, 'tenantId': tenant_id, 'userId': user_id} ref['id'] = urllib.urlencode(ref) o.append(ref) return {'roles': o} # COMPAT(diablo): CRUD extension def create_role_ref(self, context, user_id, role): """This is actually used for adding a user to a tenant. In the legacy data model adding a user to a tenant required setting a role. """ self.assert_admin(context) # TODO(termie): for now we're ignoring the actual role tenant_id = role.get('tenantId') role_id = role.get('roleId') self.identity_api.add_role_to_user_and_project( user_id, tenant_id, role_id) self._delete_tokens_for_user(user_id) role_ref = self.identity_api.get_role(role_id) return {'role': role_ref} # COMPAT(diablo): CRUD extension def delete_role_ref(self, context, user_id, role_ref_id): """This is actually used for deleting a user from a tenant. In the legacy data model removing a user from a tenant required deleting a role. To emulate this, we encode the tenant and role in the role_ref_id, and if this happens to be the last role for the user-tenant pair, we remove the user from the tenant. """ self.assert_admin(context) # TODO(termie): for now we're ignoring the actual role role_ref_ref = urlparse.parse_qs(role_ref_id) tenant_id = role_ref_ref.get('tenantId')[0] role_id = role_ref_ref.get('roleId')[0] self.identity_api.remove_role_from_user_and_project( user_id, tenant_id, role_id) self._delete_tokens_for_user(user_id) class DomainV3(controller.V3Controller): collection_name = 'domains' member_name = 'domain' @controller.protected def create_domain(self, context, domain): self._require_attribute(domain, 'name') ref = self._assign_unique_id(self._normalize_dict(domain)) ref = self.identity_api.create_domain(ref['id'], ref) return DomainV3.wrap_member(context, ref) @controller.filterprotected('enabled', 'name') def list_domains(self, context, filters): refs = self.identity_api.list_domains() return DomainV3.wrap_collection(context, refs, filters) @controller.protected def get_domain(self, context, domain_id): ref = self.identity_api.get_domain(domain_id) return DomainV3.wrap_member(context, ref) @controller.protected def update_domain(self, context, domain_id, domain): self._require_matching_id(domain_id, domain) ref = self.identity_api.update_domain(domain_id, domain) # disable owned users & projects when the API user specifically set # enabled=False # FIXME(dolph): need a driver call to directly revoke all tokens by # project or domain, regardless of user if not domain.get('enabled', True): projects = [x for x in self.identity_api.list_projects() if x.get('domain_id') == domain_id] for user in self.identity_api.list_users(): # TODO(dolph): disable domain-scoped tokens """ self.token_api.revoke_tokens( user_id=user['id'], domain_id=domain_id) """ # revoke all tokens for users owned by this domain if user.get('domain_id') == domain_id: self._delete_tokens_for_user(user['id']) else: # only revoke tokens on projects owned by this domain for project in projects: self._delete_tokens_for_user( user['id'], project_id=project['id']) return DomainV3.wrap_member(context, ref) def _delete_domain_contents(self, context, domain_id): """Delete the contents of a domain. Before we delete a domain, we need to remove all the entities that are owned by it, i.e. Users, Groups & Projects. To do this we call the respective delete functions for these entities, which are themselves responsible for deleting any credentials and role grants associated with them as well as revoking any relevant tokens. The order we delete entities is also important since some types of backend may need to maintain referential integrity throughout, and many of the entities have relationship with each other. The following deletion order is therefore used: Projects: Reference user and groups for grants Groups: Reference users for membership and domains for grants Users: Reference domains for grants """ # Start by disabling all the users in this domain, to minimize the # the risk that things are changing under our feet. # TODO(henry-nash): In theory this step should not be necessary, since # users of a disabled domain are prevented from authenticating. # However there are some existing bugs in this area (e.g. 1130236). # Consider removing this code once these have been fixed. user_refs = self.identity_api.list_users() user_refs = [r for r in user_refs if r['domain_id'] == domain_id] for user in user_refs: if user['enabled']: user['enabled'] = False self.identity_api.update_user(user['id'], user) self._delete_tokens_for_user(user['id']) # Now, for safety, reload list of users, as well as projects, that are # owned by this domain. user_refs = self.identity_api.list_users() user_ids = [r['id'] for r in user_refs if r['domain_id'] == domain_id] proj_refs = self.identity_api.list_projects() proj_ids = [r['id'] for r in proj_refs if r['domain_id'] == domain_id] # First delete the projects themselves project_cntl = ProjectV3() for project in proj_ids: project_cntl._delete_project(context, project) # Get the list of groups owned by this domain and delete them group_refs = self.identity_api.list_groups() group_ids = ([r['id'] for r in group_refs if r['domain_id'] == domain_id]) group_cntl = GroupV3() for group in group_ids: group_cntl._delete_group(context, group) # And finally, delete the users themselves user_cntl = UserV3() for user in user_ids: user_cntl._delete_user(context, user) @controller.protected def delete_domain(self, context, domain_id): # explicitly forbid deleting the default domain (this should be a # carefully orchestrated manual process involving configuration # changes, etc) if domain_id == DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID: raise exception.ForbiddenAction(action='delete the default domain') # To help avoid inadvertent deletes, we insist that the domain # has been previously disabled. This also prevents a user deleting # their own domain since, once it is disabled, they won't be able # to get a valid token to issue this delete. ref = self.identity_api.get_domain(domain_id) if ref['enabled']: raise exception.ForbiddenAction( action='delete a domain that is not disabled') # OK, we are go for delete! self._delete_domain_contents(context, domain_id) return self.identity_api.delete_domain(domain_id) def _get_domain_by_name(self, context, domain_name): """Get the domain via its unique name. For use by token authentication - not for hooking to the identity router as a public api. """ ref = self.identity_api.get_domain_by_name(domain_name) return {'domain': ref} class ProjectV3(controller.V3Controller): collection_name = 'projects' member_name = 'project' @controller.protected def create_project(self, context, project): self._require_attribute(project, 'name') ref = self._assign_unique_id(self._normalize_dict(project)) ref = self._normalize_domain_id(context, ref) ref = self.identity_api.create_project(ref['id'], ref) return ProjectV3.wrap_member(context, ref) @controller.filterprotected('domain_id', 'enabled', 'name') def list_projects(self, context, filters): refs = self.identity_api.list_projects() return ProjectV3.wrap_collection(context, refs, filters) @controller.filterprotected('enabled', 'name') def list_user_projects(self, context, filters, user_id): refs = self.identity_api.list_user_projects(user_id) return ProjectV3.wrap_collection(context, refs, filters) @controller.protected def get_project(self, context, project_id): ref = self.identity_api.get_project(project_id) return ProjectV3.wrap_member(context, ref) @controller.protected def update_project(self, context, project_id, project): self._require_matching_id(project_id, project) ref = self.identity_api.update_project(project_id, project) return ProjectV3.wrap_member(context, ref) def _delete_project(self, context, project_id): # Delete any credentials that reference this project for cred in self.credential_api.list_credentials(): if cred['project_id'] == project_id: self.credential_api.delete_credential(cred['id']) # Finally delete the project itself - the backend is # responsible for deleting any role assignments related # to this project return self.identity_api.delete_project(project_id) @controller.protected def delete_project(self, context, project_id): return self._delete_project(context, project_id) class UserV3(controller.V3Controller): collection_name = 'users' member_name = 'user' @controller.protected def create_user(self, context, user): self._require_attribute(user, 'name') ref = self._assign_unique_id(self._normalize_dict(user)) ref = self._normalize_domain_id(context, ref) ref = self.identity_api.create_user(ref['id'], ref) return UserV3.wrap_member(context, ref) @controller.filterprotected('domain_id', 'email', 'enabled', 'name') def list_users(self, context, filters): refs = self.identity_api.list_users() return UserV3.wrap_collection(context, refs, filters) @controller.filterprotected('domain_id', 'email', 'enabled', 'name') def list_users_in_group(self, context, filters, group_id): refs = self.identity_api.list_users_in_group(group_id) return UserV3.wrap_collection(context, refs, filters) @controller.protected def get_user(self, context, user_id): ref = self.identity_api.get_user(user_id) return UserV3.wrap_member(context, ref) @controller.protected def update_user(self, context, user_id, user): self._require_matching_id(user_id, user) ref = self.identity_api.update_user(user_id, user) if user.get('password') or not user.get('enabled', True): # revoke all tokens owned by this user self._delete_tokens_for_user(user_id) return UserV3.wrap_member(context, ref) @controller.protected def add_user_to_group(self, context, user_id, group_id): self.identity_api.add_user_to_group(user_id, group_id) # Delete any tokens so that group membership can have an # immediate effect self._delete_tokens_for_user(user_id) @controller.protected def check_user_in_group(self, context, user_id, group_id): return self.identity_api.check_user_in_group(user_id, group_id) @controller.protected def remove_user_from_group(self, context, user_id, group_id): self.identity_api.remove_user_from_group(user_id, group_id) self._delete_tokens_for_user(user_id) def _delete_user(self, context, user_id): # Delete any credentials that reference this user for cred in self.credential_api.list_credentials(): if cred['user_id'] == user_id: self.credential_api.delete_credential(cred['id']) # Make sure any tokens are marked as deleted self._delete_tokens_for_user(user_id) # Finally delete the user itself - the backend is # responsible for deleting any role assignments related # to this user return self.identity_api.delete_user(user_id) @controller.protected def delete_user(self, context, user_id): return self._delete_user(context, user_id) class GroupV3(controller.V3Controller): collection_name = 'groups' member_name = 'group' @controller.protected def create_group(self, context, group): self._require_attribute(group, 'name') ref = self._assign_unique_id(self._normalize_dict(group)) ref = self._normalize_domain_id(context, ref) ref = self.identity_api.create_group(ref['id'], ref) return GroupV3.wrap_member(context, ref) @controller.filterprotected('domain_id', 'name') def list_groups(self, context, filters): refs = self.identity_api.list_groups() return GroupV3.wrap_collection(context, refs, filters) @controller.filterprotected('name') def list_groups_for_user(self, context, filters, user_id): refs = self.identity_api.list_groups_for_user(user_id) return GroupV3.wrap_collection(context, refs, filters) @controller.protected def get_group(self, context, group_id): ref = self.identity_api.get_group(group_id) return GroupV3.wrap_member(context, ref) @controller.protected def update_group(self, context, group_id, group): self._require_matching_id(group_id, group) ref = self.identity_api.update_group(group_id, group) return GroupV3.wrap_member(context, ref) def _delete_group(self, context, group_id): # As well as deleting the group, we need to invalidate # any tokens for the users who are members of the group. # We get the list of users before we attempt the group # deletion, so that we can remove these tokens after we know # the group deletion succeeded. user_refs = self.identity_api.list_users_in_group(group_id) self.identity_api.delete_group(group_id) for user in user_refs: self._delete_tokens_for_user(user['id']) @controller.protected def delete_group(self, context, group_id): return self._delete_group(context, group_id) class RoleV3(controller.V3Controller): collection_name = 'roles' member_name = 'role' @controller.protected def create_role(self, context, role): self._require_attribute(role, 'name') ref = self._assign_unique_id(self._normalize_dict(role)) ref = self.identity_api.create_role(ref['id'], ref) return RoleV3.wrap_member(context, ref) @controller.filterprotected('name') def