diff options
3 files changed, 524 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/jwcrypto/ b/jwcrypto/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7845b26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jwcrypto/
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 JWCrypto Project Contributors - see LICENSE file
+from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
+from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes, hmac
+from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.padding import PKCS7
+from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding
+from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
+from jwcrypto.common import base64url_encode, base64url_decode
+from jwcrypto.common import InvalidJWAAlgorithm
+from jwcrypto.jwk import JWK
+import json
+import os
+import zlib
+# draft-ietf-jose-json-web-encryption-40 - 4.1
+# name: (description, supported?)
+JWEHeaderRegistry = {'alg': ('Algorithm', True),
+ 'enc': ('Encryption Algorithm', True),
+ 'zip': ('Compression Algorithm', True),
+ 'jku': ('JWK Set URL', False),
+ 'jwk': ('JSON Web Key', False),
+ 'kid': ('Key ID', True),
+ 'x5u': ('X.509 URL', False),
+ 'x5c': ('X.509 Certificate Chain', False),
+ 'x5t': ('X.509 Certificate SHA-1 Thumbprint', False),
+ 'x5t#S256': ('X.509 Certificate SHA-256 Thumbprint',
+ False),
+ 'typ': ('Type', True),
+ 'cty': ('Content Type', True),
+ 'crit': ('Critical', True)}
+class InvalidJWEData(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, message=None, exception=None):
+ msg = None
+ if message:
+ msg = message
+ else:
+ msg = 'Unknown Data Verification Failure'
+ if exception:
+ msg += ' {%s}' % str(exception)
+ super(InvalidJWEData, self).__init__(msg)
+class InvalidCEKeyLength(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, expected, obtained):
+ msg = 'Expected key og length %d, got %d' % (expected, obtained)
+ super(InvalidCEKeyLength, self).__init__(msg)
+class InvalidJWEOperation(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, message=None, exception=None):
+ msg = None
+ if message:
+ msg = message
+ else:
+ msg = 'Unknown Operation Failure'
+ if exception:
+ msg += ' {%s}' % str(exception)
+ super(InvalidJWEOperation, self).__init__(msg)
+class _raw_key_mgmt(object):
+ def wrap(self, key, keylen, cek):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def unwrap(self, key, ek):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class _rsa(_raw_key_mgmt):
+ def __init__(self, padfn):
+ self.padfn = padfn
+ def wrap(self, key, keylen, cek):
+ if not cek:
+ cek = os.urandom(keylen)
+ rk = key.encrypt_key()
+ ek = rk.encrypt(cek, self.padfn)
+ return (cek, ek)
+ def unwrap(self, key, ek):
+ rk = key.decrypt_key()
+ cek = rk.decrypt(ek, self.padfn)
+ return cek
+class _direct(_raw_key_mgmt):
+ def wrap(self, key, keylen, cek):
+ if cek:
+ return (cek, None)
+ k = base64url_decode(key.encrypt_key())
+ if len(k) != keylen:
+ raise InvalidCEKeyLength(keylen, len(k))
+ return (k, '')
+ def unwrap(self, key, ek):
+ if ek != '':
+ raise InvalidJWEData('Invalid Encryption Key.')
+ return base64url_decode(key.decrypt_key())
+class _raw_jwe(object):
+ def encode_int(self, n, l):
+ e = hex(n).rstrip("L").lstrip("0x")
+ L = (l + 7) / 8 # number of bytes rounded up
+ e = '0' * (L * 2 - len(e)) + e # pad as necessary
+ return e.decode('hex')
+ def encrypt(self, k, a, m):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def decrypt(self, k, a, iv, e, t):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class _aes_cbc_hmac_sha2(_raw_jwe):
+ def __init__(self, hashfn, keybits):
+ self.backend = default_backend()
+ self.hashfn = hashfn
+ self.blocksize = keybits / 8
+ @property
+ def key_size(self):
+ return self.blocksize * 2
+ def _mac(self, k, a, iv, e):
+ al = self.encode_int(len(a * 8), 64)
+ h = hmac.HMAC(k, self.hashfn, backend=self.backend)
+ h.update(a)
+ h.update(iv)
+ h.update(e)
+ h.update(al)
+ m = h.finalize()
+ return m[:self.blocksize]
+ # draft-ietf-jose-json-web-algorithms-40 - 5.2.2
+ def encrypt(self, k, a, m):
+ """ Encrypt accoriding to the selected encryption and hashing
+ functions.
