# Authors: Simo Sorce # # Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function import errno import socket import getpass import gssapi import ldif import os import re import fileinput import sys import tempfile import shutil import traceback import textwrap from contextlib import contextmanager from dns import resolver, rdatatype from dns.exception import DNSException import ldap import ldapurl from nss.error import NSPRError import six from six.moves.configparser import SafeConfigParser, NoOptionError import ipaplatform from ipapython import ipautil, sysrestore, admintool, version from ipapython.admintool import ScriptError from ipapython.ipa_log_manager import root_logger, log_mgr from ipalib.util import validate_hostname from ipapython import config from ipalib import api, errors, x509 from ipapython.dn import DN from ipaserver.install import certs, service, sysupgrade from ipaplatform import services from ipaplatform.paths import paths from ipaplatform.tasks import tasks from ipapython import certmonger if six.PY3: unicode = str # Used to determine install status IPA_MODULES = [ 'httpd', 'kadmin', 'dirsrv', 'pki-tomcatd', 'install', 'krb5kdc', 'ntpd', 'named', 'ipa_memcached'] class BadHostError(Exception): pass class HostLookupError(BadHostError): pass class HostForwardLookupError(HostLookupError): pass class HostReverseLookupError(HostLookupError): pass class HostnameLocalhost(HostLookupError): pass class UpgradeVersionError(Exception): pass class UpgradePlatformError(UpgradeVersionError): pass class UpgradeDataOlderVersionError(UpgradeVersionError): pass class UpgradeDataNewerVersionError(UpgradeVersionError): pass class UpgradeMissingVersionError(UpgradeVersionError): pass class ReplicaConfig: def __init__(self, top_dir=None): self.realm_name = "" self.domain_name = "" self.master_host_name = "" self.dirman_password = "" self.host_name = "" self.dir = "" self.subject_base = None self.setup_ca = False self.version = 0 self.top_dir = top_dir subject_base = ipautil.dn_attribute_property('_subject_base') def get_fqdn(): fqdn = "" try: fqdn = socket.getfqdn() except: try: fqdn = socket.gethostname() except: fqdn = "" return fqdn def verify_fqdn(host_name, no_host_dns=False, local_hostname=True): """ Run fqdn checks for given host: - test hostname format - test that hostname is fully qualified - test forward and reverse hostname DNS lookup Raises `BadHostError` or derived Exceptions if there is an error :param host_name: The host name to verify. :param no_host_dns: If true, skip DNS resolution tests of the host name. :param local_hostname: If true, run additional checks for local hostnames """ if len(host_name.split(".")) < 2 or host_name == "localhost.localdomain": raise BadHostError("Invalid hostname '%s', must be fully-qualified." % host_name) if host_name != host_name.lower(): raise BadHostError("Invalid hostname '%s', must be lower-case." % host_name) if ipautil.valid_ip(host_name): raise BadHostError("IP address not allowed as a hostname") try: # make sure that the host name meets the requirements in ipalib validate_hostname(host_name) except ValueError as e: raise BadHostError("Invalid hostname '%s', %s" % (host_name, unicode(e))) if local_hostname: try: root_logger.debug('Check if %s is a primary hostname for localhost', host_name) ex_name = socket.gethostbyaddr(host_name) root_logger.debug('Primary hostname for localhost: %s', ex_name[0]) if host_name != ex_name[0]: raise HostLookupError("The host name %s does not match the primary host name %s. "\ "Please check /etc/hosts or DNS name resolution" % (host_name, ex_name[0])) except socket.gaierror: pass except socket.error as e: root_logger.debug('socket.gethostbyaddr() error: %d: %s' % (e.errno, e.strerror)) if no_host_dns: print("Warning: skipping DNS resolution of host", host_name) return try: root_logger.debug('Search DNS for %s', host_name) hostaddr = socket.getaddrinfo(host_name, None) except Exception as e: root_logger.debug('Search failed: %s', e) raise HostForwardLookupError("Unable to resolve host name, check /etc/hosts or DNS name resolution") if len(hostaddr) == 0: raise HostForwardLookupError("Unable to resolve host name, check /etc/hosts or DNS name resolution") # Verify this is NOT a CNAME try: root_logger.debug('Check if %s is not a CNAME', host_name) resolver.query(host_name, rdatatype.CNAME) raise HostReverseLookupError("The IPA Server Hostname cannot be a CNAME, only A and AAAA names are allowed.") except DNSException: pass # list of verified addresses to prevent multiple searches for the same address verified = set() for a in hostaddr: address = a[4][0] if address in verified: continue if address == '' or address == '::1': raise HostForwardLookupError("The IPA Server hostname must not resolve to localhost (%s). A routable IP address must be used. Check /etc/hosts to see if %s is an alias for %s" % (address, host_name, address)) try: root_logger.debug('Check reverse address of %s', address) revname = socket.gethostbyaddr(address)[0] except Exception as e: root_logger.debug('Check failed: %s', e) raise HostReverseLookupError( "Unable to resolve the IP address %s to a host name, " "check /etc/hosts and DNS name resolution" % address) root_logger.debug('Found reverse name: %s', revname) if revname != host_name: raise HostReverseLookupError( "The host name %s does not match the value %s obtained " "by reverse lookup on IP address %s" % (host_name, revname, address)) verified.add(address) def record_in_hosts(ip, host_name=None, conf_file=paths.HOSTS): """ Search record in /etc/hosts - static table lookup for hostnames In case of match, returns a tuple of ip address and a list of hostname aliases When no record is matched, None is returned :param ip: IP address :param host_name: Optional hostname to search :param conf_file: Optional path to the lookup table """ hosts = open(conf_file, 'r').readlines() for line in hosts: line = line.rstrip('\n') fields = line.partition('#')[0].split() if len(fields) == 0: continue try: hosts_ip = fields[0] names = fields[1:] if hosts_ip != ip: continue if host_name is not None: if host_name in names: return (hosts_ip, names) else: return None return (hosts_ip, names) except IndexError: print("Warning: Erroneous line '%s' in %s" % (line, conf_file)) continue return None def add_record_to_hosts(ip, host_name, conf_file=paths.HOSTS): hosts_fd = open(conf_file, 'r+') hosts_fd.seek(0, 2) hosts_fd.write(ip+'\t'+host_name+' '+host_name.split('.')[0]+'\n') hosts_fd.close() def read_ip_addresses(): ips = [] print("Enter the IP address to use, or press Enter to finish.") while True: ip = ipautil.user_input("Please provide the IP address to be used for this host name", allow_empty = True) if not ip: break try: ip_parsed = ipautil.CheckedIPAddress(ip, match_local=True) except Exception as e: print("Error: Invalid IP Address %s: %s" % (ip, e)) continue ips.append(ip_parsed) return ips def read_dns_forwarders(): addrs = [] if ipautil.user_input("Do you want to configure DNS forwarders?", True): print("Following DNS servers are configured in /etc/resolv.conf: %s" % ", ".join(resolver.get_default_resolver().nameservers)) if ipautil.user_input("Do you want to configure these servers as DNS " "forwarders?", True): addrs = resolver.default_resolver.nameservers[:] print("All DNS servers from /etc/resolv.conf were added. You can " "enter additional addresses now:") while True: ip = ipautil.user_input("Enter an IP address for a DNS forwarder, " "or press Enter to skip", allow_empty=True) if not ip: break try: ip_parsed = ipautil.CheckedIPAddress(ip, parse_netmask=False) except Exception as e: print("Error: Invalid IP Address %s: %s" % (ip, e)) print("DNS forwarder %s not added." % ip) continue print("DNS forwarder %s added. You may add another." % ip) addrs.append(str(ip_parsed)) if not addrs: print("No DNS forwarders configured") return addrs def get_password(prompt): if os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()): return getpass.getpass(prompt) else: sys.stdout.write(prompt) sys.stdout.flush() line = sys.stdin.readline() if not line: raise EOFError() return line.rstrip() def _read_password_default_validator(password): if len(password) < 8: raise ValueError("Password must be at least 8 characters long") def read_password(user, confirm=True, validate=True, retry=True, validator=_read_password_default_validator): correct = False pwd = None try: while not correct: if not retry: correct = True pwd = get_password(user + " password: ") if not pwd: continue if validate: try: validator(pwd) except ValueError as e: print(str(e)) pwd = None continue if not confirm: correct = True continue pwd_confirm = get_password("Password (confirm): ") if pwd != pwd_confirm: print("Password mismatch!") print("") pwd = None else: correct = True except EOFError: return None finally: print("") return pwd def update_file(filename, orig, subst): if os.path.exists(filename): st = os.stat(filename) pattern = "%s" % re.escape(orig) p = re.compile(pattern) for line in fileinput.input(filename, inplace=1): if not p.search(line): sys.stdout.write(line) else: sys.stdout.write(p.sub(subst, line)) fileinput.close() os.chown(filename, st.st_uid, st.st_gid) # reset perms return 0 else: print("File %s doesn't exist." % filename) return 1 def set_directive(filename, directive, value, quotes=True, separator=' '): """Set a name/value