path: root/source4
diff options
authorAndrew Tridgell <>2010-11-15 22:57:00 +1100
committerAndrew Tridgell <>2010-11-15 21:45:20 +0000
commit10a1606baf69addd2d3a079ab007ebb6beffb55d (patch)
tree31e31160676578862dc95a854a6aef602c7c799c /source4
parent6cd92340b6b2003dbe3380819626a1f443b3456c (diff)
s4-devel: a script to test the Samba4 HOWTO
This provides a script that allows testing of most of the steps of the Samba4 HOWTO. The big difference between this and 'make test' is that it test against windows, using pexpect to control windows boxes via telnet. The info about VMs and other parameters are in separate conf files. I've included a sample config file that I use on my laptop.
Diffstat (limited to 'source4')
2 files changed, 605 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source4/scripting/devel/howto/ b/source4/scripting/devel/howto/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..f1730833e3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source4/scripting/devel/howto/
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+'''automated testing of the steps of the Samba4 HOWTO'''
+import pexpect, subprocess
+import sys, os, time
+import optparse
+vars = {}
+parser = optparse.OptionParser("samba_dnsupdate")
+parser.add_option("--conf", type='string', default='', help='config file')
+def load_config(fname):
+ '''load the config file'''
+ f = open(fname)
+ for line in f:
+ line = line.strip()
+ if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == '#':
+ continue
+ colon = line.find(':')
+ if colon == -1:
+ raise Exception("Invalid config line '%s'" % line)
+ varname = line[0:colon].strip()
+ value = line[colon+1:].strip()
+ vars[varname] = value
+def substitute(text):
+ """Substitute strings of the form ${NAME} in text, replacing
+ with substitutions from vars.
+ """
+ if isinstance(text, list):
+ ret = text[:]
+ for i in range(len(ret)):
+ ret[i] = substitute(ret[i])
+ return ret
+ while True:
+ var_start = text.find("${")
+ if var_start == -1:
+ return text
+ var_end = text.find("}", var_start)
+ if var_end == -1:
+ return text
+ var_name = text[var_start+2:var_end]
+ if not var_name in vars:
+ raise Exception("Unknown substitution variable ${%s}" % var_name)
+ text = text.replace("${%s}" % var_name, vars[var_name])
+ return text
+def putenv(key, value):
+ os.putenv(key, substitute(value))
+def chdir(dir):
+ os.chdir(substitute(dir))
+def run_cmd(cmd, dir=".", show=None, output=False, checkfail=True):
+ cmd = substitute(cmd)
+ if isinstance(cmd, list):
+ print('$ ' + " ".join(cmd))
+ else:
+ print('$ ' + cmd)
+ if output:
+ return subprocess.Popen([cmd], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=dir).communicate()[0]
+ if isinstance(cmd, list):
+ shell=False
+ else:
+ shell=True
+ if checkfail:
+ return subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=shell, cwd=dir)
+ else:
+ return, shell=shell, cwd=dir)
+def cmd_output(cmd):
+ '''return output from and command'''
+ cmd = substitute(cmd)
+ return run_cmd(cmd, output=True)
+def cmd_contains(cmd, contains, nomatch=False):
+ '''check that command output contains the listed strings'''
+ out = cmd_output(cmd)
+ print out
+ for c in substitute(contains):
+ if nomatch:
+ if out.find(c) != -1:
+ raise Exception("Expected to not see %s in %s" % (c, cmd))
+ else:
+ if out.find(c) == -1:
+ raise Exception("Expected to see %s in %s" % (c, cmd))
+def retry_cmd(cmd, contains, retries=30, delay=2, wait_for_fail=False):
+ '''retry a command a number of times'''
+ while retries > 0:
