path: root/ipapython/secrets/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ipapython/secrets/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 228 deletions
diff --git a/ipapython/secrets/ b/ipapython/secrets/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f92c9f89..000000000
--- a/ipapython/secrets/
+++ /dev/null
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-# Copyright (C) 2015 IPA Project Contributors, see COPYING for license
-from __future__ import print_function
-import os
-# pylint: disable=import-error
-from six.moves.configparser import ConfigParser
-# pylint: enable=import-error
-from ipaplatform.paths import paths
-from ipapython.dn import DN
-from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
-from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
-from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa, ec
-from custodia.message.kem import KEMKeysStore
-from custodia.message.kem import KEY_USAGE_SIG, KEY_USAGE_ENC, KEY_USAGE_MAP
-from jwcrypto.common import json_decode, json_encode
-from jwcrypto.common import base64url_encode
-from jwcrypto.jwk import JWK
-from ipapython.secrets.common import iSecLdap
-from binascii import unhexlify
-import ldap
-IPA_REL_BASE_DN = 'cn=custodia,cn=ipa,cn=etc'
-IPA_KEYS_QUERY = '(&(ipaKeyUsage={usage:s})(memberPrincipal={princ:s}))'
-RFC5280_USAGE_MAP = {KEY_USAGE_SIG: 'digitalSignature',
- KEY_USAGE_ENC: 'dataEncipherment'}
-class KEMLdap(iSecLdap):
- @property
- def keysbase(self):
- return '%s,%s' % (IPA_REL_BASE_DN, self.basedn)
- def _encode_int(self, i):
- I = hex(i).rstrip("L").lstrip("0x")
- return base64url_encode(unhexlify((len(I) % 2) * '0' + I))
- def _parse_public_key(self, ipa_public_key):
- public_key = serialization.load_der_public_key(ipa_public_key,
- default_backend())
- num = public_key.public_numbers()
- if isinstance(num, rsa.RSAPublicNumbers):
- return {'kty': 'RSA',
- 'e': self._encode_int(num.e),
- 'n': self._encode_int(num.n)}
- elif isinstance(num, ec.EllipticCurvePublicNumbers):
- if == 'secp256r1':
- curve = 'P-256'
- elif == 'secp384r1':
- curve = 'P-384'
- elif == 'secp521r1':
- curve = 'P-521'
- else:
- raise TypeError('Unsupported Elliptic Curve')
- return {'kty': 'EC',
- 'crv': curve,
- 'x': self._encode_int(num.x),
- 'y': self._encode_int(num.y)}
- else:
- raise TypeError('Unknown Public Key type')
- def get_key(self, usage, principal):
- conn = self.connect()
- scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
- ldap_filter = self.build_filter(IPA_KEYS_QUERY,
- {'usage': RFC5280_USAGE_MAP[usage],
- 'princ': principal})
- r = conn.search_s(self.keysbase, scope, ldap_filter)
- if len(r) != 1:
- raise ValueError("Incorrect number of results (%d) searching for"
- "public key for %s" % (len(r), principal))
- ipa_public_key = r[0][1]['ipaPublicKey'][0]
- jwk = self._parse_public_key(ipa_public_key)
- jwk['use'] = KEY_USAGE_MAP[usage]
- return json_encode(jwk)
- def _format_public_key(self, key):
- if isinstance(key, str):
- jwkey = json_decode(key)
- if 'kty' not in jwkey:
- raise ValueError('Invalid key, missing "kty" attribute')
- if jwkey['kty'] == 'RSA':
- pubnum = rsa.RSAPublicNumbers(jwkey['e'], jwkey['n'])
- pubkey = pubnum.public_key(default_backend())
- elif jwkey['kty'] == 'EC':
- if jwkey['crv'] == 'P-256':
- curve = ec.SECP256R1
- elif jwkey['crv'] == 'P-384':
- curve = ec.SECP384R1
- elif jwkey['crv'] == 'P-521':
- curve = ec.SECP521R1
- else:
- raise TypeError('Unsupported Elliptic Curve')
- pubnum = ec.EllipticCurvePublicNumbers(
- jwkey['x'], jwkey['y'], curve)
- pubkey = pubnum.public_key(default_backend())
- else:
- raise ValueError('Unknown key type: %s' % jwkey['kty'])
- elif isinstance(key, rsa.RSAPublicKey):
- pubkey = key
- elif isinstance(key, ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey):
- pubkey = key
- else:
- raise TypeError('Unknown key type: %s' % type(key))
- return pubkey.public_bytes(
- encoding=serialization.Encoding.DER,
- format=serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo)
- def set_key(self, usage, principal, key):
- """
- Write key for the host or service.
