/* SSSD Secrets Responder Copyright (C) Simo Sorce 2016 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "responder/secrets/secsrv_private.h" #include "responder/secrets/secsrv_local.h" #include "responder/secrets/secsrv_proxy.h" #include int sec_map_url_to_user_path(struct sec_req_ctx *secreq, char **mapped_path) { uid_t c_euid; c_euid = client_euid(secreq->cctx->creds); /* change path to be user specific */ *mapped_path = talloc_asprintf(secreq, SEC_BASEPATH"users/%"SPRIuid"/%s", c_euid, &secreq->parsed_url.path[sizeof(SEC_BASEPATH) - 1]); if (!*mapped_path) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, "Failed to map request to user specific url\n"); return ENOMEM; } return EOK; } int sec_req_routing(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct sec_req_ctx *secreq, struct provider_handle **handle) { struct sec_ctx *sctx; char **sections; char *def_provider; char *provider; int num_sections; int ret; sctx = talloc_get_type(secreq->cctx->rctx->pvt_ctx, struct sec_ctx); /* patch must start with /secrets/ for now */ ret = strncasecmp(secreq->parsed_url.path, SEC_BASEPATH, sizeof(SEC_BASEPATH) - 1); if (ret != 0) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, "Path [%s] does not start with "SEC_BASEPATH"\n", secreq->parsed_url.path); return EPERM; } ret = sec_map_url_to_user_path(secreq, &secreq->mapped_path); if (ret) return ret; /* source default provider */ ret = confdb_get_string(secreq->cctx->rctx->cdb, mem_ctx, CONFDB_SEC_CONF_ENTRY, "provider", "LOCAL", &def_provider); if (ret) return EIO; ret = confdb_get_sub_sections(mem_ctx, secreq->cctx->rctx->cdb, CONFDB_SEC_CONF_ENTRY, §ions, &num_sections); if (ret != EOK) return ret; provider = def_provider; // TODO order by length ? for (int i = 0; i < num_sections; i++) { int slen; secreq->base_path = talloc_asprintf(secreq, SEC_BASEPATH"%s/", sections[i]); if (!secreq->base_path) return ENOMEM; slen = strlen(secreq->base_path); if (strncmp(secreq->base_path, secreq->mapped_path, slen) == 0) { char *secname; secname = talloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, CONFDB_SEC_CONF_ENTRY"/%s", sections[i]); if (!secname) return ENOMEM; provider = NULL; ret = confdb_get_string(secreq->cctx->rctx->cdb, mem_ctx, secname, "provider", def_provider, &provider); if (ret || !provider) return EIO; secreq->cfg_section = talloc_steal(secreq, secname); if (!secreq->cfg_section) return ENOMEM; break; } talloc_zfree(secreq->base_path); } if (!secreq->base_path) secreq->base_path = SEC_BASEPATH; ret = sec_get_provider(sctx, provider, handle); if (ret == ENOENT) { if (strcasecmp(provider, "LOCAL") == 0) { ret = local_secrets_provider_handle(sctx, handle); } else if (strcasecmp(provider, "PROXY") == 0) { ret = proxy_secrets_provider_handle(sctx, handle); } else { DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE, "Unknown provider type: %s\n", provider); ret = EIO; } if (ret == EOK) { ret = sec_add_provider(sctx, *handle); } } return ret; } int sec_provider_recv(struct tevent_req *req) { TEVENT_REQ_RETURN_ON_ERROR(req); return EOK; } static struct sec_http_status_format_table { int status; const char *text; const char *description; } sec_http_status_format_table[] = { { 200, "OK", "Success" }, { 400, "Bad Request", "The request format is invalid." }, { 401, "Unauthorized", "Access to the requested resource requires authentication." }, { 403, "Forbidden", "Access to the requested resource is forbidden." }, { 404, "Not Found", "The requested resource was not found." }, { 405, "Method Not Allowed", "Request method not allowed for this resource." }, { 406, "Not Acceptable", "The request cannot be accepted." }, { 409, "Conflict", "The requested resource already exists." }, { 500, "Internal Server Error", "The server encountered an internal error." }, }; int sec_http_status_reply(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct sec_data *reply, enum sec_http_status_codes code) { char *body = talloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "\r\n" "\r\n%d %s\r\n" "\r\n" "


\r\n" "


\r\n" "", sec_http_status_format_table[code].status, sec_http_status_format_table[code].text, sec_http_status_format_table[code].text, sec_http_status_format_table[code].description); if (!body) return ENOMEM; reply->data = talloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "HTTP/1.1 %d %s\r\n" "Content-Length: %u\r\n" "Content-Type: text/html\r\n" "\r\n" "%s", sec_http_status_format_table[code].status, sec_http_status_format_table[code].text, (unsigned)strlen(body), body); talloc_free(body); if (!reply->data) return ENOMEM; reply->length = strlen(reply->data); return EOK; } int sec_http_reply_with_body(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct sec_data *reply, enum sec_http_status_codes code, const char *content_type, struct sec_data *body) { int head_size; reply->data = talloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "HTTP/1.1 %d %s\r\n" "Content-Type: %s\r\n" "Content-Length: %zu\r\n" "\r\n", sec_http_status_format_table[code].status, sec_http_status_format_table[code].text, content_type, body->length); if (!reply->data) return ENOMEM; head_size = strlen(reply->data); reply->data = talloc_realloc(mem_ctx, reply->data, char, head_size + body->length); if (!reply->data) return ENOMEM; memcpy(&reply->data[head_size], body->data, body->length); reply->length = head_size + body->length; return EOK; } int sec_http_append_header(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, char **dest, char *field, char *value) { if (*dest == NULL) { *dest = talloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "%s: %s\r\n", field, value); } else { *dest = talloc_asprintf_append_buffer(*dest, "%s: %s\r\n", field, value); } if (!