path: root/install/static/details.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'install/static/details.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 559 deletions
diff --git a/install/static/details.js b/install/static/details.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 385945c5d..000000000
--- a/install/static/details.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,559 +0,0 @@
-/* Authors:
- * Pavel Zuna <>
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat
- * see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-/* IPA Object Details - populating definiton lists from entry data */
-/* REQUIRES: ipa.js */
-/* name of IPA object, that we're populating the lists for */
-var _ipa_obj_name = '';
-/* initialize the IPA Object Details library */
-function ipa_details_init(obj_name, url)
- ipa_init(url);
- _ipa_obj_name = obj_name;
-var _ipa_load_on_win_callback = null;
-var _ipa_load_on_fail_callback = null;
-var ipa_details_cache = null;
-function ipa_details_load(pkey, on_win, on_fail)
- if (!pkey)
- return;
- _ipa_load_on_win_callback = on_win;
- _ipa_load_on_fail_callback = on_fail;
- ipa_cmd(
- 'show', [pkey], {all: true}, _ipa_load_on_win, _ipa_load_on_fail,
- _ipa_obj_name
- );
-function _ipa_load_on_win(data, text_status, xhr)
- if (_ipa_load_on_win_callback)
- _ipa_load_on_win_callback(data, text_status, xhr);
- if (data['error'])
- return;
- var result = data.result.result;
- ipa_details_cache = $.extend(true, {}, result);
- ipa_details_display(result);
-function _ipa_load_on_fail(xhr, text_status, error_thrown)
- if (_ipa_load_on_fail_callback)
- _ipa_load_on_fail_callback(xhr, text_status, error_thrown);
-var _ipa_update_on_win_callback = null;
-var _ipa_update_on_fail_callback = null;
-function ipa_details_update(pkey, on_win, on_fail)
- if (!pkey)
- return;
- var modlist = {'all': true, 'setattr': [], 'addattr': []};
- var attrs_wo_option = {};
- $('.entryattrs input').each(function () {
- var jobj = $(this);
- var dt = jobj.parent().prevAll('dt').slice(0, 1);
- if (!dt)
- return;
- var attr = dt.attr('title');
- if (!attr)
- return;
- if (attr.indexOf('call_') == 0) {
- var func = window[attr.substr(5)];
- if (!func)
- return;
- func(dt, modlist, IPA_DETAILS_UPDATE);
- return;
- }
- var param_info = ipa_get_param_info(attr);
- if (param_info) {
- modlist[attr] = jobj.val();
- return;
- }
- if (!attrs_wo_option[attr])
- attrs_wo_option[attr] = [];
- attrs_wo_option[attr].push(jobj.val());
- });
- $('.entryattrs dt').each(function () {
- var jobj = $(this);
- var attr = jobj.attr('title');
- if (!attr || attr.indexOf('call_') == 0)
- return;
- var next ='dd');
- if ((!next.length) || (!next.children('input').length))
- attrs_wo_option[attr] = [''];
- });
- for (attr in attrs_wo_option) {
- var values = attrs_wo_option[attr];
- modlist['setattr'].push(attr + '=' + values[0]);
- for (var i = 1; i < values.length; ++i)
- modlist['addattr'].push(attr + '=' + values[i]);
- }
- _ipa_update_on_win_callback = on_win;
- _ipa_update_on_fail_callback = on_fail;
- ipa_cmd(
- 'mod', [pkey], modlist, _ipa_update_on_win, _ipa_update_on_fail,
- _ipa_obj_name
- );
-function _ipa_update_on_win(data, text_status, xhr)
- if (_ipa_update_on_win_callback)
- _ipa_update_on_win_callback(data, text_status, xhr);
- if (data['error'])
- return;
- var result = data.result.result;
- ipa_details_cache = $.extend(true, {}, result);
- ipa_details_display(result);
-function _ipa_update_on_fail(xhr, text_status, error_thrown)
- if (_ipa_update_on_fail_callback)
- _ipa_update_on_fail_callback(xhr, text_status, error_thrown);
-function ipa_details_create(dls)
- for (var i = 0; i < def_lists.length; ++i) {
- var d = dls[i];
- ipa_generate_dl($('hr').last(), d[0], d[1], d[2]);
- }
-var _ipa_h2_template = '<h2 onclick="_h2_on_click(this)">&#8722; I</h2>';
-var _ipa_dl_template = '<dl id="I" class="entryattrs"></dl>';
-var _ipa_dt_template = '<dt title="T">N:</dt>';
-function ipa_generate_dl(jobj, id, name, dts)
- if (!dts)
- return;
- jobj.after(_ipa_h2_template.replace('I', name));
- jobj =;
- jobj.after(_ipa_dl_template.replace('I', id));
- jobj =;
- jobj.after('<hr />');
- for (var i = 0; i < dts.length; ++i) {
- var label = '';
- if (dts[i][0].indexOf('call_') != 0) {
- var param_info = ipa_get_param_info(dts[i][0]);
- if (param_info)
- label = param_info['label'];
- }
- if ((!label) && (dts[i].length > 1))
- label = dts[i][1];
- jobj.append(
- _ipa_dt_template.replace('T', dts[i][0]).replace('N', label)
- );
- }
-/* HTML templates for ipa_details_display() */
-var _ipa_a_add_template =
- '<a href="jslink" onclick="return (_ipa_add_on_click(this))" title="A">Add</a>';
-/* populate definition lists with the class 'entryattrs' with entry attributes
- *
- * The list has to be specially crafted for this function to work properly:
- * <dt> tags should have the 'title' attribute set to an LDAP attribute name
- * OR to a javascript function name prefixed with 'call_', which will be given
- * the <dt> object and entry_attrs as arguments.
