# Authors: Ade Lee # # Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # import base64 import ldap import os import shutil import tempfile import traceback import dbus import pwd from pki.client import PKIConnection import pki.system from ipalib import api, errors from ipalib.constants import IPAAPI_USER from ipalib.install import certmonger from ipaplatform import services from ipaplatform.constants import constants from ipaplatform.paths import paths from ipapython import ipaldap from ipapython import ipautil from ipapython.dn import DN from ipaserver.install import service from ipaserver.install import installutils from ipaserver.install import replication from ipaserver.install.installutils import stopped_service from ipapython.ipa_log_manager import log_mgr def get_security_domain(): """ Get the security domain from the REST interface on the local Dogtag CA This function will succeed if the local dogtag CA is up. """ connection = PKIConnection() domain_client = pki.system.SecurityDomainClient(connection) info = domain_client.get_security_domain_info() return info def is_installing_replica(sys_type): """ We expect only one of each type of Dogtag subsystem in an IPA deployment. That means that if a subsystem of the specified type has already been deployed - and therefore appears in the security domain - then we must be installing a replica. """ info = get_security_domain() try: sys_list = info.systems[sys_type] return len(sys_list.hosts) > 0 except KeyError: return False def export_kra_agent_pem(): """ Export ipaCert with private key for client authentication. """ fd, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=paths.IPA_RADB_DIR) os.close(fd) args = ["/usr/bin/pki", "-d", paths.IPA_RADB_DIR, "-C", os.path.join(paths.IPA_RADB_DIR, 'pwdfile.txt'), "client-cert-show", "ipaCert", "--client-cert", filename] ipautil.run(args) pent = pwd.getpwnam(IPAAPI_USER) os.chown(filename, 0, pent.pw_gid) os.chmod(filename, 0o440) os.rename(filename, paths.KRA_AGENT_PEM) class DogtagInstance(service.Service): """ This is the base class for a Dogtag 10+ instance, which uses a shared tomcat instance and DS to host the relevant subsystems. It contains functions that will be common to installations of the CA, KRA, and eventually TKS and TPS. """ tracking_reqs = None server_cert_name = None def __init__(self, realm, subsystem, service_desc, host_name=None, nss_db=paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR, service_prefix=None): """Initializer""" super(DogtagInstance, self).__init__( 'pki-tomcatd', service_desc=service_desc, realm_name=realm, service_user=constants.PKI_USER, service_prefix=service_prefix ) self.admin_password = None self.fqdn = host_name self.pkcs12_info = None self.clone = False self.basedn = DN(('o', 'ipa%s' % subsystem.lower())) self.admin_user = "admin" self.admin_dn = DN(('uid', self.admin_user), ('ou', 'people'), ('o', 'ipaca')) self.admin_groups = None self.agent_db = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="tmp-", dir=paths.VAR_LIB_IPA) self.subsystem = subsystem self.security_domain_name = "IPA" # replication parameters self.master_host = None self.master_replication_port = None self.subject_base = None self.nss_db = nss_db self.log = log_mgr.get_logger(self) def __del__(self): shutil.rmtree(self.agent_db, ignore_errors=True) def is_installed(self): """ Determine if subsystem instance has been installed. Returns True/False """ return os.path.exists(os.path.join( paths.VAR_LIB_PKI_TOMCAT_DIR, self.subsystem.lower())) def spawn_instance(self, cfg_file, nolog_list=()): """ Create and configure a new Dogtag instance using pkispawn. Passes in a configuration file with IPA-specific parameters. """ subsystem = self.subsystem args = [paths.PKISPAWN, "-s", subsystem, "-f", cfg_file] with open(cfg_file) as f: self.log.debug( 'Contents of pkispawn configuration file (%s):\n%s', cfg_file, ipautil.nolog_replace(f.read(), nolog_list)) try: ipautil.run(args, nolog=nolog_list) except ipautil.CalledProcessError as e: self.handle_setup_error(e) def restart_instance(self): try: self.restart('pki-tomcat') except Exception: self.log.debug(traceback.format_exc()) self.log.critical( "Failed to restart the Dogtag instance." "See the installation log for details.") def start_instance(self): try: self.start('pki-tomcat') except Exception: self.log.debug(traceback.format_exc()) self.log.critical( "Failed to restart the Dogtag instance." "See the installation log for details.") def stop_instance(self): try: self.stop('pki-tomcat') except Exception: self.log.debug(traceback.format_exc()) self.log.critical( "Failed to restart the Dogtag instance." "See the installation log for details.") def enable_client_auth_to_db(self, config): """ Enable client auth connection to the internal db. Path to CS.cfg config file passed in. """ with stopped_service('pki-tomcatd', 'pki-tomcat'): installutils.set_directive( config, 'authz.instance.DirAclAuthz.ldap.ldapauth.authtype', 'SslClientAuth', quotes=False, separator='=') installutils.set_directive( config, 'authz.instance.DirAclAuthz.ldap.ldapauth.clientCertNickname', 'subsystemCert cert-pki-ca', quotes=False, separator='=') installutils.set_directive( config, 'authz.instance.DirAclAuthz.ldap.ldapconn.port', '636', quotes=False, separator='=') installutils.set_directive( config, 'authz.instance.DirAclAuthz.ldap.ldapconn.secureConn', 'true', quotes=False, separator='=') installutils.set_directive( config, 'internaldb.ldapauth.authtype', 'SslClientAuth', quotes=False, separator='=') installutils.set_directive( config, 'internaldb.ldapauth.clientCertNickname', 'subsystemCert cert-pki-ca', quotes=False, separator='=') installutils.set_directive( config, 'internaldb.ldapconn.port', '636', quotes=False, separator='=') installutils.set_directive( config, 'internaldb.ldapconn.secureConn', 'true', quotes=False, separator='=') # Remove internaldb password as is not needed anymore installutils.set_directive(paths.PKI_TOMCAT_PASSWORD_CONF, 'internaldb', None) def uninstall(self): if self.is_installed(): self.print_msg("Unconfiguring %s" % self.subsystem) try: ipautil.run([paths.PKIDESTROY, "-i", 'pki-tomcat', "-s", self.subsystem]) except ipautil.CalledProcessError as e: self.log.critical("failed to uninstall %s instance %s", self.subsystem, e) def http_proxy(self): """ Update the http proxy file """ template_filename = ( os.path.join(paths.USR_SHARE_IPA_DIR, "ipa-pki-proxy.conf")) sub_dict = dict( DOGTAG_PORT=8009, CLONE='' if self.clone else '#', FQDN=self.fqdn, ) template = ipautil.template_file(template_filename, sub_dict) with open(paths.HTTPD_IPA_PKI_PROXY_CONF, "w") as fd: fd.write(template) def configure_certmonger_renewal(self): """ Create a new CA type for certmonger that will retrieve updated certificates from the dogtag master server. """ cmonger = services.knownservices.certmonger cmonger.enable() services.knownservices.messagebus.start() cmonger.start() bus = dbus.SystemBus() obj = bus.get_object('org.fedorahosted.certmonger', '/org/fedorahosted/certmonger') iface = dbus.Interface(obj, 'org.fedorahosted.certmonger') path = iface.find_ca_by_nickname('dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent') if not path: iface.add_known_ca( 'dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent', paths.DOGTAG_IPA_CA_RENEW_AGENT_SUBMIT, dbus.Array([], dbus.Signature('s'))) def __get_pin(self): try: return certmonger.get_pin('internal') except IOError as e: self.log.debug( 'Unable to determine PIN for the Dogtag instance: %s', e) raise RuntimeError(e) def configure_renewal(self): """ Configure certmonger to renew system certs """ pin = self.__get_pin() for nickname, profile in self.tracking_reqs: try: certmonger.dogtag_start_tracking( ca='dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent', nickname=nickname, pin=pin, pinfile=None, secdir=self.nss_db, pre_command='stop_pkicad', post_command='renew_ca_cert "%s"' % nickname, profile=profile) except RuntimeError as e: self.log.error( "certmonger failed to start tracking certificate: %s", e) def track_servercert(self): """ Specifically do not tell certmonger to restart the CA. This will be done by the renewal script, renew_ca_cert once all the subsystem certificates are renewed. """ pin = self.