# Authors: # Jason Gerard DeRose # Pavel Zuna # # Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from time import gmtime, strftime, strptime import copy import string from ipalib import api, errors from ipalib import Flag, Int, Password, Str, Bool, Bytes from ipalib.plugins.baseldap import * from ipalib.request import context from ipalib import _, ngettext from ipalib import output from ipapython.ipautil import ipa_generate_password import posixpath from ipalib.util import validate_sshpubkey, output_sshpubkey if api.env.in_server and api.env.context in ['lite', 'server']: from ipaserver.plugins.ldap2 import ldap2 import os __doc__ = _(""" Users Manage user entries. All users are POSIX users. IPA supports a wide range of username formats, but you need to be aware of any restrictions that may apply to your particular environment. For example, usernames that start with a digit or usernames that exceed a certain length may cause problems for some UNIX systems. Use 'ipa config-mod' to change the username format allowed by IPA tools. Disabling a user account prevents that user from obtaining new Kerberos credentials. It does not invalidate any credentials that have already been issued. Password management is not a part of this module. For more information about this topic please see: ipa help passwd Account lockout on password failure happens per IPA master. The user-status command can be used to identify which master the user is locked out on. It is on that master the the administrator must unlock the user. EXAMPLES: Add a new user: ipa user-add --first=Tim --last=User --password tuser1 Find all users whose entries include the string "Tim": ipa user-find Tim Find all users with "Tim" as the first name: ipa user-find --first=Tim Disable a user account: ipa user-disable tuser1 Enable a user account: ipa user-enable tuser1 Delete a user: ipa user-del tuser1 """) NO_UPG_MAGIC = '__no_upg__' DNA_MAGIC = 999 user_output_params = ( Flag('has_keytab', label=_('Kerberos keys available'), ), ) status_output_params = ( Str('server', label=_('Server'), ), Str('krbloginfailedcount', label=_('Failed logins'), ), Str('krblastsuccessfulauth', label=_('Last successful authentication'), ), Str('krblastfailedauth', label=_('Last failed authentication'), ), Str('now', label=_('Time now'), ), ) # characters to be used for generating random user passwords user_pwdchars = string.digits + string.ascii_letters + '_,.@+-=' def validate_nsaccountlock(entry_attrs): if 'nsaccountlock' in entry_attrs: nsaccountlock = entry_attrs['nsaccountlock'] if not isinstance(nsaccountlock, (bool, Bool)): if not isinstance(nsaccountlock, basestring): raise errors.OnlyOneValueAllowed(attr='nsaccountlock') if nsaccountlock.lower() not in ('true','false'): raise errors.ValidationError(name='nsaccountlock', error='must be TRUE or FALSE') def convert_nsaccountlock(entry_attrs): if not 'nsaccountlock' in entry_attrs: entry_attrs['nsaccountlock'] = False else: nsaccountlock = Bool('temp') entry_attrs['nsaccountlock'] = nsaccountlock.convert(entry_attrs['nsaccountlock'][0]) def split_principal(principal): """ Split the principal into its components and do some basic validation. Automatically append our realm if it wasn't provided. """ realm = None parts = principal.split('@') user = parts[0].lower() if len(parts) > 2: raise errors.MalformedUserPrincipal( principal=principal ) if len(parts) == 2: realm = parts[1].upper() # At some point we'll support multiple realms if realm != api.env.realm: raise errors.RealmMismatch() else: realm = api.env.realm return (user, realm) def validate_principal(ugettext, principal): """ All the real work is done in split_principal. """ (user, realm) = split_principal(principal) return None def normalize_principal(principal): """ Ensure that the name in the principal is lower-case. The realm is upper-case by convention but it isn't required. The principal is validated