path: root/docs/yodldocs/smbd.8.yo
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-manpage(smbd htmlcommand((8)))(8)(23 Oct 1998)(Samba)(SAMBA)
-manpagename(smbd)(server to provide SMB/CIFS services to clients)
-bf(smbd) [link(-D)(minusD)] [link(-a)(minusa)] [link(-o)(minuso)] [link(-P)(minusP)] [link(-h)(minush)] [link(-V)(minusV)] [link(-d debuglevel)(minusd)] [link(-l log file)(minusl)] [link(-p port number)(minusp)] [link(-O socket options)(minusO)] [link(-s configuration file)(minuss)]
-This program is part of the bf(Samba) suite.
-bf(smbd) is the server daemon that provides filesharing and printing
-services to
-Windows clients. The server provides filespace and printer services to
-clients using the SMB (or CIFS) protocol. This is compatible with the
-LanManager protocol, and can service LanManager clients. These
-include MSCLIENT 3.0 for DOS, Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95,
-Windows NT, OS/2, DAVE for Macintosh, and smbfs for Linux.
-An extensive description of the services that the server can provide
-is given in the man page for the configuration file controlling the
-attributes of those services (see
-url(bf(smb.conf (5)))(smb.conf.5.html). This man page
-will not describe the services, but will concentrate on the
-administrative aspects of running the server.
-Please note that there are significant security implications to
-running this server, and the
-url(bf(smb.conf (5)))(smb.conf.5.html) manpage should be
-regarded as mandatory reading before proceeding with installation.
-A session is created whenever a client requests one. Each client gets
-a copy of the server for each session. This copy then services all
-connections made by the client during that session. When all
-connections from its client are closed, the copy of the server for
-that client terminates.
-The configuration file, and any files that it includes, are
-automatically reloaded every minute, if they change. You can force a
-reload by sending a SIGHUP to the server. Reloading the configuration
-file will not affect connections to any service that is already
-established. Either the user will have to disconnect from the
-service, or smbd killed and restarted.
-dit(bf(-D)) If specified, this parameter causes the server to operate as a
-daemon. That is, it detaches itself and runs in the background,
-fielding requests on the appropriate port. Operating the server as a
-daemon is the recommended way of running smbd for servers that provide
-more than casual use file and print services.
-By default, the server will NOT operate as a daemon.
-dit(bf(-a)) If this parameter is specified, each new connection will
-append log messages to the log file. This is the default.
-dit(bf(-o)) If this parameter is specified, the log files will be
-overwritten when opened. By default, the log files will be appended
-dit(bf(-P)) Passive option. Causes smbd not to send any network traffic
-out. Used for debugging by the developers only.
-dit(bf(-h)) Prints the help information (usage) for bf(smbd).
-dit(bf(-V)) Prints the version number for bf(smbd).
-dit(bf(-d debuglevel)) debuglevel is an integer from 0 to 10.
-The default value if this parameter is not specified is zero.
-The higher this value, the more detail will be logged to the log files
-about the activities of the server. At level 0, only critical errors
-and serious warnings will be logged. Level 1 is a reasonable level for
-day to day running - it generates a small amount of information about
-operations carried out.
-Levels above 1 will generate considerable amounts of log data, and
-should only be used when investigating a problem. Levels above 3 are
-designed for use only by developers and generate HUGE amounts of log
-data, most of which is extremely cryptic.
-Note that specifying this parameter here will override the url(bf(log
-level))(smb.conf.5.html#loglevel) parameter in the url(bf(smb.conf
-(5)))(smb.conf.5.html) file.
-dit(bf(-l log file)) If specified, em(log file) specifies
-a log filename into which informational and debug messages from the
-running server will be logged. The log file generated is never removed
-by the server although its size may be controlled by the url(bf(max
-log size))(smb.conf.5.html#maxlogsize) option in the url(bf(smb.conf
-(5)))(smb.conf.5.html) file. The default log file name is specified
-at compile time.
-dit(bf(-O socket options)) See the url(bf(socket
-options))(smb.conf.5.html#socketoptions) parameter in the
-url(bf(smb.conf (5)))(smb.conf.5.html) file for details.
-dit(bf(-p port number)) port number is a positive integer value. The
-default value if this parameter is not specified is 139.
-This number is the port number that will be used when making
-connections to the server from client software. The standard
-(well-known) port number for the SMB over TCP is 139, hence the
-default. If you wish to run the server as an ordinary user rather than
-as root, most systems will require you to use a port number greater
-than 1024 - ask your system administrator for help if you are in this
-In order for the server to be useful by most clients, should you
-configure it on a port other than 139, you will require port
-redirection services on port 139, details of which are outlined in
-rfc1002.txt section 4.3.5.
-This parameter is not normally specified except in the above
-dit(bf(-s configuration file))
-The file specified contains the configuration details required by the
-server. The information in this file includes server-specific
-information such as what printcap file to use, as well as descriptions
-of all the services that the server is to provide. See bf(smb.conf
-(5)) for more information.
