#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2014 Ipsilon Project Contributors # # See the file named COPYING for the project license from ipsilon.info.common import InfoProviderBase from ipsilon.info.common import InfoProviderInstaller from ipsilon.info.common import InfoMapping from ipsilon.util.plugin import PluginObject from ipsilon.util import config as pconfig import ldap # TODO: fetch mapping from configuration ldap_mapping = { 'cn': 'fullname', 'commonname': 'fullname', 'sn': 'surname', 'mail': 'email', 'destinationindicator': 'country', 'postalcode': 'postcode', 'st': 'state', 'statetorprovincename': 'state', 'streetaddress': 'street', 'telephonenumber': 'phone', } class InfoProvider(InfoProviderBase): def __init__(self, *pargs): super(InfoProvider, self).__init__(*pargs) self.mapper = InfoMapping() self.mapper.set_mapping(ldap_mapping) self.name = 'ldap' self.description = """ Info plugin that uses LDAP to retrieve user data. """ self.new_config( self.name, pconfig.String( 'server url', 'The LDAP server url.', 'ldap://example.com'), pconfig.Template( 'user dn template', 'Template to turn username into DN.', 'uid=%(username)s,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com'), pconfig.Pick( 'tls', 'What TLS level show be required', ['Demand', 'Allow', 'Try', 'Never', 'NoTLS'], 'Demand'), pconfig.String( 'bind dn', 'DN to bind as, if empty uses anonymous bind.', 'uid=ipsilon,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com'), pconfig.String( 'bind password', 'Password to use for bind operation'), ) @property def server_url(self): return self.get_config_value('server url') @property def tls(self): return self.get_config_value('tls') @property def bind_dn(self): return self.get_config_value('bind dn') @property def bind_password(self): return self.get_config_value('bind password') @property def user_dn_tmpl(self): return self.get_config_value('user dn template') def _ldap_bind(self): tls = self.tls.lower() tls_req_opt = None if tls == "never": tls_req_opt = ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEVER elif tls == "demand": tls_req_opt = ldap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND elif tls == "allow": tls_req_opt = ldap.OPT_X_TLS_ALLOW elif tls == "try": tls_req_opt = ldap.OPT_X_TLS_TRY if tls_req_opt is not None: ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, tls_req_opt) conn = ldap.initialize(self.server_url) if tls != "notls": if not self.server_url.startswith("ldaps"): conn.start_tls_s() conn.simple_bind_s(self.bind_dn, self.bind_password) return conn def _get_user_data(self, conn, dn): result = conn.search_s(dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE) if result is None or result == []: raise Exception('User object could not be found!') elif len(result) > 1: raise Exception('No unique user object could be found!') data = dict() for name, value in result[0][1].iteritems(): if type(value) is list and len(value) == 1: value = value[0] data[name] = value return data def _get_user_groups(self, conn, dn, ldapattrs): # TODO: fixme to support RFC2307bis schemas if 'memberuid' in ldapattrs: return ldapattrs['memberuid'] else: return [] def get_user_data_from_conn(self, conn, dn): reply = dict() try: ldapattrs = self._get_user_data(conn, dn) userattrs, extras = self.mapper.map_attrs(ldapattrs) groups = self._get_user_groups(conn, dn, ldapattrs) reply['userdata'] = userattrs reply['groups'] = groups reply['extras'] = {'ldap': extras} except Exception, e: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.error(e) return reply def get_user_attrs(self, user): try: conn = self._ldap_bind() dn = self.user_dn_tmpl % {'username': user} return self.get_user_data_from_conn(conn, dn) except Exception, e: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.error(e) return {} class Installer(InfoProviderInstaller): def __init__(self, *pargs): super(Installer, self).__init__() self.name = 'ldap' self.pargs = pargs def install_args(self, group): group.add_argument('--info-ldap', choices=['yes', 'no'], default='no', help='Use LDAP to populate user attrs') group.add_argument('--info-ldap-server-url', action='store', help='LDAP Server Url') group.add_argument('--info-ldap-bind-dn', action='store', help='LDAP Bind DN') group.add_argument('--info-ldap-bind-pwd', action='store', help='LDAP Bind Password') group.add_argument('--info-ldap-user-dn-template', action='store', help='LDAP User DN Template') def configure(self, opts): if opts['info_ldap'] != 'yes': return # Add configuration data to database po = PluginObject(*self.pargs) po.name = 'ldap' po.wipe_data() po.wipe_config_values() config = dict() if 'info_ldap_server_url' in opts: config['server url'] = opts['info_ldap_server_url'] elif 'ldap_server_url' in opts: config['server url'] = opts['ldap_server_url'] config = {'bind dn': opts['info_ldap_bind_dn']} config = {'bind password': opts['info_ldap_bind_pwd']} config = {'user dn template': opts['info_ldap_user_dn_template']} if 'info_ldap_bind_dn' in opts: config['bind dn'] = opts['info_ldap_bind_dn'] if 'info_ldap_bind_pwd' in opts: config['bind password'] = opts['info_ldap_bind_pwd'] if 'info_ldap_user_dn_template' in opts: config['user dn template'] = opts['info_ldap_user_dn_template'] elif 'ldap_bind_dn_template' in opts: config['user dn template'] = opts['ldap_bind_dn_template'] config['tls'] = 'Demand' po.save_plugin_config(config) # Update global config to add login plugin po.is_enabled = True po.save_enabled_state()