/* SSSD ID-mapping library Authors: Sumit Bose Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include "lib/idmap/sss_idmap.h" #include "lib/idmap/sss_idmap_private.h" #include "util/murmurhash3.h" #define SID_FMT "%s-%d" #define SID_STR_MAX_LEN 1024 /* Hold all parameters for unix<->sid mapping relevant for * given slice. */ struct idmap_range_params { uint32_t min_id; uint32_t max_id; char *range_id; uint32_t first_rid; struct idmap_range_params *next; }; struct idmap_domain_info { char *name; char *sid; struct idmap_range_params range_params; struct idmap_domain_info *next; bool external_mapping; struct idmap_range_params *helpers; bool auto_add_ranges; bool helpers_owner; idmap_store_cb cb; void *pvt; }; static void *default_alloc(size_t size, void *pvt) { return malloc(size); } static void default_free(void *ptr, void *pvt) { free(ptr); } static char *idmap_strdup(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, const char *str) { char *new = NULL; size_t len; CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, NULL); len = strlen(str) + 1; new = ctx->alloc_func(len, ctx->alloc_pvt); if (new == NULL) { return NULL; } memcpy(new, str, len); return new; } static bool id_is_in_range(uint32_t id, struct idmap_range_params *rp, uint32_t *rid) { if (id == 0 || rp == NULL) { return false; } if (id >= rp->min_id && id <= rp->max_id) { if (rid != NULL) { *rid = rp->first_rid + (id - rp->min_id); } return true; } return false; } const char *idmap_error_string(enum idmap_error_code err) { switch (err) { case IDMAP_SUCCESS: return "IDMAP operation successful"; break; case IDMAP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: return "IDMAP Function is not yet implemented"; break; case IDMAP_ERROR: return "IDMAP general error"; break; case IDMAP_OUT_OF_MEMORY: return "IDMAP operation ran out of memory"; break; case IDMAP_NO_DOMAIN: return "IDMAP domain not found"; break; case IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID: return "IDMAP context is invalid"; break; case IDMAP_SID_INVALID: return "IDMAP SID is invalid"; break; case IDMAP_SID_UNKNOWN: return "IDMAP SID not found"; break; case IDMAP_NO_RANGE: return "IDMAP range not found"; default: return "IDMAP unknown error code"; } } bool is_domain_sid(const char *sid) { const char *p; long long a; char *endptr; size_t c; if (sid == NULL || strncmp(sid, DOM_SID_PREFIX, DOM_SID_PREFIX_LEN) != 0) { return false; } p = sid + DOM_SID_PREFIX_LEN; c = 0; do { errno = 0; a = strtoull(p, &endptr, 10); if (errno != 0 || a > UINT32_MAX) { return false; } if (*endptr == '-') { p = endptr + 1; } else if (*endptr != '\0') { return false; } c++; } while(c < 3 && *endptr != '\0'); if (c != 3 || *endptr != '\0') { return false; } return true; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_init(idmap_alloc_func *alloc_func, void *alloc_pvt, idmap_free_func *free_func, struct sss_idmap_ctx **_ctx) { struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx; if (alloc_func == NULL) { alloc_func = default_alloc; } ctx = alloc_func(sizeof(struct sss_idmap_ctx), alloc_pvt); if (ctx == NULL) { return IDMAP_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(struct sss_idmap_ctx)); ctx->alloc_func = alloc_func; ctx->alloc_pvt = alloc_pvt; ctx->free_func = (free_func == NULL) ? default_free : free_func; /* Set default values. */ ctx->idmap_opts.autorid_mode = SSS_IDMAP_DEFAULT_AUTORID; ctx->idmap_opts.idmap_lower = SSS_IDMAP_DEFAULT_LOWER; ctx->idmap_opts.idmap_upper = SSS_IDMAP_DEFAULT_UPPER; ctx->idmap_opts.rangesize = SSS_IDMAP_DEFAULT_RANGESIZE; ctx->idmap_opts.extra_slice_init = SSS_IDMAP_DEFAULT_EXTRA_SLICE_INIT; *_ctx = ctx; return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } static void free_helpers(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, struct idmap_range_params *helpers, bool helpers_owner) { struct idmap_range_params *it = helpers; struct idmap_range_params *tmp; if (helpers_owner == false) { return; } while (it != NULL) { tmp = it->next; ctx->free_func(it->range_id, ctx->alloc_pvt); ctx->free_func(it, ctx->alloc_pvt); it = tmp; } } static void sss_idmap_free_domain(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, struct idmap_domain_info *dom) { if (ctx == NULL || dom == NULL) { return; } ctx->free_func(dom->range_params.range_id, ctx->alloc_pvt); free_helpers(ctx, dom->helpers, dom->helpers_owner); ctx->free_func(dom->name, ctx->alloc_pvt); ctx->free_func(dom->sid, ctx->alloc_pvt); ctx->free_func(dom, ctx->alloc_pvt); } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_free(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx) { struct idmap_domain_info *dom; struct idmap_domain_info *next; CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); next = ctx->idmap_domain_info; while (next) { dom = next; next = dom->next; sss_idmap_free_domain(ctx, dom); } ctx->free_func(ctx, ctx->alloc_pvt); return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } static enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_free_ptr(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, void *ptr) { CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); if (ptr != NULL) { ctx->free_func(ptr, ctx->alloc_pvt); } return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_free_sid(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, char *sid) { return sss_idmap_free_ptr(ctx, sid); } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_free_dom_sid(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, struct sss_dom_sid *dom_sid) { return sss_idmap_free_ptr(ctx, dom_sid); } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_free_smb_sid(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, struct dom_sid *smb_sid) { return sss_idmap_free_ptr(ctx, smb_sid); } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_free_bin_sid(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, uint8_t *bin_sid) { return sss_idmap_free_ptr(ctx, bin_sid); } static bool check_overlap(struct idmap_range_params *range, id_t min, id_t max) { return ((range->min_id <= min && range->max_id >= max) || (range->min_id >= min && range->min_id <= max) || (range->max_id >= min && range->max_id <= max)); } static bool check_dom_overlap(struct idmap_range_params *prim_range, /* struct idmap_range_params *sec_ranges, */ id_t min, id_t max) { return check_overlap(prim_range, min, max); } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_calculate_range(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, const char *dom_sid, id_t *slice_num, struct sss_idmap_range *_range) { id_t max_slices; id_t orig_slice; id_t new_slice = 0; id_t min; id_t max; id_t idmap_lower; id_t idmap_upper; id_t rangesize; bool autorid_mode; uint32_t hash_val; struct idmap_domain_info *dom; CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); idmap_lower = ctx->idmap_opts.idmap_lower; idmap_upper = ctx->idmap_opts.idmap_upper; rangesize = ctx->idmap_opts.rangesize; autorid_mode = ctx->idmap_opts.autorid_mode; max_slices = (idmap_upper - idmap_lower) / rangesize; if (slice_num && *slice_num != -1) { /* The slice is being set explicitly. * This may happen at system startup when we're loading * previously-determined slices. In the future, we may also * permit configuration to select the slice for a domain * explicitly. */ new_slice = *slice_num; } else { /* If slice is -1, we're being asked to pick a new slice */ if (autorid_mode) { /* In autorid compatibility mode, always start at 0 and find the * first free value. */ orig_slice = 0; } else { /* Hash the domain sid string */ hash_val = murmurhash3(dom_sid, strlen(dom_sid), 0xdeadbeef); /* Now get take the modulus of the hash val and the max_slices * to determine its optimal position in the range. */ new_slice = hash_val % max_slices; orig_slice = new_slice; } min = (rangesize * new_slice) + idmap_lower; max = min + rangesize - 1; /* Verify that this slice is not already in use */ do { for (dom = ctx->idmap_domain_info; dom != NULL; dom = dom->next) { if (check_dom_overlap(&dom->range_params, min, max)) { /* This range overlaps one already registered * We'll try the next available slot */ new_slice++; if (new_slice >= max_slices) { /* loop around to the beginning if necessary */ new_slice = 0; } min = (rangesize * new_slice) + idmap_lower; max = min + rangesize - 1; break; } } /* Keep trying until dom is NULL (meaning we got to the end * without matching) or we have run out of slices and gotten * back to the first one we tried. */ } while (dom && new_slice != orig_slice); if (dom) { /* We looped all the way through and found no empty slots */ return IDMAP_OUT_OF_SLICES; } } _range->min = (rangesize * new_slice) + idmap_lower; _range->max = _range->min + rangesize - 1; if (slice_num) { *slice_num = new_slice; } return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_check_collision_ex(const char *o_name, const char *o_sid, struct sss_idmap_range *o_range, uint32_t o_first_rid, const char *o_range_id, bool o_external_mapping, const char *n_name, const char *n_sid, struct sss_idmap_range *n_range, uint32_t n_first_rid, const char *n_range_id, bool n_external_mapping) { bool names_equal; bool sids_equal; /* TODO: if both ranges have the same ID check if an update is * needed. */ /* Check if ID ranges overlap. * ID ranges with external mapping may overlap. */ if ((!n_external_mapping && !o_external_mapping) && ((n_range->min >= o_range->min && n_range->min <= o_range->max) || (n_range->max >= o_range->min && n_range->max <= o_range->max))) { return IDMAP_COLLISION; } names_equal = (strcasecmp(n_name, o_name) == 0); sids_equal = ((n_sid == NULL && o_sid == NULL) || (n_sid != NULL && o_sid != NULL && strcasecmp(n_sid, o_sid) == 0)); /* check if domain name and SID are consistent */ if ((names_equal && !sids_equal) || (!names_equal && sids_equal)) { return IDMAP_COLLISION; } /* check if external_mapping is consistent */ if (names_equal && sids_equal && n_external_mapping != o_external_mapping) { return IDMAP_COLLISION; } /* check if RID ranges overlap */ if (names_equal && sids_equal && n_external_mapping == false && n_first_rid >= o_first_rid && n_first_rid <= o_first_rid + (o_range->max - o_range->min)) { return IDMAP_COLLISION; } return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_check_collision(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, char *n_name, char *n_sid, struct sss_idmap_range *n_range, uint32_t n_first_rid, char *n_range_id, bool n_external_mapping) { struct idmap_domain_info *dom; enum idmap_error_code err; struct sss_idmap_range range; for (dom = ctx->idmap_domain_info; dom != NULL; dom = dom->next) { range.min = dom->range_params.min_id; range.max = dom->range_params.max_id; err = sss_idmap_check_collision_ex(dom->name, dom->sid, &range, dom->range_params.first_rid, dom->range_params.range_id, dom->external_mapping, n_name, n_sid, n_range, n_first_rid, n_range_id, n_external_mapping); if (err != IDMAP_SUCCESS) { return err; } } return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } static enum idmap_error_code dom_check_collision(struct idmap_domain_info *dom_list, struct idmap_domain_info *new_dom) { struct idmap_domain_info *dom; enum idmap_error_code err; struct sss_idmap_range range; struct sss_idmap_range new_dom_range = { new_dom->range_params.min_id, new_dom->range_params.max_id }; for (dom = dom_list; dom != NULL; dom = dom->next) { range.min = dom->range_params.min_id; range.max = dom->range_params.max_id; err = sss_idmap_check_collision_ex(dom->name, dom->sid, &range, dom->range_params.first_rid, dom->range_params.range_id, dom->external_mapping, new_dom->name, new_dom->sid, &new_dom_range, new_dom->range_params.first_rid, new_dom->range_params.range_id, new_dom->external_mapping); if (err != IDMAP_SUCCESS) { return err; } } return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } static char* generate_sec_slice_name(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, const char *domain_name, uint32_t rid) { const char *SEC_SLICE_NAME_FMT = "%s-%"PRIu32; char *slice_name; int len, len2; len = snprintf(NULL, 0, SEC_SLICE_NAME_FMT, domain_name, rid); if (len <= 0) { return NULL; } slice_name = ctx->alloc_func(len + 1, ctx->alloc_pvt); if (slice_name == NULL) { return NULL; } len2 = snprintf(slice_name, len + 1, SEC_SLICE_NAME_FMT, domain_name, rid); if (len != len2) { ctx->free_func(slice_name, ctx->alloc_pvt); return NULL; } return slice_name; } static enum idmap_error_code generate_slice(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, char *slice_name, uint32_t first_rid, struct idmap_range_params **_slice) { struct idmap_range_params *slice; struct sss_idmap_range tmp_range; enum idmap_error_code err; slice = ctx->alloc_func(sizeof(struct