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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//Samba-Team//DTD DocBook V4.2-Based Variant V1.0//EN" "">
+<chapter id="securing-samba">
+ &author.tridge;
+ &author.jht;
+ <pubdate>May 26, 2003</pubdate>
+<title>Securing Samba</title>
+<indexterm><primary>direct internet access</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>private network</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>secured networks</primary></indexterm>
+The information contained in this chapter applies in general to all Samba installations. Security is
+everyone's concern in the information technology world. A surprising number of Samba servers are being
+installed on machines that have direct internet access, thus security is made more critical than it would have been had the
+server been located behind a firewall and on a private network. Paranoia regarding server security is causing
+some network administrators to insist on the installation of robust firewalls even on servers that are located
+inside secured networks. This chapter provides information to assist the administrator who understands
+how to create the needed barriers and deterents against <quote>the enemy</quote>, no matter where [s]he may
+come from.
+A new apprentice reported for duty to the chief engineer of a boiler house. He said, <quote>Here I am,
+if you will show me the boiler I'll start working on it.</quote> Then engineer replied, <quote>You're leaning
+on it!</quote>
+Security concerns are just like that. You need to know a little about the subject to appreciate
+how obvious most of it really is. The challenge for most of us is to discover that first morsel
+of knowledge with which we may unlock the secrets of the masters.
+<title>Features and Benefits</title>
+<indexterm><primary>moderately secure</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>perimeter firewall</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>host security</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>Samba security</primary></indexterm>
+There are three levels at which security principles must be observed in order to render a site
+at least moderately secure. They are the perimeter firewall, the configuration of the host
+server that is running Samba, and Samba itself.
+Samba permits a most flexible approach to network security. As far as possible Samba implements
+the latest protocols to permit more secure MS Windows file and print operations.
+<indexterm><primary>host-based protection</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>interface-based exclusion</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>resource-based exclusion</primary></indexterm>
+Samba can be secured from connections that originate from outside the local network. This can be done using
+<emphasis>host-based protection</emphasis>, using Samba's implementation of a technology known as
+<quote>tcpwrappers,</quote> or it may be done be using <emphasis>interface-based exclusion</emphasis> so
+&smbd; will bind only to specifically permitted interfaces. It is also possible to set specific share- or
+resource-based exclusions, for example, on the <smbconfsection name="[IPC$]"/> autoshare. The <smbconfsection
+name="[IPC$]"/> share is used for browsing purposes as well as to establish TCP/IP connections.
+<indexterm><primary>Access Control Entries</primary><see>ACE</see></indexterm>
+Another method by which Samba may be secured is by setting Access Control Entries (ACEs) in an Access
+Control List (ACL) on the shares themselves. This is discussed in
+<link linkend="AccessControls">File, Directory, and Share Access Controls</link>.
+<title>Technical Discussion of Protective Measures and Issues</title>
+The key challenge of security is that protective measures suffice at best
+only to close the door on known exploits and breach techniques. Never assume that
+because you have followed these few measures, the Samba server is now an impenetrable
+fortress! Given the history of information systems so far, it is only a matter of time
+before someone will find yet another vulnerability.
+ <sect2>
+ <title>Using Host-Based Protection</title>
+ <para>
+<indexterm><primary>outside threat</primary></indexterm>
+ In many installations of Samba, the greatest threat comes from outside
+ your immediate network. By default, Samba accepts connections from
+ any host, which means that if you run an insecure version of Samba on
+ a host that is directly connected to the Internet, you can be
+ especially vulnerable.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+<indexterm><primary>allow access</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>range of hosts</primary></indexterm>
+ One of the simplest fixes in this case is to use the <smbconfoption name="hosts allow"/> and
+ <smbconfoption name="hosts deny"/> options in the Samba &smb.conf; configuration file to
+ allow access to your server only from a specific range of hosts. An example might be:
+ <smbconfblock>
+ <smbconfoption name="hosts allow"></smbconfoption>
+ <smbconfoption name="hosts deny"></smbconfoption>
+ </smbconfblock>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+<indexterm><primary>private networks</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>called name</primary></indexterm>
+ The above will allow SMB connections only from <constant>localhost</constant> (your own
+ computer) and from the two private networks 192.168.2 and 192.168.3. All other
+ connections will be refused as soon as the client sends its first packet. The refusal
+ will be marked as <literal>not listening on called name</literal> error.