pair directive in a configuration file. A value of None means to drop the directive. This has only been tested with nss.conf """ valueset = False st = os.stat(filename) fd = open(filename) newfile = [] for line in fd: if line.lstrip().startswith(directive): valueset = True if value is not None: if quotes: newfile.append('%s%s"%s"\n' % (directive, separator, value)) else: newfile.append('%s%s%s\n' % (directive, separator, value)) else: newfile.append(line) fd.close() if not valueset: if value is not None: if quotes: newfile.append('%s%s"%s"\n' % (directive, separator, value)) else: newfile.append('%s%s%s\n' % (directive, separator, value)) fd = open(filename, "w") fd.write("".join(newfile)) fd.close() os.chown(filename, st.st_uid, st.st_gid) # reset perms def get_directive(filename, directive, separator=' '): """ A rather inefficient way to get a configuration directive. """ fd = open(filename, "r") for line in fd: if line.lstrip().startswith(directive): line = line.strip() result = line.split(separator, 1)[1] result = result.strip('"') result = result.strip(' ') fd.close() return result fd.close() return None def kadmin(command): ipautil.run(["kadmin.local", "-q", command, "-x", "ipa-setup-override-restrictions"]) def kadmin_addprinc(principal): kadmin("addprinc -randkey " + principal) def kadmin_modprinc(principal, options): kadmin("modprinc " + options + " " + principal) def create_keytab(path, principal): try: if ipautil.file_exists(path): os.remove(path) except os.error: root_logger.critical("Failed to remove %s." % path) kadmin("ktadd -k " + path + " " + principal) def resolve_host(host_name): try: addrinfos = socket.getaddrinfo(host_name, None, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM) ip_list = [] for ai in addrinfos: ip = ai[4][0] if ip == "" or ip == "::1": raise HostnameLocalhost("The hostname resolves to the localhost address") ip_list.append(ip) return ip_list except socket.error: return [] def get_host_name(no_host_dns): """ Get the current FQDN from the socket and verify that it is valid. no_host_dns is a boolean that determines whether we enforce that the hostname is resolvable. Will raise a RuntimeError on error, returns hostname on success """ hostname = get_fqdn() verify_fqdn(hostname, no_host_dns) return hostname def get_server_ip_address(host_name, unattended, setup_dns, ip_addresses): # Check we have a public IP that is associated with the hostname try: hostaddr = resolve_host(host_name) except HostnameLocalhost: print("The hostname resolves to the localhost address (", file=sys.stderr) print("Please change your /etc/hosts file so that the hostname", file=sys.stderr) print("resolves to the ip address of your network interface.", file=sys.stderr) print("The KDC service does not listen on localhost", file=sys.stderr) print("", file=sys.stderr) print("Please fix your /etc/hosts file and restart the setup program", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) ips = [] if len(hostaddr): for ha in hostaddr: try: ips.append(ipautil.CheckedIPAddress(ha, match_local=True)) except ValueError as e: root_logger.warning("Invalid IP address %s for %s: %s", ha, host_name, unicode(e)) if not ips and not ip_addresses: if not unattended: ip_addresses = read_ip_addresses() if ip_addresses: if setup_dns: ips = ip_addresses else: # all specified addresses was resolved for this host if set(ip_addresses) <= set(ips): ips = ip_addresses else: print("Error: the hostname resolves to IP address(es) that are different", file=sys.stderr) print("from those provided on the command line. Please fix your DNS", file=sys.stderr) print("or /etc/hosts file and restart the installation.", file=sys.stderr) print("Provided but not resolved address(es): %s" % \ ", ".join(str(ip) for ip in (set(ip_addresses) - set(ips))), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if not ips: print("No usable IP address provided nor resolved.", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) for ip_address in ips: # check /etc/hosts sanity hosts_record = record_in_hosts(str(ip_address)) if hosts_record is not None: primary_host = hosts_record[1][0] if primary_host != host_name: print("Error: there is already a record in /etc/hosts for IP address %s:" \ % ip_address, file=sys.stderr) print(hosts_record[0], " ".join(hosts_record[1]), file=sys.stderr) print("Chosen hostname %s does not match configured canonical hostname %s" \ % (host_name, primary_host), file=sys.stderr) print("Please fix your /etc/hosts file and restart the installation.", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) return ips def update_hosts_file(ip_addresses, host_name, fstore): """ Update hosts with specified addresses :param ip_addresses: list of IP addresses :return: """ if not fstore.has_file(paths.HOSTS): fstore.backup_file(paths.HOSTS) for ip_address in ip_addresses: if record_in_hosts(str(ip_address)): continue print("Adding [{address!s} {name}] to your /etc/hosts file".format( address=ip_address, name=host_name)) add_record_to_hosts(str(ip_address), host_name) def expand_replica_info(filename, password): """ Decrypt and expand a replica installation file into a temporary location. The caller is responsible to remove this directory. """ top_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp("ipa") tarfile = top_dir+"/files.tar" dir_path = top_dir + "/realm_info" ipautil.decrypt_file(filename, tarfile, password, top_dir) ipautil.run(["tar", "xf", tarfile, "-C", top_dir]) os.remove(tarfile) return top_dir, dir_path def read_replica_info(dir_path, rconfig): """ Read the contents of a replica installation file. rconfig is a ReplicaConfig object """ filename = dir_path + "/realm_info" fd = open(filename) config = SafeConfigParser() config.readfp(fd) rconfig.realm_name = config.get("realm", "realm_name") rconfig.master_host_name = config.get("realm", "master_host_name") rconfig.domain_name = config.get("realm", "domain_name") rconfig.host_name = config.get("realm", "destination_host") rconfig.subject_base = config.get("realm", "subject_base") try: rconfig.version = int(config.get("realm", "version")) except NoOptionError: pass def read_replica_info_dogtag_port(config_dir): portfile = config_dir + "/dogtag_directory_port.txt" default_port = 7389 if not ipautil.file_exists(portfile): dogtag_master_ds_port = default_port else: with open(portfile) as fd: try: dogtag_master_ds_port = int(fd.read()) except (ValueError, IOError) as e: root_logger.debug('Cannot parse dogtag DS port: %s', e) root_logger.debug('Default to %d', default_port) dogtag_master_ds_port = default_port return dogtag_master_ds_port def create_replica_config(dirman_password, filename, options): top_dir = None try: top_dir, dir = expand_replica_info(filename, dirman_password) except Exception as e: root_logger.error("Failed to decrypt or open the replica file.") print("ERROR: Failed to decrypt or open the replica file.") print("Verify you entered the correct Directory Manager password.") sys.exit(1) config = ReplicaConfig(top_dir) read_replica_info(dir, config) root_logger.debug( 'Installing replica file with version %d (0 means no version in prepared file).', config.version) if config.version and config.version > version.NUM_VERSION: root_logger.error( 'A replica file from a newer release (%d) cannot be installed on an older version (%d)', config.version, version.NUM_VERSION) sys.exit(1) config.dirman_password = dirman_password try: host = get_host_name(options.no_host_dns) except BadHostError as e: root_logger.error(str(e)) sys.exit(1) if config.host_name != host: try: print("This replica was created for '%s' but this machine is named '%s'" % (config.host_name, host)) if not ipautil.user_input("This may cause problems. Continue?", False): root_logger.debug( "Replica was created for %s but machine is named %s " "User chose to exit", config.host_name, host) sys.exit(0) config.host_name = host print("") except KeyboardInterrupt: root_logger.debug("Keyboard Interrupt") sys.exit(0) config.dir = dir config.ca_ds_port = read_replica_info_dogtag_port(config.dir) return config def check_server_configuration(): """ Check if IPA server is configured on the system. This is done by checking if there are system restore (uninstall) files present on the system. Note that this check can only be run with root privileges. When IPA is not configured, this function raises a RuntimeError exception. Most convenient use case for the function is in install tools that require configured IPA for its function. """ server_fstore = sysrestore.FileStore(paths.SYSRESTORE) if not server_fstore.has_files(): raise RuntimeError("IPA is not configured on this system.") def remove_file(filename): """ Remove a file and log any exceptions raised. """ try: if os.path.lexists(filename): os.unlink(filename) except Exception as e: root_logger.error('Error removing %s: %s' % (filename, str(e))) def rmtree(path): """ Remove a directory structure and log any exceptions raised. """ try: if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) except Exception as e: root_logger.error('Error removing %s: %s' % (path, str(e))) def is_ipa_configured(): """ Using the state and index install files determine if IPA is already configured. """ installed = False sstore = sysrestore.StateFile(paths.SYSRESTORE) fstore = sysrestore.FileStore(paths.SYSRESTORE) for module in IPA_MODULES: if