#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # andersg at 0x63.nu 2007 import os import Task, Options, Utils from Configure import conf from TaskGen import extension, taskgen, feature, before xsubpp_str = '${PERL} ${XSUBPP} -noprototypes -typemap ${EXTUTILS_TYPEMAP} ${SRC} > ${TGT}' EXT_XS = ['.xs'] @before('apply_incpaths', 'apply_type_vars', 'apply_lib_vars') @feature('perlext') def init_perlext(self): self.uselib = self.to_list(getattr(self, 'uselib', '')) if not 'PERL' in self.uselib: self.uselib.append('PERL') if not 'PERLEXT' in self.uselib: self.uselib.append('PERLEXT') self.env['shlib_PATTERN'] = self.env['perlext_PATTERN'] @extension(EXT_XS) def xsubpp_file(self, node): outnode = node.change_ext('.c') self.create_task('xsubpp', node, outnode) self.allnodes.append(outnode) Task.simple_task_type('xsubpp', xsubpp_str, color='BLUE', before='cc cxx', shell=False) @conf def check_perl_version(conf, minver=None): """ Checks if perl is installed. If installed the variable PERL will be set in environment. Perl binary can be overridden by --with-perl-binary config variable """ if getattr(Options.options, 'perlbinary', None): conf.env.PERL = Options.options.perlbinary else: conf.find_program('perl', var='PERL', mandatory=True) try: version = Utils.cmd_output([conf.env.PERL, '-e', 'printf "%vd",$^V']) except: conf.fatal('could not determine the perl version') conf.env.PERL_VERSION = version cver = '' if minver: try: ver = tuple(map(int, version.split('.'))) except: conf.fatal('unsupported perl version %r' % version) if ver < minver: conf.fatal('perl is too old') cver = '.'.join(map(str,minver)) conf.check_message('perl', cver, True, version) @conf def check_perl_module(conf, module): """ Check if specified perlmodule is installed. Minimum version can be specified by specifying it after modulename like this: conf.check_perl_module("Some::Module 2.92") """ cmd = [conf.env['PERL'], '-e', 'use %s' % module] r = Utils.pproc.call(cmd, stdout=Utils.pproc.PIPE, stderr=Utils.pproc.PIPE) == 0 conf.check_message("perl module %s" % module, "", r) return r @conf def check_perl_ext_devel(conf): """ Check for configuration needed to build perl extensions. Sets different xxx_PERLEXT variables in the environment. Also sets the ARCHDIR_PERL variable useful as installation path, which can be overridden by --with-perl-archdir """ if not conf.env.PERL: conf.fatal('perl detection is required first') def read_out(cmd): return Utils.to_list(Utils.cmd_output([conf.env.PERL, '-MConfig', '-e', cmd])) conf.env.LINKFLAGS_PERLEXT = read_out('print $Config{lddlflags}') conf.env.CPPPATH_PERLEXT = read_out('print "$Config{archlib}/CORE"') conf.env.CCFLAGS_PERLEXT = read_out('print "$Config{ccflags} $Config{cccdlflags}"') conf.env.XSUBPP = read_out('print "$Config{privlib}/ExtUtils/xsubpp$Config{exe_ext}"') conf.env.EXTUTILS_TYPEMAP = read_out('print "$Config{privlib}/ExtUtils/typemap"') conf.env.perlext_PATTERN = '%s.' + read_out('print $Config{dlext}')[0] if getattr(Options.options, 'perlarchdir', None): conf.env.ARCHDIR_PERL = Options.options.perlarchdir else: conf.env.ARCHDIR_PERL = read_out('print $Config{sitearch}')[0] conf.env.VENDORDIR_PERL = Options.options.perlvendordir def set_options(opt): opt.add_option("--with-perl-binary", type="string", dest="perlbinary", help = 'Specify alternate perl binary', default=None) opt.add_option("--with-perl-archdir", type="string", dest="perlarchdir", help = 'Specify directory where to install arch specific files', default=None) opt.add_option("--with-perl-vendordir", type="string", dest="perlvendordir", help="Specify directory where to install perl vendor files", default='${DATAROOTDIR}/perl5/vendor_perl')