path: root/packaging
diff options
authorGerald Carter <>2001-06-01 12:27:05 +0000
committerGerald Carter <>2001-06-01 12:27:05 +0000
commita4bf39e3dd8a28faac54ddb4e16bea5adf745440 (patch)
treec9ff587ef8184d2f85a2ad1c4bf9de39a08da375 /packaging
parent720ec55c175bd9df5832085066d1e68b2684a8a2 (diff)
more syncs with SAMBA_2_2
Diffstat (limited to 'packaging')
8 files changed, 1170 insertions, 95 deletions
diff --git a/packaging/Caldera/OpenLinux/samba.init-lsb b/packaging/Caldera/OpenLinux/samba.init-lsb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..f14eef648fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/Caldera/OpenLinux/samba.init-lsb
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# Provides: $samba
+# Required-Start: $network
+# Required-Stop: $network
+# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
+# Description: samba
+# Starts and stops the Samba smbd and nmbd daemons
+# used to provide SMB network services.
+# Written by Miquel van Smoorenburg <>.
+# Modified for Debian GNU/Linux by Ian Murdock <>.
+# Modified for OpenLinux by Raymund Will <>
+# Adapted for samba by Klaus Singvogel <>
+# Source function library (and set vital variables).
+. @SVIdir@/functions
+status() {
+ [ -e $1 ] || return 3; # lock / pid file doesn't exist, seems to be stopped
+ i=`cat "$1"`
+ state=`egrep '^State' /proc/$i/status 2>/dev/null| sed 's#.* \(.\).*#\1#'`
+ if [ x$state = x -o x$state = xZ ]; then
+ return 2 # no such process (or zombie) --> dead
+ fi
+ return 0 # seems to be up and running
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ [ ! -e $SVIlock ] || exit 0
+ [ -x $DAEMON_S -a -x $DAEMON_N ] || exit 5
+ SVIemptyConfig /etc/samba.d/smb.conf && exit 6
+ echo -n "Starting $SVIsubsys services: "
+ ssd -S -n $NAME_S -x $DAEMON_S -- $OPTIONS_SMB
+ ssd -S -n $NAME_N -x $DAEMON_N -- $OPTIONS_NMB
+ ret=$?
+ echo "."
+ touch $SVIlock
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ [ -e $SVIlock ] || exit 0
+ echo -n "Stopping $SVIsubsys services: "
+ ssd -K -p /var/lock/samba.d/$ -n $NAME_N #-x $DAEMON_N
+ ssd -K -p /var/lock/samba.d/$ -n $NAME_S #-x $DAEMON_S
+ ret=$?
+ echo "."
+ rm -f $SVIlock
+ ;;
+ force-reload)
+ [ -e $SVIlock ] || exit 0
+ $0 restart
+ ret=$?
+ ;;
+ reload)
+ echo -n "Reloading $SVIsubsys service configuration: "
+ # nmbd has no config file to reload
+ ssd -K --signal 1 -p /var/lock/samba.d/$ -n $NAME_S #-x $DAEMON_S
+ ret=$?
+ echo "."
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ $0 start
+ ret=$?
+ ;;
+ status)
+ echo -n "Checking status of $SVIsubsys service: "
+ status /var/lock/samba.d/$
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo -n "$NAME_N "
+ status /var/lock/samba.d/$
+ ret=$?
+ [ $ret -eq 0 ] && echo -n "$NAME_S"
+ fi
+ echo "."
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $SVIscript {start|stop|restart|force-reload|reload|status}"
+ ret=2
+ ;;
+exit $ret
diff --git a/packaging/Caldera/OpenLinux/samba2.spec-lsb.tmpl b/packaging/Caldera/OpenLinux/samba2.spec-lsb.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7a2b921dd58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/Caldera/OpenLinux/samba2.spec-lsb.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+%define Version PVERSION
+%define date PRELEASE
+%define Vendor Caldera
+%define Dist OpenLinux
+%define EtcSamba /etc/samba.d
+%define LSBservedir /srv/samba
+Name : samba
+Version : %{Version}
+Release : %{date}
+Group : Server/Network
+Summary : Samba SMB client and server.