sstore.has_state(module): root_logger.debug('%s is configured' % module) installed = True else: root_logger.debug('%s is not configured' % module) if fstore.has_files(): root_logger.debug('filestore has files') installed = True else: root_logger.debug('filestore is tracking no files') return installed def run_script(main_function, operation_name, log_file_name=None, fail_message=None): """Run the given function as a command-line utility This function: - Runs the given function - Formats any errors - Exits with the appropriate code :param main_function: Function to call :param log_file_name: Name of the log file (displayed on unexpected errors) :param operation_name: Name of the script :param fail_message: Optional message displayed on failure """ root_logger.info('Starting script: %s', operation_name) try: try: return_value = main_function() except BaseException as e: if isinstance(e, SystemExit) and (e.code is None or e.code == 0): # Not an error after all root_logger.info('The %s command was successful', operation_name) else: # Log at the DEBUG level, which is not output to the console # (unless in debug/verbose mode), but is written to a logfile # if one is open. tb = sys.exc_info()[2] root_logger.debug('\n'.join(traceback.format_tb(tb))) root_logger.debug('The %s command failed, exception: %s: %s', operation_name, type(e).__name__, e) if fail_message and not isinstance(e, SystemExit): print(fail_message) raise else: if return_value: root_logger.info('The %s command failed, return value %s', operation_name, return_value) else: root_logger.info('The %s command was successful', operation_name) sys.exit(return_value) except BaseException as error: message, exitcode = handle_error(error, log_file_name) if message: print(message, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(exitcode) def handle_error(error, log_file_name=None): """Handle specific errors. Returns a message and return code""" if isinstance(error, SystemExit): if isinstance(error.code, int): return None, error.code elif error.code is None: return None, 0 else: return str(error), 1 if isinstance(error, RuntimeError): return str(error), 1 if isinstance(error, KeyboardInterrupt): return "Cancelled.", 1 if isinstance(error, admintool.ScriptError): return error.msg, error.rval if isinstance(error, socket.error): return error, 1 if isinstance(error, errors.ACIError): return error.message, 1 if isinstance(error, ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS): return "Invalid password", 1 if isinstance(error, ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS): return "Insufficient access", 1 if isinstance(error, ldap.LOCAL_ERROR): return error.args[0].get('info', ''), 1 if isinstance(error, ldap.SERVER_DOWN): return error.args[0]['desc'], 1 if isinstance(error, ldap.LDAPError): message = 'LDAP error: %s\n%s\n%s' % ( type(error).__name__, error.args[0]['desc'].strip(), error.args[0].get('info', '').strip() ) return message, 1 if isinstance(error, config.IPAConfigError): message = "An IPA server to update cannot be found. Has one been configured yet?" message += "\nThe error was: %s" % error return message, 1 if isinstance(error, errors.LDAPError): return "An error occurred while performing operations: %s" % error, 1 if isinstance(error, HostnameLocalhost): message = textwrap.dedent(""" The hostname resolves to the localhost address ( Please change your /etc/hosts file so that the hostname resolves to the ip address of your network interface. Please fix your /etc/hosts file and restart the setup program """).strip() return message, 1 if log_file_name: message = "Unexpected error - see %s for details:" % log_file_name else: message = "Unexpected error" message += '\n%s: %s' % (type(error).__name__, error) return message, 1 def load_pkcs12(cert_files, key_password, key_nickname, ca_cert_files, host_name): """ Load and verify server certificate and private key from multiple files The files are accepted in PEM and DER certificate, PKCS#7 certificate chain, PKCS#8 and raw private key and PKCS#12 formats. :param cert_files: Names of server certificate and private key files to import :param key_password: Password to decrypt private keys :param key_nickname: Nickname of the private key to import from PKCS#12 files :param ca_cert_files: Names of CA certificate files to import :param host_name: Host name of the server :returns: Temporary PKCS#12 file with the server certificate, private key and CA certificate chain, password to unlock the PKCS#12 file and the CA certificate of the CA that issued the server certificate """ with certs.NSSDatabase() as nssdb: db_password = ipautil.ipa_generate_password() db_pwdfile = ipautil.write_tmp_file(db_password) nssdb.create_db(db_pwdfile.name) try: nssdb.import_files(cert_files, db_pwdfile.name, True, key_password, key_nickname) except RuntimeError as e: raise ScriptError(str(e)) if ca_cert_files: try: nssdb.import_files(ca_cert_files, db_pwdfile.name) except RuntimeError as e: raise ScriptError(str(e)) for nickname, trust_flags in nssdb.list_certs(): if 'u' in trust_flags: key_nickname = nickname continue nssdb.trust_root_cert(nickname) # Check we have the whole cert chain & the CA is in it trust_chain = list(reversed(nssdb.get_trust_chain(key_nickname))) ca_cert = None for nickname in trust_chain[1:]: cert = nssdb.get_cert(nickname) if ca_cert is None: ca_cert = cert nss_cert = x509.load_certificate(cert, x509.DER) subject = DN(str(nss_cert.subject)) issuer = DN(str(nss_cert.issuer)) del nss_cert if subject == issuer: break else: raise ScriptError( "The full certificate chain is not present in %s" % (", ".join(cert_files))) for nickname in trust_chain[1:]: try: nssdb.verify_ca_cert_validity(nickname) except ValueError as e: raise ScriptError( "CA certificate %s in %s is not valid: %s" % (subject, ", ".join(cert_files), e)) # Check server validity try: nssdb.verify_server_cert_validity(key_nickname, host_name) except ValueError as e: raise ScriptError( "The server certificate in %s is not valid: %s" % (", ".join(cert_files), e)) out_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() out_password = ipautil.ipa_generate_password() out_pwdfile = ipautil.write_tmp_file(out_password) args = [ paths.PK12UTIL, '-o', out_file.name, '-n', key_nickname, '-d', nssdb.secdir, '-k', db_pwdfile.name, '-w', out_pwdfile.name, ] ipautil.run(args) return out_file, out_password, ca_cert @contextmanager def stopped_service(service, instance_name=""): """ Ensure that the specified service is stopped while the commands within this context are executed. Service is started at the end of the execution. """ if instance_name: log_instance_name = "@{instance}".format(instance=instance_name) else: log_instance_name = "" root_logger.debug('Ensuring that service %s%s is not running while ' 'the next set of commands is being executed.', service, log_instance_name) service_obj = services.service(service) # Figure out if the service is running, if not, yield if not service_obj.is_running(instance_name): root_logger.debug('Service %s%s is not running, continue.', service, log_instance_name) yield else: # Stop the service, do the required stuff and start it again root_logger.debug('Stopping %s%s.', service, log_instance_name) service_obj.stop(instance_name) try: yield finally: root_logger.debug('Starting %s%s.', service, log_instance_name) service_obj.start(instance_name) def check_entropy(): """ Checks if the system has enough entropy, if not, displays warning message """ try: with open(paths.ENTROPY_AVAIL, 'r') as efname: if int(efname.read()) < 200: emsg = 'WARNING: Your system is running out of entropy, ' \ 'you may experience long delays' service.print_msg(emsg) root_logger.debug(emsg) except IOError as e: root_logger.debug( "Could not open %s: %s", paths.ENTROPY_AVAIL, e) except ValueError as e: root_logger.debug("Invalid value in %s %s", paths.ENTROPY_AVAIL, e) def load_external_cert(files, subject_base): """ Load and verify external CA certificate chain from multiple files. The files are accepted in PEM and DER certificate and PKCS#7 certificate chain formats. :param files: Names of files to import :param subject_base: Subject name base for IPA certificates :returns: Temporary file with the IPA CA certificate and temporary file with the external CA certificate chain """ with certs.NSSDatabase() as nssdb: db_password = ipautil.ipa_generate_password() db_pwdfile = ipautil.write_tmp_file(db_password) nssdb.create_db(db_pwdfile.name) try: nssdb.import_files(files, db_pwdfile.name) except RuntimeError as e: raise ScriptError(str(e)) ca_subject = DN(('CN', 'Certificate Authority'), subject_base) ca_nickname = None cache = {} for nickname, trust_flags in nssdb.list_certs(): cert = nssdb.get_cert(nickname, pem=True) nss_cert = x509.load_certificate(cert) subject = DN(str(nss_cert.subject)) issuer = DN(str(nss_cert.issuer)) del nss_cert cache[nickname] = (cert, subject, issuer) if subject == ca_subject: ca_nickname = nickname nssdb.trust_root_cert(nickname) if ca_nickname is None: raise ScriptError( "IPA CA certificate not found in %s" % (", ".join(files))) trust_chain = reversed(nssdb.get_trust_chain(ca_nickname)) ca_cert_chain = [] for nickname in trust_chain: cert, subject, issuer = cache[nickname] ca_cert_chain.append(cert) if subject == issuer: break else: raise ScriptError( "CA certificate chain in %s is incomplete" % (", ".join(files))) for