+ :param k: Encryption key (optional)
+ :param a: Additional Authentication Data
+ :param m: Plaintext
+ Returns a dictionary with the computed data.
+ """
+ hkey = k[:self.blocksize]
+ ekey = k[self.blocksize:]
+ # encrypt
+ iv = os.urandom(self.blocksize)
+ cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(ekey), modes.CBC(iv),
+ backend=self.backend)
+ encryptor = cipher.encryptor()
+ padder = PKCS7(self.blocksize * 8).padder()
+ padded_data = padder.update(m) + padder.finalize()
+ e = encryptor.update(padded_data) + encryptor.finalize()
+ # mac
+ t = self._mac(hkey, a, iv, e)
+ return (iv, e, t)
+ def decrypt(self, k, a, iv, e, t):
+ """ Decrypt accoriding to the selected encryption and hashing
+ functions.
+ :param k: Encryption key (optional)
+ :param a: Additional Authenticated Data
+ :param iv: Initialization Vector
+ :param e: Ciphertext
+ :param t: Authentication Tag
+ Returns plaintext or raises an error
+ """
+ hkey = k[:self.blocksize]
+ dkey = k[self.blocksize:]
+ # verify mac
+ if t != self._mac(hkey, a, iv, e):
+ raise InvalidJWEData('Failed to verify MAC')
+ # decrypt
+ cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(dkey), modes.CBC(iv),
+ backend=self.backend)
+ decryptor = cipher.decryptor()
+ d = decryptor.update(e) + decryptor.finalize()
+ unpadder = PKCS7(self.blocksize * 8).unpadder()
+ return unpadder.update(d) + unpadder.finalize()
+class JWE(object):
+ def __init__(self, plaintext=None, protected=None, unprotected=None,
+ aad=None):
+ """ Generates or verifies Generic JWE tokens.
+ See draft-ietf-jose-json-web-signature-41
+ :param plaintext(bytes): An arbitrary plaintext to be encrypted
+ :param protected(json): The shared protected header
+ :param unprotected(json): The shared unprotected header
+ :param aad(bytes): Arbitrary additional authenticated data
+ """
+ self.objects = {'recipients': list()}
+ self.plaintext = plaintext
+ self.cek = None
+ if aad:
+ self.objects['aad'] = aad
+ if protected:
+ _ = json.loads(protected) # check header encoding
+ self.objects['protected'] = protected
+ if unprotected:
+ _ = json.loads(unprotected) # check header encoding
+ self.objects['unprotected'] = unprotected
+ # key wrapping mechanisms
+ def _jwa_RSA1_5(self):
+ return _rsa(padding.PKCS1v15())
+ def _jwa_dir(self):
+ return _direct()
+ # content encryption mechanisms
+ def _jwa_A128CBC_HS256(self):
+ return _aes_cbc_hmac_sha2(hashes.SHA256(), 128)
+ def _jwa(self, name):
+ attr = '_jwa_%s' % name.replace('-', '_').replace('+', '_')
+ try:
+ return getattr(self, attr)()
+ except (KeyError, AttributeError):
+ raise InvalidJWAAlgorithm()
+ def merge_headers(self, h1, h2):
+ for k in h1.keys():
+ if k in h2:
+ raise InvalidJWEData('Duplicate header: "%s"' % k)
+ h1.update(h2)
+ return h1
+ def add_recipient(self, key, header=None):
+ """ Encrypt the provided payload with the given key.
+ :param key: A JWK key of appropriate type for the "alg"
+ provided in the 'protected' json string.
+ See draft-ietf-jose-json-web-key-41
+ :param header: A JSON string representing the per-recipient header.
