path: root/install/oddjob/
diff options
authorAlexander Bokovoy <>2015-06-05 12:57:02 +0000
committerTomas Babej <>2015-07-08 01:56:52 +0200
commitd5aa1ee04e2e4923f42bccd60d51f063df144a0b (patch)
tree74df23dea20969b91cc881eb79ae13346c4012ae /install/oddjob/
parent14992a07fc7ea6bb5c028e5fefaf7394af00a555 (diff)
trusts: add support for one-way trust and switch to it by default
One-way trust is the default now, use 'trust add --two-way ' to force bidirectional trust In case of one-way trust we cannot authenticate using cross-realm TGT against an AD DC. We have to use trusted domain object from within AD domain and access to this object is limited to avoid compromising the whole trust configuration. Instead, IPA framework can call out to oddjob daemon and ask it to run the script which can have access to the TDO object. This script ( is using cifs/ipa.master principal to retrieve TDO object credentials from IPA LDAP if needed and then authenticate against AD DCs using the TDO object credentials. The script pulls the trust topology out of AD DCs and updates IPA LDAP store. Then IPA framework can pick the updated data from the IPA LDAP under normal access conditions. Part of Reviewed-By: Tomas Babej <>
Diffstat (limited to 'install/oddjob/')
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/install/oddjob/ b/install/oddjob/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2571dd09a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/oddjob/
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+from ipaserver import dcerpc
+from ipaserver.install.installutils import is_ipa_configured, ScriptError
+from ipapython import config, ipautil
+from ipalib import api, errors
+from ipapython.dn import DN
+from ipalib.config import Env
+from ipalib.constants import DEFAULT_CONFIG
+from ipalib.krb_utils import KRB5_CCache
+import sys
+import os, pwd
+import krbV
+import time
+# This version is different from the original in ipapyton.ipautil
+# in the fact that it returns a krbV.CCache object.
+def kinit_keytab(principal, keytab, ccache_name, attempts=1):
+ errors_to_retry = {krbV.KRB5KDC_ERR_SVC_UNAVAILABLE,
+ for attempt in range(1, attempts + 1):
+ try:
+ krbcontext = krbV.default_context()
+ ktab = krbV.Keytab(name=keytab, context=krbcontext)
+ princ = krbV.Principal(name=principal, context=krbcontext)
+ ccache = krbV.CCache(name=ccache_name, context=krbcontext,
+ primary_principal=princ)
+ ccache.init(princ)
+ ccache.init_creds_keytab(keytab=ktab, principal=princ)
+ return ccache
+ except krbV.Krb5Error as e:
+ if e.args[0] not in errors_to_retry:
+ raise
+ if attempt == attempts:
+ raise
+ time.sleep(5)
+def retrieve_keytab(api, ccache_name, oneway_keytab_name, oneway_principal):
+ getkeytab_args = ["/usr/sbin/ipa-getkeytab",
+ "-s",,
+ "-p", oneway_principal,
+ "-k", oneway_keytab_name,
+ "-r"]
+ (stdout, stderr, retcode) =,
+ env={'KRB5CCNAME': ccache_name, 'LANG': 'C'},
+ raiseonerr=False)
+ # Make sure SSSD is able to read the keytab
+ sssd = pwd.getpwnam('sssd')
+ os.chown(oneway_keytab_name, sssd[2], sssd[3])
+def parse_options():
+ usage = "%prog <trusted domain name>\n"
+ parser = config.IPAOptionParser(usage=usage,
+ formatter=config.IPAFormatter())
+ parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug",
+ help="Display debugging information")
+ options, args = parser.parse_args()
+ safe_options = parser.get_safe_opts(options)
+ return safe_options, options, args
+if not is_ipa_configured():
+ # LSB status code 6: program is not configured
+ raise ScriptError("IPA is not configured " +
+ "(see man pages of ipa-server-install for help)", 6)
+if not os.getegid() == 0:
+ # LSB status code 4: user had insufficient privilege
+ raise ScriptError("You must be root to run ipactl.", 4)
+safe_options, options, args = parse_options()
+if len(args) != 1:
+ # LSB status code 2: invalid or excess argument(s)
+ raise ScriptError("You must specify trusted domain name", 2)
+trusted_domain = unicode(args[0].lower())
+env = Env()
+env._bootstrap(context='server', debug=options.debug, log=None)
+# Initialize the API with the proper debug level
+api.bootstrap(context='server', debug=env.debug, log=None)
+# Only import trust plugin after api is initialized or internal imports
+# within the plugin will not work
+from ipalib.plugins import trust
+# We have to dance with two different credentials caches:
+# ccache_name -- for cifs/ipa.master@IPA.REALM to communicate with LDAP
+# oneway_ccache_name -- for IPA$@AD.REALM to communicate with AD DCs
+# ccache_name may not exist, we'll have to initialize it from Samba's keytab
+# oneway_ccache_name may not exist either but to initialize it, we need
+# to check if oneway_keytab_name keytab exists and fetch it first otherwise.