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2>
+ <title>User-Based Protection</title>
+ <para>
+ If you want to restrict access to your server to valid users only, then the following
+ method may be of use. In the &smb.conf; <smbconfsection name="[global]"/> section put:
+ <smbconfblock>
+ <smbconfoption name="valid users">@smbusers, jacko</smbconfoption>
+ </smbconfblock>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ This restricts all server access either to the user <emphasis>jacko</emphasis>
+ or to members of the system group <emphasis>smbusers</emphasis>.
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2>
+ <title>Using Interface Protection</title>
+ <para>
+<indexterm><primary>network interface</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>accept connections</primary></indexterm>
+ By default, Samba accepts connections on any network interface that
+ it finds on your system. That means if you have an ISDN line or a PPP
+ connection to the Internet then Samba will accept connections on those
+ links. This may not be what you want.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ You can change this behavior using options like this:
+ <smbconfblock>
+ <smbconfoption name="interfaces">eth* lo</smbconfoption>
+ <smbconfoption name="bind interfaces only">yes</smbconfoption>
+ </smbconfblock>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+<indexterm><primary>loopback interface</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>Ethernet adapters</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>listen for connections</primary></indexterm>
+ This tells Samba to listen for connections only on interfaces with a name starting with
+ <constant>eth</constant> such as <constant>eth0</constant> or <constant>eth1</constant>, plus on the loopback interface called
+ <constant>lo</constant>. The name you will need to use depends on what OS you are using. In the above, I used
+ the common name for Ethernet adapters on Linux.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+<indexterm><primary>confirm address</primary></indexterm>
+ If you use the above and someone tries to make an SMB connection to your host over a PPP interface called
+ <constant>ppp0</constant>, then [s]he will get a TCP connection refused reply. In that case, no Samba code
+ is run at all, because the operating system has been told not to pass connections from that interface to any
+ Samba process. However, the refusal helps a would-be cracker by confirming that the IP address provides
+ valid active services.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+<indexterm><primary>ignore connection</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>refusing connection</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>denial of service</primary></indexterm>
+ A better response would be to ignore the connection (from, for example, ppp0) altogether. The
+ advantage of ignoring the connection attempt, as compared with refusing it, is that it foils those who
+ probe an interface with the sole intention of finding valid IP addresses for later use in exploitation
+ or denial of service attacks. This method of dealing with potential malicious activity demands the
+ use of appropriate firewall mechanisms.
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="firewallports">
+ <title>Using a Firewall</title>
+ <para>
+<indexterm><primary>deny access</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>firewall active</primary></indexterm>
+ Many people use a firewall to deny access to services they do not want exposed outside their network. This can
+ be a good idea, although I recommend using it in conjunction with the above methods so you are protected even
+ if your firewall is not active for some reason.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ If you are setting up a firewall, you need to know what TCP and UDP ports to allow and block. Samba uses
+ the following:
+<indexterm><primary>Port 135/TCP</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>Port 137/UDP</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>Port 138/UDP</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>Port 139/TCP</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>Port 445/TCP</primary></indexterm>
+ </para>
+ <simplelist>
+ <member>Port 135/TCP - used by smbd</member>
+ <member>Port 137/UDP - used by nmbd</member>
+ <member>Port 138/UDP - used by nmbd</member>
+ <member>Port 139/TCP - used by smbd</member>
+ <member>Port 445/TCP - used by smbd</member>
+ </simplelist>
+ <para>
+<indexterm><primary>firewall setups</primary></indexterm>
+ The last one is important because many older firewall setups may not be aware of it, given that this port
+ was only added to the protocol in recent years.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+<indexterm><primary>configuring a firewall</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>high order ports</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>block incoming packets</primary></indexterm>
+ When configuring a firewall, the high order ports (1024-65535) are often used for outgoing connections and
+ therefore should be permitted through the firewall. It is prudent to block incoming packets on the high order
+ ports except for established connections.
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2>
+ <title>Using IPC$ Share-Based Denials </title>
+ <para>
+<indexterm><primary>security hole</primary></indexterm>
+ If the above methods are not suitable, then you could also place a more specific deny on the IPC$ share that
+ is used in the recently discovered security hole. This allows you to offer access to other shares while
+ denying access to IPC$ from potentially untrustworthy hosts.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To do this you could use:
+ <smbconfblock>
+ <smbconfsection name="[IPC$]"/>
+ <smbconfoption name="hosts allow"></smbconfoption>
+ <smbconfoption name="hosts deny"></smbconfoption>
+ </smbconfblock>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+<indexterm><primary>protection against attackers</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>valid username/password</primary></indexterm>
+ This instructs Samba that IPC$ connections are not allowed from anywhere except the two listed network
+ addresses (localhost and the 192.168.115 subnet). Connections to other shares are still allowed. Because the
+ IPC$ share is the only share that is always accessible anonymously, this provides some level of protection
+ against attackers who do not know a valid username/password for your host.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+<indexterm><primary>access denied</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>browse shares</primary></indexterm>
+ If you use this method, then clients will be given an <literal>`access denied'</literal> reply when they try
+ to access the IPC$ share. Those clients will not be able to browse shares and may also be unable to access
+ some other resources. This is not recommended unless for some reason you cannot use one of the other methods
+ just discussed.