list_roles(self, context, filters): refs = self.identity_api.list_roles() return RoleV3.wrap_collection(context, refs, filters) @controller.protected def get_role(self, context, role_id): ref = self.identity_api.get_role(role_id) return RoleV3.wrap_member(context, ref) @controller.protected def update_role(self, context, role_id, role): self._require_matching_id(role_id, role) ref = self.identity_api.update_role(role_id, role) return RoleV3.wrap_member(context, ref) @controller.protected def delete_role(self, context, role_id): return self.identity_api.delete_role(role_id) def _require_domain_xor_project(self, domain_id, project_id): if (domain_id and project_id) or (not domain_id and not project_id): msg = 'Specify a domain or project, not both' raise exception.ValidationError(msg) def _require_user_xor_group(self, user_id, group_id): if (user_id and group_id) or (not user_id and not group_id): msg = 'Specify a user or group, not both' raise exception.ValidationError(msg) def _check_if_inherited(self, context): return (CONF.os_inherit.enabled and context['path'].startswith('/OS-INHERIT') and context['path'].endswith('/inherited_to_projects')) @controller.protected def create_grant(self, context, role_id, user_id=None, group_id=None, domain_id=None, project_id=None): """Grants a role to a user or group on either a domain or project.""" self._require_domain_xor_project(domain_id, project_id) self._require_user_xor_group(user_id, group_id) self.identity_api.create_grant( role_id, user_id, group_id, domain_id, project_id, self._check_if_inherited(context)) @controller.protected def list_grants(self, context, user_id=None, group_id=None, domain_id=None, project_id=None): """Lists roles granted to user/group on either a domain or project.""" self._require_domain_xor_project(domain_id, project_id) self._require_user_xor_group(user_id, group_id) refs = self.identity_api.list_grants( user_id, group_id, domain_id, project_id, self._check_if_inherited(context)) return RoleV3.wrap_collection(context, refs) @controller.protected def check_grant(self, context, role_id, user_id=None, group_id=None, domain_id=None, project_id=None): """Checks if a role has been granted on either a domain or project.""" self._require_domain_xor_project(domain_id, project_id) self._require_user_xor_group(user_id, group_id) self.identity_api.get_grant( role_id, user_id, group_id, domain_id, project_id, self._check_if_inherited(context)) @controller.protected def revoke_grant(self, context, role_id, user_id=None, group_id=None, domain_id=None, project_id=None): """Revokes a role from user/group on either a domain or project.""" self._require_domain_xor_project(domain_id, project_id) self._require_user_xor_group(user_id, group_id) self.identity_api.delete_grant( role_id, user_id, group_id, domain_id, project_id, self._check_if_inherited(context)) # Now delete any tokens for this user or, in the case of a group, # tokens from all the uses who are members of this group. if user_id: self._delete_tokens_for_user(user_id) else: self._delete_tokens_for_group(group_id) class RoleAssignmentV3(controller.V3Controller): # TODO(henry-nash): The current implementation does not provide a full # first class entity for role-assignment. There is no role_assignment_id # and only the list_role_assignment call is supported. Further, since it # is not a first class entity, the links for the individual entities # reference the individual role grant APIs. collection_name = 'role_assignments' member_name = 'role_assignment' @classmethod def wrap_member(cls, context, ref): # NOTE(henry-nash): Since we are not yet a true collection, we override # the wrapper as have already included the links in the entities pass def _format_entity(self, entity): """Format an assignment entity for API response. The driver layer returns entities as dicts containing the ids of the actor (e.g. user or group), target (e.g. domain or project) and role. If it is an inherited role, then this is also indicated. Examples: {'user_id': user_id, 'project_id': domain_id, 'role_id': role_id} or, for an inherited role: {'user_id': user_id, 'domain_id': domain_id, 'role_id': role_id, 'inherited_to_projects': true} This function maps this into the format to be returned via the