at this point. """ (user, realm) = split_principal(principal) return unicode('%s@%s' % (user, realm)) class user(LDAPObject): """ User object. """ container_dn = api.env.container_user object_name = _('user') object_name_plural = _('users') object_class = ['posixaccount'] object_class_config = 'ipauserobjectclasses' possible_objectclasses = ['meporiginentry'] disallow_object_classes = ['krbticketpolicyaux'] search_attributes_config = 'ipausersearchfields' default_attributes = [ 'uid', 'givenname', 'sn', 'homedirectory', 'loginshell', 'uidnumber', 'gidnumber', 'mail', 'ou', 'telephonenumber', 'title', 'memberof', 'nsaccountlock', 'memberofindirect', 'sshpubkeyfp', ] search_display_attributes = [ 'uid', 'givenname', 'sn', 'homedirectory', 'loginshell', 'mail', 'telephonenumber', 'title', 'nsaccountlock', 'uidnumber', 'gidnumber', 'sshpubkeyfp', ] uuid_attribute = 'ipauniqueid' attribute_members = { 'memberof': ['group', 'netgroup', 'role', 'hbacrule', 'sudorule'], 'memberofindirect': ['group', 'netgroup', 'role', 'hbacrule', 'sudorule'], } rdn_is_primary_key = True bindable = True password_attributes = [('userpassword', 'has_password'), ('krbprincipalkey', 'has_keytab')] label = _('Users') label_singular = _('User') takes_params = ( Str('uid', pattern='^[a-zA-Z0-9_.][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]{0,252}[a-zA-Z0-9_.$-]?$', pattern_errmsg='may only include letters, numbers, _, -, . and $', maxlength=255, cli_name='login', label=_('User login'), primary_key=True, default_from=lambda givenname, sn: givenname[0] + sn, normalizer=lambda value: value.lower(), ), Str('givenname', cli_name='first', label=_('First name'), ), Str('sn', cli_name='last', label=_('Last name'), ), Str('cn', label=_('Full name'), default_from=lambda givenname, sn: '%s %s' % (givenname, sn), autofill=True, ), Str('displayname?', label=_('Display name'), default_from=lambda givenname, sn: '%s %s' % (givenname, sn), autofill=True, ), Str('initials?', label=_('Initials'), default_from=lambda givenname, sn: '%c%c' % (givenname[0], sn[0]), autofill=True, ), Str('homedirectory?', cli_name='homedir', label=_('Home directory'), ), Str('gecos?', label=_('GECOS field'), default_from=lambda givenname, sn: '%s %s' % (givenname, sn), autofill=True, ), Str('loginshell?', cli_name='shell', label=_('Login shell'), ), Str('krbprincipalname?', validate_principal, cli_name='principal', label=_('Kerberos principal'), default_from=lambda uid: '%s@%s' % (uid.lower(), api.env.realm), autofill=True, flags=['no_update'], normalizer=lambda value: normalize_principal(value), ), Str('mail*', cli_name='email', label=_('Email address'), ), Password('userpassword?', cli_name='password', label=_('Password'), doc=_('Prompt to set the user password'), # FIXME: This is temporary till bug is fixed causing updates to # bomb out via the webUI. exclude='webui', ), Flag('random?', doc=_('Generate a random user password'), flags=('no_search', 'virtual_attribute'), default=False, ), Str('randompassword?', label=_('Random password'), flags=('no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search', 'virtual_attribute'), ), Int('uidnumber', cli_name='uid', label=_('UID'), doc=_('User ID Number (system will assign one if not provided)'), autofill=True, default=DNA_MAGIC, minvalue=1, ), Int('gidnumber', label=_('GID'), doc=_('Group ID Number'), minvalue=1, default=DNA_MAGIC, autofill=True, ), Str('street?', cli_name='street', label=_('Street address'), ), Str('l?', cli_name='city', label=_('City'), ), Str('st?', cli_name='state', label=_('State/Province'), ), Str('postalcode?', label=_('ZIP'), ), Str('telephonenumber*', cli_name='phone', label=_('Telephone Number') ), Str('mobile*', label=_('Mobile Telephone Number') ), Str('pager*', label=_('Pager Number') ), Str('facsimiletelephonenumber*', cli_name='fax', label=_('Fax Number'), ), Str('ou?', cli_name='orgunit', label=_('Org. Unit'), ), Str('title?', label=_('Job