# # Copyright (C) 2014 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license # from __future__ import print_function import os import pwd import grp import random import shutil import stat import ldap from ipapython import p11helper as _ipap11helper from ipapython.dnsutil import DNSName from ipaserver.install import service from ipaserver.install import installutils from ipapython.ipa_log_manager import root_logger from ipapython.dn import DN from ipapython import ipaldap from ipapython import ipautil from ipaplatform.constants import constants from ipaplatform.paths import paths from ipalib import errors, api from ipalib.constants import CACERT from ipaserver.install.bindinstance import dns_container_exists softhsm_token_label = u'ipaDNSSEC' softhsm_slot = 0 replica_keylabel_template = u"dnssec-replica:%s" def dnssec_container_exists(fqdn, suffix, dm_password=None, ldapi=False, realm=None): """ Test whether the dns container exists. """ assert isinstance(suffix, DN) try: # At install time we may need to use LDAPI to avoid chicken/egg # issues with SSL certs and truting CAs ldap_uri = ipaldap.get_ldap_uri(fqdn, 636, ldapi=ldapi, realm=realm, cacert=CACERT) conn = ipaldap.LDAPClient(ldap_uri, cacert=CACERT) conn.simple_bind(ipaldap.DIRMAN_DN, dm_password) except ldap.SERVER_DOWN: raise RuntimeError('LDAP server on %s is not responding. Is IPA installed?' % fqdn) ret = conn.entry_exists(DN(('cn', 'sec'), ('cn', 'dns'), suffix)) conn.unbind() return ret def remove_replica_public_keys(hostname): keysyncd = DNSKeySyncInstance() keysyncd.remove_replica_public_keys(hostname) class DNSKeySyncInstance(service.Service): def __init__(self, fstore=None, logger=root_logger): super(DNSKeySyncInstance, self).__init__( "ipa-dnskeysyncd", service_desc="DNS key synchronization service", fstore=fstore, service_prefix=u'ipa-dnskeysync', keytab=paths.IPA_DNSKEYSYNCD_KEYTAB ) self.logger = logger self.extra_config = [u'dnssecVersion 1', ] # DNSSEC enabled self.named_uid = None self.named_gid = None self.ods_uid = None self.ods_gid = None suffix = ipautil.dn_attribute_property('_suffix') def set_dyndb_ldap_workdir_permissions(self): """ Setting up correct permissions to allow write/read access for daemons """ if self.named_uid is None: self.named_uid = self.__get_named_uid() if self.named_gid is None: self.named_gid = self.__get_named_gid() if not os.path.exists(paths.BIND_LDAP_DNS_IPA_WORKDIR): os.mkdir(paths.BIND_LDAP_DNS_IPA_WORKDIR, 0o770) # dnssec daemons require to have access into the directory os.chmod(paths.BIND_LDAP_DNS_IPA_WORKDIR, 0o770) os.chown(paths.BIND_LDAP_DNS_IPA_WORKDIR, self.named_uid, self.named_gid) def remove_replica_public_keys(self, replica_fqdn): ldap = api.Backend.ldap2 dn_base = DN(('cn', 'keys'), ('cn', 'sec'), ('cn', 'dns'), api.env.basedn) keylabel = replica_keylabel_template % DNSName(replica_fqdn).\ make_absolute().canonicalize().ToASCII() # get old keys from LDAP search_kw = { 'objectclass': u"ipaPublicKeyObject", 'ipk11Label': keylabel, 'ipk11Wrap': True, } filter = ldap.make_filter(search_kw, rules=ldap.MATCH_ALL) entries, _truncated = ldap.find_entries(filter=filter, base_dn=dn_base) for entry in entries: ldap.delete_entry(entry) def start_dnskeysyncd(self): print("Restarting ipa-dnskeysyncd") self.__start() def create_instance(self, fqdn, realm_name): self.fqdn = fqdn self.realm = realm_name self.suffix = ipautil.realm_to_suffix(self.realm) try: self.stop() except Exception: pass # checking status step must be first self.step("checking status", self.