*dest) return ENOMEM; return EOK; } int sec_http_reply_with_headers(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct sec_data *reply, int status_code, const char *reason, struct sec_kvp *headers, int num_headers, struct sec_data *body) { const char *reason_phrase = reason ? reason : ""; bool add_content_length = true; bool has_content_type = false; int ret; /* Status-Line */ reply->data = talloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "HTTP/1.1 %d %s\r\n", status_code, reason_phrase); if (!reply->data) return ENOMEM; /* Headers */ for (int i = 0; i < num_headers; i++) { if (strcasecmp(headers[i].name, "Content-Length") == 0) { add_content_length = false; } else if (strcasecmp(headers[i].name, "Content-Type") == 0) { has_content_type = true; } ret = sec_http_append_header(mem_ctx, &reply->data, headers[i].name, headers[i].value); if (ret) return ret; } if (!has_content_type) return EINVAL; if (add_content_length) { reply->data = talloc_asprintf_append_buffer(reply->data, "Content-Length: %u\r\n", (unsigned)body->length); if (!reply->data) return ENOMEM; } /* CRLF separator before body */ reply->data = talloc_strdup_append_buffer(reply->data, "\r\n"); reply->length = strlen(reply->data); /* Message-Body */ if (body && body->length) { reply->data = talloc_realloc(mem_ctx, reply->data, char, reply->length + body->length); if (!reply->data) return ENOMEM; memcpy(&reply->data[reply->length], body->data, body->length); reply->length += body->length; } return EOK; } enum sec_http_status_codes sec_errno_to_http_status(errno_t err) { switch (err) { case EOK: return STATUS_200; case EINVAL: return STATUS_400; case EACCES: return STATUS_401; case EPERM: return STATUS_403; case ENOENT: return STATUS_404; case EISDIR: return STATUS_405; case EMEDIUMTYPE: return STATUS_406; case EEXIST: return STATUS_409; default: return STATUS_500; } } int sec_json_to_simple_secret(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const char *input, char **secret) { json_t *root; json_t *element; json_error_t error; int ret; root = json_loads(input, 0, &error); if (!root) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, "Failed to parse JSON payload on line %d: %s\n", error.line, error.text); return EINVAL; } if (!json_is_object(root)) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, "Json data is not an object.\n"); ret = EINVAL; goto done; } element = json_object_get(root, "type"); if (!element) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, "Json data key 'type' not found.\n"); ret = EINVAL; goto done; } if (!json_is_string(element)) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, "Json object 'type' is not a string.\n"); ret = EINVAL; goto done; } if (strcmp(json_string_value(element), "simple") != 0) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, "Token type is not 'simple'.\n"); ret = EMEDIUMTYPE; goto done; } element = json_object_get(root, "value"); if (!element) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, "Json key 'value' not found.\n"); ret = EINVAL; goto done; } if (!json_is_string(element)) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, "Json object 'value' is not a string.\n"); ret = EINVAL; goto done; } *secret = talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, json_string_value(element)); if (!*secret) { ret = ENOMEM; } else { ret = EOK; } done: json_decref(root); return ret; } int sec_simple_secret_to_json(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const char *secret, char **output) { char *jsonized = NULL; json_t *root; int ret; root = json_pack("{s:s, s:s}", "type", "simple", "value", secret); if (!root) return ENOMEM; jsonized = json_dumps(root, JSON_INDENT(4)); if (!jsonized) { ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } *output = talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, jsonized); if (!*output) { ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } ret = EOK; done: json_decref(root); free(jsonized); return ret; } int sec_array_to_json(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, char **array, int count, char **output) { char *jsonized = NULL; json_t *root; int ret; root = json_array(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { // FIXME: json_string mem leak ? // FIXME: Error checking json_array_append_new(root, json_string(array[i])); } jsonized = json_dumps(root, JSON_INDENT(4)); if (!jsonized) { ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } *output = talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, jsonized); if (!*output) { ret = ENOMEM; goto done; } ret = EOK; done: json_decref(root); free(jsonized); return ret; } int sec_get_provider(struct sec_ctx *sctx, const char *name, struct provider_handle **out_handle) { struct provider_handle *handle; for (int i = 0; sctx->providers && sctx->providers[i]; i++) { handle = sctx->providers[i]; if (strcasecmp(handle->name, name) != 0) { continue; } *out_handle = handle; return EOK; } return ENOENT; } int sec_add_provider(struct sec_ctx *sctx, struct provider_handle *handle) { int c; for (c = 0; sctx->providers && sctx->providers[c]; c++) continue; sctx->providers = talloc_realloc(sctx, sctx->providers, struct provider_handle *, c + 2); if (!sctx->providers) return ENOMEM; sctx->providers[c] = talloc_steal(sctx, handle); sctx->providers[c + 1] = NULL; return EOK; } bool sec_req_has_header(struct sec_req_ctx *req, const char *name, const char *value) { for (int i = 0; i < req->num_headers; i++) { if (strcasecmp(name, req->headers[i].name) == 0) { if (value == NULL) return true; return (strcasecmp(value, req->headers[i].value) == 0); } } return false; }