path: root/keystone/openstack/common/rpc/
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Diffstat (limited to 'keystone/openstack/common/rpc/')
1 files changed, 521 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/keystone/openstack/common/rpc/ b/keystone/openstack/common/rpc/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef5e191c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keystone/openstack/common/rpc/
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+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import base64
+import collections
+import os
+import struct
+import time
+import requests
+from oslo.config import cfg
+from keystone.openstack.common.crypto import utils as cryptoutils
+from keystone.openstack.common import jsonutils
+from keystone.openstack.common import log as logging
+secure_message_opts = [
+ cfg.BoolOpt('enabled', default=True,
+ help='Whether Secure Messaging (Signing) is enabled,'
+ ' defaults to enabled'),
+ cfg.BoolOpt('enforced', default=False,
+ help='Whether Secure Messaging (Signing) is enforced,'
+ ' defaults to not enforced'),
+ cfg.BoolOpt('encrypt', default=False,
+ help='Whether Secure Messaging (Encryption) is enabled,'
+ ' defaults to not enabled'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('secret_keys_file',
+ help='Path to the file containing the keys, takes precedence'
+ ' over secret_key'),
+ cfg.MultiStrOpt('secret_key',
+ help='A list of keys: (ex: name:<base64 encoded key>),'
+ ' ignored if secret_keys_file is set'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('kds_endpoint',
+ help='KDS endpoint (ex:'),
+secure_message_group = cfg.OptGroup('secure_messages',
+ title='Secure Messaging options')
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class SecureMessageException(Exception):
+ """Generic Exception for Secure Messages."""
+ msg = "An unknown Secure Message related exception occurred."
+ def __init__(self, msg=None):
+ if msg is None:
+ msg = self.msg
+ super(SecureMessageException, self).__init__(msg)
+class SharedKeyNotFound(SecureMessageException):
+ """No shared key was found and no other external authentication mechanism
+ is available.
+ """
+ msg = "Shared Key for [%s] Not Found. (%s)"
+ def __init__(self, name, errmsg):
+ super(SharedKeyNotFound, self).__init__(self.msg % (name, errmsg))
+class InvalidMetadata(SecureMessageException):
+ """The metadata is invalid."""
+ msg = "Invalid metadata: %s"
+ def __init__(self, err):
+ super(InvalidMetadata, self).__init__(self.msg % err)
+class InvalidSignature(SecureMessageException):
+ """Signature validation failed."""
+ msg = "Failed to validate signature (source=%s, destination=%s)"
+ def __init__(self, src, dst):
+ super(InvalidSignature, self).__init__(self.msg % (src, dst))
+class UnknownDestinationName(SecureMessageException):
+ """The Destination name is unknown to us."""
+ msg = "Invalid destination name (%s)"
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ super(UnknownDestinationName, self).__init__(self.msg % name)
+class InvalidEncryptedTicket(SecureMessageException):
+ """The Encrypted Ticket could not be successfully handled."""
+ msg = "Invalid Ticket (source=%s, destination=%s)"
+ def __init__(self, src, dst):
+ super(InvalidEncryptedTicket, self).__init__(self.msg % (src, dst))
+class InvalidExpiredTicket(SecureMessageException):
+ """The ticket received is already expired."""
+ msg = "Expired ticket (source=%s, destination=%s)"
+ def __init__(self, src, dst):
+ super(InvalidExpiredTicket, self).__init__(self.msg % (src, dst))
+class CommunicationError(SecureMessageException):
+ """The Communication with the KDS failed."""
+ msg = "Communication Error (target=%s): %s"
+ def __init__(self, target, errmsg):
+ super(CommunicationError, self).__init__(self.msg % (target, errmsg))
+class InvalidArgument(SecureMessageException):
+ """Bad initialization argument."""
+ msg = "Invalid argument: %s"
+ def __init__(self, errmsg):
+ super(InvalidArgument, self).__init__(self.msg % errmsg)
+Ticket = collections.namedtuple('Ticket', ['skey', 'ekey', 'esek'])
+class KeyStore(object):
+ """A storage class for Signing and Encryption Keys.