__check_dnssec_status) self.step("setting up bind-dyndb-ldap working directory", self.set_dyndb_ldap_workdir_permissions) self.step("setting up kerberos principal", self.__setup_principal) self.step("setting up SoftHSM", self.__setup_softhsm) self.step("adding DNSSEC containers", self.__setup_dnssec_containers) self.step("creating replica keys", self.__setup_replica_keys) self.step("configuring ipa-dnskeysyncd to start on boot", self.__enable) # we need restart named after setting up this service self.start_creation() def __get_named_uid(self): try: return pwd.getpwnam(constants.NAMED_USER).pw_uid except KeyError: raise RuntimeError("Named UID not found") def __get_named_gid(self): try: return grp.getgrnam(constants.NAMED_GROUP).gr_gid except KeyError: raise RuntimeError("Named GID not found") def __check_dnssec_status(self): self.named_uid = self.__get_named_uid() self.named_gid = self.__get_named_gid() try: self.ods_uid = pwd.getpwnam(constants.ODS_USER).pw_uid except KeyError: raise RuntimeError("OpenDNSSEC UID not found") try: self.ods_gid = grp.getgrnam(constants.ODS_GROUP).gr_gid except KeyError: raise RuntimeError("OpenDNSSEC GID not found") if not dns_container_exists( self.fqdn, self.suffix, realm=self.realm, ldapi=True ): raise RuntimeError("DNS container does not exist") # ready to be installed, storing a state is required to run uninstall self.backup_state("configured", True) def __setup_dnssec_containers(self): """ Setup LDAP containers for DNSSEC """ if dnssec_container_exists(self.fqdn, self.suffix, ldapi=True, realm=self.realm): self.logger.info("DNSSEC container exists (step skipped)") return self._ldap_mod("dnssec.ldif", {'SUFFIX': self.suffix, }) def __setup_softhsm(self): assert self.ods_uid is not None assert self.named_gid is not None token_dir_exists = os.path.exists(paths.DNSSEC_TOKENS_DIR) # create dnssec directory if not os.path.exists(paths.IPA_DNSSEC_DIR): self.logger.debug("Creating %s directory", paths.IPA_DNSSEC_DIR) os.mkdir(paths.IPA_DNSSEC_DIR) os.chmod(paths.IPA_DNSSEC_DIR, 0o770) # chown ods:named os.chown(paths.IPA_DNSSEC_DIR, self.ods_uid, self.named_gid) # setup softhsm2 config file softhsm_conf_txt = ("# SoftHSM v2 configuration file \n" "# File generated by IPA instalation\n" "directories.tokendir = %(tokens_dir)s\n" "objectstore.backend = file") % { 'tokens_dir': paths.DNSSEC_TOKENS_DIR } self.logger.debug("Creating new softhsm config file") named_fd = open(paths.DNSSEC_SOFTHSM2_CONF, 'w') named_fd.seek(0) named_fd.truncate(0) named_fd.write(softhsm_conf_txt) named_fd.close() os.chmod(paths.DNSSEC_SOFTHSM2_CONF, 0o644) # setting up named to use softhsm2 if not self.fstore.has_file(paths.SYSCONFIG_NAMED): self.fstore.backup_file(paths.SYSCONFIG_NAMED) # setting up named and ipa-dnskeysyncd to use our softhsm2 config for sysconfig in [paths.SYSCONFIG_NAMED, paths.SYSCONFIG_IPA_DNSKEYSYNCD]: installutils.set_directive(sysconfig, 'SOFTHSM2_CONF', paths.DNSSEC_SOFTHSM2_CONF, quotes=False, separator='=') if (token_dir_exists and os.path.exists(paths.DNSSEC_SOFTHSM_PIN) and os.path.exists(paths.DNSSEC_SOFTHSM_PIN_SO)): # there is initialized softhsm return # remove old tokens if token_dir_exists: self.logger.debug('Removing old tokens directory %s', paths.DNSSEC_TOKENS_DIR) shutil.rmtree(paths.DNSSEC_TOKENS_DIR) # create tokens subdirectory self.logger.debug('Creating tokens %s directory', paths.DNSSEC_TOKENS_DIR) # sticky bit is required by daemon os.mkdir(paths.DNSSEC_TOKENS_DIR) os.chmod(paths.DNSSEC_TOKENS_DIR, 0o770 | stat.S_ISGID) # chown to ods:named os.chown(paths.DNSSEC_TOKENS_DIR, self.ods_uid, self.named_gid) # generate PINs for softhsm