- * Example:
- * <dl class="entryattrs">
- * <dt title="givenname">First Name:</dt>
- * <dt title="call_some_callback">Some Attribute:</dt>
- * </dl>
- *
- * arguments:
- * entry_attrs - 'result' field as returned by ipa *-show commnads
- * (basically an associative array with attr:value pairs) */
-function ipa_details_display(entry_attrs)
- /* remove all <dd> tags i.e. all attribute values */
- $('.entryattrs dd').remove();
- /* go through all <dt> tags and pair them with newly created <dd>s */
- $('.entryattrs dt').each(function () {
- var jobj = $(this);
- var attr = jobj.attr('title');
- if (attr.indexOf('call_') == 0) {
- /* title contains callback instead of attribute name */
- var func = window[attr.substr(5)];
- if (func)
- func(jobj, entry_attrs, IPA_DETAILS_POPULATE);
- else
- jobj.after(_ipa_dd_first_template.replace('I', '-'));
- } else {
- /* title contains attribute name - default behaviour */
- var value = entry_attrs[attr];
- if (value) {
- ipa_insert_first_dd(jobj, ipa_create_input(attr, value[0]));
- for (var i = 1; i < value.length; ++i) {
- jobj =;
- ipa_insert_other_dd(jobj, ipa_create_input(attr, value[i]));
- }
- } else {
- ipa_insert_first_dd(jobj, _ipa_a_add_template.replace('A', attr));
- }
- }
- });
-var _ipa_dd_first_template = '<dd class="first">I</dd>';
-function ipa_insert_first_dd(jobj, content)
- jobj.after(_ipa_dd_first_template.replace('I', content));
-var _ipa_dd_other_template = '<dd class="other">I</dd>';
-function ipa_insert_other_dd(jobj, content)
- jobj.after(_ipa_dd_other_template.replace('I', content));
-/* mapping of parameter types to handlers used to create inputs */
-var _ipa_param_type_2_handler_map = {
- 'Str': _ipa_create_text_input,
- 'Int': _ipa_create_text_input,
- 'Bool': _ipa_create_text_input,
-/* create an HTML element for displaying/editing an attribute
- * arguments:
- * attr - LDAP attribute name
- * value - the attributes value */
-function ipa_create_input(attr, value)
- var param_info = ipa_get_param_info(attr);
- if (!param_info) {
- /* no information about the param is available, default to text input */
- return (
- _ipa_create_text_input(attr, value, null) +
- _ipa_create_remove_link(attr, null)
- );
- }
- /* check if the param value can be modified */
- if (param_info['primary_key'] || ('no_update' in param_info['flags']))
- return (value.toString());
- /* call handler by param class */
- var handler = _ipa_param_type_2_handler_map[param_info['class']];
- if (handler) {
- return (
- handler(attr, value, param_info) +
- _ipa_create_remove_link(attr, param_info)
- );
- }
- /* no handler for this type? don't allow modification */
- return (value.toString());
-/* HTML template for _ipa_create_remove_link() */
-var _ipa_a_remove_template =
- '<a href="jslink" onclick="return (_ipa_remove_on_click(this))" title="A">Remove</a>';
-/* creates a Remove link for deleting attribute values */
-function _ipa_create_remove_link(attr, param_info)
- if (!param_info)
- return (_ipa_a_remove_template.replace('A', attr));
- /* check if the param is required or of the Password type
- * if it is, then we don't want people to be able to remove it */
- if ((param_info['required']) || (param_info['class'] == 'Password'))
- return ('');
- return (_ipa_a_remove_template.replace('A', attr));
-/* HTML template for _ipa_create_text_input() */
-var _ipa_input_text_template =
- '<input type="text" name="A" value="V" />';
-/* creates a input box for editing a string attribute */
-function _ipa_create_text_input(attr, value, param_info)
- return (
- _ipa_input_text_template.replace('A', attr).replace(
- 'V', value.toString()
- )
- );
-function ipa_details_reset()
- if (ipa_details_cache)
- ipa_details_display(ipa_details_cache);
-/* Event handlers */
-function _ipa_add_on_click(obj)
- var jobj = $(obj);
- var par = jobj.parent();
- par.append(ipa_create_input(jobj.attr('title'), ''));
- jobj.remove();
- return (false);
-function _ipa_remove_on_click(obj)
- var jobj = $(obj);
- var attr = jobj.attr('title');
- var par = jobj.parent();
- var next ='dd');
- if (next.length) {