Title'), ), Str('manager?', label=_('Manager'), ), Str('carlicense?', label=_('Car License'), ), Bool('nsaccountlock?', label=_('Account disabled'), flags=['no_option'], ), Bytes('ipasshpubkey*', validate_sshpubkey, cli_name='sshpubkey', label=_('Base-64 encoded SSH public key'), flags=['no_search'], ), Str('sshpubkeyfp*', label=_('SSH public key fingerprint'), flags=['virtual_attribute', 'no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'], ), ) def _normalize_email(self, email, config=None): if not config: config = self.backend.get_ipa_config()[1] # check if default email domain should be added if email and 'ipadefaultemaildomain' in config: norm_email = [] if not isinstance(email, (list, tuple)): email = [email] for m in email: if isinstance(m, basestring) and m.find('@') == -1: norm_email.append(m + u'@' + config['ipadefaultemaildomain'][0]) else: norm_email.append(m) return norm_email return email def _normalize_manager(self, manager): """ Given a userid verify the user's existence and return the dn. """ if not manager: return None if isinstance(manager, basestring): manager = [manager] try: for m in xrange(len(manager)): if manager[m].endswith('%s,%s' % (self.container_dn, api.env.basedn)): continue (dn, entry_attrs) = self.backend.find_entry_by_attr( self.primary_key.name, manager[m], self.object_class, [''], self.container_dn ) manager[m] = dn except errors.NotFound: raise errors.NotFound(reason=_('manager %(manager)s not found') % dict(manager=manager[m])) return manager def _convert_manager(self, entry_attrs, **options): """ Convert a manager dn into a userid """ if options.get('raw', False): return if 'manager' in entry_attrs: for m in xrange(len(entry_attrs['manager'])): entry_attrs['manager'][m] = self.get_primary_key_from_dn(entry_attrs['manager'][m]) api.register(user) class user_add(LDAPCreate): __doc__ = _('Add a new user.') msg_summary = _('Added user "%(value)s"') has_output_params = LDAPCreate.has_output_params + user_output_params takes_options = LDAPCreate.takes_options + ( Flag('noprivate', cli_name='noprivate', doc=_('Don\'t create user private group'), ), ) def pre_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, attrs_list, *keys, **options): if not options.get('noprivate', False): try: # The Managed Entries plugin will allow a user to be created # even if a group has a duplicate name. This would leave a user # without a private group. Check for both the group and the user. self.api.Command['group_show'](keys[-1]) try: self.api.Command['user_show'](keys[-1]) self.obj.handle_duplicate_entry(*keys) except errors.NotFound: raise errors.ManagedGroupExistsError(group=keys[-1]) except errors.NotFound: pass else: # we don't want an user private group to be created for this user # add NO_UPG_MAGIC description attribute to let the DS plugin know entry_attrs.setdefault('description', []) entry_attrs['description'].append(NO_UPG_MAGIC) validate_nsaccountlock(entry_attrs) config = ldap.get_ipa_config()[1] if 'ipamaxusernamelength' in config: if len(keys[-1]) > int(config.get('ipamaxusernamelength')[0]): raise errors.ValidationError( name=self.obj.primary_key.cli_name, error=_('can be at most %(len)d characters') % dict( len = int(config.get('ipamaxusernamelength')[0]) ) ) default_shell = config.get('ipadefaultloginshell', ['/bin/sh'])[0] entry_attrs.setdefault('loginshell', default_shell) # hack so we can request separate first and last name in CLI full_name = '%s %s' % (entry_attrs['givenname'], entry_attrs['sn']) entry_attrs.setdefault('cn', full_name) if 'homedirectory' not in entry_attrs: # get home's root directory from config homes_root = config.get('ipahomesrootdir', ['/home'])[0] # build user's home directory based on his uid entry_attrs['homedirectory'] = posixpath.join(homes_root, keys[-1]) entry_attrs.setdefault('krbpwdpolicyreference', 