+ try:
+ cmd_contains(cmd, contains, nomatch=wait_for_fail)
+ return
+ except:
+ time.sleep(delay)
+ retries = retries - 1
+ raise Exception("Failed to find %s" % contains)
+def pexpect_spawn(cmd, timeout=60):
+ '''wrapper around pexpect spawn'''
+ cmd = substitute(cmd)
+ ret = pexpect.spawn(cmd, logfile=sys.stdout, timeout=timeout)
+ def sendline_sub(line):
+ line = substitute(line).replace('\n', '\r\n')
+ return ret.old_sendline(line + '\r')
+ def expect_sub(line, timeout=ret.timeout):
+ line = substitute(line)
+ return ret.old_expect(line, timeout=timeout)
+ ret.old_sendline = ret.sendline
+ ret.sendline = sendline_sub
+ ret.old_expect = ret.expect
+ ret.expect = expect_sub
+ return ret
+def vm_poweroff(vmname, checkfail=True):
+ '''power off a VM'''
+ vars['VMNAME'] = vmname
+ run_cmd("${VM_POWEROFF}", checkfail=checkfail)
+def vm_restore(vmname, snapshot):
+ '''restore a VM'''
+ vars['VMNAME'] = vmname
+ vars['SNAPSHOT'] = snapshot
+ run_cmd("${VM_RESTORE}")
+def ping_wait(hostname):
+ '''wait for a hostname to come up on the network'''
+ hostname=substitute(hostname)
+ loops=10
+ while loops > 0:
+ try:
+ run_cmd("ping -c 1 -w 10 %s" % hostname)
+ break
+ except:
+ loops = loops - 1
+ if loops == 0:
+ raise Exception("Failed to ping %s" % hostname)
+ print("Host %s is up" % hostname)
+def port_wait(hostname, port, retries=30, delay=2, wait_for_fail=False):
+ '''wait for a host to come up on the network'''
+ retry_cmd("nc -v -z -w 1 %s %u" % (hostname, port), ['succeeded'],
+ retries=retries, delay=delay, wait_for_fail=wait_for_fail)
+def check_prerequesites():
+ print("Checking prerequesites")
+ vars['HOSTNAME'] = cmd_output("hostname -s").strip()
+ if os.getuid() != 0:
+ raise Exception("You must run this script as root")
+ cmd_contains("grep /etc/resolv.conf", ["nameserver"])
+def build_s4(prefix=None):
+ '''build samba4'''
+ print('Building s4')
+ chdir('${SOURCETREE}/source4')
+ putenv('CC', 'ccache gcc')
+ run_cmd('make reconfigure || ./configure --enable-auto-reconfigure --enable-developer --prefix=${PREFIX} -C')
+ run_cmd('make -j')
+ run_cmd('rm -rf ${PREFIX}')
+ run_cmd('make -j install')
+def provision_s4():
+ '''provision s4 as a DC'''
+ print('Provisioning s4')
+ chdir('${PREFIX}')
+ run_cmd("rm -rf etc private")
+ run_cmd('sbin/provision --realm=${LCREALM} --domain=${DOMAIN} --adminpass=${PASSWORD1} --server-role="domain controller" --function-level=2008')
+ run_cmd('bin/samba-tool newuser testallowed ${PASSWORD1}')
+ run_cmd('bin/samba-tool newuser testdenied ${PASSWORD1}')
+ run_cmd('bin/samba-tool group addmembers "Allowed RODC Password Replication Group" testallowed')
+def start_s4(prefix=None, interfaces=None):
+ print('Starting Samba4')
+ chdir(prefix)
+ run_cmd('killall -9 -q samba smbd nmbd winbindd', checkfail=False)
+ run_cmd(['sbin/samba',
+ '--option', 'panic action=gnome-terminal -e "gdb --pid %PID%"',
+ '--option', 'interfaces=%s' % interfaces,
+ '--option', 'log level=10'])
+ port_wait("localhost", 445)
+def test_smbclient():
+ print('Testing smbclient')
+ chdir('${PREFIX}')
+ cmd_contains("bin/smbclient --version", ["Version 4.0"])
+ cmd_contains('bin/smbclient -L localhost -U%', ["netlogon", "sysvol", "IPC Service"])
+ child = pexpect_spawn('bin/smbclient //localhost/netlogon -Uadministrator%${PASSWORD1}')
+ child.expect("smb:")
+ child.sendline("dir")
+ child.expect("blocks available")
+ child.sendline("mkdir testdir")
+ child.expect("smb:")
+ child.sendline("cd testdir")
+ child.expect('testdir')
+ child.sendline("cd ..")
