#!/usr/bin/env python # # Samba4 AD database checker # # Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 2011 # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # import ldb, sys import samba.getopt as options from samba import dsdb from samba import common from samba.auth import system_session from samba.samdb import SamDB from samba.dcerpc import misc from samba.netcmd import ( Command, CommandError, Option ) class dsdb_DN(object): '''a class to manipulate DN components''' def __init__(self, samdb, dnstring, syntax_oid): if syntax_oid in [ dsdb.DSDB_SYNTAX_BINARY_DN, dsdb.DSDB_SYNTAX_STRING_DN ]: colons = dnstring.split(':') if len(colons) < 4: raise Exception("invalid DN prefix") prefix_len = 4 + len(colons[1]) + int(colons[1]) self.prefix = dnstring[0:prefix_len] self.dnstring = dnstring[prefix_len:] else: self.dnstring = dnstring self.prefix = '' try: self.dn = ldb.Dn(samdb, self.dnstring) except Exception, msg: print("ERROR: bad DN string '%s'" % self.dnstring) raise def __str__(self): return self.prefix + str(self.dn.extended_str(mode=1)) class cmd_dbcheck(Command): """check local AD database for errors""" synopsis = "dbcheck [options]" takes_optiongroups = { "sambaopts": options.SambaOptions, "versionopts": options.VersionOptions, "credopts": options.CredentialsOptionsDouble, } takes_args = ["DN?"] takes_options = [ Option("--scope", dest="scope", default="SUB", help="Pass search scope that builds DN list. Options: SUB, ONE, BASE"), Option("--fix", dest="fix", default=False, action='store_true', help='Fix any errors found'), Option("--yes", dest="yes", default=False, action='store_true', help="don't confirm changes, just do them all as a single transaction"), Option("--cross-ncs", dest="cross_ncs", default=False, action='store_true', help="cross naming context boundaries"), Option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", default=False, help="Print more details of checking"), Option("--quiet", dest="quiet", action="store_true", default=False, help="don't print details of checking"), Option("-H", help="LDB URL for database or target server (defaults to local SAM database)", type=str), ] def run(self, H=None, DN=None, verbose=False, fix=False, yes=False, cross_ncs=False, quiet=False, scope="SUB", credopts=None, sambaopts=None, versionopts=None): self.lp = sambaopts.get_loadparm() self.creds = credopts.get_credentials(self.lp, fallback_machine=True) self.samdb = SamDB(session_info=system_session(), url=H, credentials=self.creds, lp=self.lp) if H is None: self.local_samdb = self.samdb else: self.local_samdb = SamDB(session_info=system_session(), url=None, credentials=self.creds, lp=self.lp) self.verbose = verbose self.fix = fix self.yes = yes self.quiet = quiet scope_map = { "SUB": ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE, "BASE":ldb.SCOPE_BASE, "ONE":ldb.SCOPE_ONELEVEL } scope = scope.upper() if not scope in scope_map: raise CommandError("Unknown scope %s" % scope) self.search_scope = scope_map[scope] controls = [] if H is not None: controls.append('paged_results:1:1000') if cross_ncs: controls.append("search_options:1:2") if self.yes and self.fix: self.samdb.transaction_start() res = self.samdb.search(base=DN, scope=self.search_scope, attrs=['dn'], controls=controls) self.report('Checking %u objects' % len(res)) error_count = 0 for object in res: error_count += self.check_object(object.dn) if error_count != 0 and not self.fix: self.report("Please use --fix to fix these errors") self.report('Checked %u objects (%u errors)' % (len(res), error_count)) if self.yes and self.fix: self.samdb.transaction_commit() if error_count != 0: sys.exit(1) def report(self, msg): '''print a message unless quiet is set''' if not self.quiet: print(msg) ################################################################ # a local confirm function that obeys the --fix and --yes