/* Copyright (C) 2013 Simo Sorce This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "gssapi_ntlmssp.h" #include "gss_ntlmssp.h" /* each integer in the export format is a little endian integer */ #pragma pack(push, 1) struct relmem { uint16_t ptr; uint16_t len; }; struct export_name { uint8_t type; struct relmem domain; struct relmem name; }; struct export_keys { struct relmem sign_key; struct relmem seal_key; struct relmem rc4_state; uint32_t seq_num; }; #define EXPORT_CTX_VER 0x0002 struct export_ctx { uint16_t version; uint8_t role; uint8_t stage; uint8_t sec_req; struct relmem workstation; struct relmem nego_msg; struct relmem chal_msg; struct relmem auth_msg; struct export_name source; struct export_name target; uint8_t server_chal[8]; uint32_t gss_flags; uint32_t neg_flags; struct relmem exported_session_key; struct export_keys send; struct export_keys recv; uint8_t int_flags; uint64_t expration_time; uint8_t data[]; }; #pragma pack(pop) #define EXP_CTX_CLIENT 1 #define EXP_CTX_SERVER 2 #define EXP_CTX_DOMSRV 3 #define EXP_CTX_DOMCTR 4 #define EXP_STG_INIT 1 #define EXP_STG_NEGO 2 #define EXP_STG_CHAL 3 #define EXP_STG_AUTH 4 #define EXP_STG_DONE 5 #define EXP_NAME_NONE 0 #define EXP_NAME_ANON 1 #define EXP_NAME_USER 2 #define EXP_NAME_SERV 3 #define INC_EXP_SIZE 0x001000 /* 4K */ #define MAX_EXP_SIZE 0x100000 /* 1M */ #define NEW_SIZE(s, n) \ ((((s) + (n) + (INC_EXP_SIZE-1)) / INC_EXP_SIZE) * INC_EXP_SIZE) struct export_state { uint8_t *exp_struct; size_t exp_data; size_t exp_size; size_t exp_len; size_t exp_ptr; }; static int export_data_buffer(struct export_state *state, void *data, size_t length, struct relmem *rm) { void *tmp; size_t avail = state->exp_size - state->exp_len; size_t new_size; if (length > avail) { new_size = NEW_SIZE(state->exp_size, (length - avail)); if ((new_size < state->exp_size) || new_size > MAX_EXP_SIZE) { return ENOMEM; } tmp = realloc(state->exp_struct, new_size); if (!tmp) { return ENOMEM; } state->exp_struct = tmp; state->exp_size = new_size; avail = state->exp_size - state->exp_len; } memcpy(&state->exp_struct[state->exp_data + state->exp_ptr], data, length); rm->ptr = state->exp_ptr; rm->len = length; state->exp_ptr += length; state->exp_len += length; return 0; } static int export_name(struct export_state *state, struct gssntlm_name *name, struct export_name *exp_name) { int ret; switch (name->type) { case GSSNTLM_NAME_NULL: memset(exp_name, 0, sizeof(struct export_name)); return 0; case GSSNTLM_NAME_ANON: memset(exp_name, 0, sizeof(struct export_name)); exp_name->type = EXP_NAME_ANON; return 0; case GSSNTLM_NAME_USER: exp_name->type = EXP_NAME_USER; if (name->data.user.domain) { ret = export_data_buffer(state, name->data.user.domain, strlen(name->data.user.domain) + 1, &exp_name->domain); if (ret) { return ret; } } else { exp_name->domain.ptr = 0; exp_name->domain.len = 0; } if (name->data.user.name) { ret = export_data_buffer(state, name->data.user.name, strlen(name->data.user.name) + 1, &exp_name->name); if (ret) { return ret; } } else { exp_name->name.ptr = 0; exp_name->name.len = 0; } return 0; case GSSNTLM_NAME_SERVER: exp_name->type = EXP_NAME_SERV; exp_name->domain.ptr = 0; exp_name->domain.len = 0; if (name->data.server.name) { ret = export_data_buffer(state, name->data.server.name, strlen(name->data.server.name) + 1, &exp_name->name); if (ret) { return ret; } } else { exp_name->name.ptr = 0; exp_name->name.len = 0; } return 0; } return EINVAL; } static int export_keys(struct export_state *state, struct ntlm_signseal_handle *keys, struct export_keys *exp_keys) { uint8_t buf[258]; struct ntlm_buffer out = { .data=buf, .length=sizeof(buf) }; int ret; if (keys->sign_key.length > 0) { ret = export_data_buffer(state, keys->sign_key.data, keys->sign_key.length, &exp_keys->sign_key); if (ret) return ret; } else { exp_keys->sign_key.ptr = 0; exp_keys->sign_key.len = 0; } if (keys->seal_key.length > 0) { ret = export_data_buffer(state, keys->seal_key.data, keys->seal_key.length, &exp_keys->seal_key); if (ret) return ret; } else { exp_keys->seal_key.ptr = 0; exp_keys->seal_key.len = 0; } if (keys->seal_handle) { ret = RC4_EXPORT(keys->seal_handle, &out); if (ret) return ret; ret = export_data_buffer(state, buf, sizeof(buf), &exp_keys->rc4_state); safezero(buf, sizeof(buf)); if (ret) return ret; } else { exp_keys->rc4_state.ptr = 0; exp_keys->rc4_state.len = 0; } exp_keys->seq_num = htole32(keys->seq_num); return 0; } uint32_t gssntlm_export_sec_context(uint32_t *minor_status, gss_ctx_id_t *context_handle, gss_buffer_t interprocess_token) { struct gssntlm_ctx *ctx; struct export_state state; struct export_ctx *ectx; uint64_t expiration; int ret; if (context_handle == NULL) { return GSS_S_CALL_INACCESSIBLE_READ; } if (interprocess_token == NULL) { return GSS_S_CALL_INACCESSIBLE_WRITE; } ctx = (struct gssntlm_ctx *)*context_handle; if (ctx == NULL) return GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT; if (ctx->expiration_time && ctx->expiration_time < time(NULL)) { return GSS_S_CONTEXT_EXPIRED; } *minor_status = 0; /* serialize context */ state.exp_size = NEW_SIZE(0, sizeof(struct export_ctx)); state.exp_struct = malloc(state.exp_size); if (!state.exp_struct) { *minor_status = ENOMEM; return GSS_S_FAILURE; } ectx = (struct export_ctx *)state.exp_struct; state.exp_data = (char *)ectx->data - (char *)ectx; state.exp_len = state.exp_data; state.exp_ptr = 0; ectx->version = htole16(EXPORT_CTX_VER); switch(ctx->role) { case GSSNTLM_CLIENT: ectx->role = EXP_CTX_CLIENT; break; case GSSNTLM_SERVER: ectx->role = EXP_CTX_SERVER; break; case GSSNTLM_DOMAIN_SERVER: ectx->role = EXP_CTX_DOMSRV; break; case GSSNTLM_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER: ectx->role = EXP_CTX_DOMCTR; break; } switch(ctx->stage) { case NTLMSSP_STAGE_INIT: ectx->stage = EXP_STG_INIT; break; case NTLMSSP_STAGE_NEGOTIATE: ectx->stage = EXP_STG_NEGO; break; case NTLMSSP_STAGE_CHALLENGE: ectx->stage = EXP_STG_CHAL; break; case NTLMSSP_STAGE_AUTHENTICATE: ectx->stage = EXP_STG_AUTH; break; case NTLMSSP_STAGE_DONE: ectx->stage = EXP_STG_DONE; break; } ectx->sec_req = ctx->sec_req; if (!ctx->workstation) { ectx->workstation.ptr = 0; ectx->workstation.len = 0; } else { ret = export_data_buffer(&state, ctx->workstation, strlen(ctx->workstation) + 1, &ectx->workstation); if (ret) goto done; } if (ctx->nego_msg.length > 0) { ret = export_data_buffer(&state, ctx->nego_msg.data, ctx->nego_msg.length, &ectx->nego_msg); if (ret) goto done; } else { ectx->nego_msg.ptr = 0; ectx->nego_msg.len = 0; } if (ctx->chal_msg.length > 0) { ret = export_data_buffer(&state, ctx->chal_msg.data, ctx->chal_msg.length, &ectx->chal_msg); if (ret) goto done; } else { ectx->chal_msg.ptr = 0; ectx->chal_msg.len = 0; } if (ctx->auth_msg.length > 0) { ret = export_data_buffer(&state, ctx->auth_msg.data, ctx->auth_msg.length, &ectx->auth_msg); if (ret) goto done; } else { ectx->auth_msg.ptr = 0; ectx->auth_msg.len = 0; } ret = export_name(&state, &ctx->source_name, &ectx->source); if (ret) goto done; ret = export_name(&state, &ctx->target_name, &ectx->target); if (ret) goto done; memcpy(ectx->server_chal, ctx->server_chal, 8); ectx->gss_flags = htole32(ctx->gss_flags); ectx->neg_flags = htole32(ctx->neg_flags); ret = export_data_buffer(&state, ctx->exported_session_key.data, ctx->exported_session_key.length, &ectx->exported_session_key); if (ret) goto done; ret = export_keys(&state, &ctx->crypto_state.send, &ectx->send); if (ret) goto done; ret = export_keys(&state, &ctx->crypto_state.recv, &ectx->recv); if (ret) goto done; ectx->int_flags = ctx->int_flags; expiration = ctx->expiration_time; ectx->expration_time = htole64(expiration); ret = 0; done: if (ret) { *minor_status = ret; free(state.exp_struct); return GSS_S_FAILURE; } else { uint32_t min; interprocess_token->value = state.exp_struct; interprocess_token->length = state.exp_len; /* Invalidate the current context once successfully exported */ gssntlm_delete_sec_context(&min, context_handle, NULL); return GSS_S_COMPLETE; } } static uint32_t import_data_buffer(uint32_t *minor_status, struct export_state *state, uint8_t **dest, size_t *len, bool alloc, struct relmem *rm, bool str) { void *ptr; if (rm->ptr + rm->len > state->exp_len) { return GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN; } ptr = state->exp_struct + state->exp_data + rm->ptr; if (alloc) { if (str) { *dest = (uint8_t *)strndup((const char *)ptr, rm->len); } else { *dest = malloc(rm->len); if (*dest) { memcpy(*dest, ptr, rm->len); } } if (!*dest) { *minor_status = ENOMEM; return GSS_S_FAILURE; } } else { if (!*len) { *minor_status = EINVAL; return GSS_S_FAILURE; } if (rm->len > *len) { return GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN; } memcpy(*dest, ptr, rm->len); } if (len) *len = rm->len; return GSS_S_COMPLETE; } static uint32_t import_name(uint32_t *minor_status, struct export_state *state, struct export_name *name, struct gssntlm_name *imp_name) { uint8_t *dest; uint32_t maj; switch (name->type) { case EXP_NAME_NONE: memset(imp_name, 0, sizeof(struct gssntlm_name)); return GSS_S_COMPLETE; case EXP_NAME_ANON: memset(imp_name, 0, sizeof(struct gssntlm_name)); imp_name->type = GSSNTLM_NAME_ANON; return GSS_S_COMPLETE; case EXP_NAME_USER: imp_name->type = GSSNTLM_NAME_USER; dest = NULL; if (name->domain.len > 0) { maj = import_data_buffer(minor_status, state, &dest, NULL, true, &name->domain, true); if (maj != GSS_S_COMPLETE) return maj; } imp_name->data.user.domain = (char *)dest; dest = NULL; if (name->name.len > 0) { maj = import_data_buffer(minor_status, state, &dest, NULL, true, &name->name, true); if (maj != GSS_S_COMPLETE) return maj; } imp_name->data.user.name = (char *)dest; return GSS_S_COMPLETE; case EXP_NAME_SERV: imp_name->type = GSSNTLM_NAME_SERVER; dest = NULL; if (name->name.len > 0) { maj = import_data_buffer(minor_status, state, &dest, NULL, true, &name->name, true); if (maj != GSS_S_COMPLETE) return maj; } imp_name->data.server.name = (char *)dest; return GSS_S_COMPLETE; default: break; } return GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN; } static uint32_t import_keys(uint32_t *minor_status, struct export_state *state, struct export_keys *keys, struct ntlm_signseal_handle *imp_keys) { struct ntlm_buffer in; uint8_t *dest; uint32_t maj; int ret; if (keys->sign_key.len > 0) { imp_keys->sign_key.length = 16; /* buf max size */ dest = imp_keys->sign_key.data; maj = import_data_buffer(minor_status, state, &dest, &imp_keys->sign_key.length, false, &keys->sign_key, false); if (maj != GSS_S_COMPLETE) return maj; } else { memset(&imp_keys->sign_key, 0, sizeof(struct ntlm_key)); } if (keys->seal_key.len > 0) { imp_keys->seal_key.length = 16; /* buf max size */ dest = imp_keys->seal_key.data; maj = import_data_buffer(minor_status, state, &dest, &imp_keys->seal_key.length, false, &keys->seal_key, false); if (maj != GSS_S_COMPLETE) return maj; } else { memset(&imp_keys->seal_key, 0, sizeof(struct ntlm_key)); } if (keys->rc4_state.len > 0) { maj = import_data_buffer(minor_status, state, &in.data, &in.length, true, &keys->rc4_state, false); if (maj != GSS_S_COMPLETE) return maj; ret = RC4_IMPORT(&imp_keys->seal_handle, &in); safezero(in.data, in.length); safefree(in.data); if (ret) { *minor_status = ret; return GSS_S_FAILURE; } } else { imp_keys->seal_handle = NULL; } imp_keys->seq_num = le32toh(keys->seq_num); return GSS_S_COMPLETE; } uint32_t gssntlm_import_sec_context(uint32_t *minor_status, gss_buffer_t interprocess_token, gss_ctx_id_t *context_handle) { struct gssntlm_ctx *ctx; struct export_state state; struct export_ctx *ectx; uint8_t *dest; uint64_t time; uint32_t maj; if (minor_status == NULL) { return GSS_S_CALL_INACCESSIBLE_WRITE; } *minor_status = 0; if (interprocess_token == NULL) { return GSS_S_CALL_INACCESSIBLE_READ; } if (interprocess_token->length < sizeof(struct export_ctx)) { return GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN; } if (context_handle == NULL) { return GSS_S_CALL_INACCESSIBLE_WRITE; } ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(struct gssntlm_ctx)); if (!ctx) { *minor_status = ENOMEM; return GSS_S_FAILURE; } *minor_status = ntlm_init_ctx(&ctx->ntlm); if (*minor_status) { free(ctx); return GSS_S_FAILURE; } state.exp_struct = interprocess_token->value; state.exp_len = interprocess_token->length; ectx = (struct export_ctx *)state.exp_struct; state.exp_data = (char *)ectx->data - (char *)ectx; state.exp_ptr = 0; if (ectx->version != le16toh(EXPORT_CTX_VER)) { maj = GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN; goto done; } switch (ectx->role) { case EXP_CTX_CLIENT: ctx->role = GSSNTLM_CLIENT; break; case EXP_CTX_SERVER: ctx->role = GSSNTLM_SERVER; break; case EXP_CTX_DOMSRV: ctx->role = GSSNTLM_DOMAIN_SERVER; break; case EXP_CTX_DOMCTR: ctx->role = GSSNTLM_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER; break; default: maj = GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN; goto done; } switch (ectx->stage) { case EXP_STG_INIT: ctx->stage = NTLMSSP_STAGE_INIT; break; case EXP_STG_NEGO: ctx->stage = NTLMSSP_STAGE_NEGOTIATE; break; case EXP_STG_CHAL: ctx->stage = NTLMSSP_STAGE_CHALLENGE; break; case EXP_STG_AUTH: ctx->stage = NTLMSSP_STAGE_AUTHENTICATE; break; case EXP_STG_DONE: ctx->stage = NTLMSSP_STAGE_DONE; break; default: maj = GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN; goto done; } ctx->sec_req = ectx->sec_req; dest = NULL; if (ectx->workstation.len > 0) { maj = import_data_buffer(minor_status, &state, &dest, NULL, true, &ectx->workstation, true); if (maj != GSS_S_COMPLETE) goto done; } ctx->workstation = (char *)dest; if (ectx->nego_msg.len > 0) { maj = import_data_buffer(minor_status, &state, &ctx->nego_msg.data, &ctx->nego_msg.length, true, &ectx->nego_msg, false); if (maj != GSS_S_COMPLETE) goto done; } else { ctx->nego_msg.data = NULL; ctx->nego_msg.length = 0; } if (ectx->chal_msg.len > 0) { maj = import_data_buffer(minor_status, &state, &ctx->chal_msg.data, &ctx->chal_msg.length, true, &ectx->chal_msg, false); if (maj != GSS_S_COMPLETE) goto done; } else { ctx->chal_msg.data = NULL; ctx->chal_msg.length = 0; } if (ectx->auth_msg.len > 0) { maj = import_data_buffer(minor_status, &state, &ctx->auth_msg.data, &ctx->auth_msg.length, true, &ectx->auth_msg, false); if (maj != GSS_S_COMPLETE) goto done; } else { ctx->auth_msg.data = NULL; ctx->auth_msg.length = 0; } maj = import_name(minor_status, &state, &ectx->source, &ctx->source_name); if (maj != GSS_S_COMPLETE) goto done; maj = import_name(minor_status, &state, &ectx->target, &ctx->target_name); if (maj != GSS_S_COMPLETE) goto done; memcpy(ctx->server_chal, ectx->server_chal, 8); ctx->gss_flags = le32toh(ectx->gss_flags); ctx->neg_flags = le32toh(ectx->neg_flags); if (ectx->exported_session_key.len > 0) { ctx->exported_session_key.length = 16; /* buf max size */ dest = ctx->exported_session_key.data; maj = import_data_buffer(minor_status, &state, &dest, &ctx->exported_session_key.length, false, &ectx->workstation, true); if (maj != GSS_S_COMPLETE) goto done; } else { memset(&ctx->exported_session_key, 0, sizeof(struct ntlm_key)); } maj = import_keys(minor_status, &state, &ectx->send, &ctx->crypto_state.send); if (maj != GSS_S_COMPLETE) goto done; maj = import_keys(minor_status, &state, &ectx->recv, &ctx->crypto_state.recv); if (maj != GSS_S_COMPLETE) goto done; /* We need to restoer also the general crypto status flags */ ctx->crypto_state.ext_sec = (ctx->neg_flags & NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_EXTENDED_SESSIONSECURITY); ctx->crypto_state.datagram = (ctx->neg_flags & NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_DATAGRAM); ctx->int_flags = ectx->int_flags; time = le64toh(ectx->expration_time); ctx->expiration_time = time; maj = GSS_S_COMPLETE; done: if (maj == GSS_S_COMPLETE) { *context_handle = (gss_ctx_id_t)ctx; } else { uint32_t min; gssntlm_delete_sec_context(&min, (gss_ctx_id_t *)&ctx, NULL); } return maj; } #pragma pack(push, 1) struct export_cred { uint16_t version; /* 0x00 0x01 */ uint16_t type; struct export_name name; /* user or server name */ struct relmem nt_hash; /* empty for dummy or server */ struct relmem lm_hash; /* empty for dummy or server */ uint8_t data[]; }; #pragma pack(pop) #define EXP_CRED_NONE 0 #define EXP_CRED_ANON 1 #define EXP_CRED_USER 2 #define EXP_CRED_SERVER 3 #define EXP_CRED_EXTERNAL 4 uint32_t gssntlm_export_cred(uint32_t *minor_status, gss_cred_id_t cred_handle, gss_buffer_t token) { struct gssntlm_cred *cred; struct export_state state; struct export_cred *ecred; int ret; if (token == NULL || minor_status == NULL) { return GSS_S_CALL_INACCESSIBLE_WRITE; } *minor_status = 0; cred = (struct gssntlm_cred *)cred_handle; if (cred_handle == NULL) { return GSS_S_NO_CRED; } state.exp_size = NEW_SIZE(0, sizeof(struct export_cred)); state.exp_struct = calloc(1, state.exp_size); if (!state.exp_struct) { *minor_status = ENOMEM; return GSS_S_FAILURE; } ecred = (struct export_cred *)state.exp_struct; state.exp_data = (char *)ecred->data - (char *)ecred; state.exp_len = state.exp_data; state.exp_ptr = 0; ecred->version = htole16(1); switch (cred->type) { case