+ child.sendline("rmdir testdir")
+def create_shares():
+ print("Adding test shares")
+ chdir('${PREFIX}')
+ f = open("etc/smb.conf", mode='a')
+ f.write(substitute('''
+ path = ${PREFIX}/test
+ read only = no
+ path = ${PREFIX}/var/profiles
+ read only = no
+ '''))
+ f.close()
+ run_cmd("mkdir -p test")
+ run_cmd("mkdir -p var/profiles")
+def restart_bind():
+ print("Restarting bind9")
+ putenv('KEYTAB_FILE', '${PREFIX}/private/dns.keytab')
+ putenv('KRB5_KTNAME', '${PREFIX}/private/dns.keytab')
+ run_cmd('killall -9 -q named', checkfail=False)
+ port_wait("localhost", 53, wait_for_fail=True)
+ run_cmd("${BIND9}")
+ port_wait("localhost", 53)
+ run_cmd("${RNDC} flush")
+ run_cmd("${RNDC} freeze")
+ run_cmd("${RNDC} thaw")
+def test_dns():
+ print("Testing DNS")
+ cmd_contains("host -t SRV _ldap._tcp.${LCREALM}.",
+ ['_ldap._tcp.${LCREALM} has SRV record 0 100 389 ${HOSTNAME}.${LCREALM}'])
+ cmd_contains("host -t SRV _kerberos._udp.${LCREALM}.",
+ ['_kerberos._udp.${LCREALM} has SRV record 0 100 88 ${HOSTNAME}.${LCREALM}'])
+ cmd_contains("host -t A ${HOSTNAME}.${LCREALM}",
+ ['${HOSTNAME}.${LCREALM} has address'])
+def test_kerberos():
+ print("Testing kerberos")
+ run_cmd("kdestroy")
+ child = pexpect_spawn('kinit -V administrator@${REALM}')
+ child.expect("Password for")
+ child.sendline("${PASSWORD1}")
+ child.expect("Authenticated to Kerberos")
+ cmd_contains("klist -e", ["Ticket cache", "Default principal", "Valid starting"])
+def test_dyndns():
+ chdir('${PREFIX}')
+ cmd_contains("sbin/samba_dnsupdate", [])
+ run_cmd("${RNDC} flush")
+ cmd_contains("sbin/samba_dnsupdate --verbose", ["No DNS updates needed"])
+def join_win7():
+ print("Joining a Win7 box to the domain")
+ vm_poweroff("${WINDOWS7_VM}", checkfail=False)
+ vm_restore("${WINDOWS7_VM}", "${WINDOWS7_SNAPSHOT}")
+ ping_wait("${WINDOWS7}")
+ port_wait("${WINDOWS7}", 23)
+ child = pexpect_spawn("telnet ${WINDOWS7} -l administrator")
+ child.expect("Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Service")
+ child.expect("password:")
+ child.sendline("${PASSWORD1}")
+ child.expect("C:")
+ child.sendline("netdom join ${WINDOWS7} /Domain:${LCREALM} /PasswordD:${PASSWORD1} /UserD:administrator")
+ child.expect("The computer needs to be restarted in order to complete the operation")
+ child.expect("The command completed successfully")
+ child.sendline("shutdown /r -t 0")
+ port_wait("${WINDOWS7}", 23, wait_for_fail=True)
+ port_wait("${WINDOWS7}", 23, retries=100)
+def test_win7():
+ print("Checking the win7 join is OK")
+ chdir('${PREFIX}')
+ port_wait("${WINDOWS7}", 445, delay=3)
+ retry_cmd('bin/smbclient -L ${WINDOWS7}.${LCREALM} -Uadministrator@${LCREALM}%${PASSWORD1}', ["C$", "IPC$", "Sharename"])
+ cmd_contains("host -t A ${WINDOWS7}.${LCREALM}.", ['has address'])
+ cmd_contains('bin/smbclient -L ${WINDOWS7}.${LCREALM} -Utestallowed@${LCREALM}%${PASSWORD1}', ["C$", "IPC$", "Sharename"])
+ cmd_contains('bin/smbclient -L ${WINDOWS7}.${LCREALM} -k yes -Utestallowed@${LCREALM}%${PASSWORD1}', ["C$", "IPC$", "Sharename"])
+ cmd_contains('bin/smbclient -L ${WINDOWS7}.${LCREALM} -k no -Utestallowed@${LCREALM}%${PASSWORD1}', ["C$", "IPC$", "Sharename"])
+ port_wait("${WINDOWS7}", 23)
+ child = pexpect_spawn("telnet ${WINDOWS7} -l '${DOMAIN}\\administrator'")
+ child.expect("Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Service")
+ child.expect("password:")
+ child.sendline("${PASSWORD1}")
+ child.expect("C:")
+ child.sendline("net use t: \\\\${HOSTNAME}.${LCREALM}\\test")
+ child.expect("The command completed successfully")
+def join_w2k8():
+ print("Joining a ${WINDOWS_DC3} box to the domain as a DC")
+ vm_poweroff("${WINDOWS_DC1}", checkfail=False)
+ vm_restore("${WINDOWS_DC1}", "${WINDOWS_DC1_SNAPSHOT}")
+ ping_wait("${WINDOWS_DC1}")
+ port_wait("${WINDOWS_DC1}", 23)
+ child = pexpect_spawn("telnet ${WINDOWS_DC1} -l administrator")
+ child.expect("Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Service")
+ child.expect("password:")
+ child.sendline("${WINDOWS_DC1_PASS}")
+ child.expect("C:")
+ child.sendline("copy /Y con answers.txt")
+ child.sendline('''
+ child.expect("copied.")
