# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2013 OpenStack LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from keystone.common import controller from keystone.common import dependency from keystone.common import logging from keystone.common import wsgi from keystone import config from keystone import exception from keystone import identity from keystone.openstack.common import importutils from keystone import token from keystone import trust LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF = config.CONF # registry of authentication methods AUTH_METHODS = {} def load_auth_method(method_name): if method_name not in CONF.auth.methods: raise exception.AuthMethodNotSupported() driver = CONF.auth.get(method_name) return importutils.import_object(driver) def get_auth_method(method_name): global AUTH_METHODS if method_name not in AUTH_METHODS: AUTH_METHODS[method_name] = load_auth_method(method_name) return AUTH_METHODS[method_name] class AuthInfo(object): """Encapsulation of "auth" request.""" def __init__(self, context, auth=None): self.identity_api = identity.Manager() self.trust_api = trust.Manager() self.context = context self.auth = auth self._scope_data = (None, None, None) # self._scope_data is (domain_id, project_id, trust_ref) # project scope: (None, project_id, None) # domain scope: (domain_id, None, None) # trust scope: (None, None, trust_ref) # unscoped: (None, None, None) self._validate_and_normalize_auth_data() def _assert_project_is_enabled(self, project_ref): # ensure the project is enabled if not project_ref.get('enabled', True): msg = _('Project is disabled: %s') % project_ref['id'] LOG.warning(msg) raise exception.Unauthorized(msg) def _assert_domain_is_enabled(self, domain_ref): if not domain_ref.get('enabled'): msg = _('Domain is disabled: %s') % (domain_ref['id']) LOG.warning(msg) raise exception.Unauthorized(msg) def _assert_user_is_enabled(self, user_ref): if not user_ref.get('enabled', True): msg = _('User is disabled: %s') % (user_ref['id']) LOG.warning(msg) raise exception.Unauthorized(msg) def _lookup_domain(self, domain_info): domain_id = domain_info.get('id') domain_name = domain_info.get('name') domain_ref = None if not domain_id and not domain_name: raise exception.ValidationError(attribute='id or name', target='domain') try: if domain_name: domain_ref = self.identity_api.get_domain_by_name(domain_name) else: domain_ref = self.identity_api.get_domain(domain_id) except exception.DomainNotFound as e: LOG.exception(e) raise exception.Unauthorized(e) self._assert_domain_is_enabled(domain_ref) return domain_ref def _lookup_project(self, project_info): project_id = project_info.get('id') project_name = project_info.get('name') project_ref = None if not project_id and not project_name: raise exception.ValidationError(attribute='id or name', target='project') try: if project_name: if 'domain' not in project_info: raise exception.ValidationError(attribute='domain', target='project') domain_ref = self._lookup_domain(project_info['domain']) project_ref = self.identity_api.get_project_by_name( project_name, domain_ref['id']) else: project_ref = self.identity_api.get_project(project_id) except exception.ProjectNotFound as e: LOG.exception(e) raise exception.Unauthorized(e) self._assert_project_is_enabled(project_ref) return project_ref def _lookup_trust(self, trust_info): trust_id = trust_info.get('id') if not trust_id: raise exception.ValidationError(attribute='trust_id', target='trust') trust = self.trust_api.get_trust(trust_id) if not trust: raise exception.TrustNotFound(trust_id=trust_id) return trust def lookup_user(self, user_info): user_id = user_info.get('id') user_name = user_info.get('name') user_ref = None if not user_id and not user_name: raise exception.ValidationError(attribute='id or name', target='user') try: if user_name: if 'domain' not in user_info: raise exception.ValidationError(attribute='domain', target='user') domain_ref = self._lookup_domain(user_info['domain']) user_ref = self.identity_api.get_user_by_name( user_name, domain_ref['id']) else: user_ref = self.identity_api.get_user(user_id) except exception.UserNotFound as e: LOG.exception(e) raise exception.Unauthorized(e) self._assert_user_is_enabled(user_ref) return user_ref def _validate_and_normalize_scope_data(self): """Validate and normalize scope data.""" if 'scope' not in self.auth: return if sum(['project' in self.auth['scope'], 'domain' in self.auth['scope'], 'OS-TRUST:trust' in self.auth['scope']]) != 1: raise exception.ValidationError( attribute='project, domain, or OS-TRUST:trust', target='scope') if 'project' in self.auth['scope']: project_ref = self._lookup_project(self.auth['scope']['project']) self._scope_data = (None, project_ref['id'], None) elif 'domain' in self.auth['scope']: domain_ref = self._lookup_domain(self.auth['scope']['domain']) self._scope_data = (domain_ref['id'], None, None) elif 'OS-TRUST:trust' in self.auth['scope']: if not CONF.trust.enabled: raise exception.Forbidden('Trusts are disabled.') trust_ref = self._lookup_trust( self.auth['scope']['OS-TRUST:trust']) # TODO(ayoung): when trusts support domains, fill in domain data if 'project_id' in trust_ref: project_ref = self._lookup_project( {'id': trust_ref['project_id']}) self._scope_data = (None, project_ref['id'], trust_ref) else: self._scope_data = (None, None, trust_ref) def _validate_auth_methods(self): if 'identity' not in self.auth: raise exception.ValidationError(attribute='identity', target='auth') # make sure auth methods are provided if 'methods' not in self.auth['identity']: raise exception.ValidationError(attribute='methods', target='identity') # make sure all the method data/payload are provided for