# Authors: # Nathaniel McCallum # # Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from ipalib.plugins.baseldap import DN, LDAPObject, LDAPAddMember, LDAPRemoveMember from ipalib.plugins.baseldap import LDAPCreate, LDAPDelete, LDAPUpdate, LDAPSearch, LDAPRetrieve from ipalib import api, Int, Str, Bool, DateTime, Flag, Bytes, IntEnum, StrEnum, Password, _, ngettext from ipalib.plugable import Registry from ipalib.errors import PasswordMismatch, ConversionError, LastMemberError, NotFound, ValidationError from ipalib.request import context from ipalib.frontend import Local from ipaplatform.paths import paths from ipapython.nsslib import NSSConnection import base64 import uuid import urllib import urllib2 import httplib import urlparse import qrcode import os __doc__ = _(""" OTP Tokens """) + _(""" Manage OTP tokens. """) + _(""" IPA supports the use of OTP tokens for multi-factor authentication. This code enables the management of OTP tokens. """) + _(""" EXAMPLES: """) + _(""" Add a new token: ipa otptoken-add --type=totp --owner=jdoe --desc="My soft token" """) + _(""" Examine the token: ipa otptoken-show a93db710-a31a-4639-8647-f15b2c70b78a """) + _(""" Change the vendor: ipa otptoken-mod a93db710-a31a-4639-8647-f15b2c70b78a --vendor="Red Hat" """) + _(""" Delete a token: ipa otptoken-del a93db710-a31a-4639-8647-f15b2c70b78a """) register = Registry() topic = ('otp', _('One time password commands')) TOKEN_TYPES = { u'totp': ['ipatokentotpclockoffset', 'ipatokentotptimestep'], u'hotp': ['ipatokenhotpcounter'] } # NOTE: For maximum compatibility, KEY_LENGTH % 5 == 0 KEY_LENGTH = 20 class OTPTokenKey(Bytes): """A binary password type specified in base32.""" password = True kwargs = Bytes.kwargs + ( ('confirm', bool, True), ) def _convert_scalar(self, value, index=None): if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)) and len(value) == 2: (p1, p2) = value if p1 != p2: raise PasswordMismatch(name=self.name, index=index) value = p1 if isinstance(value, unicode): try: value = base64.b32decode(value, True) except TypeError as e: raise ConversionError(name=self.name, index=index, error=str(e)) return super(OTPTokenKey, self)._convert_scalar(value, index) def _convert_owner(userobj, entry_attrs, options): if 'ipatokenowner' in entry_attrs and not options.get('raw', False): entry_attrs['ipatokenowner'] = map(userobj.get_primary_key_from_dn, entry_attrs['ipatokenowner']) def _normalize_owner(userobj, entry_attrs): owner = entry_attrs.get('ipatokenowner', None) if owner: try: entry_attrs['ipatokenowner'] = userobj._normalize_manager(owner)[0] except NotFound: userobj.handle_not_found(owner) def _check_interval(not_before, not_after): if not_before and not_after: return not_before <= not_after return True def _set_token_type(entry_attrs, **options): klasses = [x.lower() for x in entry_attrs.get('objectclass', [])] for ttype in TOKEN_TYPES.keys(): cls = 'ipatoken' + ttype if cls.lower() in klasses: entry_attrs['type'] = ttype.upper() if not options.get('all', False) or options.get('pkey_only', False): entry_attrs.pop('objectclass', None) @register() class otptoken(LDAPObject): """ OTP Token object. """ container_dn = api.env.container_otp object_name = _('OTP token') object_name_plural = _('OTP tokens') object_class = ['ipatoken'] possible_objectclasses = ['ipatokentotp', 'ipatokenhotp'] default_attributes = [ 'ipatokenuniqueid', 'description', 'ipatokenowner', 'ipatokendisabled', 'ipatokennotbefore', 'ipatokennotafter', 'ipatokenvendor', 'ipatokenmodel', 'ipatokenserial', 'managedby' ] attribute_members = { 'managedby': ['user'], } relationships = { 'managedby': ('Managed by', 'man_by_', 'not_man_by_'), } rdn_is_primary_key = True label = _('OTP Tokens') label_singular = _('OTP Token') takes_params = ( Str('ipatokenuniqueid', cli_name='id', label=_('Unique ID'), primary_key=True, flags=('optional_create'), ), StrEnum('type?', label=_('Type'), doc=_('Type of the