+Summary(de) : Samba SMB Client und Server.
+Summary(es) : Cliente y servidor SMB Samba.
+Summary(fr) : Client et serveur SMB Samba.
+Summary(it) : Client e server SMB.
+Summary(pt) : Cliente e servidor SMB Samba.
+Copyright : Andrew Tridgell, John H Terpstra; GPL Version 2
+Packager : Klaus Singvogel <>
+#Icon : Caldera-daemon.gif
+URL :
+Requires : libpam >= 0.66, SysVinit-scripts >= 1.04-6
+BuildRoot : /tmp/%{Name}-%{Version}
+#Patch0: %{Name}-%{Version}-smbmount.patch
+#Patch1: %{Name}-%{Version}-install.patch
+#Patch2: %{Name}-%{Version}-smbconf.patch
+%Package doc
+Group : Server/Network
+Summary : Documentation on SAMBA.
+Summary(de) : Die Dokumentation für Samba.
+Summary(es) : Documentation de SAMBA.
+Summary(fr) : Documentation pour Samba.
+Summary(it) : Documentazione su SAMBA.
+Summary(pt) : Documentação sobre o SAMBA.
+%Package -n smbfs
+Group : System/Network
+Summary : Mount and unmount commands for SMB filesystems (smbfs).
+Summary(de) : Mount und unmount für SMB-Dateisysteme (smbfs).
+Summary(es) : Comandos de montaje y desmontaje de sistemas de ficheros SMB (smbfs).
+Summary(fr) : Commandes pour le montage et le démontage des systèmes de fichiers SMB (smbfs).
+Summary(it) : Comandi per montare e smontare i file system SMB (smbfs).
+Summary(pt) : Comandos mount e unmount para o sistema de ficheiros SMB (smbfs).
+%Package -n swat
+Group : Administration/Network
+Requires : setup >= 2.0-2, tcp_wrappers, netkit-base >= 0.17-5
+Summary : Samba Web Administration Tool.
+Summary(de) : Das Samba Web Administrationstool.
+Summary(es) : Utilidad de administración Samba.
+Summary(fr) : Outil d'administration Internet pour Samba.
+Summary(it) : Strumento per l'amministrazione di Samba via Web.
+Summary(pt) : Ferramenta Web de administração de Samba (Samba Web Administration Tool).
+Samba provides an SMB server which can be used to provide network
+services to SMB (sometimes called "Lan Manager") clients, including
+various versions of MS Windows, OS/2, and other Linux machines.
+%Description -l de
+Samba stellt einen SMB Server zur Verfügung, mit dem Netzwerkdienste für SMB
+(auch "Lan Manager" genannt) Clients bereitgestellt werden können. Dies
+schließt verschiedene Versionen von MS Windows, OS/2 und andere Linux
+Maschinen ein.
+%Description -l es
+Samba dispone de un servidor SMB que puede utilizarse para proporcionar
+servicios de red a clientes SMB (a veces conocido como "Lan Manager"),
+incluyendo varias versiones de MS Windows, OS/2 y otras máquinas Linux.
+%Description -l fr
+Samba fournit un serveur SMB qui peut être utilisé pour fournir des services
+de réseau aux clients SMB (parfois appelés "Lan Manager"), comportant
+diverses versions de MS Windows, OS/2 et d'autres machines Linux.
+%Description -l it
+Samba fornisce un server SMB che può essere usato per fornire servizi
+di rete a client SMB (talvolta chiamato "Lan Manager"), comprese varie
+versioni di MS Windows, OS/2 e altre macchine Linux.