idmap_range_params), ctx->alloc_pvt); if (slice == NULL) { return IDMAP_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } slice->next = NULL; err = sss_idmap_calculate_range(ctx, slice_name, NULL, &tmp_range); if (err != IDMAP_SUCCESS) { ctx->free_func(slice, ctx->alloc_pvt); return err; } slice->min_id = tmp_range.min; slice->max_id = tmp_range.max; slice->range_id = slice_name; slice->first_rid = first_rid; *_slice = slice; return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } static enum idmap_error_code get_helpers(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, const char *domain_sid, uint32_t first_rid, struct idmap_range_params **_sec_slices) { struct idmap_range_params *prev = NULL; struct idmap_range_params *sec_slices = NULL; static enum idmap_error_code err; struct idmap_range_params *slice; char *secondary_name; for (int i = 0; i < ctx->idmap_opts.extra_slice_init; i++) { secondary_name = generate_sec_slice_name(ctx, domain_sid, first_rid); if (secondary_name == NULL) { return IDMAP_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } err = generate_slice(ctx, secondary_name, first_rid, &slice); if (err != IDMAP_SUCCESS) { ctx->free_func(secondary_name, ctx->alloc_pvt); return err; } first_rid += ctx->idmap_opts.rangesize; if (prev != NULL) { prev->next = slice; } if (sec_slices == NULL) { sec_slices = slice; } prev = slice; } *_sec_slices = sec_slices; return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_add_domain_ex(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, const char *domain_name, const char *domain_sid, struct sss_idmap_range *range, const char *range_id, uint32_t rid, bool external_mapping) { struct idmap_domain_info *dom = NULL; enum idmap_error_code err; CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); if (domain_name == NULL) { return IDMAP_NO_DOMAIN; } if (range == NULL) { return IDMAP_NO_RANGE; } /* For algorithmic mapping a valid domain SID is required, for external * mapping it may be NULL, but if set it should be valid. */ if ((!external_mapping && !is_domain_sid(domain_sid)) || (external_mapping && domain_sid != NULL && !is_domain_sid(domain_sid))) { return IDMAP_SID_INVALID; } dom = ctx->alloc_func(sizeof(struct idmap_domain_info), ctx->alloc_pvt); if (dom == NULL) { return IDMAP_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } memset(dom, 0, sizeof(struct idmap_domain_info)); dom->name = idmap_strdup(ctx, domain_name); if (dom->name == NULL) { err = IDMAP_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto fail; } if (domain_sid != NULL) { dom->sid = idmap_strdup(ctx, domain_sid); if (dom->sid == NULL) { err = IDMAP_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto fail; } } dom->range_params.min_id = range->min; dom->range_params.max_id = range->max; if (range_id != NULL) { dom->range_params.range_id = idmap_strdup(ctx, range_id); if (dom->range_params.range_id == NULL) { err = IDMAP_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto fail; } } dom->range_params.first_rid = rid; dom->external_mapping = external_mapping; err = dom_check_collision(ctx->idmap_domain_info, dom); if (err != IDMAP_SUCCESS) { goto fail; } dom->next = ctx->idmap_domain_info; ctx->idmap_domain_info = dom; return IDMAP_SUCCESS; fail: sss_idmap_free_domain(ctx, dom); return err; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_add_auto_domain_ex(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, const char *domain_name, const char *domain_sid, struct sss_idmap_range *range, const char *range_id, uint32_t rid, bool external_mapping, idmap_store_cb cb, void *pvt) { enum idmap_error_code err; err = sss_idmap_add_domain_ex(ctx, domain_name, domain_sid, range, range_id, rid, external_mapping); if (err != IDMAP_SUCCESS) { return err; } if (external_mapping) { /* There's no point in generating secondary ranges if external_mapping is enabled. */ ctx->idmap_domain_info->auto_add_ranges = false; return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } if ((range->max - range->min + 1) != ctx->idmap_opts.rangesize) { /* Range of primary slice is not equal to the value of ldap_idmap_range_size option. */ return IDMAP_ERROR; } /* No additional secondary ranges should be added if no sec ranges