token'), default=u'totp', autofill=True, values=tuple(list(TOKEN_TYPES) + [x.upper() for x in TOKEN_TYPES]), flags=('virtual_attribute', 'no_update'), ), Str('description?', cli_name='desc', label=_('Description'), doc=_('Token description (informational only)'), ), Str('ipatokenowner?', cli_name='owner', label=_('Owner'), doc=_('Assigned user of the token (default: self)'), ), Str('managedby_user?', label=_('Manager'), doc=_('Assigned manager of the token (default: self)'), flags=['no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'], ), Bool('ipatokendisabled?', cli_name='disabled', label=_('Disabled'), doc=_('Mark the token as disabled (default: false)') ), DateTime('ipatokennotbefore?', cli_name='not_before', label=_('Validity start'), doc=_('First date/time the token can be used'), ), DateTime('ipatokennotafter?', cli_name='not_after', label=_('Validity end'), doc=_('Last date/time the token can be used'), ), Str('ipatokenvendor?', cli_name='vendor', label=_('Vendor'), doc=_('Token vendor name (informational only)'), ), Str('ipatokenmodel?', cli_name='model', label=_('Model'), doc=_('Token model (informational only)'), ), Str('ipatokenserial?', cli_name='serial', label=_('Serial'), doc=_('Token serial (informational only)'), ), OTPTokenKey('ipatokenotpkey?', cli_name='key', label=_('Key'), doc=_('Token secret (Base32; default: random)'), default_from=lambda: os.urandom(KEY_LENGTH), autofill=True, flags=('no_display', 'no_update', 'no_search'), ), StrEnum('ipatokenotpalgorithm?', cli_name='algo', label=_('Algorithm'), doc=_('Token hash algorithm'), default=u'sha1', autofill=True, flags=('no_update'), values=(u'sha1', u'sha256', u'sha384', u'sha512'), ), IntEnum('ipatokenotpdigits?', cli_name='digits', label=_('Digits'), doc=_('Number of digits each token code will have'), values=(6, 8), default=6, autofill=True, flags=('no_update'), ), Int('ipatokentotpclockoffset?', cli_name='offset', label=_('Clock offset'), doc=_('TOTP token / FreeIPA server time difference'), default=0, autofill=True, flags=('no_update'), ), Int('ipatokentotptimestep?', cli_name='interval', label=_('Clock interval'), doc=_('Length of TOTP token code validity'), default=30, autofill=True, minvalue=5, flags=('no_update'), ), Int('ipatokenhotpcounter?', cli_name='counter', label=_('Counter'), doc=_('Initial counter for the HOTP token'), default=0, autofill=True, minvalue=0, flags=('no_update'), ), ) @register() class otptoken_add(LDAPCreate): __doc__ = _('Add a new OTP token.') msg_summary = _('Added OTP token "%(value)s"') takes_options = LDAPCreate.takes_options + ( Flag('qrcode?', label=_('(deprecated)'), flags=('no_option')), Flag('no_qrcode', label=_('Do not display QR code'), default=False), ) has_output_params = LDAPCreate.has_output_params + ( Str('uri?', label=_('URI')), ) def pre_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, attrs_list, *keys, **options): # Fill in a default UUID when not specified. if entry_attrs.get('ipatokenuniqueid', None) is None: entry_attrs['ipatokenuniqueid'] = str(uuid.uuid4()) dn = DN("ipatokenuniqueid=%s" % entry_attrs['ipatokenuniqueid'], dn) if not _check_interval(options.get('ipatokennotbefore', None), options.get('ipatokennotafter', None)): raise ValidationError(name='not_after', error='is before the validity start') # Set the object class and defaults for specific token types options['type'] = options['type'].lower() entry_attrs['objectclass'] = otptoken.object_class + ['ipatoken' + options['type']] for ttype, tattrs in TOKEN_TYPES.items(): if ttype != options['type']: for tattr in tattrs: if tattr in entry_attrs: del entry_attrs[tattr] # If owner was not specified, default to the person adding this token. # If managedby was not specified, attempt a sensible default. if 'ipatokenowner' not in entry_attrs or 'managedby' not in entry_attrs: result = self.api.Command.user_find(whoami=True)['result'] if result: cur_uid = result[0]['uid'][0] prev_uid = entry_attrs.setdefault('ipatokenowner', cur_uid) if cur_uid == prev_uid: entry_attrs.setdefault('managedby', result[0]['dn']) # Resolve the owner's dn _normalize_owner(self.api.Object.user, entry_attrs) # Get the issuer for the URI owner = entry_attrs.get('ipatokenowner', None) issuer = api.env.realm if owner is not None: try: issuer = ldap.get_entry(owner, ['krbprincipalname'])['krbprincipalname'][0] except (NotFound, IndexError): pass # Build the URI parameters args = {} args['issuer'] = issuer args['secret'] = base64.b32encode(entry_attrs['ipatokenotpkey']) args['digits'] = entry_attrs['ipatokenotpdigits'] args['algorithm'] = entry_attrs['ipatokenotpalgorithm'].upper() if options['type'] == 'totp': args['period'] = entry_attrs['ipatokentotptimestep'] elif options['type'] == 'hotp': args['counter'] = entry_attrs['ipatokenhotpcounter'] # Build the URI label = urllib.quote(entry_attrs['ipatokenuniqueid']) parameters = urllib.urlencode(args) uri = u'otpauth://%s/%s:%s?%s' % (options['type'], issuer, label, parameters) setattr(context, 'uri', uri) attrs_list.append("objectclass") return dn def post_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): entry_attrs['uri'] = getattr(context, 'uri') _set_token_type(entry_attrs, **options) _convert_owner(self.api.Object.user, entry_attrs, options) return super(otptoken_add, self).post_callback(ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options) def output_for_cli(self, textui, output, *args, **options): uri = output['result'].get('uri', None) rv = super(otptoken_add, self).output_for_cli(textui, output, *args, **options) # Print QR code to terminal if specified if uri and not options.get('no_qrcode', False): print "\n" qr = qrcode.QRCode() qr.add_data(uri) qr.make() qr.print_ascii(tty=True) print "\n" return rv @register() class otptoken_del(LDAPDelete): __doc__ = _('Delete an OTP token.') msg_summary = _('Deleted OTP token "%(value)s"') @register() class otptoken_mod(LDAPUpdate): __doc__ = _('Modify a OTP token.') msg_summary = _('Modified OTP token "%(value)s"') def pre_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, attrs_list, *keys, **options): notafter_set = True notbefore = options.get('ipatokennotbefore', None) notafter = options.get('ipatokennotafter', None) # notbefore xor notafter, exactly one of them is not None if bool(notbefore) ^ bool(notafter): result = self.api.Command.otptoken_show(keys[-1])['result'] if notbefore is None: notbefore = result.get('ipatokennotbefore', [None])[0] if notafter is None: notafter_set = False notafter = result.get('ipatokennotafter', [None])[0] if not _check_interval(notbefore, notafter): if notafter_set: raise ValidationError(name='not_after', error='is before the validity start') else: raise ValidationError(name='not_before', error='is after the validity end') _normalize_owner(self.api.Object.user, entry_attrs) # ticket #4681: if the owner of the token is changed and the # user also manages this token, then we should automatically # set the 'managedby' attribute to the new owner if 'ipatokenowner' in entry_attrs and 'managedby' not in entry_attrs: new_owner = entry_attrs.get('ipatokenowner', None) prev_entry = ldap.get_entry(dn, attrs_list=['ipatokenowner', 'managedby']) prev_owner = prev_entry.get('ipatokenowner', None) prev_managedby = prev_entry.get('managedby', None) if (new_owner != prev_owner) and (prev_owner == prev_managedby): entry_attrs.setdefault('managedby', new_owner) attrs_list.append("objectclass") return dn def post_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): _set_token_type(entry_attrs, **options) _convert_owner(self.api.Object.user, entry_attrs, options) return super(otptoken_mod, self).post_callback(ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options) @register() class otptoken_find(LDAPSearch): __doc__ = _('Search for OTP token.') msg_summary = ngettext('%(count)d OTP token matched', '%(count)d OTP tokens matched', 