-The default configuration file name is determined at compile time.
-If the server is to be run by the inetd meta-daemon, this file must
-contain suitable startup information for the meta-daemon. See the
-section link(INSTALLATION)(INSTALLATION) below.
-(or whatever initialization script your system uses).
-If running the server as a daemon at startup, this file will need to
-contain an appropriate startup sequence for the server. See the
-section link(INSTALLATION)(INSTALLATION) below.
-If running the server via the meta-daemon inetd, this file must
-contain a mapping of service name (e.g., netbios-ssn) to service port
-(e.g., 139) and protocol type (e.g., tcp). See the section
-This is the default location of the em(smb.conf) server configuration
-file. Other common places that systems install this file are
-em(/usr/samba/lib/smb.conf) and em(/etc/smb.conf).
-This file describes all the services the server is to make available
-to clients. See url(bf(smb.conf (5)))(smb.conf.5.html) for more information.
-On some systems bf(smbd) cannot change uid back to root after a
-setuid() call. Such systems are called "trapdoor" uid systems. If you
-have such a system, you will be unable to connect from a client (such
-as a PC) as two different users at once. Attempts to connect the
-second user will result in "access denied" or similar.
-If no printer name is specified to printable services, most systems
-will use the value of this variable (or "lp" if this variable is not
-defined) as the name of the printer to use. This is not specific to
-the server, however.
- The location of the server and its support files is a matter for
-individual system administrators. The following are thus suggestions
-It is recommended that the server software be installed under the
-/usr/local/samba hierarchy, in a directory readable by all, writeable
-only by root. The server program itself should be executable by all,
-as users may wish to run the server themselves (in which case it will
-of course run with their privileges). The server should NOT be
-setuid. On some systems it may be worthwhile to make smbd setgid to an
-empty group. This is because some systems may have a security hole
-where daemon processes that become a user can be attached to with a
-debugger. Making the smbd file setgid to an empty group may prevent
-this hole from being exploited. This security hole and the suggested
-fix has only been confirmed on old versions (pre-kernel 2.0) of Linux
-at the time this was written. It is possible that this hole only
-exists in Linux, as testing on other systems has thus far shown them
-to be immune.
-The server log files should be put in a directory readable and
-writeable only by root, as the log files may contain sensitive
-The configuration file should be placed in a directory readable and
-writeable only by root, as the configuration file controls security for
-the services offered by the server. The configuration file can be made
-readable by all if desired, but this is not necessary for correct
-operation of the server and is not recommended. A sample configuration
-file "smb.conf.sample" is supplied with the source to the server -
-this may be renamed to "smb.conf" and modified to suit your needs.
-The remaining notes will assume the following:
-it() bf(smbd) (the server program) installed in /usr/local/samba/bin
-it() bf(smb.conf) (the configuration file) installed in /usr/local/samba/lib
-it() log files stored in /var/adm/smblogs
-The server may be run either as a daemon by users or at startup, or it
-may be run from a meta-daemon such as inetd upon request. If run as a
-daemon, the server will always be ready, so starting sessions will be
-faster. If run from a meta-daemon some memory will be saved and
-utilities such as the tcpd TCP-wrapper may be used for extra security.
-For serious use as file server it is recommended that bf(smbd) be run
-as a daemon.
-When you've decided, continue with either
-To run the server as a daemon from the command line, simply put the
-link(bf(-D))(minusD) option on the command line. There is no need to place an
-ampersand at the end of the command line - the link(bf(-D))(minusD) option causes
-the server to detach itself from the tty anyway.
-Any user can run the server as a daemon (execute permissions
-permitting, of course). This is useful for testing purposes, and may
-even be useful as a temporary substitute for something like ftp. When
-run this way, however, the server will only have the privileges of the
-user who ran it.
-To ensure that the server is run as a daemon whenever the machine is
-started, and to ensure that it runs as root so that it can serve
-multiple clients, you will need to modify the system startup
-files. Wherever appropriate (for example, in /etc/rc), insert the
-following line, substituting port number, log file location,
-configuration file location and debug level as desired:
-tt(/usr/local/samba/bin/smbd -D -l /var/adm/smblogs/log -s /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf)
-(The above should appear in your initialization script as a single line.
-Depending on your terminal characteristics, it may not appear that way in
-this man page. If the above appears as more than one line, please treat any
-newlines or indentation as a single space or TAB character.)
-If the options used at compile time are appropriate for your system,
-all parameters except link(bf(-D))(minusD) may be
-omitted. See the section link(OPTIONS)(OPTIONS) above.
- If your system uses a meta-daemon such as bf(inetd), you can arrange to
-have the smbd server started whenever a process attempts to connect to
-it. This requires several changes to the startup files on the host
-machine. If you are experimenting as an ordinary user rather than as
-root, you will need the assistance of your system administrator to
-modify the system files.