+%Description -l pt
+O Samba fornece um servidor de SMB que pode ser usado para fornecer serviços de
+rede aos clientes de SMB (denominado por vezes como "Lan Manager"), incluindo
+várias versões do Windows, OS/2 e outras máquinas Linux.
+%Description doc
+This package contains extensive SAMBA documentation, including a FAQ,
+comprehensive usage documentation, and a number of examples.
+%Description -l de doc
+Dieses Paket enthält eine ausführliche SAMBA Dokumentation, inklusive
+einer FAQ, umfassender Gebrauchsdokumentation und einer Reihe von
+%Description -l es doc
+Este paquete contiene una extensa documentación sobre SAMBA, incluyendo
+FAQ (Preguntas de Uso Frecuente), documentación sobre el uso y algunos
+%Description -l fr doc
+Ce paquetage contient une documentation complète sur Samba, y compris
+une FAQ détaillée de son utilisation et un certain nombre d'exemples.
+%Description -l it doc
+Questo pacchetto contiene la documentazione su SAMBA tra cui una FAQ
+una esaustiva documentazione d'uso e un certo numero di esempi.
+%Description -l pt doc
+Este pacote contém alguma documentação extensa sobre o SAMBA, incluindo a FAQ,
+alguma documentação compreensiva sobre a utilização e alguns exemplos.
+%Description -n smbfs
+This package includes the tools necessary to mount filesystems from
+SMB servers.
+%Description -l de -n smbfs
+Dieses Paket enthält die nötigen Tools, um Dateisysteme von SMB-Servern
+zu mounten.
+%Description -l es -n smbfs
+este paqeute incluye las herramientas necesarias para montar sistemas de
+ficheros de servidores SMB.
+%Description -l fr -n smbfs
+Ce paquetage contient les outils nécessaires pour monter des systèmes
+de fichiers sur des serveurs SMB.
+%Description -l it -n smbfs
+Questo pacchetto contiene gli strumenti necessari per montare filesystem
+da server SMB.
+%Description -l pt -n smbfs
+Este pacote contém as ferramentas necessárias para montar sistema de
+ficheiros de servidores SMB.
+%Description -n swat
+SWAT allows a Samba administrator to configure the complex smb.conf
+file via a Web browser. It also provides links to all the configurable
+options in the smb.conf file allowing an administrator to easily look
+up the effects of any change.
+%Description -l de -n swat
+Mit SWAT kann ein Samba-Administrator die komplexe smb.conf
+Datei mit Hilfe eines Web-Browsers konfigurieren. Es stellt auch Links zu
+allen konfigurierbaren Optionen in der smb.conf Datei bereit, wodurch ein
+Administrator die Auswirkungen einer Änderung leicht nachvollziehen kann.
+%Description -l es -n swat
+SWAT permite a un administrador de Samba configurar el complejo fichero
+smb.conf mediante una navegador web. También proporciona enlaces a todas las
+opciones configurables en el fichero smb.conf, permitiendo al administrador
+comprobar fácilmente los efectos de cualquier cambio.
+%Description -l fr -n swat
+SWAT permet à un administrateur Samba de configurer le fichier smb.conf
+complexe via un navigateur Web. Il fournit également des liens d'aide pour
+toutes les options configurables dans le fichier smb.conf permettant à un
+administrateur de consulter aisément les effets d'une modification.
+%Description -l it -n swat
+SWAT permette ad un amministratore Samba di configurare il complesso file
+smb.conf attraverso un browser Web. SWAT ha anche dei link di aiuto per
+tutte le opzioni di configurazione del file smb.conf.
+%Description -l pt -n swat
+O SWAT permite a um administrador de Samba configurar o complexo ficheiro
+smb.conf através de uma interface Web. Fornece também referências para
+todas as opções configuraveis no smb.conf, permitindo a um admnistrador
+verificar rapidamente o efeite de qualquer alteração.