'cn=global_policy,cn=%s,cn=kerberos,%s' % (api.env.realm, api.env.basedn)) entry_attrs.setdefault('krbprincipalname', '%s@%s' % (entry_attrs['uid'], api.env.realm)) if entry_attrs.get('gidnumber', DNA_MAGIC) == DNA_MAGIC: # gidNumber wasn't specified explicity, find out what it should be if not options.get('noprivate', False) and ldap.has_upg(): # User Private Groups - uidNumber == gidNumber entry_attrs['gidnumber'] = entry_attrs['uidnumber'] else: # we're adding new users to a default group, get its gidNumber # get default group name from config def_primary_group = config.get('ipadefaultprimarygroup') group_dn = self.api.Object['group'].get_dn(def_primary_group) try: (group_dn, group_attrs) = ldap.get_entry(group_dn, ['gidnumber']) except errors.NotFound: error_msg = _('Default group for new users not found') raise errors.NotFound(reason=error_msg) if 'gidnumber' not in group_attrs: error_msg = _('Default group for new users is not POSIX') raise errors.NotFound(reason=error_msg) entry_attrs['gidnumber'] = group_attrs['gidnumber'] if 'userpassword' not in entry_attrs and options.get('random'): entry_attrs['userpassword'] = ipa_generate_password(user_pwdchars) # save the password so it can be displayed in post_callback setattr(context, 'randompassword', entry_attrs['userpassword']) if 'mail' in entry_attrs: entry_attrs['mail'] = self.obj._normalize_email(entry_attrs['mail'], config) if 'manager' in entry_attrs: entry_attrs['manager'] = self.obj._normalize_manager(entry_attrs['manager']) return dn def post_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): config = ldap.get_ipa_config()[1] # add the user we just created into the default primary group def_primary_group = config.get('ipadefaultprimarygroup') group_dn = self.api.Object['group'].get_dn(def_primary_group) ldap.add_entry_to_group(dn, group_dn) if self.api.env.wait_for_attr: newentry = wait_for_value(ldap, dn, 'memberOf', def_primary_group) entry_from_entry(entry_attrs, newentry) self.obj._convert_manager(entry_attrs, **options) # delete description attribute NO_UPG_MAGIC if present if options.get('noprivate', False): if not options.get('all', False): (dn, desc_attr) = ldap.get_entry(dn, ['description']) entry_attrs.update(desc_attr) if 'description' in entry_attrs and NO_UPG_MAGIC in entry_attrs['description']: entry_attrs['description'].remove(NO_UPG_MAGIC) kw = {'setattr': unicode('description=%s' % ','.join(entry_attrs['description']))} try: self.api.Command['user_mod'](keys[-1], **kw) except (errors.EmptyModlist, errors.NotFound): pass else: if self.api.env.wait_for_attr: newentry = wait_for_value(ldap, dn, 'objectclass', 'mepOriginEntry') entry_from_entry(entry_attrs, newentry) if options.get('random', False): try: entry_attrs['randompassword'] = unicode(getattr(context, 'randompassword')) except AttributeError: # if both randompassword and userpassword options were used pass self.obj.get_password_attributes(ldap, dn, entry_attrs) output_sshpubkey(ldap, dn, entry_attrs) return dn api.register(user_add) class user_del(LDAPDelete): __doc__ = _('Delete a user.') msg_summary = _('Deleted user "%(value)s"') def post_callback(self, ldap, dn, *keys, **options): return True api.register(user_del) class user_mod(LDAPUpdate): __doc__ = _('Modify a user.') msg_summary = _('Modified user "%(value)s"') has_output_params = LDAPUpdate.has_output_params + user_output_params def pre_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, attrs_list, *keys, **options): if options.get('rename') is not None: config = ldap.get_ipa_config()[1] if 'ipamaxusernamelength' in config: if len(options['rename']) > int(config.get('ipamaxusernamelength')[0]): raise errors.ValidationError( name=self.obj.primary_key.cli_name, error=_('can be at most %(len)d characters') % dict( len = int(config.get('ipamaxusernamelength')[0]) ) ) if 'mail' in entry_attrs: entry_attrs['mail'] = self.obj._normalize_email(entry_attrs['mail']) if 'manager' in entry_attrs: entry_attrs['manager'] = self.obj._normalize_manager(entry_attrs['manager']) validate_nsaccountlock(entry_attrs) if 'userpassword' not in entry_attrs and options.get('random'): entry_attrs['userpassword'] = ipa_generate_password(user_pwdchars) # save the password so it can be displayed in post_callback setattr(context, 'randompassword', entry_attrs['userpassword']) if 'ipasshpubkey' in entry_attrs: if 'objectclass' in entry_attrs: obj_classes = entry_attrs['objectclass'] else: (_dn, _entry_attrs) = ldap.get_entry(dn, ['objectclass']) obj_classes = entry_attrs['objectclass'] = _entry_attrs['objectclass'] if 'ipasshuser' not in obj_classes: obj_classes.append('ipasshuser') return dn def post_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): if options.get('random', False): try: entry_attrs['randompassword'] = unicode(getattr(context, 'randompassword')) except AttributeError: # if both randompassword and userpassword options were used pass convert_nsaccountlock(entry_attrs) self.obj._convert_manager(entry_attrs, **options) self.obj.get_password_attributes(ldap, dn, entry_attrs) output_sshpubkey(ldap, dn, entry_attrs) return dn api.register(user_mod) class user_find(LDAPSearch): __doc__ = _('Search for users.') member_attributes = ['memberof'] has_output_params = LDAPSearch.has_output_params + user_output_params takes_options = LDAPSearch.takes_options + ( Flag('whoami', label=_('Self'), doc=_('Display user record for current Kerberos principal'), ), ) def pre_callback(self, ldap, filter, attrs_list, base_dn, scope, *keys, **options): if options.get('whoami'): return ("(&(objectclass=posixaccount)(krbprincipalname=%s))"%\ getattr(context, 'principal'), base_dn, scope) return (filter, base_dn, scope) def post_callback(self, ldap, entries, truncated, *args, **options): if options.get('pkey_only', False): return for entry in entries: (dn, attrs) = entry self.obj._convert_manager(attrs, **options) self.obj.get_password_attributes(ldap, dn, attrs) convert_nsaccountlock(attrs) output_sshpubkey(ldap, dn, attrs) msg_summary = ngettext( '%(count)d user matched', '%(count)d users matched', 0 ) api.register(user_find) class user_show(LDAPRetrieve): __doc__ = _('Display information about a user.') has_output_params = LDAPRetrieve.has_output_params + user_output_params def post_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): convert_nsaccountlock(entry_attrs) self.obj._convert_manager(entry_attrs, **options) self.obj.get_password_attributes(ldap, dn, entry_attrs) output_sshpubkey(ldap, dn, entry_attrs) return dn api.register(user_show) class user_disable(LDAPQuery): __doc__ = _('Disable a user account.') has_output = output.standard_value msg_summary = _('Disabled user account "%(value)s"') def execute(self, *keys, **options): ldap = self.obj.backend dn = self.obj.get_dn(*keys, **options) ldap.deactivate_entry(dn) return dict( result=True, value=keys[0], ) api.register(user_disable) class user_enable(LDAPQuery): __doc__ = _('Enable a user account.') has_output = output.standard_value has_output_params = LDAPQuery.has_output_params + user_output_params msg_summary = _('Enabled user account "%(value)s"') def execute(self, *keys, **options): ldap = self.obj.backend dn = self.obj.get_dn(*keys, **options) ldap.activate_entry(dn) return dict( result=True, value=keys[0], ) api.register(user_enable) class user_unlock(LDAPQuery): __doc__ = _(""" Unlock a user account An account may become locked if the password is entered incorrectly too many times within a specific time period as controlled by password policy. A locked account is a temporary condition and may be unlocked by an administrator.""") has_output = output.standard_value msg_summary = _('Unlocked account "%(value)s"') def execute(self, *keys, **options): dn = self.obj.get_dn(*keys, **options) entry_attrs = {'krbLastAdminUnlock': strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ",gmtime()), 