+ child.sendline("dcpromo /answer:answers.txt")
+ i = child.expect(["Setting the computer's DNS computer name root to", "failed"], timeout=120)
+ if i != 0:
+ raise Exception("dcpromo failed")
+ child.sendline("shutdown -r -t 0")
+ port_wait("${WINDOWS_DC1}", 23, wait_for_fail=True)
+ port_wait("${WINDOWS_DC1}", 23, retries=100)
+def test_w2k8():
+ print("Checking the w2k8 join is OK")
+ chdir('${PREFIX}')
+ port_wait("${WINDOWS_DC1}", 445, delay=3)
+ retry_cmd('bin/smbclient -L ${WINDOWS_DC1}.${LCREALM} -Uadministrator@${LCREALM}%${PASSWORD1}', ["C$", "IPC$", "Sharename"])
+ cmd_contains("host -t A ${WINDOWS_DC1}.${LCREALM}.", ['has address'])
+ cmd_contains('bin/smbclient -L ${WINDOWS_DC1}.${LCREALM} -Utestallowed@${LCREALM}%${PASSWORD1}', ["C$", "IPC$", "Sharename"])
+ port_wait("${WINDOWS_DC1}", 23)
+ child = pexpect_spawn("telnet ${WINDOWS_DC1} -l '${DOMAIN}\\administrator'")
+ child.expect("Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Service")
+ child.expect("password:")
+ child.sendline("${PASSWORD1}")
+ child.expect("C:")
+ child.sendline("net use t: \\\\${HOSTNAME}.${LCREALM}\\test")
+ child.expect("The command completed successfully")
+ print("Checking if showrepl is happy")
+ child.sendline("repadmin /showrepl")
+ child.expect("${BASEDN}")
+ child.expect("was successful")
+ child.expect("CN=Configuration,${BASEDN}")
+ child.expect("was successful")
+ child.expect("CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,${BASEDN}")
+ child.expect("was successful")
+ print("Checking if new users propogate to windows")
+ run_cmd('bin/samba-tool newuser test2 ${PASSWORD2}')
+ retry_cmd("bin/smbclient -L ${WINDOWS_DC1} -Utest2%${PASSWORD2} -k yes", ['Sharename', 'Remote IPC'])
+ print("Checking if new users on windows propogate to samba")
+ child.sendline("net user test3 ${PASSWORD3} /add")
+ child.expect("The command completed successfully")
+ retry_cmd("bin/smbclient -L ${HOSTNAME} -Utest3%%${PASSWORD3} -k yes", ['Sharename', 'IPC'])
+ print("Checking propogation of user deletion")
+ run_cmd('bin/samba-tool user delete test2')
+ child.sendline("net user test3 /del")
+ child.expect("The command completed successfully")
+ retry_cmd("bin/smbclient -L ${WINDOWS_DC1} -Utest2%${PASSWORD2} -k yes", ['NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL'])
+ retry_cmd("bin/smbclient -L ${HOSTNAME} -Utest3%%${PASSWORD3} -k yes", ['NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL'])
+def join_w2k8_rodc():
+ print("Joining a ${WINDOWS_DC3} box to the domain as a RODC")
+ vm_poweroff("${WINDOWS_DC2}", checkfail=False)
+ vm_restore("${WINDOWS_DC2}", "${WINDOWS_DC2_SNAPSHOT}")
+ ping_wait("${WINDOWS_DC2}")
+ port_wait("${WINDOWS_DC2}", 23)
+ child = pexpect_spawn("telnet ${WINDOWS_DC2} -l administrator")
+ child.expect("Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Service")
+ child.expect("password:")
+ child.sendline("${WINDOWS_DC2_PASS}")
+ child.expect("C:")
+ child.sendline("copy /Y con answers.txt")
+ child.sendline('''
+PasswordReplicationDenied="BUILTIN\Server Operators"
+PasswordReplicationDenied="BUILTIN\Backup Operators"
+PasswordReplicationDenied="BUILTIN\Account Operators"
+PasswordReplicationDenied="${DOMAIN}\Denied RODC Password Replication Group"
+PasswordReplicationAllowed="${DOMAIN}\Allowed RODC Password Replication Group"
+ child.expect("copied.")