+ This class creates an object that holds Generic Keys like Signing
+ Keys, Encryption Keys, Encrypted SEK Tickets ...
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._kvps = dict()
+ def _get_key_name(self, source, target, ktype):
+ return (source, target, ktype)
+ def _put(self, src, dst, ktype, expiration, data):
+ name = self._get_key_name(src, dst, ktype)
+ self._kvps[name] = (expiration, data)
+ def _get(self, src, dst, ktype):
+ name = self._get_key_name(src, dst, ktype)
+ if name in self._kvps:
+ expiration, data = self._kvps[name]
+ if expiration > time.time():
+ return data
+ else:
+ del self._kvps[name]
+ return None
+ def clear(self):
+ """Wipes the store clear of all data."""
+ self._kvps.clear()
+ def put_ticket(self, source, target, skey, ekey, esek, expiration):
+ """Puts a sek pair in the cache.
+ :param source: Client name
+ :param target: Target name
+ :param skey: The Signing Key
+ :param ekey: The Encription Key
+ :param esek: The token encrypted with the target key
+ :param expiration: Expiration time in seconds since Epoch
+ """
+ keys = Ticket(skey, ekey, esek)
+ self._put(source, target, 'ticket', expiration, keys)
+ def get_ticket(self, source, target):
+ """Returns a Ticket (skey, ekey, esek) namedtuple for the
+ source/target pair.
+ """
+ return self._get(source, target, 'ticket')
+_KEY_STORE = KeyStore()
+class _KDSClient(object):
+ USER_AGENT = 'oslo-incubator/rpc'
+ def __init__(self, endpoint=None, timeout=None):
+ """A KDS Client class."""
+ self._endpoint = endpoint
+ if timeout is not None:
+ self.timeout = float(timeout)
+ else:
+ self.timeout = None
+ def _do_get(self, url, request):
+ req_kwargs = dict()
+ req_kwargs['headers'] = dict()
+ req_kwargs['headers']['User-Agent'] = self.USER_AGENT
+ req_kwargs['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ req_kwargs['data'] = jsonutils.dumps({'request': request})
+ if self.timeout is not None:
+ req_kwargs['timeout'] = self.timeout
+ try:
+ resp = requests.get(url, **req_kwargs)
+ except requests.ConnectionError as e:
+ err = "Unable to establish connection. %s" % e
+ raise CommunicationError(url, err)
+ return resp
+ def _get_reply(self, url, resp):
+ if resp.text:
+ try:
+ body = jsonutils.loads(resp.text)
+ reply = body['reply']
+ except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
+ msg = "Failed to decode reply: %s" % resp.text
+ raise CommunicationError(url, msg)
+ else:
+ msg = "No reply data was returned."
+ raise CommunicationError(url, msg)
+ return reply
+ def _get_ticket(self, request, url=None, redirects=10):
+ """Send an HTTP request.
+ Wraps around 'requests' to handle redirects and common errors.
+ """
+ if url is None:
+ if not self._endpoint:
+ raise CommunicationError(url, 'Endpoint not configured')
+ url = self._endpoint + '/kds/ticket'
+ while redirects:
+ resp = self._do_get(url, request)
+ if resp.status_code in (301, 302, 305):
+ # Redirected. Reissue the request to the new location.
+ url = resp.headers['location']
+ redirects -= 1
+ continue
+ elif resp.status_code != 200:
+ msg = "Request returned failure status: %s (%s)"
+ err = msg % (resp.status_code, resp.text)
+ raise CommunicationError(url, err)
+ return self._get_reply(url, resp)
+ raise CommunicationError(url, "Too many redirections, giving up!")