API, e.g. for the second example above: { 'user': { {'id': user_id} }, 'scope': { 'domain': { {'id': domain_id} }, 'OS-INHERIT:inherited_to': 'projects }, 'role': { {'id': role_id} }, 'links': { 'assignment': '/domains/domain_id/users/user_id/roles/' 'role_id/inherited_to_projects' } } """ formatted_entity = {} suffix = "" if 'user_id' in entity: formatted_entity['user'] = {'id': entity['user_id']} actor_link = 'users/%s' % entity['user_id'] if 'group_id' in entity: formatted_entity['group'] = {'id': entity['group_id']} actor_link = 'groups/%s' % entity['group_id'] if 'role_id' in entity: formatted_entity['role'] = {'id': entity['role_id']} if 'project_id' in entity: formatted_entity['scope'] = ( {'project': {'id': entity['project_id']}}) target_link = '/projects/%s' % entity['project_id'] if 'domain_id' in entity: formatted_entity['scope'] = ( {'domain': {'id': entity['domain_id']}}) if 'inherited_to_projects' in entity: formatted_entity['scope']['OS-INHERIT:inherited_to'] = ( 'projects') target_link = '/OS-INHERIT/domains/%s' % entity['domain_id'] suffix = '/inherited_to_projects' else: target_link = '/domains/%s' % entity['domain_id'] formatted_entity.setdefault('links', {}) formatted_entity['links']['assignment'] = ( self.base_url('%(target)s/%(actor)s/roles/%(role)s%(suffix)s' % { 'target': target_link, 'actor': actor_link, 'role': entity['role_id'], 'suffix': suffix})) return formatted_entity def _expand_indirect_assignments(self, refs): """Processes entity list into all-direct assignments. For any group role assignments in the list, create a role assignment entity for each member of that group, and then remove the group assignment entity itself from the list. If the OS-INHERIT extension is enabled, then honor any inherited roles on the domain by creating the equivalent on all projects owned by the domain. For any new entity created by virtue of group membership, add in an additional link to that membership. """ def _get_group_members(ref): """Get a list of group members. Get the list of group members. If this fails with GroupNotFound, then log this as a warning, but allow overall processing to continue. """ try: members = self.identity_api.list_users_in_group( ref['group']['id']) except exception.GroupNotFound: members = [] # The group is missing, which should not happen since # group deletion should remove any related assignments, so # log a warning if 'domain' in ref: target = 'Domain: %s' % ref['domain'].get('domain_id') elif 'project' in ref: target = 'Project: %s' % ref['project'].get('project_id') else: # Should always be a domain or project, but since to get # here things have gone astray, let's be cautious. target = 'Unknown' LOG.warning( _('Group %(group)s not found for role-assignment - ' '%(target)s with Role: %(role)s') % { 'group': ref['group_id'], 'target': target, 'role': ref.get('role_id')}) return members def _build_user_assignment_equivalent_of_group( user, group_id, template): """Create a user assignment equivalent to the group one. The template has had the 'group' entity removed, so substitute a 'user' one. The 'assignment' link stays as it is, referring to the group assignment that led to this role. A 'membership' link is added that refers to this particular user's membership of this group. """ user_entry = copy.deepcopy(template) user_entry['user'] = {'id': user['id']} user_entry['links']['membership'] = ( self.base_url('/groups/%s/users/%s' % (group_id, user['id']))) return user_entry def _build_project_equivalent_of_user_domain_role( project_id, domain_id, template): """Create a user project assignment equivalent to the domain one. The template has had the 'domain' entity removed, so substitute a 'project' one, modifying the 'assignment' link to match. """ project_entry = copy.deepcopy(template) project_entry['scope']['project'] = {'id': project_id} project_entry['links']['assignment'] = ( self.base_url( '/OS-INHERIT/domains/%s/users/%s/roles/%s' '/inherited_to_projects' % ( domain_id, project_entry['user']['id'], project_entry['role']['id']))) return project_entry def _build_project_equivalent_of_group_domain_role( user_id, group_id, project_id, domain_id, template): """Create a user project equivalent to the domain group one. The template has had the 