allowed_chars = u'123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' pin_length = 30 # Bind allows max 32 bytes including ending '\0' pin = ipautil.ipa_generate_password(allowed_chars, pin_length) pin_so = ipautil.ipa_generate_password(allowed_chars, pin_length) self.logger.debug("Saving user PIN to %s", paths.DNSSEC_SOFTHSM_PIN) named_fd = open(paths.DNSSEC_SOFTHSM_PIN, 'w') named_fd.seek(0) named_fd.truncate(0) named_fd.write(pin) named_fd.close() os.chmod(paths.DNSSEC_SOFTHSM_PIN, 0o770) # chown to ods:named os.chown(paths.DNSSEC_SOFTHSM_PIN, self.ods_uid, self.named_gid) self.logger.debug("Saving SO PIN to %s", paths.DNSSEC_SOFTHSM_PIN_SO) named_fd = open(paths.DNSSEC_SOFTHSM_PIN_SO, 'w') named_fd.seek(0) named_fd.truncate(0) named_fd.write(pin_so) named_fd.close() # owner must be root os.chmod(paths.DNSSEC_SOFTHSM_PIN_SO, 0o400) # initialize SoftHSM command = [ paths.SOFTHSM2_UTIL, '--init-token', '--slot', str(softhsm_slot), '--label', softhsm_token_label, '--pin', pin, '--so-pin', pin_so, ] self.logger.debug("Initializing tokens") os.environ["SOFTHSM2_CONF"] = paths.DNSSEC_SOFTHSM2_CONF ipautil.run(command, nolog=(pin, pin_so,)) def __setup_replica_keys(self): keylabel = replica_keylabel_template % DNSName(self.fqdn).\ make_absolute().canonicalize().ToASCII() ldap = self.admin_conn dn_base = DN(('cn', 'keys'), ('cn', 'sec'), ('cn', 'dns'), api.env.basedn) with open(paths.DNSSEC_SOFTHSM_PIN, "r") as f: pin = f.read() os.environ["SOFTHSM2_CONF"] = paths.DNSSEC_SOFTHSM2_CONF p11 = _ipap11helper.P11_Helper(softhsm_slot, pin, paths.LIBSOFTHSM2_SO) try: # generate replica keypair self.logger.debug("Creating replica's key pair") key_id = None while True: # check if key with this ID exist in softHSM # id is 16 Bytes long key_id = "".join(chr(random.randint(0, 255)) for _ in range(0, 16)) replica_pubkey_dn = DN(('ipk11UniqueId', 'autogenerate'), dn_base) pub_keys = p11.find_keys(_ipap11helper.KEY_CLASS_PUBLIC_KEY, label=keylabel, id=key_id) if pub_keys: # key with id exists continue priv_keys = p11.find_keys(_ipap11helper.KEY_CLASS_PRIVATE_KEY, label=keylabel, id=key_id) if not priv_keys: break # we found unique id public_key_handle, _privkey_handle = p11.generate_replica_key_pair( keylabel, key_id, pub_cka_verify=False, pub_cka_verify_recover=False, pub_cka_wrap=True, priv_cka_unwrap=True, priv_cka_sensitive=True, priv_cka_extractable=False) # export public key public_key_blob = p11.export_public_key(public_key_handle) # save key to LDAP replica_pubkey_objectclass = [ 'ipk11Object', 'ipk11PublicKey', 'ipaPublicKeyObject', 'top' ] kw = { 'objectclass': replica_pubkey_objectclass, 'ipk11UniqueId': [u'autogenerate'], 'ipk11Label': [keylabel], 'ipaPublicKey': [public_key_blob], 'ipk11Id': [key_id], 'ipk11Wrap': [True], 'ipk11Verify': [False], 'ipk11VerifyRecover': [False], } self.logger.debug("Storing replica public key to LDAP, %s", replica_pubkey_dn) entry = ldap.make_entry(replica_pubkey_dn, **kw) ldap.add_entry(entry) self.logger.debug("Replica public key stored") self.logger.debug("Setting CKA_WRAP=False for old replica keys") # first create new keys, we don't want disable keys before, we # have new keys in softhsm and LDAP # get replica pub keys with CKA_WRAP=True replica_pub_keys = p11.find_keys(_ipap11helper.KEY_CLASS_PUBLIC_KEY, label=keylabel, cka_wrap=True) # old keys in softHSM for handle in replica_pub_keys: # don't disable wrapping for new key # compare IDs not handle if key_id != p11.get_attribute(handle, _ipap11helper.CKA_ID): p11.set_attribute(handle, _ipap11helper.CKA_WRAP, False) # get old keys from