+ """
+ if self.plaintext is None:
+ raise ValueError('Missing plaintext')
+ if not isinstance(key, JWK):
+ raise ValueError('key is not a JWK object')
+ ph = json.loads(self.objects['protected'])
+ if 'unprotected' in self.objects:
+ uh = json.loads(self.objects['unprotected'])
+ ph = self.merge_headers(ph, uh)
+ if header:
+ rh = json.loads('header')
+ ph = self.merge_headers(ph, rh)
+ alg = self._jwa(ph.get('alg', None))
+ enc = self._jwa(ph.get('enc', None))
+ rec = dict()
+ if header:
+ rec['header'] = header
+ self.cek, ek = alg.wrap(key, enc.key_size, self.cek)
+ if ek:
+ rec['encrypted_key'] = ek
+ if 'ciphertext' not in self.objects:
+ aad = base64url_encode(self.objects.get('protected', ''))
+ if 'aad' in self.objects:
+ aad += '.' + base64url_encode(self.objects['aad'])
+ compress = ph.get('zip', None)
+ if compress == 'DEF':
+ data = zlib.compress(self.plaintext)[2:-4]
+ elif compress is None:
+ data = self.plaintext
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Unknown compression')
+ iv, ciphertext, tag = enc.encrypt(self.cek, aad, data)
+ self.objects['iv'] = iv
+ self.objects['ciphertext'] = ciphertext
+ self.objects['tag'] = tag
+ self.objects['recipients'].append(rec)
+ def serialize(self, compact=False):
+ if 'ciphertext' not in self.objects:
+ raise InvalidJWEOperation("No available ciphertext")
+ if compact:
+ for invalid in 'aad', 'unprotected':
+ if invalid in self.objects:
+ raise InvalidJWEOperation("Can't use compact encoding")
+ if len(self.objects['recipients']) != 1:
+ raise InvalidJWEOperation("Invalid number of recipients")
+ rec = self.objects['recipients'][0]
+ return '.'.join([base64url_encode(self.objects['protected']),
+ base64url_encode(rec['encrypted_key']),
+ base64url_encode(self.objects['iv']),
+ base64url_encode(self.objects['ciphertext']),
+ base64url_encode(self.objects['tag'])])
+ else:
+ obj = self.objects
+ enc = {'ciphertext': base64url_encode(obj['ciphertext']),
+ 'iv': base64url_encode(obj['iv']),
+ 'tag': base64url_encode(self.objects['tag']),
+ 'recipients': list()}
+ if 'protected' in obj:
+ enc['protected'] = base64url_encode(obj['protected'])
+ if 'unprotected' in obj:
+ enc['unprotected'] = json.loads(obj['unprotected'])
+ if 'aad' in obj:
+ enc['aad'] = base64url_encode(obj['aad'])
+ for rec in obj['recipients']:
+ e = dict()
+ if 'encrypted_key' in rec:
+ e['encrypted_key'] = base64url_encode(rec['encrypted_key'])
+ if 'header' in rec:
+ e['header'] = json.loads(rec['header'])
+ rec['recipients'].append(e)
+ return json.dumps(enc)
+ def check_crit(self, crit):
+ for k in crit:
+ if k not in JWEHeaderRegistry:
+ raise InvalidJWEData('Unknown critical header: "%s"' % k)
+ else:
+ if not JWEHeaderRegistry[k][1]:
+ raise InvalidJWEData('Unsupported critical header: '
+ '"%s"' % k)
+ # FIXME: allow to specify which algorithms to accept as valid
+ def decrypt(self, key):
+ if not isinstance(key, JWK):
+ raise ValueError('key is not a JWK object')
+ if 'ciphertext' not in self.objects:
+ raise InvalidJWEOperation("No available ciphertext")
+ for rec in self.objects['recipients']:
+ ph = json.loads(self.objects['protected'])
+ if 'unprotected' in self.objects:
+ uh = json.loads(self.objects['unprotected'])
+ ph = self.merge_headers(ph, uh)
+ if 'header' in rec:
+ rh = json.loads(rec['header'])
+ ph = self.merge_headers(ph, rh)
+ # TODO: allow caller to specify list of headers it understands
+ if 'crit' in ph:
+ self.check_crit(ph['crit'])
+ alg = self._jwa(ph.get('alg', None))
+ enc = self._jwa(ph.get('enc', None))
+ aad = base64url_encode(self.objects.get('protected', ''))
+ if 'aad' in self.objects:
+ aad += '.' + base64url_encode(self.objects['aad'])
+ cek = alg.unwrap(key, rec['encrypted_key'])
+ data = enc.decrypt(cek, aad, self.objects['iv'],
+ self.objects['ciphertext'],
+ self.objects['tag'])
+ compress = ph.get('zip', None)
+ if compress == 'DEF':
+ self.plaintext = zlib.decompress(data, -zlib.MAX_WBITS)
+ elif compress is None:
+ self.plaintext = data
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Unknown compression')
+ def deserialize(self, raw_jwe, key=None):
+ """ Destroys any current status and tries to import the raw
+ JWS provided.
