# Copyright (C) 2015 IPA Project Contributors, see COPYING for license from __future__ import print_function from base64 import b64encode, b64decode from custodia.store.interface import CSStore from jwcrypto.common import json_decode, json_encode from ipaplatform.paths import paths from ipapython import ipautil from ipaserver.secrets.common import iSecLdap import ldap import os import shutil import sys import tempfile class UnknownKeyName(Exception): pass class DBMAPHandler(object): def __init__(self, config, dbmap, nickname): raise NotImplementedError def export_key(self): raise NotImplementedError def import_key(self, value): raise NotImplementedError def log_error(error): print(error, file=sys.stderr) def PKI_TOMCAT_password_callback(): password = None with open(paths.PKI_TOMCAT_PASSWORD_CONF) as f: for line in f.readlines(): key, value = line.strip().split('=') if key == 'internal': password = value break return password def HTTPD_password_callback(): with open(os.path.join(paths.IPA_RADB_DIR, 'pwdfile.txt')) as f: password = f.read() return password class NSSWrappedCertDB(DBMAPHandler): ''' Store that extracts private keys from an NSSDB, wrapped with the private key of the primary CA. ''' def __init__(self, config, dbmap, nickname): if 'path' not in dbmap: raise ValueError( 'Configuration does not provide NSSDB path') if 'pwcallback' not in dbmap: raise ValueError( 'Configuration does not provide Password Calback') if 'wrap_nick' not in dbmap: raise ValueError( 'Configuration does not provide nickname of wrapping key') self.nssdb_path = dbmap['path'] self.nssdb_password = dbmap['pwcallback']() self.wrap_nick = dbmap['wrap_nick'] self.target_nick = nickname def export_key(self): tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=paths.TMP) try: nsspwfile = os.path.join(tdir, 'nsspwfile') with open(nsspwfile, 'w+') as f: f.write(self.nssdb_password) wrapped_key_file = os.path.join(tdir, 'wrapped_key') certificate_file = os.path.join(tdir, 'certificate') ipautil.run([ paths.PKI, '-d', self.nssdb_path, '-C', nsspwfile, 'ca-authority-key-export', '--wrap-nickname', self.wrap_nick, '--target-nickname', self.target_nick, '-o', wrapped_key_file]) ipautil.run([ paths.CERTUTIL, '-d', self.nssdb_path, '-L', '-n', self.target_nick, '-a', '-o', certificate_file]) with open(wrapped_key_file, 'r') as f: wrapped_key = f.read() with open(certificate_file, 'r') as f: certificate = f.read() finally: shutil.rmtree(tdir) return json_encode({ 'wrapped_key': b64encode(wrapped_key), 'certificate': certificate}) class NSSCertDB(DBMAPHandler): def __init__(self, config, dbmap, nickname): if 'type' not in dbmap or dbmap['type'] != 'NSSDB': raise ValueError('Invalid type "%s",' ' expected "NSSDB"' % (dbmap['type'],)) if 'path' not in dbmap: raise ValueError('Configuration does not provide NSSDB path') if 'pwcallback' not in dbmap: raise ValueError('Configuration does not provide Password Calback') self.nssdb_path = dbmap['path'] self.nickname = nickname self.nssdb_password = dbmap['pwcallback']() def export_key(self): tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=paths.TMP) try: nsspwfile = os.path.join(tdir, 'nsspwfile') with open(nsspwfile, 'w+') as f: f.write(self.nssdb_password) pk12pwfile = os.path.join(tdir, 'pk12pwfile') password = ipautil.ipa_generate_password() with open(pk12pwfile, 'w+') as f: f.write(password) pk12file = os.path.join(tdir, 'pk12file') ipautil.run([paths.PK12UTIL, "-d", self.nssdb_path, "-o", pk12file, "-n", self.nickname, "-k", nsspwfile, "-w", pk12pwfile]) with open(pk12file, 'r') as f: data = f.read() finally: shutil.rmtree(tdir) return json_encode({'export password': password, 'pkcs12 data': b64encode(data)}) def import_key(self, value): v = json_decode(value) tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=paths.TMP) try: nsspwfile = os.path.join(tdir, 'nsspwfile') with open(nsspwfile, 'w+') as f: f.write(self.nssdb_password) pk12pwfile = os.path.join(tdir, 'pk12pwfile') with open(pk12pwfile, 'w+') as f: f.write(v['export password']) pk12file = os.path.join(tdir, 'pk12file') with open(pk12file, 'w+') as f: f.write(b64decode(v['pkcs12 data'])) ipautil.run([paths.PK12UTIL, "-d", self.nssdb_path, "-i", pk12file, "-n", self.nickname, "-k", nsspwfile, "-w", pk12pwfile]) finally: shutil.rmtree(tdir) # Exfiltrate the DM password Hash so it can be set in replica's and this # way let a replica be install without knowing the DM password and yet # still keep the DM password synchronized across replicas class DMLDAP(DBMAPHandler): def __init__(self, config, dbmap, nickname): if 'type' not in dbmap or dbmap['type'] != 'DMLDAP': raise ValueError('Invalid type "%s",' ' expected "DMLDAP"' % (dbmap['type'],)) if nickname != 'DMHash': raise UnknownKeyName("Unknown Key Named '%s'" % nickname) self.ldap = iSecLdap(config['ldap_uri'], config.get('auth_type', None)) def export_key(self): conn = self.ldap.connect() r = conn.search_s('cn=config', ldap.SCOPE_BASE, attrlist=['nsslapd-rootpw']) if len(r) != 1: raise RuntimeError('DM Hash not found!') return json_encode({'dmhash': r[0][1]['nsslapd-rootpw'][0]}) def import_key(self, value): v = json_decode(value) conn = self.ldap.connect() mods = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsslapd-rootpw', str(v['dmhash']))] conn.modify_s('cn=config', mods) NAME_DB_MAP = { 'ca': { 'type': 'NSSDB', 'path': paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR, 'handler': NSSCertDB, 'pwcallback': PKI_TOMCAT_password_callback, }, 'ca_wrapped': { 'handler': NSSWrappedCertDB, 'path': paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR, 'pwcallback': PKI_TOMCAT_password_callback, 'wrap_nick': 'caSigningCert cert-pki-ca', }, 'ra': { 'type': 'NSSDB', 'path': paths.IPA_RADB_DIR, 'handler': NSSCertDB, 'pwcallback': HTTPD_password_callback, }, 'dm': { 'type': 'DMLDAP', 'handler': DMLDAP, } } class IPASecStore(CSStore): def __init__(self, config=None): self.config = config def _get_handler(self, key): path = key.split('/', 3) if len(path) != 3 or path[0] != 'keys': raise ValueError('Invalid name') if path[1] not in NAME_DB_MAP: raise UnknownKeyName("Unknown DB named '%s'" % path[1]) dbmap = NAME_DB_MAP[path[1]] return dbmap['handler'](self.config, dbmap, path[2]) def get(self, key): try: key_handler = self._get_handler(key) value = key_handler.export_key() except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except log_error('Error retrievieng key "%s": %s' % (key, str(e))) value = None return value def set(self, key, value, replace=False): try: key_handler = self._get_handler(key) key_handler.import_key(value) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except log_error('Error storing key "%s": %s' % (key, str(e))) def list(self, keyfilter=None): raise NotImplementedError def cut(self, key): raise NotImplementedError def span(self, key): raise NotImplementedError # backwards compatibility with FreeIPA 4.3 and 4.4. iSecStore = IPASecStore