- Service keys are nested one level beneath the 'cn=custodia'
- container, in the 'cn=<servicename>' container; this allows
- fine-grained control over key management permissions for
- specific services.
- The container is assumed to exist.
- """
- public_key = self._format_public_key(key)
- conn = self.connect()
- servicename, host = principal.split('@')[0].split('/')
- name = '%s/%s' % (KEY_USAGE_MAP[usage], host)
- service_rdn = ('cn', servicename) if servicename != 'host' else DN()
- dn = str(DN(('cn', name), service_rdn, self.keysbase))
- try:
- mods = [('objectClass', ['nsContainer',
- 'ipaKeyPolicy',
- 'ipaPublicKeyObject',
- 'groupOfPrincipals']),
- ('cn', name),
- ('ipaKeyUsage', RFC5280_USAGE_MAP[usage]),
- ('memberPrincipal', principal),
- ('ipaPublicKey', public_key)]
- conn.add_s(dn, mods)
- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- # This may fail if the entry already exists
- mods = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'ipaPublicKey', public_key)]
- conn.modify_s(dn, mods)
-def newServerKeys(path, keyid):
- skey = JWK(generate='RSA', use='sig', kid=keyid)
- ekey = JWK(generate='RSA', use='enc', kid=keyid)
- with open(path, 'w') as f:
- os.fchmod(f.fileno(), 0o600)
- os.fchown(f.fileno(), 0, 0)
- f.write('[%s,%s]' % (skey.export(), ekey.export()))
- return [skey.get_op_key('verify'), ekey.get_op_key('encrypt')]
-class IPAKEMKeys(KEMKeysStore):
- """A KEM Keys Store.
- This is a store that holds public keys of registered
- clients allowed to use KEM messages. It takes the form
- of an authorizer merely for the purpose of attaching
- itself to a 'request' so that later on the KEM Parser
- can fetch the appropariate key to verify/decrypt an
- incoming request and make the payload available.
- The KEM Parser will actually perform additional
- authorization checks in this case.
- SimplePathAuthz is extended here as we want to attach the
- store only to requests on paths we are configured to
- manage.
- """
- def __init__(self, config=None, ipaconf=paths.IPA_DEFAULT_CONF):
- super(IPAKEMKeys, self).__init__(config)
- conf = ConfigParser()
- = conf.get('global', 'host')
- self.realm = conf.get('global', 'realm')
- self.ldap_uri = config.get('ldap_uri', None)
- if self.ldap_uri is None:
- self.ldap_uri = conf.get('global', 'ldap_uri', None)
- self._server_keys = None
- def find_key(self, kid, usage):
- if kid is None:
- raise TypeError('Key ID is None, should be a SPN')
- conn = KEMLdap(self.ldap_uri)
- return conn.get_key(usage, kid)
- def generate_server_keys(self):
- self.generate_keys('host')
- def generate_keys(self, servicename):
- principal = '%s/%s@%s' % (servicename,, self.realm)
- # Neutralize the key with read if any
- self._server_keys = None
- # Generate private key and store it
- pubkeys = newServerKeys(self.config['server_keys'], principal)
- # Store public key in LDAP
- ldapconn = KEMLdap(self.ldap_uri)
- ldapconn.set_key(KEY_USAGE_SIG, principal, pubkeys[0])
- ldapconn.set_key(KEY_USAGE_ENC, principal, pubkeys[1])
- @property
- def server_keys(self):
- if self._server_keys is None:
- with open(self.config['server_keys']) as f:
- jsonkeys =
- dictkeys = json_decode(jsonkeys)
- self._server_keys = (JWK(**dictkeys[KEY_USAGE_SIG]),
- JWK(**dictkeys[KEY_USAGE_ENC]))
- return self._server_keys
-# Manual testing
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- IKK = IPAKEMKeys({'paths': '/',
- 'server_keys': '/etc/ipa/custodia/server.keys'})
- IKK.generate_server_keys()
- print(('SIG', IKK.server_keys[0].export_public()))
- print(('ENC', IKK.server_keys[1].export_public()))
- print(IKK.find_key('host/%s@%s' % (, IKK.realm),
- usage=KEY_USAGE_SIG))
- print(IKK.find_key('host/%s@%s' % (, IKK.realm),
- usage=KEY_USAGE_ENC))