method_name in self.get_method_names(): if method_name not in self.auth['identity']: raise exception.ValidationError(attribute=method_name, target='identity') # make sure auth method is supported for method_name in self.get_method_names(): if method_name not in CONF.auth.methods: raise exception.AuthMethodNotSupported() def _validate_and_normalize_auth_data(self): """Make sure "auth" is valid.""" # make sure "auth" exist if not self.auth: raise exception.ValidationError(attribute='auth', target='request body') self._validate_auth_methods() self._validate_and_normalize_scope_data() def get_method_names(self): """Returns the identity method names. :returns: list of auth method names """ return self.auth['identity']['methods'] or [] def get_method_data(self, method): """Get the auth method payload. :returns: auth method payload """ if method not in self.auth['identity']['methods']: raise exception.ValidationError(attribute=method, target='identity') return self.auth['identity'][method] def get_scope(self): """Get scope information. Verify and return the scoping information. :returns: (domain_id, project_id, trust_ref). If scope to a project, (None, project_id, None) will be returned. If scoped to a domain, (domain_id, None,None) will be returned. If scoped to a trust, (None, project_id, trust_ref), Will be returned, where the project_id comes from the trust definition. If unscoped, (None, None, None) will be returned. """ return self._scope_data def set_scope(self, domain_id=None, project_id=None, trust=None): """Set scope information.""" if domain_id and project_id: msg = _('Scoping to both domain and project is not allowed') raise ValueError(msg) if domain_id and trust: msg = _('Scoping to both domain and trust is not allowed') raise ValueError(msg) if project_id and trust: msg = _('Scoping to both project and trust is not allowed') raise ValueError(msg) self._scope_data = (domain_id, project_id, trust) @dependency.requires('token_provider_api') class Auth(controller.V3Controller): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(Auth, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.token_controllers_ref = token.controllers.Auth() config.setup_authentication() def authenticate_for_token(self, context, auth=None): """Authenticate user and issue a token.""" include_catalog = 'nocatalog' not in context['query_string'] try: auth_info = AuthInfo(context, auth=auth) auth_context = {'extras': {}, 'method_names': [], 'bind': {}} self.authenticate(context, auth_info, auth_context) self._check_and_set_default_scoping(auth_info, auth_context) (domain_id, project_id, trust) = auth_info.get_scope() method_names = auth_info.get_method_names() method_names += auth_context.get('method_names', []) # make sure the list is unique method_names = list(set(method_names)) (token_id, token_data) = self.token_provider_api.issue_token( user_id=auth_context['user_id'], method_names=method_names, expires_at=auth_context.get('expires_at'), project_id=project_id, domain_id=domain_id, auth_context=auth_context, trust=trust, include_catalog=include_catalog) return render_token_data_response(token_id, token_data, created=True) except exception.TrustNotFound as e: raise exception.Unauthorized(e) def _check_and_set_default_scoping(self, auth_info, auth_context): (domain_id, project_id, trust) = auth_info.get_scope() if trust: project_id = trust['project_id'] if domain_id or project_id or trust: # scope is specified return # fill in default_project_id if it is available try: user_ref = self.identity_api.get_user(auth_context['user_id']) default_project_id = user_ref.get('default_project_id') if default_project_id: auth_info.set_scope(domain_id=None, project_id=default_project_id) except exception.UserNotFound as e: LOG.exception(e) raise exception.Unauthorized(e) def authenticate(self, context, auth_info, auth_context): """Authenticate user.""" # user have been authenticated externally if 'REMOTE_USER' in context: external = get_auth_method('external') external.authenticate(context, auth_info, auth_context) # need to aggregate the results in case two or more methods # are specified auth_response = {'methods': []} for method_name in auth_info.get_method_names(): method = get_auth_method(method_name) resp = method.authenticate(context, auth_info.get_method_data(method_name), auth_context) if resp: auth_response['methods'].append(method_name) auth_response[method_name] = resp if len(auth_response["methods"]) > 0: # authentication continuation required raise exception.AdditionalAuthRequired(auth_response) if 'user_id' not in auth_context: msg = _('User not found') raise exception.Unauthorized(msg) @controller.protected def check_token(self, context): token_id = context.get('subject_token_id') self.token_provider_api.check_token(token_id) @controller.protected def revoke_token(self, context): token_id = context.get('subject_token_id') return self.token_provider_api.revoke_token(token_id) @controller.protected def validate_token(self, context): token_id = context.get('subject_token_id') token_data = self.token_provider_api.validate_token(token_id) return render_token_data_response(token_id, token_data) @controller.protected def revocation_list(self, context, auth=None): return self.token_controllers_ref.revocation_list(context, auth) #FIXME(gyee): not sure if it belongs here or keystone.common. Park it here # for now. def render_token_data_response(token_id, token_data, created=False): """Render token data HTTP response. Stash token ID into the X-Subject-Token header. """ headers = [('X-Subject-Token', token_id)] if created: status = (201, 'Created') else: status = (200, 'OK') return wsgi.render_response(body=token_data, status=status, headers=headers)