+ child.sendline("dcpromo /answer:answers.txt")
+ i = child.expect(["Securing machine", "failed"], timeout=120)
+ if i != 0:
+ raise Exception("dcpromo failed")
+ child.sendline("shutdown -r -t 0")
+ port_wait("${WINDOWS_DC2}", 23, wait_for_fail=True)
+ port_wait("${WINDOWS_DC2}", 23, retries=100)
+def test_w2k8_rodc():
+ print("Checking the w2k8 RODC join is OK")
+ chdir('${PREFIX}')
+ port_wait("${WINDOWS_DC2}", 445, delay=3)
+ retry_cmd('bin/smbclient -L ${WINDOWS_DC2}.${LCREALM} -Uadministrator@${LCREALM}%${PASSWORD1}', ["C$", "IPC$", "Sharename"])
+ cmd_contains("host -t A ${WINDOWS_DC2}.${LCREALM}.", ['has address'])
+ cmd_contains('bin/smbclient -L ${WINDOWS_DC2}.${LCREALM} -Utestallowed@${LCREALM}%${PASSWORD1}', ["C$", "IPC$", "Sharename"])
+ port_wait("${WINDOWS_DC2}", 23)
+ child = pexpect_spawn("telnet ${WINDOWS_DC2} -l '${DOMAIN}\\administrator'")
+ child.expect("Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Service")
+ child.expect("password:")
+ child.sendline("${PASSWORD1}")
+ child.expect("C:")
+ child.sendline("net use t: \\\\${HOSTNAME}.${LCREALM}\\test")
+ child.expect("The command completed successfully")
+ print("Checking if showrepl is happy")
+ child.sendline("repadmin /showrepl")
+ child.expect("${BASEDN}")
+ child.expect("was successful")
+ child.expect("CN=Configuration,${BASEDN}")
+ child.expect("was successful")
+ child.expect("CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,${BASEDN}")
+ child.expect("was successful")
+ print("Checking if new users are available on windows")
+ run_cmd('bin/samba-tool newuser test2 ${PASSWORD2}')
+ retry_cmd("bin/smbclient -L ${WINDOWS_DC2} -Utest2%${PASSWORD2} -k yes", ['Sharename', 'Remote IPC'])
+ retry_cmd("bin/smbclient -L ${WINDOWS_DC2} -Utest2%${PASSWORD2} -k no", ['Sharename', 'Remote IPC'])
+ run_cmd('bin/samba-tool user delete test2')
+ retry_cmd("bin/smbclient -L ${WINDOWS_DC2} -Utest2%${PASSWORD2}", ['LOGON_FAILURE'])
+def vampire_w2k8():
+ print("Joining w2k8 as a second DC")
+ chdir('${PREFIX}')
+ vm_poweroff("${WINDOWS_DC3}", checkfail=False)
+ vm_restore("${WINDOWS_DC3}", "${WINDOWS_DC3_SNAPSHOT}")
+ run_cmd('${RNDC} flush')
+ run_cmd("rm -rf etc private")
+ retry_cmd("bin/samba-tool drs showrepl ${WINDOWS_DC3} -Uadministrator%${WINDOWS_DC3_PASS}", )
+ run_cmd('bin/samba-tool join ${LCREALM_WINDOWS} DC -Uadministrator%${WINDOWS_DC3_PASS}')
+ run_cmd('bin/samba-tool drs kcc ${WINDOWS_DC3} -Uadministrator@${LCREALM_WINDOWS}%${WINDOWS_DC3_PASS}')
+def test_vampire():
+ print("Checking the DC join is OK")
+ chdir('${PREFIX}')
+ retry_cmd('bin/smbclient -L blu.${LCREALM_WINDOWS} -Uadministrator@${LCREALM_WINDOWS}%${WINDOWS_DC3_PASS}', ["C$", "IPC$", "Sharename"])
+ cmd_contains("host -t A blu.${LCREALM_WINDOWS}.", ['has address'])
+ port_wait("${WINDOWS_DC3}", 23)
+ child = pexpect_spawn("telnet ${WINDOWS_DC3} -l 'v2\\administrator'")
+ child.expect("Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Service")
+ child.expect("password:")
+ child.sendline("${WINDOWS_DC3_PASS}")
+ child.expect("C:")
+ child.sendline("net use t: \\\\${HOSTNAME}.${LCREALM_WINDOWS}\\test")
+ child.expect("The command completed successfully")
+ print("Checking if showrepl is happy")