are predeclared. */ if (ctx->idmap_opts.extra_slice_init == 0) { ctx->idmap_domain_info->auto_add_ranges = false; return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } /* Add size of primary slice for first_rid of secondary slices. */ rid += ctx->idmap_opts.rangesize; err = get_helpers(ctx, domain_sid, rid, &ctx->idmap_domain_info->helpers); if (err == IDMAP_SUCCESS) { ctx->idmap_domain_info->auto_add_ranges = true; ctx->idmap_domain_info->helpers_owner = true; } else { /* Running out of slices for secondary mapping is a non-fatal * problem. */ if (err == IDMAP_OUT_OF_SLICES) { err = IDMAP_SUCCESS; } ctx->idmap_domain_info->auto_add_ranges = false; } ctx->idmap_domain_info->cb = cb; ctx->idmap_domain_info->pvt = pvt; return err; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_add_domain(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, const char *domain_name, const char *domain_sid, struct sss_idmap_range *range) { return sss_idmap_add_domain_ex(ctx, domain_name, domain_sid, range, NULL, 0, false); } static bool sss_idmap_sid_is_builtin(const char *sid) { if (strncmp(sid, "S-1-5-32-", 9) == 0) { return true; } return false; } static bool parse_rid(const char *sid, size_t dom_prefix_len, long long *_rid) { long long rid; char *endptr; errno = 0; /* Use suffix of sid - part after domain and following '-' */ rid = strtoull(sid + dom_prefix_len + 1, &endptr, 10); if (errno != 0 || rid > UINT32_MAX || *endptr != '\0') { return false; } *_rid = rid; return true; } static bool is_sid_from_dom(const char *dom_sid, const char *sid, size_t *_dom_sid_len) { size_t dom_sid_len; if (dom_sid == NULL) { return false; } dom_sid_len = strlen(dom_sid); *_dom_sid_len = dom_sid_len; if (strlen(sid) < dom_sid_len || sid[dom_sid_len] != '-') { return false; } return strncmp(sid, dom_sid, dom_sid_len) == 0; } static bool comp_id(struct idmap_range_params *range_params, long long rid, uint32_t *_id) { uint32_t id; if (rid >= range_params->first_rid && ((UINT32_MAX - range_params->min_id) > (rid - range_params->first_rid))) { id = range_params->min_id + (rid - range_params->first_rid); if (id <= range_params->max_id) { *_id = id; return true; } } return false; } static enum idmap_error_code get_range(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, const char *dom_sid, long long rid, struct idmap_range_params **_range) { char *secondary_name; enum idmap_error_code err; int first_rid; struct idmap_range_params *range; first_rid = (rid / ctx->idmap_opts.rangesize) * ctx->idmap_opts.rangesize; secondary_name = generate_sec_slice_name(ctx, dom_sid, first_rid); if (secondary_name == NULL) { return IDMAP_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } err = generate_slice(ctx, secondary_name, first_rid, &range); if (err == IDMAP_OUT_OF_SLICES) { ctx->free_func(secondary_name, ctx->alloc_pvt); return err; } *_range = range; return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } static enum idmap_error_code spawn_dom(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, struct idmap_domain_info *parent, struct idmap_range_params *range) { struct sss_idmap_range tmp; static enum idmap_error_code err; struct idmap_domain_info *it; tmp.min = range->min_id; tmp.max = range->max_id; err = sss_idmap_add_domain_ex(ctx, parent->name, parent->sid, &tmp, range->range_id, range->first_rid, false); if (err != IDMAP_SUCCESS) { return err; } it = ctx->idmap_domain_info; while (it != NULL) { /* Find the newly added domain. */ if (it->range_params.first_rid == range->first_rid && it->range_params.min_id == range->min_id && it->range_params.max_id == range->max_id) { /* Share helpers. */ it->helpers = parent->helpers; it->auto_add_ranges = parent->auto_add_ranges; /* Share call back for storing domains */ it->cb = parent->cb; it->pvt = parent->pvt; break; } it = it->next; } if (it == NULL) { /* Failed to find just added domain. */ return IDMAP_ERROR; } /* Store mapping for newly created domain. */ if (it->cb != NULL) { err = it->cb(it->name, it->sid, it->range_params.range_id, it->range_params.min_id, it->range_params.max_id, it->range_params.first_rid, it->pvt); if (err != IDMAP_SUCCESS) { return err; } } return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } static enum