#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2014 Ipsilon Contributors see COPYING for license import cherrypy from ipsilon.util.page import admin_protect from ipsilon.util.plugin import PluginObject from ipsilon.admin.common import AdminPluginPage from ipsilon.admin.common import AdminPage from ipsilon.info.common import FACILITY def save_enabled_plugins(names): po = PluginObject() po.name = "global" globalconf = dict() globalconf['order'] = ','.join(names) po.set_config(globalconf) po.save_plugin_config(FACILITY) class InfoPluginsOrder(AdminPage): def __init__(self, site, parent): super(InfoPluginsOrder, self).__init__(site, form=True) self.url = '%s/order' % parent.url self.menu = [parent] @admin_protect def GET(self, *args, **kwargs): opts = [p.name for p in self._site[FACILITY]['enabled']] return self._template('admin/info_order.html', title='info plugins order', name='admin_info_order_form', menu=self.menu, action=self.url, options=opts) @admin_protect def POST(self, *args, **kwargs): message = "Nothing was modified." message_type = "info" plugins_by_name = {p.name: p for p in self._site[FACILITY]['enabled']} if 'order' in kwargs: order = kwargs['order'].split(',') if len(order) != 0: new_names = [] new_plugins = [] try: for v in order: val = v.strip() if val not in plugins_by_name: error = "Invalid plugin name: %s" % val raise ValueError(error) new_names.append(val) new_plugins.append(plugins_by_name[val]) if len(new_names) < len(plugins_by_name): for val in plugins_by_name: if val not in new_names: new_names.append(val) new_plugins.append(plugins_by_name[val]) save_enabled_plugins(new_names) # When all is saved update also live config. The # live config is a list of the actual plugin # objects. self._site[FACILITY]['enabled'] = new_plugins message = "New configuration saved." message_type = "success" except ValueError, e: message = str(e) message_type = "error" except Exception, e: # pylint: disable=broad-except message = "Failed to save data!" message_type = "error" opts = [p.name for p in self._site[FACILITY]['enabled']] return self._template('admin/info_order.html', message=message, message_type=message_type, title='info plugins order', name='admin_info_order_form', menu=self.menu, action=self.url, options=opts) class InfoPlugins(AdminPage): def __init__(self, site, parent): super(InfoPlugins, self).__init__(site) self._master = parent self.title = 'Info Plugins' self.url = '%s/info' % parent.url self.facility = FACILITY parent.add_subtree('info', self) for plugin in self._site[FACILITY]['available']: cherrypy.log.error('Admin info plugin: %s' % plugin) obj = self._site[FACILITY]['available'][plugin] self.__dict__[plugin] = AdminPluginPage(obj, self._site, self) self.order = InfoPluginsOrder(self._site, self) def root_with_msg(self, message=None, message_type=None): info_plugins = self._site[FACILITY] ordered = [] for p in info_plugins['enabled']: ordered.append(p.name) return self._template('admin/info.html', title=self.title, message=message, message_type=message_type, available=info_plugins['available'], enabled=ordered, menu=self._master.menu) def root(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.root_with_msg() @admin_protect def enable(self, plugin): msg = None plugins = self._site[FACILITY] if plugin not in plugins['available']: msg = "Unknown plugin %s" % plugin return self.root_with_msg(msg, "error") obj = plugins['available'][plugin] if obj not in plugins['enabled']: obj.enable(self._site) save_enabled_plugins(list(x.name for x in plugins['enabled'])) msg = "Plugin %s enabled" % obj.name return self.root_with_msg(msg, "success") enable.public_function = True @admin_protect def disable(self, plugin): msg = None plugins = self._site[FACILITY] if plugin not in plugins['available']: msg = "Unknown plugin %s" % plugin return self.root_with_msg(msg, "error") obj = plugins['available'][plugin] if obj in plugins['enabled']: obj.disable(self._site) save_enabled_plugins(list(x.name for x in plugins['enabled'])) msg = "Plugin %s disabled" % obj.name return self.root_with_msg(msg, "success") disable.public_function = True