+ def get_ticket(self, source, target, crypto, key):
+ # prepare metadata
+ md = {'requestor': source,
+ 'target': target,
+ 'timestamp': time.time(),
+ 'nonce': struct.unpack('Q', os.urandom(8))[0]}
+ metadata = base64.b64encode(jsonutils.dumps(md))
+ # sign metadata
+ signature = crypto.sign(key, metadata)
+ # HTTP request
+ reply = self._get_ticket({'metadata': metadata,
+ 'signature': signature})
+ # verify reply
+ signature = crypto.sign(key, (reply['metadata'] + reply['ticket']))
+ if signature != reply['signature']:
+ raise InvalidEncryptedTicket(md['source'], md['destination'])
+ md = jsonutils.loads(base64.b64decode(reply['metadata']))
+ if ((md['source'] != source or
+ md['destination'] != target or
+ md['expiration'] < time.time())):
+ raise InvalidEncryptedTicket(md['source'], md['destination'])
+ # return ticket data
+ tkt = jsonutils.loads(crypto.decrypt(key, reply['ticket']))
+ return tkt, md['expiration']
+# we need to keep a global nonce, as this value should never repeat non
+# matter how many SecureMessage objects we create
+_NONCE = None
+def _get_nonce():
+ """We keep a single counter per instance, as it is so huge we can't
+ possibly cycle through within 1/100 of a second anyway.
+ """
+ global _NONCE
+ # Lazy initialize, for now get a random value, multiply by 2^32 and
+ # use it as the nonce base. The counter itself will rotate after
+ # 2^32 increments.
+ if _NONCE is None:
+ _NONCE = [struct.unpack('I', os.urandom(4))[0], 0]
+ # Increment counter and wrap at 2^32
+ _NONCE[1] += 1
+ if _NONCE[1] > 0xffffffff:
+ _NONCE[1] = 0
+ # Return base + counter
+ return long((_NONCE[0] * 0xffffffff)) + _NONCE[1]
+class SecureMessage(object):
+ """A Secure Message object.
+ This class creates a signing/encryption facility for RPC messages.
+ It encapsulates all the necessary crypto primitives to insulate
+ regular code from the intricacies of message authentication, validation
+ and optionally encryption.
+ :param topic: The topic name of the queue
+ :param host: The server name, together with the topic it forms a unique
+ name that is used to source signing keys, and verify
+ incoming messages.
+ :param conf: a ConfigOpts object
+ :param key: (optional) explicitly pass in endpoint private key.
+ If not provided it will be sourced from the service config
+ :param key_store: (optional) Storage class for local caching
+ :param encrypt: (defaults to False) Whether to encrypt messages
+ :param enctype: (defaults to AES) Cipher to use
+ :param hashtype: (defaults to SHA256) Hash function to use for signatures
+ """
+ def __init__(self, topic, host, conf, key=None, key_store=None,
+ encrypt=None, enctype='AES', hashtype='SHA256'):
+ conf.register_group(secure_message_group)
+ conf.register_opts(secure_message_opts, group='secure_messages')
+ self._name = '%s.%s' % (topic, host)
+ self._key = key
+ self._conf = conf.secure_messages
+ self._encrypt = self._conf.encrypt if (encrypt is None) else encrypt
+ self._crypto = cryptoutils.SymmetricCrypto(enctype, hashtype)
+ self._hkdf = cryptoutils.HKDF(hashtype)
+ self._kds = _KDSClient(self._conf.kds_endpoint)
+ if self._key is None:
+ self._key = self._init_key(topic, self._name)
+ if self._key is None:
+ err = "Secret Key (or key file) is missing or malformed"
+ raise SharedKeyNotFound(self._name, err)
+ self._key_store = key_store or _KEY_STORE
+ def _init_key(self, topic, name):
+ keys = None
+ if self._conf.secret_keys_file:
+ with open(self._conf.secret_keys_file, 'r') as f:
+ keys = f.readlines()
+ elif self._conf.secret_key:
+ keys = self._conf.secret_key
+ if keys is None:
+ return None
+ for k in keys:
+ if k[0] == '#':
+ continue
+ if ':' not in k:
+ break
+ svc, key = k.split(':', 1)
+ if svc == topic or svc == name:
+ return base64.b64decode(key)
+ return None
+ def _split_key(self, key, size):
+ sig_key = key[:size]
+ enc_key = key[size:]
+ return sig_key, enc_key
+ def _decode_esek(self, key, source, target, timestamp, esek):
+ """This function decrypts the esek buffer passed in and returns a
+ KeyStore to be used to check and decrypt the received message.