+ """
+ self.objects = dict()
+ o = dict()
+ try:
+ try:
+ djwe = json.loads(raw_jwe)
+ _ = djwe
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ except ValueError:
+ c = raw_jwe.split('.')
+ if len(c) != 5:
+ raise InvalidJWEData()
+ o['protected'] = base64url_decode(str(c[0]))
+ o['iv'] = base64url_decode(str(c[2]))
+ o['ciphertext'] = base64url_decode(str(c[3]))
+ o['tag'] = base64url_decode(str(c[4]))
+ o['recipients'] = [{'encrypted_key':
+ base64url_decode(str(c[1]))}]
+ self.objects = o
+ if key:
+ self.decrypt(key)
+ except Exception, e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
+ raise InvalidJWEData('Invalid format', e)
diff --git a/jwcrypto/ b/jwcrypto/
index 25744ef..f689930 100644
--- a/jwcrypto/
+++ b/jwcrypto/
@@ -189,29 +189,36 @@ class JWK(object):
def _decode_int(self, n):
return int(base64url_decode(n).encode('hex'), 16)
+ def _rsa_pub(self, k):
+ return rsa.RSAPublicNumbers(self._decode_int(k['e']),
+ self._decode_int(k['n']))
+ def _rsa_pri(self, k):
+ return rsa.RSAPrivateNumbers(self._decode_int(k['p']),
+ self._decode_int(k['q']),
+ self._decode_int(k['d']),
+ self._decode_int(k['dp']),
+ self._decode_int(k['dq']),
+ self._decode_int(k['qi']),
+ self._rsa_pub(k))
+ def _ec_pub(self, k, curve):
+ return ec.EllipticCurvePublicNumbers(self._decode_int(k['x']),
+ self._decode_int(k['y']),
+ self.get_curve(curve))
+ def _ec_pri(self, k, curve):
+ return ec.EllipticCurvePrivateNumbers(self._decode_int(k['d']),
+ self._ec_pub(k, curve))
def sign_key(self, arg=None):
self._check_constraints('sig', 'sign')
if self._params['kty'] == 'oct':
return self._key['k']
elif self._params['kty'] == 'RSA':
- k = self._key
- pub = rsa.RSAPublicNumbers(self._decode_int(k['e']),
- self._decode_int(k['n']))
- pri = rsa.RSAPrivateNumbers(self._decode_int(k['p']),
- self._decode_int(k['q']),
- self._decode_int(k['d']),
- self._decode_int(k['dp']),
- self._decode_int(k['dq']),
- self._decode_int(k['qi']), pub)
- return pri.private_key(default_backend())
+ return self._rsa_pri(self._key).private_key(default_backend())
elif self._params['kty'] == 'EC':
- k = self._key
- pub = ec.EllipticCurvePublicNumbers(self._decode_int(k['x']),
- self._decode_int(k['y']),
- self.get_curve(arg))
- pri = ec.EllipticCurvePrivateNumbers(self._decode_int(k['d']),
- pub)
- return pri.private_key(default_backend())
+ return self._ec_pri(self._key, arg).private_key(default_backend())
raise NotImplementedError