+#%patch0 -p1
+#%patch1 -p1
+#%patch2 -p1
+# instead of patch (to help configuration) ... ;^)
+%{fixUP} -vbT source/ -e '
+ s:we don.t use sbindir because we want:if you want : +
+ s:(the previous releases of Samba):$1, please use: +
+ s:(SBINDIR\s*=\s*\@)b:# ./configure --sbindir=\\\$(BINDIR)\n${1}sb: +
+ s:/log\.(\S+):/log/samba.d/${1}d: +
+ s:(PASSWD_PROGRAM\s*=\s*)(/bin):$1/usr$2:
+# s:^(LIBS\s*=):AUTH_$1: +
+for i in {cvs.,change-}log; do [ ! -f ../$i ] || mv ../$i source; done
+mv swat/help/welcome.html docs
+%{fixUP} -vT docs -e '
+ s:/usr/local/samba/bin/(smb(client|run)):/usr/bin/$1:g +
+ s:/usr/local/samba/bin/((s|n)mbd|swat|smbstatus):/usr/sbin/$1:g +
+ s:/usr/local/samba/var/locks:/var/lock/samba.d: +
+ s:/usr/local/samba/(var|lib)/log:/var/log/samba.d/smb: +
+ s:/usr/local/samba/swat:/usr/share/samba/swat:g +
+ s:/usr/local/samba/lib:%{EtcSamba}:g +
+ s:/usr/local/samba/printers:/var/spool/samba:g +
+ s:/usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd:/usr/bin/smbpasswd:g +
+ s:/usr/local/samba/netlogon:%{LSBservedir}/netlogon:g;
+mv docs/welcome.html swat/help
+for i in docs/*/smb.conf.5*; do
+ %{fixUP} -vT $i -e '
+ s:users\.map:smbusers:g +
+ s:SAMBA_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/lib:%{EtcSamba}: +
+ s:None \(set in compile\)\.:(see above).: +
+ s:/usr/local/:/usr/:g;
+ '
+%{fixUP} -vT docs/textdocs/Faxing.txt -e '
+ s:/usr/local/etc/:/etc/: +
+ s:/usr/local/:/usr/:;
+# ENCRYPTION.txt is gone.
+%{fixUP} -vT docs/docbook/projdoc/ENCRYPTION.sgml -e '
+ s:/usr/local/samba/private:%{EtcSamba}:g +
+ +
+ s:the Samba source directory:/usr/bin:;
+%{fixUP} -vT docs/htmldocs/make_smbcodepage.1.html -e '
+ s:/usr/local/samba:/usr/bin/:g;
+for i in htmldocs/DOMAIN_MEMBER.html htmldocs/Samba-HOWTO-Collection.html \
+ htmldocs/samba-pdc-faq.html htmldocs/samba-pdc-howto.html \
+ htmldocs/smbclient.1.html htmldocs/smbd.8.html \
+ docbook/projdoc/DOMAIN_MEMBER.sgml docbook/projdoc/DOMAIN_MEMBER.sgml \
+ docbook/faq/samba-pdc-faq.sgml docbook/howto/samba-pdc-howto.sgml \
+ docbook/manpages/smbclient.1.sgml docbook/manpages/smbd.8.sgml \
+ docbook/projdoc/ENCRYPTION.sgml manpages/smbclient.1 manpages/smbd.8 ; do
+%{fixUP} -vT docs/$i -e '
+ s:/usr/local/samba/private/FOREST.SLEEPY.SID:/var/lock/samba.d/FOREST.SLEEPY.SID: +
+ s:/usr/local/samba/private:/usr/bin:g +
+ s:/usr/local/samba/bin:/usr/bin:g +
+ s:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:g +
+ s:/usr/local/src/samba:/usr/src/samba:g ;'
+%{fixUP} -vT docs/docbook/manpages/make_smbcodepage.1.sgml -e '
+ s:/usr/local/samba:/usr/bin:g ;
+%{fixUP} -vT docs/htmldocs/samba-pdc-faq.html -e '
+ s:/usr/local/src:/usr/src:g ;
+# End of DirtyHack(TM)
+cd source
+CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" LDFLAGS="-s" ./configure \