nickname in trust_chain: try: nssdb.verify_ca_cert_validity(nickname) except ValueError as e: raise ScriptError( "CA certificate %s in %s is not valid: %s" % (subject, ", ".join(files), e)) cert_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() cert_file.write(ca_cert_chain[0] + '\n') cert_file.flush() ca_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() ca_file.write('\n'.join(ca_cert_chain[1:]) + '\n') ca_file.flush() return cert_file, ca_file def store_version(): """Store current data version and platform. This is required for check if upgrade is required. """ sysupgrade.set_upgrade_state('ipa', 'data_version', version.VENDOR_VERSION) sysupgrade.set_upgrade_state('ipa', 'platform', ipaplatform.NAME) def check_version(): """ :raise UpgradePlatformError: if platform is not the same :raise UpgradeDataOlderVersionError: if data needs to be upgraded :raise UpgradeDataNewerVersionError: older version of IPA was detected than data :raise UpgradeMissingVersionError: if platform or version is missing """ platform = sysupgrade.get_upgrade_state('ipa', 'platform') if platform is not None: if platform != ipaplatform.NAME: raise UpgradePlatformError( "platform mismatch (expected '%s', current '%s')" % ( platform, ipaplatform.NAME) ) else: raise UpgradeMissingVersionError("no platform stored") data_version = sysupgrade.get_upgrade_state('ipa', 'data_version') if data_version is not None: parsed_data_ver = tasks.parse_ipa_version(data_version) parsed_ipa_ver = tasks.parse_ipa_version(version.VENDOR_VERSION) if parsed_data_ver < parsed_ipa_ver: raise UpgradeDataOlderVersionError( "data needs to be upgraded (expected version '%s', current " "version '%s')" % (version.VENDOR_VERSION, data_version) ) elif parsed_data_ver > parsed_ipa_ver: raise UpgradeDataNewerVersionError( "data are in newer version than IPA (data version '%s', IPA " "version '%s')" % (data_version, version.VENDOR_VERSION) ) else: raise UpgradeMissingVersionError("no data_version stored") def realm_to_serverid(realm_name): return "-".join(realm_name.split(".")) def realm_to_ldapi_uri(realm_name): serverid = realm_to_serverid(realm_name) socketname = paths.SLAPD_INSTANCE_SOCKET_TEMPLATE % (serverid,) return 'ldapi://' + ldapurl.ldapUrlEscape(socketname) def install_service_keytab(principal, server, path, force_service_add=False): try: api.Backend.rpcclient.connect() # Create services if none exists (we use the .forward method # here so that we can control the client version number and avoid # errors. This is a workaround until the API becomes version # independent: FIXME api.Backend.rpcclient.forward( 'service_add', krbprincipalname=principal, force=force_service_add, version=u'2.112' # All the way back to 3.0 servers ) except errors.DuplicateEntry: pass finally: if api.Backend.rpcclient.isconnected(): api.Backend.rpcclient.disconnect() args = [paths.IPA_GETKEYTAB, '-k', path, '-p', principal, '-s', server] ipautil.run(args) def check_creds(options, realm_name): # Check if ccache is available default_cred = None try: root_logger.debug('KRB5CCNAME set to %s' % os.environ.get('KRB5CCNAME', None)) # get default creds, will raise if none found default_cred = gssapi.creds.Credentials() principal = str(default_cred.name) except gssapi.raw.misc.GSSError as e: root_logger.debug('Failed to find default ccache: %s' % e) principal = None # Check if the principal matches the requested one (if any) if principal is not None and options.principal is not None: op = options.principal if op.find('@') == -1: op = '%s@%s' % (op, realm_name) if principal != op: root_logger.debug('Specified principal %s does not match ' 'available credentials (%s)' % (options.principal, principal)) principal = None if principal is None: (ccache_fd, ccache_name) = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(ccache_fd) options.created_ccache_file = ccache_name if options.principal is not None: principal = options.principal else: principal = 'admin' stdin = None if principal.find('@') == -1: principal = '%s@%s' % (principal, realm_name) if options.admin_password is not None: stdin = options.admin_password else: if not options.unattended: try: stdin = getpass.getpass("Password for %s: " % principal) except EOFError: stdin = None if not stdin: root_logger.error( "Password must be provided for %s.", principal) raise ScriptError("Missing password for %s" % principal) else: if sys.stdin.isatty(): root_logger.error("Password must be provided in " + "non-interactive mode.") root_logger.info("This can be done via " + "echo password | ipa-client-install " + "... or with the -w option.") raise ScriptError("Missing password for %s" % principal) else: stdin = sys.stdin.readline() # set options.admin_password for future use options.admin_password = stdin try: ipautil.kinit_password(principal, stdin, ccache_name) except RuntimeError as e: root_logger.error("Kerberos authentication failed: %s" % e) raise ScriptError("Invalid credentials: %s" % e) os.environ['KRB5CCNAME'] = ccache_name class ModifyLDIF(ldif.LDIFParser): """ Allows to modify LDIF file. Operations keep the order in which were specified per DN. Warning: only modifications of existing DNs are supported """ def __init__(self, input_file, output_file): """ :param input_file: an LDIF :param output_file: an LDIF file """ ldif.LDIFParser.