@@ -220,16 +227,31 @@ class JWK(object):
if self._params['kty'] == 'oct':
return self._key['k']
elif self._params['kty'] == 'RSA':
- k = self._key
- pub = rsa.RSAPublicNumbers(self._decode_int(k['e']),
- self._decode_int(k['n']))
- return pub.public_key(default_backend())
+ return self._rsa_pub(self._key).public_key(default_backend())
+ elif self._params['kty'] == 'EC':
+ return self._ec_pub(self._key, arg).public_key(default_backend())
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def encrypt_key(self, arg=None):
+ self._check_constraints('enc', 'encrypt')
+ if self._params['kty'] == 'oct':
+ return self._key['k']
+ elif self._params['kty'] == 'RSA':
+ return self._rsa_pub(self._key).public_key(default_backend())
+ elif self._params['kty'] == 'EC':
+ return self._ec_pub(self._key, arg).public_key(default_backend())
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def decrypt_key(self, arg=None):
+ self._check_constraints('enc', 'decrypt')
+ if self._params['kty'] == 'oct':
+ return self._key['k']
+ elif self._params['kty'] == 'RSA':
+ return self._rsa_pri(self._key).private_key(default_backend())
elif self._params['kty'] == 'EC':
- k = self._key
- pub = ec.EllipticCurvePublicNumbers(self._decode_int(k['x']),
- self._decode_int(k['y']),
- self.get_curve(arg))
- return pub.public_key(default_backend())
+ return self._ec_pri(self._key, arg).private_key(default_backend())
raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/jwcrypto/ b/jwcrypto/
index 881dfd7..181ca6f 100644
--- a/jwcrypto/
+++ b/jwcrypto/
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
from jwcrypto.common import base64url_decode
from jwcrypto import jwk
from jwcrypto import jws
+from jwcrypto import jwe
import json
import unittest
@@ -434,3 +435,65 @@ class TestJWS(unittest.TestCase):
S = jws.JWS(A6_example['payload'])
self.assertEqual(False, S.objects['valid'])
+E_A2_plaintext = "Live long and prosper."
+E_A2_protected = "eyJhbGciOiJSU0ExXzUiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0"
+E_A2_key = \
+ {"kty": "RSA",
+ "n": "sXchDaQebHnPiGvyDOAT4saGEUetSyo9MKLOoWFsueri23bOdgWp4Dy1Wl"
+ "UzewbgBHod5pcM9H95GQRV3JDXboIRROSBigeC5yjU1hGzHHyXss8UDpre"
+ "cbAYxknTcQkhslANGRUZmdTOQ5qTRsLAt6BTYuyvVRdhS8exSZEy_c4gs_"
+ "7svlJJQ4H9_NxsiIoLwAEk7-Q3UXERGYw_75IDrGA84-lA_-Ct4eTlXHBI"
+ "Y2EaV7t7LjJaynVJCpkv4LKjTTAumiGUIuQhrNhZLuF_RJLqHpM2kgWFLU"
+ "7-VTdL1VbC2tejvcI2BlMkEpk1BzBZI0KQB0GaDWFLN-aEAw3vRw",
+ "e": "AQAB",