+ --with-fhs \
+ --prefix='$(DESTDIR)/usr' \
+ --localstatedir='$(DESTDIR)/var' \
+ --libdir='$(DESTDIR)%{EtcSamba}' \
+ --with-privatedir='$(LIBDIR)' \
+ --with-lockdir='$(DESTDIR)/var/lock/samba.d' \
+ --with-swatdir='$(DESTDIR)/usr/share/swat' \
+ --with-sambabook='$(DESTDIR)/usr/share/swat/using_samba' \
+ --with-configdir='$(DESTDIR)'%{EtcSamba} \
+ --with-codepagedir='$(DESTDIR)'/usr/share/samba/codepages \
+ --without-smbwrapper \
+ --with-smbmount \
+ --with-pam \
+ --with-pam_smbpass \
+ --with-netatalk \
+ --with-quotas \
+ --with-utmp \
+ --with-syslog
+make LOGFILEBASE=/var/log/samba.d all nsswitch/ debug2html bin/smbspool
+mkdir -p $DESTDIR/etc/{{logrotate,pam}.d,sysconfig/daemons}
+mkdir -p $DESTDIR/var/{lo{ck,g}/samba.d,spool/samba}
+mkdir -p $DESTDIR/usr/share/swat/using_samba/{gifs,figs}
+mkdir -p $DESTDIR/lib/security
+mkdir -p $DESTDIR/%{LSBservedir}/{netlogon,profiles,Public}
+mkdir -p $DESTDIR/etc/skel/Samba
+mkdir -p $DESTDIR/usr/share/samba/codepages/src $DESTDIR/sbin
+mkdir -p $DESTDIR/%{SVIdir}
+make LOGFILEBASE=/var/log/samba.d -C source install
+strip $DESTDIR/usr/bin/smb{mnt,umount}
+#mv $DESTDIR/usr/bin/{make,add,conv}* $DESTDIR/usr/bin
+cp -p source/codepages/codepage_def.??? $DESTDIR/usr/share/samba/codepages/src
+# Install the nsswitch library extension file
+install -m 755 source/nsswitch/ $DESTDIR/lib/
+# Make link for wins resolver
+ln -s $DESTDIR/lib/
+ln -s $DESTDIR/lib/
+# install -m 755 source/nsswitch/ $DESTDIR/lib/
+# # Make link for winbind resolver
+# ln -s $DESTDIR/lib/
+# ln -s $DESTDIR/lib/
+# install -m 755 source/nsswitch/ $DESTDIR/lib/security
+# install -m 755 source/bin/wbinfo $DESTDIR/usr/bin
+install -m 755 source/bin/debug2html $DESTDIR/usr/sbin/debug2html
+#lsb: cp -p $VVS/samba.init $DESTDIR/etc/rc.d/init.d/samba
+ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/samba $DESTDIR/usr/sbin
+cp -p $VVS/smb.conf.sample $DESTDIR%{EtcSamba}/smb.conf.sample
+cp -p $VVS/smb.conf $DESTDIR%{EtcSamba}/smb.conf
+cp -p $VVS/smbusers $DESTDIR%{EtcSamba}
+cp -p $VVS/smbprint $DESTDIR/usr/bin
+#cp -p $VVS/smbadduser.perl $DESTDIR/usr/bin/smbadduser
+#cp -p $VVS/make_smbpasswd.perl $DESTDIR/usr/bin/make_smbpasswd
+#cp -p $VVS/convertsmbpasswd.perl $DESTDIR/usr/bin/convertsmbpasswd
+#cp -p $VVS/updatesmbpasswd.perl $DESTDIR/usr/bin/updatesmbpasswd
+cp -p $VVS/findsmb $DESTDIR/usr/bin
+cp -p $VVS/samba.daemon $DESTDIR/etc/sysconfig/daemons/samba
+cp -p $VVS/samba.pam $DESTDIR/etc/pam.d/samba
+cp -p $VVS/samba.logrotate $DESTDIR/etc/logrotate.d/samba
+cp -p $VVS/README.home $DESTDIR/etc/skel/Samba/README.txt
+cp -p $VVS/README.Public $DESTDIR/%{LSBservedir}/Public/README.txt
+cp -p $VVS/README.profiles $DESTDIR/%{LSBservedir}/profiles/README.txt
+# Add PAM smbpass facility
+mv $DESTDIR/usr/bin/ $DESTDIR/lib/security
