path: root/examples/misc
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2 files changed, 0 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/examples/misc/extra_smbstatus b/examples/misc/extra_smbstatus
deleted file mode 100644
index 584284feb34..00000000000
--- a/examples/misc/extra_smbstatus
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-Here's something that Paul Blackman sent me that may be useful:
-I created this script to do a few things that smbstatus doesn't at the
-moment. Perhaps you might want to include these. Sorry I haven't
-added things at source level, script was quick&easy.
-if ($1 == "-p") then
- smbstatus -p |sort -u
-else if ($1 == "-c") then
- echo There are `smbstatus -p |sort -u |grep -n -v z |grep -c :` unique smbd processes running.
- else if ($1 == "-l") then
- echo `date '+ %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'` `smbstatus -p |sort -u |grep -n -v z |grep -c :` >>$2
-else if ($1 == "-cs") then
- echo There are `smbstatus |awk '$1==share {n++;} END {print n}' share=$2` concurrent connections to share: $2
-else if ($1 == "-csl") then
- echo `date '+ %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'` `smbstatus |awk '$1==share {n++;} END {print n}' share=$2` >>$3
- echo "'smbstat -c' ==> Count unique smbd processes."
- echo "'smbstat -p' ==> List unique smbd processes."
- echo "'smbstat -l logfile' ==> Append a log entry for the number of"
- echo " concurrent and unique processes to logfile."
- echo "'smbstat -cs sharename'"
- echo " ==> Count processes connected to sharename (assumed unique)"
- echo "'smbstat -csl sharename logfile'"
- echo " ==> Append a log entry for the number of concurrent"
- echo " processes connected to sharename (assumed unique)"
-Run this script from cron eg.
-0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,50,55 * * * * /usr/local/samba/bin/smbstat -l /usr/local/samba/var/smbdcount.log
-and you get a good idea of usage over time.
-~^ MIME OK ^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~
- o | Paul Blackman
- o | Co-operative Research ------------------------
- o _ | Centre For Freshwater Ecology. Ph. (Aus) 06 2012518
- -- (") o | University of Canberra, Australia. Fax. " 06 2015038
- \_|_-- |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- | | "Spend a little love and get high"
- _/ \_ | - Lenny Kravitz
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SAMBA Web Pages: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
diff --git a/examples/misc/wall.perl b/examples/misc/wall.perl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9303658ce14..00000000000
--- a/examples/misc/wall.perl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-#@(#) Description:
-#@(#) A perl script which allows you to announce whatever you choose to
-#@(#) every PC client currently connected to a Samba Server...
-#@(#) ...using "smbclient -M" message to winpopup service.
-#@(#) Default usage is to message every connected PC.
-#@(#) Alternate usage is to message every pc on the argument list.
-#@(#) Hacked up by Keith Farrar <>
-# Cleanup and corrections by
-# Michal Jaegermann <>
-# Message to send can be now also fed (quietly) from stdin; a pipe will do.
-$smbstatus = "/usr/local/bin/smbstatus";
-$smbshout = "/usr/local/bin/smbclient -M";
-if (@ARGV) {
- @clients = @ARGV;
- undef @ARGV;
-else { # no clients specified explicitly
- open(PCLIST, "$smbstatus |") || die "$smbstatus failed!.\n$!\n";
- while(<PCLIST>) {
- last if /^Locked files:/;
- split(' ', $_, 6);
- # do not accept this line if less then six fields
- next unless $_[5];
- # if you have A LOT of clients you may speed things up by
- # checking pid - no need to look further if this pid was already
- # seen; left as an exercise :-)
- $client = $_[4];
- next unless $client =~ /^\w+\./; # expect 'dot' in a client name
- next if grep($_ eq $client, @clients); # we want this name once
- push(@clients, $client);
- }
- close(PCLIST);
-if (-t) {
- print <<'EOT';
-Enter message for Samba clients of this host
-(terminated with single '.' or end of file):
- while (<>) {
- last if /^\.$/;
- push(@message, $_);
- }
-else { # keep quiet and read message from stdin
- @message = <>;
-foreach(@clients) {
-## print "To $_:\n";
- if (open(SENDMSG,"|$smbshout $_")) {
- print SENDMSG @message;
- close(SENDMSG);
- }
- else {
- warn "Cannot notify $_ with $smbshout:\n$!\n";
- }
-exit 0;