path: root/keystone/common/
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Diffstat (limited to 'keystone/common/')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/keystone/common/ b/keystone/common/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c5e9b770
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keystone/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+Dict <--> XML de/serializer.
+The identity API prefers attributes over elements, so we serialize that way
+by convention, with a few hardcoded exceptions.
+from lxml import etree
+import re
+DOCTYPE = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
+XMLNS = ''
+def from_xml(xml):
+ """Deserialize XML to a dictionary."""
+ if xml is None:
+ return None
+ deserializer = XmlDeserializer()
+ return deserializer(xml)
+def to_xml(d, xmlns=None):
+ """Serialize a dictionary to XML."""
+ if d is None:
+ return None
+ serialize = XmlSerializer()
+ return serialize(d, xmlns)
+class XmlDeserializer(object):
+ def __call__(self, xml_str):
+ """Returns a dictionary populated by decoding the given xml string."""
+ dom = etree.fromstring(xml_str.strip())
+ return self.walk_element(dom)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _tag_name(tag):
+ """Remove the namespace from the tagname.
+ TODO(dolph): We might care about the namespace at some point.
+ >>> XmlDeserializer._tag_name('{xmlNamespace}tagName')
+ 'tagName'
+ """
+ m ='[^}]+$', tag)
+ return m.string[m.start():]
+ def walk_element(self, element):
+ """Populates a dictionary by walking an etree element."""
+ values = {}
+ for k, v in element.attrib.iteritems():
+ # boolean-looking attributes become booleans in JSON
+ if k in ['enabled']:
+ if v in ['true']:
+ v = True
+ elif v in ['false']:
+ v = False
+ values[k] = v
+ text = None
+ if element.text is not None:
+ text = element.text.strip()
+ # current spec does not have attributes on an element with text
+ values = values or text or {}
+ for child in [self.walk_element(x) for x in element]:
+ values = dict(values.items() + child.items())
+ return {XmlDeserializer._tag_name(element.tag): values}
+class XmlSerializer(object):
+ def __call__(self, d, xmlns=None):
+ """Returns an xml etree populated by the given dictionary.
+ Optionally, namespace the etree by specifying an ``xmlns``.
+ """
+ # FIXME(dolph): skipping links for now
+ for key in d.keys():
+ if '_links' in key:
+ d.pop(key)
+ assert len(d.keys()) == 1, ('Cannot encode more than one root '
+ 'element: %s' % d.keys())
+ # name the root dom element
+ name = d.keys()[0]
+ # only the root dom element gets an xlmns
+ root = etree.Element(name, xmlns=(xmlns or XMLNS))
+ self.populate_element(root, d[name])
+ # TODO(dolph): you can get a doctype from lxml, using ElementTrees
+ return '%s\n%s' % (DOCTYPE, etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True))
+ def _populate_list(self, element, k, v):
+ """Populates an element with a key & list value."""
+ # spec has a lot of inconsistency here!
+ container = element
+ if k == 'media-types':
+ # xsd compliance: <media-types> contains <media-type>s
+ # find an existing <media-types> element or make one
+ container = element.find('media-types')
+ if container is None:
+ container = etree.Element(k)
+ element.append(container)
+ name = k[:-1]
+ elif k == 'serviceCatalog':
+ # xsd compliance: <serviceCatalog> contains <service>s
+ container = etree.Element(k)
+ element.append(container)
+ name = 'service'
+ elif k == 'values' and element.tag[-1] == 's':
+ # OS convention is to contain lists in a 'values' element,
+ # so the list itself can have attributes, which is
+ # unnecessary in XML
+ name = element.tag[:-1]
+ elif k[-1] == 's':
+ name = k[:-1]
+ else:
+ name = k
+ for item in v:
+ child = etree.Element(name)
+ self.populate_element(child, item)
+ container.append(child)
+ def _populate_dict(self, element, k, v):
+ """Populates an element with a key & dictionary value."""
+ child = etree.Element(k)
+ self.populate_element(child, v)
+ element.append(child)
+ def _populate_bool(self, element, k, v):
+ """Populates an element with a key & boolean value."""
+ # booleans are 'true' and 'false'
+ element.set(k, unicode(v).lower())
+ def _populate_str(self, element, k, v):
+ """Populates an element with a key & string value."""
+ if k in ['description']:
+ # always becomes an element
+ child = etree.Element(k)
+ child.text = unicode(v)
+ element.append(child)
+ else:
+ # add attributes to the current element
+ element.set(k, unicode(v))
+ def _populate_number(self, element, k, v):
+ """Populates an element with a key & numeric value."""
+ # numbers can be handled as strings
+ self._populate_str(element, k, v)
+ def populate_element(self, element, value):
+ """Populates an etree with the given value."""
+ if isinstance(value, list):
+ self._populate_sequence(element, value)
+ elif isinstance(value, dict):
+ self._populate_tree(element, value)
+ def _populate_sequence(self, element, l):
+ """Populates an etree with a sequence of elements, given a list."""
+ # xsd compliance: child elements are singular: <users> has <user>s
+ name = element.tag
+ if element.tag[-1] == 's':
+ name = element.tag[:-1]
+ for item in l:
+ child = etree.Element(name)
+ self.populate_element(child, item)
+ element.append(child)
+ def _populate_tree(self, element, d):
+ """Populates an etree with attributes & elements, given a dict."""
+ for k, v in d.iteritems():
+ if isinstance(v, dict):
+ self._populate_dict(element, k, v)
+ elif isinstance(v, list):
+ self._populate_list(element, k, v)
+ elif isinstance(v, bool):
+ self._populate_bool(element, k, v)
+ elif isinstance(v, basestring):
+ self._populate_str(element, k, v)
+ elif type(v) in [int, float, long, complex]:
+ self._populate_number(element, k, v)