+install -m 755 $VVS/samba.init-lsb $DESTDIR/%{SVIdir}/%{Name}
+for f in testparm testprns; do
+ ln -s $f $DESTDIR/usr/bin/smb$f
+ ln -s $f.1 $DESTDIR/usr/man/man1/smb$f.1
+#ln -s make_smbcodepage $DESTDIR/usr/bin/mksmbcodepage
+#ln -s make_smbpasswd $DESTDIR/usr/bin/mksmbpasswd
+#ln -sf convert_smbpasswd $DESTDIR/usr/bin/convertsmbpasswd
+ln -s ../usr/bin/smbmnt $DESTDIR/sbin/mount.smbfs
+cat <<-'EoH' > $DESTDIR%{EtcSamba}/lmhosts
+ localhost
+# lsb has new way of inetd configuration
+mkdir -p $DESTDIR%{NKinetdir}
+cat <<EoI >$DESTDIR%{NKinetdir}/swat
+swat stream tcp nowait.400 root /usr/sbin/tcpd swat
+# -------------------- Documentation -------------------------------
+DOCD="$DESTDIR/%{_defaultdocdir}/samba-%{Version}"; mkdir -p $DOCD
+ln -sf ../Copyrights/GPL-2.0 $DOCD/COPYING
+#cp -p README README-smbmount Manifest Read-Manifest-Now $DOCD
+cp -p README Manifest Read-Manifest-Now $DOCD
+cp -p WHATSNEW.txt Roadmap $DOCD
+cp -a docs examples $DOCD
+mv $DOCD/docs/htmldocs/wfw_slip.htm $DOCD/docs/wfw_slip.html
+rm -rf $DOCD/docs/{htmldocs,manpages,yodldocs}
+rm -rf $DOCD/examples/{svr4-startup,printing}
+rm -rf $DOCD/CVS $DOCD/*/CVS $DOCD/*/*/CVS $DOCD/*/*/*/CVS
+cp -p swat/README $DOCD/README.swat
+# This is the O'Reily Samba Book - on-line
+for i in docs/htmldocs/using_samba/*.html
+install -m644 $i $DESTDIR/usr/share/swat/using_samba
+for i in docs/htmldocs/using_samba/figs/*.gif
+install -m644 $i $DESTDIR/usr/share/swat/using_samba/figs
+for i in docs/htmldocs/using_samba/gifs/*.gif
+install -m644 $i $DESTDIR/usr/share/swat/using_samba/gifs
+# -------------------- Fixing final pathes -------------------------------
+%{fixUP} -T $DESTDIR/%{SVIdir} -e 's:\@SVIdir\@:%{SVIdir}:'
+%{fixUP} -vT $DOCD/examples -e 's:/usr/local/bin/:/usr/bin/:g;'
+%{fixUP} -vT $DESTDIR/%{EtcSamba} -e 's:\@samba_home\@:%{LSBservedir}:'
+%{mkLists} -c samba
+cat << 'EOF' | %{mkLists} -d samba
+Samba base
+%{LSBservedir} config-IGNORED
+^/(etc|var|home|tmp) config-IGNORED
+swat swat
+%{_defaultdocdir}/samba-[^/]+/$ base
+%{_defaultdocdir}/samba- doc
+lib/security IGNORED
+/src/$ IGNORED
+/usr/private/$ IGNORED
+cat << 'EOF' | %{mkLists} -f -a samba
+\.old$ IGNORED
+Samba/README.txt base
+^/etc config-IGNORED
+%{_defaultdocdir}/samba-[^/]+/(COPYING|README$) base
+libnss_wins.* base base
+%{_defaultdocdir}/samba-[^/]+/(COPYING|README$) base
+%{_defaultdocdir}/samba- doc
+smb(mount|mnt|umount) smbfs
+mount.smbfs smbfs
+swat swat
+/usr/lib/LSB/init-install %{Name}
+%Post -n swat
+perl -pi -e '$s=1 if /^swat/;
+ print "swat:ALL EXCEPT\n" if eof && ! $s' /etc/hosts.deny
+test "$1" = "0" || exit 0
+/usr/lib/LSB/init-remove %{Name}
+# We want to remove the browse.dat and wins.dat files so they can not
+# interfer with a new version of samba!