'domain' and 'group' entities removed, so substitute a 'user-project' one, modifying the 'assignment' link to match. """ project_entry = copy.deepcopy(template) project_entry['user'] = {'id': user_id} project_entry['scope']['project'] = {'id': project_id} project_entry['links']['assignment'] = ( self.base_url('/OS-INHERIT/domains/%s/groups/%s/roles/%s' '/inherited_to_projects' % ( domain_id, group_id, project_entry['role']['id']))) project_entry['links']['membership'] = ( self.base_url('/groups/%s/users/%s' % (group_id, user_id))) return project_entry # Scan the list of entities for any assignments that need to be # expanded. # # If the OS-INERIT extension is enabled, the refs lists may # contain roles to be inherited from domain to project, so expand # these as well into project equivalents # # For any regular group entries, expand these into user entries based # on membership of that group. # # Due to the potentially large expansions, rather than modify the # list we are enumerating, we build a new one as we go. # new_refs = [] for r in refs: if 'OS-INHERIT:inherited_to' in r['scope']: # It's an inherited domain role - so get the list of projects # owned by this domain. A domain scope is guaranteed since we # checked this when we built the refs list project_ids = ( [x['id'] for x in self.assignment_api.list_projects( r['scope']['domain']['id'])]) base_entry = copy.deepcopy(r) domain_id = base_entry['scope']['domain']['id'] base_entry['scope'].pop('domain') # For each project, create an equivalent role assignment for p in project_ids: # If it's a group assignment, then create equivalent user # roles based on membership of the group if 'group' in base_entry: members = _get_group_members(base_entry) sub_entry = copy.deepcopy(base_entry) group_id = sub_entry['group']['id'] sub_entry.pop('group') for m in members: new_entry = ( _build_project_equivalent_of_group_domain_role( m['id'], group_id, p, domain_id, sub_entry)) new_refs.append(new_entry) else: new_entry = ( _build_project_equivalent_of_user_domain_role( p, domain_id, base_entry)) new_refs.append(new_entry) elif 'group' in r: # It's a non-inherited group role assignment, so get the list # of members. members = _get_group_members(r) # Now replace that group role assignment entry with an # equivalent user role assignment for each of the group members base_entry = copy.deepcopy(r) group_id = base_entry['group']['id'] base_entry.pop('group') for m in members: user_entry = _build_user_assignment_equivalent_of_group( m, group_id, base_entry) new_refs.append(user_entry) else: new_refs.append(r) return new_refs def _query_filter_is_true(self, filter_value): """Determine if bool query param is 'True'. We treat this the same way as we do for policy enforcement: {bool_param}=0 is treated as False Any other value is considered to be equivalent to True, including the absence of a value """ if (isinstance(filter_value, basestring) and filter_value == '0'): val = False else: val = True return val def _filter_inherited(self, entry): if ('inherited_to_projects' in entry and not CONF.os_inherit.enabled): return False else: return True @controller.filterprotected('group.id', 'role.id', 'scope.domain.id', 'scope.project.id', 'scope.OS-INHERIT:inherited_to', 'user.id') def list_role_assignments(self, context, filters): # TODO(henry-nash): This implementation uses the standard filtering # in the V3.wrap_collection. Given the large number of individual # assignments, this is pretty inefficient. An alternative would be # to pass the filters into the driver call, so that the list size is # kept a minimum. refs = self.identity_api.list_role_assignments() formatted_refs = ( [self._format_entity(x) for x in refs if self._filter_inherited(x)]) if ('effective' in context['query_string'] and self._query_filter_is_true( context['query_string']['effective'])): formatted_refs = self._expand_indirect_assignments(formatted_refs) return self.wrap_collection(context, formatted_refs, filters) @controller.protected def get_role_assignment(self, context): raise exception.NotImplemented() @controller.protected def update_role_assignment(self, context): raise exception.NotImplemented() @controller.protected def delete_role_assignment(self, context): raise exception.NotImplemented()