GSSNTLM_CRED_NONE: ecred->type = EXP_CRED_NONE; break; case GSSNTLM_CRED_ANON: ecred->type = EXP_CRED_ANON; break; case GSSNTLM_CRED_USER: ecred->type = EXP_CRED_USER; ret = export_name(&state, &cred->cred.user.user, &ecred->name); if (ret) goto done; ret = export_data_buffer(&state, cred->cred.user.nt_hash.data, cred->cred.user.nt_hash.length, &ecred->nt_hash); if (ret) goto done; ret = export_data_buffer(&state, cred->cred.user.lm_hash.data, cred->cred.user.lm_hash.length, &ecred->lm_hash); if (ret) goto done; break; case GSSNTLM_CRED_SERVER: ecred->type = EXP_CRED_SERVER; ret = export_name(&state, &cred->cred.server.name, &ecred->name); if (ret) goto done; break; case GSSNTLM_CRED_EXTERNAL: ecred->type = EXP_CRED_EXTERNAL; ret = export_name(&state, &cred->cred.external.user, &ecred->name); if (ret) goto done; break; } ret = 0; done: if (ret) { *minor_status = ret; free(state.exp_struct); return GSS_S_FAILURE; } else { token->value = state.exp_struct; token->length = state.exp_len; return GSS_S_COMPLETE; } } uint32_t gssntlm_import_cred(uint32_t *minor_status, gss_buffer_t token, gss_cred_id_t *cred_handle) { struct gssntlm_cred *cred; struct export_state state; struct export_cred *ecred; uint32_t maj; if (minor_status == NULL) { return GSS_S_CALL_INACCESSIBLE_WRITE; } *minor_status = 0; if (token == NULL) { return GSS_S_CALL_INACCESSIBLE_READ; } if (token->length < sizeof(struct export_cred)) { return GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN; } if (cred_handle == NULL) { return GSS_S_CALL_INACCESSIBLE_WRITE; } cred = calloc(1, sizeof(struct gssntlm_cred)); if (!cred) { *minor_status = ENOMEM; return GSS_S_FAILURE; } state.exp_struct = token->value; state.exp_len = token->length; ecred = (struct export_cred *)state.exp_struct; state.exp_data = (char *)ecred->data - (char *)ecred; state.exp_ptr = 0; if (ecred->version != le16toh(1)) { maj = GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN; goto done; } switch (ecred->type) { case EXP_CRED_NONE: cred->type = GSSNTLM_CRED_NONE; break; case EXP_CRED_ANON: cred->type = GSSNTLM_CRED_ANON; break; case EXP_CRED_USER: cred->type = GSSNTLM_CRED_USER; maj = import_name(minor_status, &state, &ecred->name, &cred->cred.user.user); if (maj != GSS_S_COMPLETE) goto done; if (ecred->nt_hash.len > 16 || ecred->lm_hash.len > 16) { maj = GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN; goto done; } maj = import_data_buffer(minor_status, &state, (uint8_t **)&cred->cred.user.nt_hash.data, &cred->cred.user.nt_hash.length, false, &ecred->nt_hash, false); if (maj != GSS_S_COMPLETE) goto done; maj = import_data_buffer(minor_status, &state, (uint8_t **)&cred->cred.user.lm_hash.data, &cred->cred.user.lm_hash.length, false, &ecred->lm_hash, false); if (maj != GSS_S_COMPLETE) goto done; break; case EXP_CRED_SERVER: cred->type = GSSNTLM_CRED_SERVER; maj = import_name(minor_status, &state, &ecred->name, &cred->cred.server.name); if (maj != GSS_S_COMPLETE) goto done; break; case EXP_CRED_EXTERNAL: cred->type = GSSNTLM_CRED_EXTERNAL; maj = import_name(minor_status, &state, &ecred->name, &cred->cred.external.user); if (maj != GSS_S_COMPLETE) goto done; break; default: maj = GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN; break; } maj = GSS_S_COMPLETE; done: if (maj == GSS_S_COMPLETE) { *cred_handle = (gss_cred_id_t)cred; } else { uint32_t min; gssntlm_release_cred(&min, (gss_cred_id_t *)&cred); } return maj; }