__init__(self, input_file) self.writer = ldif.LDIFWriter(output_file) self.dn_updated = set() self.modifications = {} # keep modify operations in original order def add_value(self, dn, attr, values): """ Add value to LDIF. :param dn: DN of entry (must exists) :param attr: attribute name :param value: value to be added """ assert isinstance(values, list) self.modifications.setdefault(dn, []).append( dict( op="add", attr=attr, values=values, ) ) def remove_value(self, dn, attr, values=None): """ Remove value from LDIF. :param dn: DN of entry :param attr: attribute name :param value: value to be removed, if value is None, attribute will be removed """ assert values is None or isinstance(values, list) self.modifications.setdefault(dn, []).append( dict( op="del", attr=attr, values=values, ) ) def replace_value(self, dn, attr, values): """ Replace values in LDIF with new value. :param dn: DN of entry :param attr: attribute name :param value: new value for atribute """ assert isinstance(values, list) self.remove_value(dn, attr) self.add_value(dn, attr, values) def modifications_from_ldif(self, ldif_file): """ Parse ldif file. Default operation is add, only changetypes "add" and "modify" are supported. :param ldif_file: an opened file for read :raises: ValueError """ parser = ldif.LDIFRecordList(ldif_file) parser.parse() last_dn = None for dn, entry in parser.all_records: if dn is None: # ldif parser return None, if records belong to previous DN dn = last_dn else: last_dn = dn if "replace" in entry: for attr in entry["replace"]: try: self.replace_value(dn, attr, entry[attr]) except KeyError: raise ValueError("replace: {dn}, {attr}: values are " "missing".format(dn=dn, attr=attr)) elif "delete" in entry: for attr in entry["delete"]: self.remove_value(dn, attr, entry.get(attr, None)) elif "add" in entry: for attr in entry["add"]: try: self.replace_value(dn, attr, entry[attr]) except KeyError: raise ValueError("add: {dn}, {attr}: values are " "missing".format(dn=dn, attr=attr)) else: root_logger.error("Ignoring entry: %s : only modifications " "are allowed (missing \"changetype: " "modify\")", dn) def handle(self, dn, entry): if dn in self.modifications: self.dn_updated.add(dn) for mod in self.modifications.get(dn, []): attr_name = mod["attr"] values = mod["values"] if mod["op"] == "del": # delete attribute = entry.setdefault(attr_name, []) if values is None: attribute = [] else: attribute = [v for v in attribute if v not in values] if not attribute: # empty del entry[attr_name] elif mod["op"] == "add": # add attribute = entry.setdefault(attr_name, []) attribute.extend([v for v in values if v not in attribute]) else: assert False, "Unknown operation: %r" % mod["op"] self.writer.unparse(dn, entry) def parse(self): ldif.LDIFParser.parse(self) # check if there are any remaining modifications remaining_changes = set(self.modifications.keys()) - self.dn_updated for dn in remaining_changes: root_logger.error( "DN: %s does not exists or haven't been updated", dn) def remove_keytab(keytab_path): """ Remove Kerberos keytab and issue a warning if the procedure fails :param keytab_path: path to the keytab file """ try: root_logger.debug("Removing service keytab: {}".format(keytab_path)) os.remove(keytab_path) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: root_logger.warning("Failed to remove Kerberos keytab '{}': " "{}".format(keytab_path, e)) root_logger.warning("You may have to remove it manually") def remove_ccache(ccache_path=None, run_as=None): """ remove Kerberos credential cache, essentially a wrapper around kdestroy. :param ccache_path: path to the ccache file :param run_as: run kdestroy as this user """ root_logger.debug("Removing service credentials cache") kdestroy_cmd = [paths.KDESTROY] if ccache_path is not None: root_logger.debug("Ccache path: '{}'".format(ccache_path)) kdestroy_cmd.extend(['-c', ccache_path]) try: ipautil.run(kdestroy_cmd, runas=run_as, env={}) except ipautil.CalledProcessError as e: root_logger.warning( "Failed to clear Kerberos credentials cache: {}".format(e))