0) def pre_callback(self, ldap, filters, attrs_list, *args, **kwargs): # This is a hack, but there is no other way to # replace the objectClass when searching type = kwargs.get('type', '') if type not in TOKEN_TYPES: type = '' filters = filters.replace("(objectclass=ipatoken)", "(objectclass=ipatoken%s)" % type) attrs_list.append("objectclass") return super(otptoken_find, self).pre_callback(ldap, filters, attrs_list, *args, **kwargs) def args_options_2_entry(self, *args, **options): entry = super(otptoken_find, self).args_options_2_entry(*args, **options) _normalize_owner(self.api.Object.user, entry) return entry def post_callback(self, ldap, entries, truncated, *args, **options): for entry in entries: _set_token_type(entry, **options) _convert_owner(self.api.Object.user, entry, options) return super(otptoken_find, self).post_callback(ldap, entries, truncated, *args, **options) @register() class otptoken_show(LDAPRetrieve): __doc__ = _('Display information about an OTP token.') def pre_callback(self, ldap, dn, attrs_list, *keys, **options): attrs_list.append("objectclass") return super(otptoken_show, self).pre_callback(ldap, dn, attrs_list, *keys, **options) def post_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): _set_token_type(entry_attrs, **options) _convert_owner(self.api.Object.user, entry_attrs, options) return super(otptoken_show, self).post_callback(ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options) @register() class otptoken_add_managedby(LDAPAddMember): __doc__ = _('Add users that can manage this token.') member_attributes = ['managedby'] @register() class otptoken_remove_managedby(LDAPRemoveMember): __doc__ = _('Remove users that can manage this token.') member_attributes = ['managedby'] class HTTPSHandler(urllib2.HTTPSHandler): "Opens SSL HTTPS connections that perform hostname validation." def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.__kwargs = kwargs # Can't use super() because the parent is an old-style class. urllib2.HTTPSHandler.__init__(self) def __inner(self, host, **kwargs): tmp = self.__kwargs.copy() tmp.update(kwargs) # NSSConnection doesn't support timeout argument tmp.pop('timeout', None) return NSSConnection(host, **tmp) def https_open(self, req): return self.do_open(self.__inner, req) @register() class otptoken_sync(Local): __doc__ = _('Synchronize an OTP token.') header = 'X-IPA-TokenSync-Result' takes_options = ( Str('user', label=_('User ID')), Password('password', label=_('Password'), confirm=False), Password('first_code', label=_('First Code'), confirm=False), Password('second_code', label=_('Second Code'), confirm=False), ) takes_args = ( Str('token?', label=_('Token ID')), ) def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): status = {'result': {self.header: 'unknown'}} # Get the sync URI. segments = list(urlparse.urlparse(self.api.env.xmlrpc_uri)) assert segments[0] == 'https' # Ensure encryption. segments[2] = segments[2].replace('/xml', '/session/sync_token') sync_uri = urlparse.urlunparse(segments) # Prepare the query. query = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in {x.name for x in self.takes_options}} if args and args[0] is not None: obj = self.api.Object.otptoken query['token'] = DN((obj.primary_key.name, args[0]), obj.container_dn, self.api.env.basedn) query = urllib.urlencode(query) # Sync the token. # pylint: disable=E1101 handler = HTTPSHandler(dbdir=paths.IPA_NSSDB_DIR, tls_version_min=api.env.tls_version_min, tls_version_max=api.env.tls_version_max) rsp = urllib2.build_opener(handler).open(sync_uri, query) if rsp.getcode() == 200: status['result'][self.header] = rsp.info().get(self.header, 'unknown') rsp.close() return status def output_for_cli(self, textui, result, *keys, **options): textui.print_plain({ 'ok': 'Token synchronized.', 'error': 'Error contacting server!', 'invalid-credentials': 'Invalid Credentials!', }.get(result['result'][self.header], 'Unknown Error!'))