LDAP search_kw = { 'objectclass': u"ipaPublicKeyObject", 'ipk11Label': keylabel, 'ipk11Wrap': True, } filter = ldap.make_filter(search_kw, rules=ldap.MATCH_ALL) entries, _truncated = ldap.find_entries(filter=filter, base_dn=dn_base) for entry in entries: # don't disable wrapping for new key if entry.single_value['ipk11Id'] != key_id: entry['ipk11Wrap'] = [False] ldap.update_entry(entry) finally: p11.finalize() # change tokens mod/owner self.logger.debug("Changing ownership of token files") for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(paths.DNSSEC_TOKENS_DIR): for directory in dirs: dir_path = os.path.join(root, directory) os.chmod(dir_path, 0o770 | stat.S_ISGID) # chown to ods:named os.chown(dir_path, self.ods_uid, self.named_gid) for filename in files: file_path = os.path.join(root, filename) os.chmod(file_path, 0o770 | stat.S_ISGID) # chown to ods:named os.chown(file_path, self.ods_uid, self.named_gid) def __enable(self): try: self.ldap_enable('DNSKeySync', self.fqdn, None, self.suffix, self.extra_config) except errors.DuplicateEntry: self.logger.error("DNSKeySync service already exists") def __setup_principal(self): assert self.ods_gid is not None installutils.remove_keytab(self.keytab) installutils.kadmin_addprinc(self.principal) # Store the keytab on disk installutils.create_keytab(self.keytab, self.principal) p = self.move_service(self.principal) if p is None: # the service has already been moved, perhaps we're doing a DNS reinstall dnssynckey_principal_dn = DN( ('krbprincipalname', self.principal), ('cn', 'services'), ('cn', 'accounts'), self.suffix) else: dnssynckey_principal_dn = p # Make sure access is strictly reserved to the named user os.chown(self.keytab, 0, self.ods_gid) os.chmod(self.keytab, 0o440) dns_group = DN(('cn', 'DNS Servers'), ('cn', 'privileges'), ('cn', 'pbac'), self.suffix) mod = [(ldap.MOD_ADD, 'member', dnssynckey_principal_dn)] try: self.admin_conn.modify_s(dns_group, mod) except ldap.TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS: pass except Exception as e: self.logger.critical("Could not modify principal's %s entry: %s" % (dnssynckey_principal_dn, str(e))) raise # bind-dyndb-ldap persistent search feature requires both size and time # limit-free connection mod = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsTimeLimit', '-1'), (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsSizeLimit', '-1'), (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsIdleTimeout', '-1'), (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsLookThroughLimit', '-1')] try: self.admin_conn.modify_s(dnssynckey_principal_dn, mod) except Exception as e: self.logger.critical("Could not set principal's %s LDAP limits: %s" % (dnssynckey_principal_dn, str(e))) raise def __start(self): try: self.restart() except Exception as e: print("Failed to start ipa-dnskeysyncd") self.logger.debug("Failed to start ipa-dnskeysyncd: %s", e) def uninstall(self): if self.is_configured(): self.print_msg("Unconfiguring %s" % self.service_name) # Just eat states self.restore_state("running") self.restore_state("enabled") self.restore_state("configured") # stop and disable service (IPA service, we do not need it anymore) self.stop() self.disable() for f in [paths.SYSCONFIG_NAMED]: try: self.fstore.restore_file(f) except ValueError as error: self.logger.debug(error) # remove softhsm pin, to make sure new installation will generate # new token database # do not delete *so pin*, user can need it to get token data try: os.remove(paths.DNSSEC_SOFTHSM_PIN) except Exception: pass installutils.remove_keytab(self.keytab)