+# to fetch oneway_keytab_name keytab, we need to initialize ccache_name ccache first
+# and retrieve our own NetBIOS domain name and use cifs/ipa.master@IPA.REALM to
+# retrieve the keys to oneway_keytab_name.
+keytab_name = '/etc/samba/samba.keytab'
+oneway_keytab_name = '/var/lib/sss/keytabs/' + trusted_domain + '.keytab'
+principal = str('cifs/' +
+oneway_ccache_name = '/var/run/ipa/krb5cc_oddjob_trusts_fetch'
+ccache_name = '/var/run/ipa/krb5cc_oddjob_trusts'
+# Standard sequence:
+# - check if ccache exists
+# - if not, initialize it from Samba's keytab
+# - check if ccache contains valid TGT
+# - if not, initialize it from Samba's keytab
+# - refer the correct ccache object for further use
+if not os.path.isfile(ccache_name):
+ ccache = kinit_keytab(principal, keytab_name, ccache_name)
+ccache_check = KRB5_CCache(ccache_name)
+if not ccache_check.credential_is_valid(principal):
+ ccache = kinit_keytab(principal, keytab_name, ccache_name)
+ ccache = ccache_check.ccache
+old_ccache = os.environ.get('KRB5CCNAME')
+own_trust_dn = DN(('cn', api.env.domain),('cn','ad'), ('cn', 'etc'), api.env.basedn)
+own_trust_entry = api.Backend.ldap2.get_entry(own_trust_dn, ['ipantflatname'])
+own_trust_flatname = own_trust_entry['ipantflatname'][0].upper()
+oneway_principal = str('%s$@%s' % (own_trust_flatname, trusted_domain.upper()))
+# If keytab does not exist, retrieve it
+if not os.path.isfile(oneway_keytab_name):
+ retrieve_keytab(api, ccache_name, oneway_keytab_name, oneway_principal)
+oneway_ccache = None
+ # The keytab may have stale key material (from older trust-add run)
+ if not os.path.isfile(oneway_ccache_name):
+ oneway_ccache = kinit_keytab(oneway_principal, oneway_keytab_name, oneway_ccache_name)
+except krbV.Krb5Error as e:
+ # If there was failure on using keytab, assume it is stale and retrieve again
+ retrieve_keytab(api, ccache_name, oneway_keytab_name, oneway_principal)
+if oneway_ccache:
+ # There wasn existing ccache, validate its content
+ oneway_ccache_check = KRB5_CCache(oneway_ccache_name)
+ if not oneway_ccache_check.credential_is_valid(oneway_principal):
+ # If credentials were invalid, obtain them again
+ oneway_ccache = kinit_keytab(oneway_principal, oneway_keytab_name, oneway_ccache_name)
+ else:
+ oneway_ccache = oneway_ccache_check.ccache
+ oneway_ccache = kinit_keytab(oneway_principal, oneway_keytab_name, oneway_ccache_name)
+# We are done: we have ccache with TDO credentials and can fetch domains
+ipa_domain = api.env.domain
+os.environ['KRB5CCNAME'] = oneway_ccache_name
+domains = dcerpc.fetch_domains(api, ipa_domain, trusted_domain, creds=True)
+if domains:
+ # trust range must exist by the time fetch_domains_from_trust is called
+ range_name = unicode(trusted_domain.upper() + '_id_range')
+ old_range = api.Command.idrange_show(range_name, raw=True)['result']
+ idrange_type = old_range['iparangetype'][0]
+ result = []
+ for dom in domains:
+ dom['trust_type'] = u'ad'
+ try:
+ name = dom['cn']
+ del dom['cn']
+ res = api.Command.trustdomain_add(trusted_domain, name, **dom)
+ result.append(res['result'])
+ if idrange_type != u'ipa-ad-trust-posix':
+ range_name = name.upper() + '_id_range'
+ dom['range_type'] = u'ipa-ad-trust'
+ trust.add_range(range_name, dom['ipanttrusteddomainsid'],
+ trusted_domain, name, **dom)
+ except errors.DuplicateEntry:
+ # Ignore updating duplicate entries
+ pass
+if old_ccache:
+ os.environ['KRB5CCNAME'] = old_ccache