__get_pin() try: certmonger.dogtag_start_tracking( ca='dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent', nickname=self.server_cert_name, pin=pin, pinfile=None, secdir=self.nss_db, pre_command='stop_pkicad', post_command='renew_ca_cert "%s"' % self.server_cert_name) except RuntimeError as e: self.log.error( "certmonger failed to start tracking certificate: %s" % e) def stop_tracking_certificates(self, stop_certmonger=True): """Stop tracking our certificates. Called on uninstall. """ self.print_msg( "Configuring certmonger to stop tracking system certificates " "for %s" % self.subsystem) cmonger = services.knownservices.certmonger services.knownservices.messagebus.start() cmonger.start() nicknames = [nickname for nickname, _profile in self.tracking_reqs] if self.server_cert_name is not None: nicknames.append(self.server_cert_name) for nickname in nicknames: try: certmonger.stop_tracking( self.nss_db, nickname=nickname) except RuntimeError as e: self.log.error( "certmonger failed to stop tracking certificate: %s", e) if stop_certmonger: cmonger.stop() @staticmethod def update_cert_cs_cfg(directive, cert, cs_cfg): """ When renewing a Dogtag subsystem certificate the configuration file needs to get the new certificate as well. ``directive`` is the directive to update in CS.cfg cert is a DER-encoded certificate. cs_cfg is the path to the CS.cfg file """ with stopped_service('pki-tomcatd', 'pki-tomcat'): installutils.set_directive( cs_cfg, directive, base64.b64encode(cert), quotes=False, separator='=') def get_admin_cert(self): """ Get the certificate for the admin user by checking the ldap entry for the user. There should be only one certificate per user. """ self.log.debug('Trying to find the certificate for the admin user') conn = None try: ldap_uri = ipaldap.get_ldap_uri(protocol='ldapi', realm=self.realm) conn = ipaldap.LDAPClient(ldap_uri) conn.external_bind() entry_attrs = conn.get_entry(self.admin_dn, ['usercertificate']) admin_cert = entry_attrs.get('usercertificate')[0] # TODO(edewata) Add check to warn if there is more than one cert. finally: if conn is not None: conn.unbind() return base64.b64encode(admin_cert) def handle_setup_error(self, e): self.log.critical("Failed to configure %s instance: %s" % (self.subsystem, e)) self.log.critical("See the installation logs and the following " "files/directories for more information:") self.log.critical(" %s" % paths.TOMCAT_TOPLEVEL_DIR) raise RuntimeError("%s configuration failed." % self.subsystem) def __add_admin_to_group(self, group): dn = DN(('cn', group), ('ou', 'groups'), ('o', 'ipaca')) entry = api.Backend.ldap2.get_entry(dn) members = entry.get('uniqueMember', []) members.append(self.admin_dn) mod = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'uniqueMember', members)] try: api.Backend.ldap2.modify_s(dn, mod) except ldap.TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS: # already there pass def setup_admin(self): self.admin_user = "admin-%s" % self.fqdn self.admin_password = ipautil.ipa_generate_password() self.admin_dn = DN(('uid', self.admin_user), ('ou', 'people'), ('o', 'ipaca')) # remove user if left-over exists try: entry = api.Backend.ldap2.delete_entry(self.admin_dn) except errors.NotFound: pass # add user entry = api.Backend.ldap2.make_entry( self.admin_dn, objectclass=["top", "person", "organizationalPerson", "inetOrgPerson", "cmsuser"], uid=[self.admin_user], cn=[self.admin_user], sn=[self.admin_user], usertype=['adminType'], mail=['root@localhost'], userPassword=[self.admin_password], userstate=['1'] ) api.Backend.ldap2.add_entry(entry) for group in self.admin_groups: self.__add_admin_to_group(group) # Now wait until the other server gets replicated this data ldap_uri = ipaldap.get_ldap_uri(self.master_host) master_conn = ipaldap.LDAPClient(ldap_uri) master_conn.gssapi_bind() replication.wait_for_entry(master_conn, entry.dn) del master_conn def __remove_admin_from_group(self, group): dn = DN(('cn', group), ('ou', 'groups'), ('o', 'ipaca')) mod = [(ldap.MOD_DELETE, 'uniqueMember', self.admin_dn)] try: api.Backend.ldap2.modify_s(dn, mod) except ldap.NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE: # already removed pass def teardown_admin(self): for group in self.admin_groups: self.__remove_admin_from_group(group) api.Backend.ldap2.delete_entry(self.admin_dn) def _use_ldaps_during_spawn(self, config, ds_cacert=paths.IPA_CA_CRT): config.set(self.subsystem, "pki_ds_ldaps_port", "636") config.set(self.subsystem, "pki_ds_secure_connection", "True") config.set(self.subsystem, "pki_ds_secure_connection_ca_pem_file", ds_cacert)