# # Copyright (C) 2016 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license # """ Base service installer module """ from ipalib.util import validate_domain_name from ipapython.install import common, core, typing from ipapython.install.core import group, knob def prepare_only(obj): """ Decorator which makes an installer attribute appear only in the prepare phase of the install """ obj.__exclude__ = getattr(obj, '__exclude__', set()) | {'enroll'} return obj def enroll_only(obj): """ Decorator which makes an installer attribute appear only in the enroll phase of the install """ obj.__exclude__ = getattr(obj, '__exclude__', set()) | {'prepare'} return obj def master_install_only(obj): """ Decorator which makes an installer attribute appear only in master install """ obj.__exclude__ = getattr(obj, '__exclude__', set()) | {'replica_install'} return obj def replica_install_only(obj): """ Decorator which makes an installer attribute appear only in replica install """ obj.__exclude__ = getattr(obj, '__exclude__', set()) | {'master_install'} return obj def _does(cls, arg): def remove(name): def removed(self): raise AttributeError(name) return property(removed) return type( cls.__name__, (cls,), { n: remove(n) for n in dir(cls) if arg in getattr(getattr(cls, n), '__exclude__', set()) } ) def prepares(cls): """ Returns installer class stripped of attributes not related to the prepare phase of the install """ return _does(cls, 'prepare') def enrolls(cls): """ Returns installer class stripped of attributes not related to the enroll phase of the install """ return _does(cls, 'enroll') def installs_master(cls): """ Returns installer class stripped of attributes not related to master install """ return _does(cls, 'master_install') def installs_replica(cls): """ Returns installer class stripped of attributes not related to replica install """ return _does(cls, 'replica_install') @group class ServiceInstallInterface(common.Installable, common.Interactive, core.Composite): """ Interface common to all service installers """ description = "Basic" domain_name = knob( str, None, description="primary DNS domain of the IPA deployment " "(not necessarily related to the current hostname)", cli_names='--domain', ) @domain_name.validator def domain_name(self, value): validate_domain_name(value) servers = knob( # pylint: disable=invalid-sequence-index typing.List[str], None, description="FQDN of IPA server", cli_names='--server', cli_metavar='SERVER', ) realm_name = knob( str, None, description="Kerberos realm name of the IPA deployment (typically " "an upper-cased name of the primary DNS domain)", cli_names='--realm', ) host_name = knob( str, None, description="The hostname of this machine (FQDN). If specified, the " "hostname will be set and the system configuration will " "be updated to persist over reboot. By default the result " "of getfqdn() call from Python's socket module is used.", cli_names='--hostname', ) ca_cert_files = knob( # pylint: disable=invalid-sequence-index typing.List[str], None, description="load the CA certificate from this file", cli_names='--ca-cert-file', cli_metavar='FILE', ) replica_file = knob( str, None, description="a file generated by ipa-replica-prepare", ) replica_file = replica_install_only(replica_file) dm_password = knob( str, None, sensitive=True, description="Directory Manager password (for the existing master)", ) class ServiceAdminInstallInterface(ServiceInstallInterface): """ Interface common to all service installers which require admin user authentication """ principal = knob( str, None, ) principal = enroll_only(principal) principal = replica_install_only(principal) admin_password = knob( str, None, sensitive=True, ) admin_password = enroll_only(admin_password)