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2>
+ <title>NTLMv2 Security</title>
+ <para>
+ To configure NTLMv2 authentication, the following registry keys are worth knowing about:
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <screen>
+ [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa]
+ "lmcompatibilitylevel"=dword:00000003
+ </screen>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The value 0x00000003 means to send NTLMv2 response only. Clients will use NTLMv2 authentication;
+ use NTLMv2 session security if the server supports it. Domain controllers accept LM,
+ NTLM, and NTLMv2 authentication.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <screen>
+ [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\MSV1_0]
+ "NtlmMinClientSec"=dword:00080000
+ </screen>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The value 0x00080000 means permit only NTLMv2 session security. If either NtlmMinClientSec or
+ NtlmMinServerSec is set to 0x00080000, the connection will fail if NTLMv2
+ session security is negotiated.
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+<title>Upgrading Samba</title>
+<indexterm><primary>important announcements</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>security vulnerability</primary></indexterm>
+Please check regularly on <ulink noescape="1" url=""></ulink> for
+updates and important announcements. Occasionally security releases are made, and it is highly recommended to
+upgrade Samba promptly when a security vulnerability is discovered. Check with your OS vendor for OS-specific
+<title>Common Errors</title>
+If all Samba and host platform configurations were really as intuitive as one might like them to be, this
+chapter would not be necessary. Security issues are often vexing for a support person to resolve, not because
+of the complexity of the problem, but because most administrators who post what turns out to be a security
+problem request are totally convinced that the problem is with Samba.
+ <sect2>
+ <title>Smbclient Works on Localhost, but the Network Is Dead</title>
+ <para>
+ This is a common problem. Linux vendors tend to install a default firewall.
+ With the default firewall in place, only traffic on the loopback adapter (IP address
+ is allowed through the firewall.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The solution is either to remove the firewall (stop it) or modify the firewall script to
+ allow SMB networking traffic through. See <link linkend="firewallports">the Using a
+ Firewall</link> section.
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2>
+ <title>Why Can Users Access Other Users' Home Directories?</title>
+ <para>
+ <quote>
+<indexterm><primary>mapping home directory</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>own home directory</primary></indexterm>
+ We are unable to keep individual users from mapping to any other user's home directory once they have
+ supplied a valid password! They only need to enter their own password. I have not found any method to
+ configure Samba so that users may map only their own home directory.
+ </quote>
+ </para>
+ <para><quote>
+ User xyzzy can map his home directory. Once mapped, user xyzzy can also map anyone else's home directory.
+ </quote></para>
+ <para>
+<indexterm><primary>security flaw</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>defined shares</primary></indexterm>
+ This is not a security flaw, it is by design. Samba allows users to have exactly the same access to the UNIX
+ file system as when they were logged on to the UNIX box, except that it only allows such views onto the file
+ system as are allowed by the defined shares.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+<indexterm><primary>UNIX home directories</primary></indexterm>
+ If your UNIX home directories are set up so that one user can happily <command>cd</command>
+ into another user's directory and execute <command>ls</command>, the UNIX security solution is to change file
+ permissions on the user's home directories so that the <command>cd</command> and <command>ls</command> are denied.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+<indexterm><primary>security policies</primary></indexterm>
+ Samba tries very hard not to second guess the UNIX administrator's security policies and
+ trusts the UNIX admin to set the policies and permissions he or she desires.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Samba allows the behavior you require. Simply put the <smbconfoption name="only user">%S</smbconfoption>
+ option in the <smbconfsection name="[homes]"/> share definition.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The <smbconfoption name="only user"></smbconfoption> works in conjunction with the <smbconfoption name="users">list</smbconfoption>,
+ so to get the behavior you require, add the line:
+ <smbconfblock>
+ <smbconfoption name="users">%S</smbconfoption>
+ </smbconfblock>
+ This is equivalent to adding
+ <smbconfblock>
+ <smbconfoption name="valid users">%S</smbconfoption>
+ </smbconfblock>
+ to the definition of the <smbconfsection name="[homes]"/> share, as recommended in
+ the &smb.conf; man page.
+ </para>
+ </sect2>