'krbLoginFailedCount': '0'} self.obj.backend.update_entry(dn, entry_attrs) return dict( result=True, value=keys[0], ) api.register(user_unlock) class user_status(LDAPQuery): __doc__ = _(""" Lockout status of a user account An account may become locked if the password is entered incorrectly too many times within a specific time period as controlled by password policy. A locked account is a temporary condition and may be unlocked by an administrator. This connects to each IPA master and displays the lockout status on each one. To determine whether an account is locked on a given server you need to compare the number of failed logins and the time of the last failure. For an account to be locked it must exceed the maxfail failures within the failinterval duration as specified in the password policy associated with the user. The failed login counter is modified only when a user attempts a log in so it is possible that an account may appear locked but the last failed login attempt is older than the lockouttime of the password policy. This means that the user may attempt a login again. """) has_output = output.standard_list_of_entries has_output_params = LDAPSearch.has_output_params + status_output_params def execute(self, *keys, **options): ldap = self.obj.backend dn = self.obj.get_dn(*keys, **options) attr_list = ['krbloginfailedcount', 'krblastsuccessfulauth', 'krblastfailedauth', 'nsaccountlock'] disabled = False masters = [] # Get list of masters try: (masters, truncated) = ldap.find_entries( None, ['*'], 'cn=masters,cn=ipa,cn=etc,%s' % api.env.basedn, ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL ) except errors.NotFound: # If this happens we have some pretty serious problems self.error('No IPA masters found!') pass entries = [] count = 0 for master in masters: host = master[1]['cn'][0] if host == api.env.host: other_ldap = self.obj.backend else: other_ldap = ldap2(shared_instance=False, ldap_uri='ldap://%s' % host, base_dn=self.api.env.basedn) try: other_ldap.connect(ccache=os.environ['KRB5CCNAME']) except Exception, e: self.error("user_status: Connecting to %s failed with %s" % (host, str(e))) newresult = dict() newresult['dn'] = dn newresult['server'] = _("%(host)s failed: %(error)s") % dict(host=host, error=str(e)) entries.append(newresult) count += 1 continue try: entry = other_ldap.get_entry(dn, attr_list) newresult = dict() for attr in ['krblastsuccessfulauth', 'krblastfailedauth']: newresult[attr] = entry[1].get(attr, [u'N/A']) newresult['krbloginfailedcount'] = entry[1].get('krbloginfailedcount', u'0') if not options.get('raw', False): for attr in ['krblastsuccessfulauth', 'krblastfailedauth']: try: if newresult[attr][0] == u'N/A': continue newtime = time.strptime(newresult[attr][0], '%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ') newresult[attr][0] = unicode(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', newtime)) except Exception, e: self.debug("time conversion failed with %s" % str(e)) pass newresult['dn'] = dn newresult['server'] = host if options.get('raw', False): time_format = '%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ' else: time_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' newresult['now'] = unicode(strftime(time_format, gmtime())) convert_nsaccountlock(entry[1]) if 'nsaccountlock' in entry[1].keys(): disabled = entry[1]['nsaccountlock'] entries.append(newresult) count += 1 except errors.NotFound: self.obj.handle_not_found(*keys) except Exception, e: self.error("user_status: Retrieving status for %s failed with %s" % (dn, str(e))) newresult = dict() newresult['dn'] = dn newresult['server'] = _("%(host)s failed") % dict(host=host) entries.append(newresult) count += 1 if host != api.env.host: other_ldap.destroy_connection() return dict(result=entries, count=count, truncated=False, summary=unicode(_('Account disabled: %(disabled)s' % dict(disabled=disabled))), ) api.register(user_status)