options def confirm(self, msg): '''confirm a change''' if not self.fix: return False return common.confirm(msg, forced=self.yes) ################################################################ # handle empty attributes def err_empty_attribute(self, dn, attrname): '''fix empty attributes''' self.report("ERROR: Empty attribute %s in %s" % (attrname, dn)) if not self.confirm('Remove empty attribute %s from %s?' % (attrname, dn)): self.report("Not fixing empty attribute %s" % attrname) return m = ldb.Message() m.dn = dn m[attrname] = ldb.MessageElement('', ldb.FLAG_MOD_DELETE, attrname) if self.verbose: self.report(self.samdb.write_ldif(m, ldb.CHANGETYPE_MODIFY)) try: self.samdb.modify(m, controls=["relax:0"], validate=False) except Exception, msg: self.report("Failed to remove empty attribute %s : %s" % (attrname, msg)) return self.report("Removed empty attribute %s" % attrname) ################################################################ # handle normalisation mismatches def err_normalise_mismatch(self, dn, attrname, values): '''fix attribute normalisation errors''' self.report("ERROR: Normalisation error for attribute %s in %s" % (attrname, dn)) mod_list = [] for val in values: normalised = self.samdb.dsdb_normalise_attributes(self.local_samdb, attrname, [val]) if len(normalised) != 1: self.report("Unable to normalise value '%s'" % val) mod_list.append((val, '')) elif (normalised[0] != val): self.report("value '%s' should be '%s'" % (val, normalised[0])) mod_list.append((val, normalised[0])) if not self.confirm('Fix normalisation for %s from %s?' % (attrname, dn)): self.report("Not fixing attribute %s" % attrname) return m = ldb.Message() m.dn = dn for i in range(0, len(mod_list)): (val, nval) = mod_list[i] m['value_%u' % i] = ldb.MessageElement(val, ldb.FLAG_MOD_DELETE, attrname) if nval != '': m['normv_%u' % i] = ldb.MessageElement(nval, ldb.FLAG_MOD_ADD, attrname) if self.verbose: self.report(self.samdb.write_ldif(m, ldb.CHANGETYPE_MODIFY)) try: self.samdb.modify(m, controls=["relax:0"], validate=False) except Exception, msg: self.report("Failed to normalise attribute %s : %s" % (attrname, msg)) return self.report("Normalised attribute %s" % attrname) ################################################################ # handle a missing GUID extended DN component def err_incorrect_dn_GUID(self, dn, attrname, val, dsdb_dn, errstr): self.report("ERROR: %s component for %s in object %s - %s" % (errstr, attrname, dn, val)) try: res = self.samdb.search(base=dsdb_dn.dn, scope=ldb.SCOPE_BASE, attrs=[], controls=["extended_dn:1:1"]) except ldb.LdbError, (enum, estr): self.report("unable to find object for DN %s - cannot fix (%s)" % (dsdb_dn.dn, estr)) return dsdb_dn.dn = res[0].dn if not self.confirm('Change DN to %s?' % str(dsdb_dn)): self.report("Not fixing %s" % errstr) return m = ldb.Message() m.dn = dn m['old_value'] = ldb.MessageElement(val, ldb.FLAG_MOD_DELETE, attrname) m['new_value'] = ldb.MessageElement(str(dsdb_dn), ldb.FLAG_MOD_ADD, attrname) if self.verbose: self.report(self.samdb.write_ldif(m, ldb.CHANGETYPE_MODIFY)) try: self.samdb.modify(m) except Exception, msg: self.report("Failed to fix %s on attribute %s : %s" % (errstr, attrname, msg)) return self.report("Fixed %s on attribute %s" % (errstr, attrname)) ################################################################ # handle a DN pointing to a deleted object def err_deleted_dn(self, dn, attrname, val, dsdb_dn, correct_dn): self.report("ERROR: target DN is deleted for %s in object %s - %s" % (attrname, dn, val)) self.report("Target GUID points at deleted DN %s" % correct_dn) if not self.confirm('Remove DN?'): self.report("Not removing") return m = ldb.Message() m.dn = dn m['old_value'] = ldb.MessageElement(val, ldb.FLAG_MOD_DELETE, attrname) if self.verbose: self.report(self.samdb.write_ldif(m, ldb.CHANGETYPE_MODIFY)) try: self.samdb.modify(m) except Exception, msg: self.report("Failed to remove deleted DN attribute %s : %s" % (attrname, msg)) return self.report("Removed deleted DN on attribute %s" % attrname) ################################################################ # handle a DN string being incorrect def err_dn_target_mismatch(self, dn, attrname, val, dsdb_dn, correct_dn): self.report("ERROR: incorrect DN string component for %s in object %s - %s" % (attrname, dn, val)) dsdb_dn.dn = correct_dn if not self.confirm('Change DN to %s?' % str(dsdb_dn)): self.report("Not fixing %s" % errstr) return m = ldb.Message() m.dn = dn m['old_value'] = ldb.MessageElement(val, ldb.FLAG_MOD_DELETE, attrname) m['new_value'] = ldb.MessageElement(str(dsdb_dn), ldb.FLAG_MOD_ADD, attrname) if self.verbose: self.report(self.samdb.write_ldif(m, ldb.CHANGETYPE_MODIFY)) try: self.samdb.modify(m) except Exception, msg: self.report("Failed to fix incorrect DN string on attribute %s : %s" % (attrname, msg)) return self.report("Fixed incorrect DN string on attribute %s" % (attrname)) ################################################################ # specialised checking for a dn attribute def check_dn(self, obj, attrname, syntax_oid): '''check a DN attribute for correctness''' error_count = 0 for val in obj[attrname]: dsdb_dn = dsdb_DN(self.samdb, val, syntax_oid) # all DNs should have a GUID component guid = dsdb_dn.dn.get_extended_component("GUID") if guid is None: error_count += 1 self.err_incorrect_dn_GUID(obj.dn, attrname, val, dsdb_dn, "missing GUID") continue guidstr = str(misc.GUID(guid)) # check its the right GUID try: res = self.samdb.search(base="" % guidstr, scope=ldb.SCOPE_BASE, attrs=['isDeleted'], controls=["extended_dn:1:1", "show_deleted:1"]) except ldb.LdbError, (enum, estr): error_count += 1 self.err_incorrect_dn_GUID(obj.dn, attrname, val, dsdb_dn, "incorrect GUID") continue # the target DN might be deleted if (dsdb_dn.prefix != "B:32:18E2EA80684F11D2B9AA00C04F79F805:" and 'isDeleted' in res[0] and res[0]['isDeleted'][0].upper() == "TRUE"): # note that we don't check this for the special wellKnownObjects prefix # for Deleted Objects, as we expect that to be deleted error_count += 1 self.err_deleted_dn(obj.dn, attrname, val, dsdb_dn, res[0].dn) continue # check the DN matches in string form if res[0].dn.extended_str() != dsdb_dn.dn.extended_str(): error_count += 1 self.err_dn_target_mismatch(obj.dn, attrname, val, dsdb_dn, res[0].dn) continue return error_count ################################################################ # check one object - calls to individual error handlers above def check_object(self, dn): '''check one object''' if self.verbose: self.report("Checking object %s" % dn) res = self.samdb.search(base=dn, scope=ldb.SCOPE_BASE, controls=["extended_dn:1:1"], attrs=['*', 'ntSecurityDescriptor']) if len(res) != 1: self.report("Object %s disappeared during check" % dn) return 1 obj = res[0] error_count = 0 for attrname in obj: if attrname == 'dn': continue # check for empty attributes for val in obj[attrname]: if val == '': self.err_empty_attribute(dn, attrname) error_count += 1 continue # get the syntax oid for the attribute, so we can can have # special handling for some specific attribute types syntax_oid = self.local_samdb.get_syntax_oid_from_lDAPDisplayName(attrname) if syntax_oid in [ dsdb.DSDB_SYNTAX_BINARY_DN, dsdb.DSDB_SYNTAX_OR_NAME, dsdb.DSDB_SYNTAX_STRING_DN, ldb.LDB_SYNTAX_DN ]: # it's some form of DN, do specialised checking on those error_count += self.check_dn(obj, attrname, syntax_oid) # check for incorrectly normalised attributes for val in obj[attrname]: normalised = self.samdb.dsdb_normalise_attributes(self.local_samdb, attrname, [val]) if len(normalised) != 1 or normalised[0] != val: self.err_normalise_mismatch(dn, attrname, obj[attrname]) error_count += 1 break return error_count