#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2013 Simo Sorce # # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from ipsilon.util.log import Log from ipsilon.util.page import Page from ipsilon.util.user import UserSession from ipsilon.util.plugin import PluginLoader, PluginObject from ipsilon.util.plugin import PluginInstaller from ipsilon.info.common import Info from ipsilon.util.cookies import SecureCookie from ipsilon.util.trans import Transaction import cherrypy USERNAME_COOKIE = 'ipsilon_default_username' class LoginManagerBase(PluginObject, Log): def __init__(self): super(LoginManagerBase, self).__init__() self.path = '/' self.next_login = None self.info = None def redirect_to_path(self, path): base = cherrypy.config.get('base.mount', "") raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('%s/login/%s' % (base, path)) def auth_successful(self, trans, username, auth_type=None, userdata=None): session = UserSession() session.login(username, userdata) if self.info: userattrs = self.info.get_user_attrs(username) if userdata: userdata.update(userattrs or {}) else: userdata = userattrs self.debug("User %s attributes: %s" % (username, repr(userdata))) if auth_type: if userdata: userdata.update({'auth_type': auth_type}) else: userdata = {'auth_type': auth_type} # save username into a cookie if parent was form base auth if auth_type == 'password': cookie = SecureCookie(USERNAME_COOKIE, username) # 15 days cookie.maxage = 1296000 cookie.send() transdata = trans.retrieve() self.debug(transdata) redirect = transdata.get('login_return', cherrypy.config.get('base.mount', "") + '/') self.debug('Redirecting back to: %s' % redirect) # on direct login the UI (ie not redirected by a provider) we ned to # remove the transaction cookie as it won't be needed anymore if trans.provider == 'login': trans.wipe() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(redirect) def auth_failed(self, trans): # try with next module if self.next_login: return self.redirect_to_path(self.next_login.path) # return to the caller if any session = UserSession() transdata = trans.retrieve() # on direct login the UI (ie not redirected by a provider) we ned to # remove the transaction cookie as it won't be needed anymore if trans.provider == 'login': trans.wipe() # destroy session and return error if 'login_return' not in transdata: session.logout(None) raise cherrypy.HTTPError(401) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(transdata['login_return']) def get_tree(self, site): raise NotImplementedError def enable(self, site): plugins = site[FACILITY] if self in plugins['enabled']: return # configure self if self.name in plugins['config']: self.set_config(plugins['config'][self.name]) # and add self to the root root = plugins['root'] root.add_subtree(self.name, self.get_tree(site)) # finally add self in login chain prev_obj = None for prev_obj in plugins['enabled']: if prev_obj.next_login: break if prev_obj: while prev_obj.next_login: prev_obj = prev_obj.next_login prev_obj.next_login = self if not root.first_login: root.first_login = self plugins['enabled'].append(self) self._debug('Login plugin enabled: %s' % self.name) # Get handle of the info plugin self.info = root.info def disable(self, site): plugins = site[FACILITY] if self not in plugins['enabled']: return # remove self from chain root = plugins['root'] if root.first_login == self: root.first_login = self.next_login elif root.first_login: prev_obj = root.first_login while prev_obj.next_login != self: prev_obj = prev_obj.next_login if prev_obj: prev_obj.next_login = self.next_login self.next_login = None plugins['enabled'].remove(self) self._debug('Login plugin disabled: %s' % self.name) class LoginPageBase(Page): def __init__(self, site, mgr): super(LoginPageBase, self).__init__(site) self.lm = mgr self._Transaction = None def root(self, *args, **kwargs): raise cherrypy.HTTPError(500) class LoginFormBase(LoginPageBase): def __init__(self, site, mgr, page, template=None): super(LoginFormBase, self).__init__(site, mgr) self.formpage = page self.formtemplate = template or 'login/form.html' self.trans = None def GET(self, *args, **kwargs): context = self.create_tmpl_context() # pylint: disable=star-args return self._template(self.formtemplate, **context) def root(self, *args, **kwargs): self.trans = Transaction('login', **kwargs) op = getattr(self, cherrypy.request.method, self.GET) if callable(op): return op(*args, **kwargs) def create_tmpl_context(self, **kwargs): next_url = None if self.lm.next_login is not None: next_url = '%s?%s' % (self.lm.next_login.path, self.trans.get_GET_arg()) cookie = SecureCookie(USERNAME_COOKIE) cookie.receive() username = cookie.value if username is None: username = '' if self.trans is not None: tid = self.trans.transaction_id if tid is None: tid = '' context = { "title": 'Login', "action": '%s/%s' % (self.basepath, self.formpage), "service_name": self.lm.service_name, "username_text": self.lm.username_text, "password_text": self.lm.password_text, "description": self.lm.help_text, "next_url": next_url, "username": username, } context.update(kwargs) if self.trans is not None: t = self.trans.get_POST_tuple() context.update({t[0]: t[1]}) return context FACILITY = 'login_config' class Login(Page): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Login, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.first_login = None self.info = Info(self._site) loader = PluginLoader(Login, FACILITY, 'LoginManager') self._site[FACILITY] = loader.get_plugin_data() plugins = self._site[FACILITY] available = plugins['available'].keys() self._debug('Available login managers: %s' % str(available)) plugins['root'] = self for item in plugins['whitelist']: self._debug('Login plugin in whitelist: %s' % item) if item not in plugins['available']: continue plugins['available'][item].enable(self._site) def add_subtree(self, name, page): self.__dict__[name] = page def root(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.first_login: trans = Transaction('login', **kwargs) redirect = '%s/login/%s?%s' % (self.basepath, self.first_login.path, trans.get_GET_arg()) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(redirect) return self._template('login/index.html', title='Login') class Logout(Page): def root(self, *args, **kwargs): UserSession().logout(self.user) return self._template('logout.html', title='Logout') class LoginMgrsInstall(object): def __init__(self): pi = PluginInstaller(LoginMgrsInstall) self.plugins = pi.get_plugins()