+ :param key: The key to use to decrypt the ticket (esek)
+ :param source: The name of the source service
+ :param traget: The name of the target service
+ :param timestamp: The incoming message timestamp
+ :param esek: a base64 encoded encrypted block containing a JSON string
+ """
+ rkey = None
+ try:
+ s = self._crypto.decrypt(key, esek)
+ j = jsonutils.loads(s)
+ rkey = base64.b64decode(j['key'])
+ expiration = j['timestamp'] + j['ttl']
+ if j['timestamp'] > timestamp or timestamp > expiration:
+ raise InvalidExpiredTicket(source, target)
+ except Exception:
+ raise InvalidEncryptedTicket(source, target)
+ info = '%s,%s,%s' % (source, target, str(j['timestamp']))
+ sek = self._hkdf.expand(rkey, info, len(key) * 2)
+ return self._split_key(sek, len(key))
+ def _get_ticket(self, target):
+ """This function will check if we already have a SEK for the specified
+ target in the cache, or will go and try to fetch a new SEK from the key
+ server.
+ :param target: The name of the target service
+ """
+ ticket = self._key_store.get_ticket(self._name, target)
+ if ticket is not None:
+ return ticket
+ tkt, expiration = self._kds.get_ticket(self._name, target,
+ self._crypto, self._key)
+ self._key_store.put_ticket(self._name, target,
+ base64.b64decode(tkt['skey']),
+ base64.b64decode(tkt['ekey']),
+ tkt['esek'], expiration)
+ return self._key_store.get_ticket(self._name, target)
+ def encode(self, version, target, json_msg):
+ """This is the main encoding function.
+ It takes a target and a message and returns a tuple consisting of a
+ JSON serialized metadata object, a JSON serialized (and optionally
+ encrypted) message, and a signature.
+ :param version: the current envelope version
+ :param target: The name of the target service (usually with hostname)
+ :param json_msg: a serialized json message object
+ """
+ ticket = self._get_ticket(target)
+ metadata = jsonutils.dumps({'source': self._name,
+ 'destination': target,
+ 'timestamp': time.time(),
+ 'nonce': _get_nonce(),
+ 'esek': ticket.esek,
+ 'encryption': self._encrypt})
+ message = json_msg
+ if self._encrypt:
+ message = self._crypto.encrypt(ticket.ekey, message)
+ signature = self._crypto.sign(ticket.skey,
+ version + metadata + message)
+ return (metadata, message, signature)
+ def decode(self, version, metadata, message, signature):
+ """This is the main decoding function.
+ It takes a version, metadata, message and signature strings and
+ returns a tuple with a (decrypted) message and metadata or raises
+ an exception in case of error.
+ :param version: the current envelope version
+ :param metadata: a JSON serialized object with metadata for validation
+ :param message: a JSON serialized (base64 encoded encrypted) message
+ :param signature: a base64 encoded signature
+ """
+ md = jsonutils.loads(metadata)
+ check_args = ('source', 'destination', 'timestamp',
+ 'nonce', 'esek', 'encryption')
+ for arg in check_args:
+ if arg not in md:
+ raise InvalidMetadata('Missing metadata "%s"' % arg)
+ if md['destination'] != self._name:
+ # TODO(simo) handle group keys by checking target
+ raise UnknownDestinationName(md['destination'])
+ try:
+ skey, ekey = self._decode_esek(self._key,
+ md['source'], md['destination'],
+ md['timestamp'], md['esek'])
+ except InvalidExpiredTicket:
+ raise
+ except Exception:
+ raise InvalidMetadata('Failed to decode ESEK for %s/%s' % (
+ md['source'], md['destination']))
+ sig = self._crypto.sign(skey, version + metadata + message)
+ if sig != signature:
+ raise InvalidSignature(md['source'], md['destination'])
+ if md['encryption'] is True:
+ msg = self._crypto.decrypt(ekey, message)
+ else:
+ msg = message
+ return (md, msg)