+rm -f /var/lock/samba/browse.dat
+rm -f /var/lock/samba/{brlock,connections,locking,messages}.tdb
+if [ -e /var/lock/samba.d/namelist.debug ]; then
+ rm -f /var/lock/samba.d/namelist.debug
+rm -f /var/lock/samba/unexpected.tdb
+rm -f /var/lock/samba/{smbd,nmbd}.pid
+# Note: We MUST keep:
+# winbindd_*, sshare_info*, printing*, ntdrivers*
+%PostUn -n swat
+#$no lsb: lisa --inetd disable swat $1
+test "$1" = "0" || exit 0
+%{SVIdir}/inet reload
+[ -x /usr/sbin/swat ]||perl -ni -e '/^swat\s*\:/||print' /etc/hosts.deny
+%Files -f files-samba-base
+%config %attr(0755,root,root) %{SVIdir}/samba
+%config %attr(644,root,root) /etc/sysconfig/daemons/samba
+%config %attr(644,root,root) /etc/pam.d/samba
+%config %attr(644,root,root) /etc/logrotate.d/samba
+%config %attr(-,root,root) %{EtcSamba}
+%dir %attr(755,root,root) /var/lock/samba.d
+%dir %attr(755,root,root) /var/log/samba.d
+%dir %attr(1777,root,root) /var/spool/samba
+%dir %attr(755,root,root) %{LSBservedir}
+%dir %attr(755,root,root) %{LSBservedir}/netlogon
+%dir %attr(755,root,root) %{LSBservedir}/profiles
+%dir %attr(755,root,root) %{LSBservedir}/Public
+%Files doc -f files-samba-doc
+%Files -n smbfs -f files-samba-smbfs
+%Files -n swat -f files-samba-swat
+%config %attr(644,root,root) %{NKinetdir}/swat
+* Mon Jan 01 1997 ...
+$Id: samba2.spec-lsb.tmpl,v 1.3 2001/06/01 12:33:16 jerry Exp $
diff --git a/packaging/Caldera/OpenLinux/samba2.spec.tmpl b/packaging/Caldera/OpenLinux/samba2.spec.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..738b8c41e3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/Caldera/OpenLinux/samba2.spec.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+%define Version PVERSION
+%define date PRELEASE
+%define Vendor Caldera
+%define Dist OpenLinux
+%define EtcSamba /etc/samba.d
+%define _defaultdocdir /usr/doc
+%define LSBservedir /srv/samba
+Name : samba
+Version : %{Version}
+Release : %{date}
+Group : Server/Network
+Summary : Samba SMB client and server.
+Summary(de) : Samba SMB Client und Server.
+Summary(es) : Cliente y servidor SMB Samba.
+Summary(fr) : Client et serveur SMB Samba.
+Summary(it) : Client e server SMB.