+ child.sendline("repadmin /showrepl")
+ child.expect("DC=v2,DC=tridgell,DC=net")
+ child.expect("was successful")
+ child.expect("CN=Configuration,DC=v2,DC=tridgell,DC=net")
+ child.expect("was successful")
+ child.expect("CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=v2,DC=tridgell,DC=net")
+ child.expect("was successful")
+ print("Checking if new users propogate to windows")
+ run_cmd('bin/samba-tool newuser test2 ${PASSWORD2}')
+ retry_cmd("bin/smbclient -L ${WINDOWS_DC3} -Utest2%${PASSWORD2} -k yes", ['Sharename', 'Remote IPC'])
+ retry_cmd("bin/smbclient -L ${WINDOWS_DC3} -Utest2%${PASSWORD2} -k no", ['Sharename', 'Remote IPC'])
+ print("Checking if new users on windows propogate to samba")
+ child.sendline("net user test3 ${PASSWORD3} /add")
+ child.expect("The command completed successfully")
+ retry_cmd("bin/smbclient -L ${HOSTNAME} -Utest2%%${PASSWORD2} -k yes", ['Sharename', 'IPC'])
+ retry_cmd("bin/smbclient -L ${HOSTNAME} -Utest2%%${PASSWORD2} -k no", ['Sharename', 'IPC'])
+ print("Checking propogation of user deletion")
+ run_cmd('bin/samba-tool user delete test2')
+ child.sendline("net user test3 /del")
+ child.expect("The command completed successfully")
+ retry_cmd("bin/smbclient -L ${WINDOWS_DC1} -Utest2%${PASSWORD2} -k yes", ['NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL'])
+ retry_cmd("bin/smbclient -L ${HOSTNAME} -Utest2%%${PASSWORD2} -k yes", ['NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL'])
+os.putenv('PYTHONUNBUFFERED', '1')
+opts, args = parser.parse_args()
+if not opts.conf:
+ print("Please specify a config file with --conf")
+ sys.exit(1)
+start_s4('${PREFIX}', interfaces='${INTERFACES}')
+start_s4('${PREFIX}', interfaces='${INTERFACES}')
+print("All OK")
diff --git a/source4/scripting/devel/howto/tridge.conf b/source4/scripting/devel/howto/tridge.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4b21b571a33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source4/scripting/devel/howto/tridge.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# config file for for tridge
+# where the git checkout is
+SOURCETREE : /home/tridge/samba/git/howto
+# where to install Samba to
+PREFIX : /home/tridge/samba/git/prefix.howto
+# commands to control VMs
+VM_POWEROFF : su tridge -c "VBoxManage controlvm ${VMNAME} poweroff"
+VM_RESTORE : su tridge -c "VBoxManage snapshot ${VMNAME} restore ${SNAPSHOT} && VBoxManage startvm ${VMNAME}"
+# interfaces to listen on
+INTERFACES : virbr0
+# how to run bind9
+BIND9 : /usr/sbin/named -u bind
+RNDC : /usr/sbin/rndc
+# provision information
+DOMAIN : howto
+BASEDN : DC=howtoDC=tridgellDC=net
+PASSWORD1 : p@ssw0rd
+PASSWORD2 : p@ssw0rd2
+PASSWORD3 : p@ssw0rd3
+# a Windows7 VM
+WINDOWS7 : win7
+WINDOWS7_SNAPSHOT : howto-test2
+# this VM will become a DC in the samba domain
+WINDOWS_DC1 : w2k8r2b
+WINDOWS_DC1_VM : w2k8r2b
+WINDOWS_DC1_PASS : p@ssw0rd
+WINDOWS_DC1_SNAPSHOT : howto-test
+# this VM will become a RODC in the samba domain
+WINDOWS_DC2 : w2k8r2c
+WINDOWS_DC2_VM : w2k8r2c
+WINDOWS_DC2_PASS : p@ssw0rd
+WINDOWS_DC2_SNAPSHOT : howto-test
+# Samba will join this VM as a DC
+WINDOWS_DC3 : w2k8
+WINDOWS_DC3_VM : w2k8r2
+WINDOWS_DC3_PASS : p@ssw0rd5
+WINDOWS_DC3_SNAPSHOT : howto-test