$Id: verbatim.mod.xsl,v 2003/08/12 18:22:39 jelmer Exp $ Ramon Casellas James Devenish 2000 2001 2002 2003 Ramon Casellas Verbatim <filename>verbatim.mod.xsl</filename>
Template for literal Template for literal template {\verb } Auxiliary template to output verbatim LaTeX code (in verbatim mode) that takes into account whether the user is using fancyverb or not. It allows veratim line numbering and other fancy stuff. \begin{Verbatim}[ ,numbers=left ,fontfamily=default ] \end{Verbatim} \begin{verbatim} \end{verbatim} ]]> \begin{Verbatim}[ ,numbers=left ,fontfamily=default ] \end{Verbatim} \begin{verbatim} \end{verbatim} Environments in which whitespace is significant Known Bugs Templates are not applied within programlistings.