-You will probably want to set up the NetBIOS name server url(bf(nmbd))(nmbd.8.html) at
-the same time as bf(smbd). To do this refer to the man page for
-url(bf(nmbd (8)))(nmbd.8.html).
-First, ensure that a port is configured in the file tt(/etc/services). The
-well-known port 139 should be used if possible, though any port may be
-Ensure that a line similar to the following is in tt(/etc/services):
-tt(netbios-ssn 139/tcp)
-Note for NIS/YP users - you may need to rebuild the NIS service maps
-rather than alter your local tt(/etc/services file).
-Next, put a suitable line in the file tt(/etc/inetd.conf) (in the unlikely
-event that you are using a meta-daemon other than inetd, you are on
-your own). Note that the first item in this line matches the service
-name in tt(/etc/services). Substitute appropriate values for your system
-in this line (see bf(inetd (8))):
-tt(netbios-ssn stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/samba/bin/smbd -d1 -l/var/adm/smblogs/log -s/usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf)
-(The above should appear in tt(/etc/inetd.conf) as a single
-line. Depending on your terminal characteristics, it may not appear
-that way in this man page. If the above appears as more than one
-line, please treat any newlines or indentation as a single space or
-TAB character.)
-Note that there is no need to specify a port number here, even if you
-are using a non-standard port number.
-Lastly, edit the configuration file to provide suitable services. To
-start with, the following two services should be all you need:
- writeable = yes
- writeable = no
- printable = yes
- path = /tmp
- public = yes
-This will allow you to connect to your home directory and print to any
-printer supported by the host (user privileges permitting).
-If running the server as a daemon, execute it before proceeding. If
-using a meta-daemon, either restart the system or kill and restart the
-meta-daemon. Some versions of inetd will reread their configuration
-tables if they receive a HUP signal.
-If your machine's name is "fred" and your name is "mary", you should
-now be able to connect to the service tt(\\fred\mary).
-To properly test and experiment with the server, we recommend using
-the smbclient program (see
-url(bf(smbclient (1)))(smbclient.1.html)) and also going through
-the steps outlined in the file em(DIAGNOSIS.txt) in the em(docs/)
-directory of your Samba installation.
-This man page is correct for version 2.0 of the Samba suite.
-Most diagnostics issued by the server are logged in a specified log
-file. The log file name is specified at compile time, but may be
-overridden on the command line.
-The number and nature of diagnostics available depends on the debug
-level used by the server. If you have problems, set the debug level to
-3 and peruse the log files.
-Most messages are reasonably self-explanatory. Unfortunately, at the time
-this man page was created, there are too many diagnostics available
-in the source code to warrant describing each and every diagnostic. At
-this stage your best bet is still to grep the source code and inspect
-the conditions that gave rise to the diagnostics you are seeing.
-Sending the smbd a SIGHUP will cause it to re-load its smb.conf
-configuration file within a short period of time.
-To shut down a users smbd process it is recommended that SIGKILL (-9)
-em(NOT) be used, except as a last resort, as this may leave the shared
-memory area in an inconsistent state. The safe way to terminate an
-smbd is to send it a SIGTERM (-15) signal and wait for it to die on
-its own.
-The debug log level of smbd may be raised
-by sending it a SIGUSR1 tt((kill -USR1 <smbd-pid>)) and lowered by
-sending it a SIGUSR2 tt((kill -USR2 <smbd-pid>)). This is to allow
-transient problems to be diagnosed, whilst still running at a normally
-low log level.
-Note that as the signal handlers send a debug write, they are not
-re-entrant in smbd. This you should wait until smbd is in a state of
-waiting for an incoming smb before issuing them. It is possible to
-make the signal handlers safe by un-blocking the signals before the
-select call and re-blocking them after, however this would affect
-bf(hosts_access (5)), bf(inetd (8)), url(bf(nmbd (8)))(nmbd.8.html),
-url(bf(smb.conf (5)))(smb.conf.5.html), url(bf(smbclient
-(1)))(smbclient.1.html), url(bf(testparm (1)))(testparm.1.html),
-url(bf(testprns (1)))(testprns.1.html), and the Internet RFC's
-bf(rfc1001.txt), bf(rfc1002.txt). In addition the CIFS (formerly SMB)
-specification is available as a link from the Web page :
-The original Samba software and related utilities were created by
-Andrew Tridgell email( Samba is now developed
-by the Samba Team as an Open Source project similar to the way the
-Linux kernel is developed.
-The original Samba man pages were written by Karl Auer. The man page
-sources were converted to YODL format (another excellent piece of Open
-Source software, available at
-and updated for the Samba2.0 release by Jeremy Allison.
-See url(bf(samba (7)))(samba.7.html) to find out how to get a full list of contributors
-and details on how to submit bug reports, comments etc.