+ "d": "VFCWOqXr8nvZNyaaJLXdnNPXZKRaWCjkU5Q2egQQpTBMwhprMzWzpR8Sxq"
+ "1OPThh_J6MUD8Z35wky9b8eEO0pwNS8xlh1lOFRRBoNqDIKVOku0aZb-ry"
+ "nq8cxjDTLZQ6Fz7jSjR1Klop-YKaUHc9GsEofQqYruPhzSA-QgajZGPbE_"
+ "-VvXLO5VZfCUAVLgW4dpf1SrtZjSt34YLsRarSb127reG_DUwg9Ch-Kyvj"
+ "T1SkHgUWRVGcyly7uvVGRSDwsXypdrNinPA4jlhoNdizK2zF2CWQ",
+ "p": "9gY2w6I6S6L0juEKsbeDAwpd9WMfgqFoeA9vEyEUuk4kLwBKcoe1x4HG68"
+ "ik918hdDSE9vDQSccA3xXHOAFOPJ8R9EeIAbTi1VwBYnbTp87X-xcPWlEP"
+ "krdoUKW60tgs1aNd_Nnc9LEVVPMS390zbFxt8TN_biaBgelNgbC95sM",
+ "q": "uKlCKvKv_ZJMVcdIs5vVSU_6cPtYI1ljWytExV_skstvRSNi9r66jdd9-y"
+ "BhVfuG4shsp2j7rGnIio901RBeHo6TPKWVVykPu1iYhQXw1jIABfw-MVsN"
+ "-3bQ76WLdt2SDxsHs7q7zPyUyHXmps7ycZ5c72wGkUwNOjYelmkiNS0",
+ "dp": "w0kZbV63cVRvVX6yk3C8cMxo2qCM4Y8nsq1lmMSYhG4EcL6FWbX5h9yuv"
+ "ngs4iLEFk6eALoUS4vIWEwcL4txw9LsWH_zKI-hwoReoP77cOdSL4AVcra"
+ "Hawlkpyd2TWjE5evgbhWtOxnZee3cXJBkAi64Ik6jZxbvk-RR3pEhnCs",
+ "dq": "o_8V14SezckO6CNLKs_btPdFiO9_kC1DsuUTd2LAfIIVeMZ7jn1Gus_Ff"
+ "7B7IVx3p5KuBGOVF8L-qifLb6nQnLysgHDh132NDioZkhH7mI7hPG-PYE_"
+ "odApKdnqECHWw0J-F0JWnUd6D2B_1TvF9mXA2Qx-iGYn8OVV1Bsmp6qU",
+ "qi": "eNho5yRBEBxhGBtQRww9QirZsB66TrfFReG_CcteI1aCneT0ELGhYlRlC"
+ "tUkTRclIfuEPmNsNDPbLoLqqCVznFbvdB7x-Tl-m0l_eFTj2KiqwGqE9PZ"
+ "B9nNTwMVvH3VRRSLWACvPnSiwP8N5Usy-WRXS-V7TbpxIhvepTfE0NNo"}
+E_A2_vector = \
+ "eyJhbGciOiJSU0ExXzUiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0." \
+ "UGhIOguC7IuEvf_NPVaXsGMoLOmwvc1GyqlIKOK1nN94nHPoltGRhWhw7Zx0-kFm" \
+ "1NJn8LE9XShH59_i8J0PH5ZZyNfGy2xGdULU7sHNF6Gp2vPLgNZ__deLKxGHZ7Pc" \
+ "HALUzoOegEI-8E66jX2E4zyJKx-YxzZIItRzC5hlRirb6Y5Cl_p-ko3YvkkysZIF" \
+ "NPccxRU7qve1WYPxqbb2Yw8kZqa2rMWI5ng8OtvzlV7elprCbuPhcCdZ6XDP0_F8" \
+ "rkXds2vE4X-ncOIM8hAYHHi29NX0mcKiRaD0-D-ljQTP-cFPgwCp6X-nZZd9OHBv" \
+ "-B3oWh2TbqmScqXMR4gp_A." \
+ "AxY8DCtDaGlsbGljb3RoZQ." \
+ "KDlTtXchhZTGufMYmOYGS4HffxPSUrfmqCHXaI9wOGY." \
+ "9hH0vgRfYgPnAHOd8stkvw"
+E_A2_ex = {'key': jwk.JWK(**E_A2_key), # pylint: disable=star-args
+ 'protected': base64url_decode(E_A2_protected),
+ 'plaintext': E_A2_plaintext,
+ 'vector': E_A2_vector}
+class TestJWE(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_A2(self):
+ E = jwe.JWE(E_A2_ex['plaintext'], E_A2_ex['protected'])
+ E.add_recipient(E_A2_ex['key'])
+ # Encrypt and serialize using compact
+ e = E.serialize(compact=True)
+ # And test that we can decrypt our own
+ E.deserialize(e, E_A2_ex['key'])
+ # Now test the Spec Test Vector
+ E.deserialize(E_A2_ex['vector'], E_A2_ex['key'])