- if (par.hasClass('first')) {
- next.addClass('first');
- next.removeClass('other');
- }
- par.remove();
- } else {
- par.empty();
- par.append(_ipa_a_add_template.replace('A', attr));
- }
- return (false);
-var qs = ipa_parse_qs();
-/* "Top-level" code */
-function load_object(body,obj)
- if (!qs['pkey'])
- return;
- ipa_details_init(obj);
- $('#butreset').click(reset_on_click);
- $('#butupdate').click(update_on_click);
- ipa_details_load(qs['pkey'], on_win);
- $('h1').text('Managing user: ' + qs['pkey']);
-function on_win(data, textStatus, xhr)
- if (data['error'])
- alert(data['error']['message']);
-function reset_on_click()
- if (ipa_details_cache)
- ipa_details_display(ipa_details_cache);
- return (false);
-function update_on_click()
- ipa_details_update(qs['pkey'], on_win);
- return (false);
-/* H2 expand/collapse */
-function _h2_on_click(obj)
- var jobj = $(obj);
- var txt = jobj.text().replace(/^\s*/, '');
- if (txt.charCodeAt(0) == 8722) {
- obj.dl =;
- jobj.text('+' + txt.substr(1));
- } else {
- if (obj.dl)
- obj.dl.insertAfter(obj);
- jobj.text(
- String.fromCharCode(8722) + txt.substr(1)
- );
- }
-/* Account status Toggle button */
-function toggle_on_click(obj)
- var jobj = $(obj);
- var val = jobj.attr('title');
- if (val == 'Active') {
- ipa_cmd(
- 'lock', [qs['pkey']], {}, on_lock_win, on_fail,
- PluginData['name']
- );
- } else {
- ipa_cmd(
- 'unlock', [qs['pkey']], {}, on_lock_win, on_fail,
- PluginData['name']
- );
- }
- return (false);
-function on_lock_win(data, textStatus, xhr)
- if (data['error']) {
- alert(data['error']['message']);
- return;
- }
- var jobj = $('a[title=Active]');
- if (jobj.length) {
- if (ipa_details_cache) {
- var memberof = ipa_details_cache['memberof'];
- if (memberof) {
- memberof.push(
- 'cn=inactivated,cn=account inactivation'
- );
- } else {
- memberof = ['cn=inactivated,cn=account inactivation'];
- }
- ipa_details_cache['memberof'] = memberof;
- a_status(jobj.parent().prev(), ipa_details_cache);
- jobj.parent().remove()
- }
- return;
- }
- var jobj = $('a[title=Inactive]');
- if (jobj.length) {
- if (ipa_details_cache) {
- var memberof = ipa_details_cache['memberof'];
- if (memberof) {
- for (var i = 0; i < memberof.length; ++i) {
- if (memberof[i].indexOf('cn=inactivated,cn=account inactivation') != -1) {
- memberof.splice(i, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- memberof = [];
- }
- ipa_details_cache['memberof'] = memberof;
- a_status(jobj.parent().prev(), ipa_details_cache);
- jobj.parent().remove();
- }
- return;
- }
-var toggle_temp = 'S <a href="jslink" onclick="return (toggle_on_click(this))" title="S">Toggle</a>';
-function a_status(jobj, result, mode)
- return;
- var memberof = result['memberof'];
- if (memberof) {
- for (var i = 0; i < memberof.length; ++i) {
- if (memberof[i].indexOf('cn=inactivated,cn=account inactivation') != -1) {
- var t = toggle_temp.replace(/S/g, 'Inactive');
- ipa_insert_first_dd(jobj, t);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- ipa_insert_first_dd(jobj, toggle_temp.replace(/S/g, 'Inactive'));
-var pwd_temp = '<a href="jslink" onclick="return (resetpwd_on_click(this))" title="A">Reset Password</a>';
-function a_password(jobj, result, mode)
- ipa_insert_first_dd(jobj, pwd_temp.replace('A', 'userpassword'));
-var select_temp = '<select title="st"></select>';
-var option_temp = '<option value="V">V</option>';
-var states = [
- 'AL', 'AK', 'AS', 'AZ', 'AR', 'CA', 'CO', 'CT', 'DE', 'DC', 'FM',
- 'FL', 'GA', 'GU', 'HI', 'ID', 'IL', 'IN', 'IA', 'KS', 'KY', 'LA',
- 'ME', 'MH', 'MD', 'MA', 'MI', 'MN', 'MS', 'MO', 'MT', 'NE', 'NV',
- 'NH', 'NJ', 'NM', 'NY', 'NC', 'ND', 'MP', 'OH', 'OK', 'OR', 'PW',
- 'PA', 'PR', 'RI', 'SC', 'SD', 'TN', 'TX', 'UT', 'VT', 'VI', 'VA',
- 'WA', 'WV', 'WI', 'WY', '',
-function a_st(jobj, result, mode)
- return;
- var next =;
- next.css('clear', 'none');
- next.css('width', '70px');
- ipa_insert_first_dd(jobj, select_temp);
- var sel =;
- for (var i = 0; i < states.length; ++i)
- sel.append(option_temp.replace(/V/g, states[i]));
- var st = result['st'];
- if (st)
- sel.val(st);
- else
- sel.val('');