idmap_error_code add_dom_for_sid(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, struct idmap_domain_info *matched_dom, const char *sid, uint32_t *_id) { enum idmap_error_code err; long long rid; struct idmap_range_params *range = NULL; if (parse_rid(sid, strlen(matched_dom->sid), &rid) == false) { err = IDMAP_SID_INVALID; goto done; } /* todo optimize */ err = get_range(ctx, matched_dom->sid, rid, &range); if (err != IDMAP_SUCCESS) { goto done; } err = spawn_dom(ctx, matched_dom, range); if (err != IDMAP_SUCCESS) { goto done; } if (!comp_id(range, rid, _id)) { err = IDMAP_ERROR; goto done; } err = IDMAP_SUCCESS; done: if (range != NULL) { ctx->free_func(range->range_id, ctx->alloc_pvt); } ctx->free_func(range, ctx->alloc_pvt); return err; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_sid_to_unix(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, const char *sid, uint32_t *_id) { struct idmap_domain_info *idmap_domain_info; struct idmap_domain_info *matched_dom = NULL; size_t dom_len; long long rid; if (sid == NULL || _id == NULL) { return IDMAP_ERROR; } CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); idmap_domain_info = ctx->idmap_domain_info; if (sss_idmap_sid_is_builtin(sid)) { return IDMAP_BUILTIN_SID; } /* Try primary slices */ while (idmap_domain_info != NULL) { if (is_sid_from_dom(idmap_domain_info->sid, sid, &dom_len)) { if (idmap_domain_info->external_mapping == true) { return IDMAP_EXTERNAL; } if (parse_rid(sid, dom_len, &rid) == false) { return IDMAP_SID_INVALID; } if (comp_id(&idmap_domain_info->range_params, rid, _id)) { return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } matched_dom = idmap_domain_info; } idmap_domain_info = idmap_domain_info->next; } if (matched_dom != NULL && matched_dom->auto_add_ranges) { return add_dom_for_sid(ctx, matched_dom, sid, _id); } return matched_dom ? IDMAP_NO_RANGE : IDMAP_NO_DOMAIN; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_check_sid_unix(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, const char *sid, uint32_t id) { struct idmap_domain_info *idmap_domain_info; size_t dom_len; bool no_range = false; if (sid == NULL) { return IDMAP_ERROR; } CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); if (ctx->idmap_domain_info == NULL) { return IDMAP_NO_DOMAIN; } idmap_domain_info = ctx->idmap_domain_info; if (sss_idmap_sid_is_builtin(sid)) { return IDMAP_BUILTIN_SID; } while (idmap_domain_info != NULL) { if (idmap_domain_info->sid != NULL) { dom_len = strlen(idmap_domain_info->sid); if (strlen(sid) > dom_len && sid[dom_len] == '-' && strncmp(sid, idmap_domain_info->sid, dom_len) == 0) { if (id >= idmap_domain_info->range_params.min_id && id <= idmap_domain_info->range_params.max_id) { return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } no_range = true; } } idmap_domain_info = idmap_domain_info->next; } return no_range ? IDMAP_NO_RANGE : IDMAP_SID_UNKNOWN; } static enum idmap_error_code generate_sid(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, const char *dom_sid, uint32_t rid, char **_sid) { char *sid; int len; int ret; len = snprintf(NULL, 0, SID_FMT, dom_sid, rid); if (len <= 0 || len > SID_STR_MAX_LEN) { return IDMAP_ERROR; } sid = ctx->alloc_func(len + 1, ctx->alloc_pvt); if (sid == NULL) { return IDMAP_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } ret = snprintf(sid, len + 1, SID_FMT, dom_sid, rid); if (ret != len) { ctx->free_func(sid, ctx->alloc_pvt); return IDMAP_ERROR; } *_sid = sid; return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_unix_to_sid(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, uint32_t id, char **_sid) { struct idmap_domain_info *idmap_domain_info; uint32_t rid; enum idmap_error_code err; CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); idmap_domain_info = ctx->idmap_domain_info; while (idmap_domain_info != NULL) { if (id_is_in_range(id, &idmap_domain_info->range_params, &rid)) { if (idmap_domain_info->external_mapping == true || idmap_domain_info->sid == NULL) { return IDMAP_EXTERNAL; } return generate_sid(ctx, idmap_domain_info->sid, rid, _sid); } idmap_domain_info = idmap_domain_info->next; } /* Check secondary ranges. */ idmap_domain_info = ctx->idmap_domain_info; while (idmap_domain_info != NULL) { for (struct idmap_range_params *it = idmap_domain_info->helpers; it != NULL; it = it->next) { if (id_is_in_range(id, it, &rid)) { if (idmap_domain_info->external_mapping == true || idmap_domain_info->sid == NULL) { return IDMAP_EXTERNAL; } err = spawn_dom(ctx, idmap_domain_info, it); if (err != IDMAP_SUCCESS) { return err; } return generate_sid(ctx, idmap_domain_info->sid, rid, _sid); } } idmap_domain_info = idmap_domain_info->next; } return IDMAP_NO_DOMAIN; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_dom_sid_to_unix(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, struct sss_dom_sid *dom_sid, uint32_t *id) { enum idmap_error_code err; char *sid; CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); err = sss_idmap_dom_sid_to_sid(ctx, dom_sid, &sid); if (err != IDMAP_SUCCESS) { goto done; } err = sss_idmap_sid_to_unix(ctx, sid, id); done: ctx->free_func(sid, ctx->alloc_pvt); return err; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_bin_sid_to_unix(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, uint8_t *bin_sid, size_t length, uint32_t *id) { enum idmap_error_code err; char *sid; CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); err = sss_idmap_bin_sid_to_sid(ctx, bin_sid, length, &sid); if (err != IDMAP_SUCCESS) { goto done; } err = sss_idmap_sid_to_unix(ctx, sid, id); done: ctx->free_func(sid, ctx->alloc_pvt); return err; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_smb_sid_to_unix(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, struct dom_sid *smb_sid, uint32_t *id) { enum idmap_error_code err; char *sid; CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); err = sss_idmap_smb_sid_to_sid(ctx, smb_sid, &sid); if (err != IDMAP_SUCCESS) { goto done; } err = sss_idmap_sid_to_unix(ctx, sid, id); done: ctx->free_func(sid, ctx->alloc_pvt); return err; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_check_dom_sid_to_unix(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, struct sss_dom_sid *dom_sid, uint32_t id) { enum idmap_error_code err; char *sid; CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); err = sss_idmap_dom_sid_to_sid(ctx, dom_sid, &sid); if (err != IDMAP_SUCCESS) { goto done; } err = sss_idmap_check_sid_unix(ctx, sid, id); done: ctx->free_func(sid, ctx->alloc_pvt); return err; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_check_bin_sid_unix(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, uint8_t *bin_sid, size_t length, uint32_t id) { enum idmap_error_code err; char *sid; CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); err = sss_idmap_bin_sid_to_sid(ctx, bin_sid, length, &sid); if (err != IDMAP_SUCCESS) { goto done; } err = sss_idmap_check_sid_unix(ctx, sid, id); done: ctx->free_func(sid, ctx->alloc_pvt); return err; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_check_smb_sid_unix(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, struct dom_sid *smb_sid, uint32_t id) { enum idmap_error_code err; char *sid; CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); err = sss_idmap_smb_sid_to_sid(ctx, smb_sid, &sid); if (err != IDMAP_SUCCESS) { goto done; } err = sss_idmap_check_sid_unix(ctx, sid, id); done: ctx->free_func(sid, ctx->alloc_pvt); return err; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_unix_to_dom_sid(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, uint32_t id, struct sss_dom_sid **_dom_sid) { enum idmap_error_code err; char *sid = NULL; struct sss_dom_sid *dom_sid = NULL; CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); err = sss_idmap_unix_to_sid(ctx, id, &sid); if (err != IDMAP_SUCCESS) { goto done; } err = sss_idmap_sid_to_dom_sid(ctx, sid, &dom_sid); if (err != IDMAP_SUCCESS) { goto done; } *_dom_sid = dom_sid; err = IDMAP_SUCCESS; done: ctx->free_func(sid, ctx->alloc_pvt); if (err != IDMAP_SUCCESS) { ctx->free_func(dom_sid, ctx->alloc_pvt); } return err; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_unix_to_bin_sid(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, uint32_t id, uint8_t **_bin_sid, size_t *_length) { enum idmap_error_code err; char *sid = NULL; uint8_t *bin_sid = NULL; size_t length; CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); err = sss_idmap_unix_to_sid(ctx, id, &sid); if (err != IDMAP_SUCCESS) { goto done; } err = sss_idmap_sid_to_bin_sid(ctx, sid, &bin_sid, &length); if (err != IDMAP_SUCCESS) { goto done; } *_bin_sid = bin_sid; *_length = length; err = IDMAP_SUCCESS; done: ctx->free_func(sid, ctx->alloc_pvt); if (err != IDMAP_SUCCESS) { ctx->free_func(bin_sid, ctx->alloc_pvt); } return err; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_ctx_set_autorid(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, bool use_autorid) { CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); ctx->idmap_opts.autorid_mode = use_autorid; return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_ctx_set_lower(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, id_t lower) { CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); ctx->idmap_opts.idmap_lower = lower; return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_ctx_set_upper(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, id_t upper) { CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); ctx->idmap_opts.idmap_upper = upper; return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_ctx_set_rangesize(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, id_t rangesize) { CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); ctx->idmap_opts.rangesize = rangesize; return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_ctx_set_extra_slice_init(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, int extra_slice_init) { CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); ctx->idmap_opts.extra_slice_init = extra_slice_init; return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_ctx_get_autorid(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, bool *_autorid) { CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); *_autorid = ctx->idmap_opts.autorid_mode; return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_ctx_get_lower(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, id_t *_lower) { CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); *_lower = ctx->idmap_opts.idmap_lower; return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_ctx_get_upper(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, id_t *_upper) { CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); *_upper = ctx->idmap_opts.idmap_upper; return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_ctx_get_rangesize(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, id_t *_rangesize) { CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); *_rangesize = ctx->idmap_opts.rangesize; return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_domain_has_algorithmic_mapping(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, const char *dom_sid, bool *has_algorithmic_mapping) { struct idmap_domain_info *idmap_domain_info; size_t len; size_t dom_sid_len; if (dom_sid == NULL) { return IDMAP_SID_INVALID; } CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); if (ctx->idmap_domain_info == NULL) { return IDMAP_NO_DOMAIN; } idmap_domain_info = ctx->idmap_domain_info; while (idmap_domain_info != NULL) { if (idmap_domain_info->sid != NULL) { len = strlen(idmap_domain_info->sid); dom_sid_len = strlen(dom_sid); if (((dom_sid_len > len && dom_sid[len] == '-') || dom_sid_len == len) && strncmp(dom_sid, idmap_domain_info->sid, len) == 0) { *has_algorithmic_mapping = !idmap_domain_info->external_mapping; return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } } idmap_domain_info = idmap_domain_info->next; } return IDMAP_SID_UNKNOWN; } enum idmap_error_code sss_idmap_domain_by_name_has_algorithmic_mapping(struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx, const char *dom_name, bool *has_algorithmic_mapping) { struct idmap_domain_info *idmap_domain_info; if (dom_name == NULL) { return IDMAP_ERROR; } CHECK_IDMAP_CTX(ctx, IDMAP_CONTEXT_INVALID); if (ctx->idmap_domain_info == NULL) { return IDMAP_NO_DOMAIN; } idmap_domain_info = ctx->idmap_domain_info; while (idmap_domain_info != NULL) { if (idmap_domain_info->name != NULL && strcmp(dom_name, idmap_domain_info->name) == 0) { *has_algorithmic_mapping = !idmap_domain_info->external_mapping; return IDMAP_SUCCESS; } idmap_domain_info = idmap_domain_info->next; } return IDMAP_NAME_UNKNOWN; }