+Summary(pt) : Cliente e servidor SMB Samba.
+Copyright : Andrew Tridgell, John H Terpstra; GPL Version 2
+Packager : Klaus Singvogel <>
+#Icon : Caldera-daemon.gif
+URL :
+Requires : libpam >= 0.66, SysVinit-scripts >= 1.04-6
+BuildRoot : /tmp/%{Name}-%{Version}
+#Patch0: %{Name}-%{Version}-smbmount.patch
+#Patch1: %{Name}-%{Version}-install.patch
+#Patch2: %{Name}-%{Version}-smbconf.patch
+%Package doc
+Group : Server/Network
+Summary : Documentation on SAMBA.
+Summary(de) : Die Dokumentation für Samba.
+Summary(es) : Documentation de SAMBA.
+Summary(fr) : Documentation pour Samba.
+Summary(it) : Documentazione su SAMBA.
+Summary(pt) : Documentação sobre o SAMBA.
+%Package -n smbfs
+Group : System/Network
+Summary : Mount and unmount commands for SMB filesystems (smbfs).
+Summary(de) : Mount und unmount für SMB-Dateisysteme (smbfs).
+Summary(es) : Comandos de montaje y desmontaje de sistemas de ficheros SMB (smbfs).
+Summary(fr) : Commandes pour le montage et le démontage des systèmes de fichiers SMB (smbfs).
+Summary(it) : Comandi per montare e smontare i file system SMB (smbfs).
+Summary(pt) : Comandos mount e unmount para o sistema de ficheiros SMB (smbfs).
+%Package -n swat
+Group : Administration/Network
+Requires : setup >= 2.0-2, tcp_wrappers
+Summary : Samba Web Administration Tool.
+Summary(de) : Das Samba Web Administrationstool.
+Summary(es) : Utilidad de administración Samba.
+Summary(fr) : Outil d'administration Internet pour Samba.
+Summary(it) : Strumento per l'amministrazione di Samba via Web.
+Summary(pt) : Ferramenta Web de administração de Samba (Samba Web Administration Tool).
+Samba provides an SMB server which can be used to provide network
+services to SMB (sometimes called "Lan Manager") clients, including
+various versions of MS Windows, OS/2, and other Linux machines.
+%Description -l de
+Samba stellt einen SMB Server zur Verfügung, mit dem Netzwerkdienste für SMB
+(auch "Lan Manager" genannt) Clients bereitgestellt werden können. Dies
+schließt verschiedene Versionen von MS Windows, OS/2 und andere Linux
+Maschinen ein.
+%Description -l es
+Samba dispone de un servidor SMB que puede utilizarse para proporcionar
+servicios de red a clientes SMB (a veces conocido como "Lan Manager"),
+incluyendo varias versiones de MS Windows, OS/2 y otras máquinas Linux.
+%Description -l fr
+Samba fournit un serveur SMB qui peut être utilisé pour fournir des services
+de réseau aux clients SMB (parfois appelés "Lan Manager"), comportant
+diverses versions de MS Windows, OS/2 et d'autres machines Linux.
+%Description -l it
+Samba fornisce un server SMB che può essere usato per fornire servizi
+di rete a client SMB (talvolta chiamato "Lan Manager"), comprese varie
+versioni di MS Windows, OS/2 e altre macchine Linux.
+%Description -l pt
+O Samba fornece um servidor de SMB que pode ser usado para fornecer serviços de
+rede aos clientes de SMB (denominado por vezes como "Lan Manager"), incluindo
+várias versões do Windows, OS/2 e outras máquinas Linux.
+%Description doc
+This package contains extensive SAMBA documentation, including a FAQ,
+comprehensive usage documentation, and a number of examples.
+%Description -l de doc
+Dieses Paket enthält eine ausführliche SAMBA Dokumentation, inklusive
+einer FAQ, umfassender Gebrauchsdokumentation und einer Reihe von
+%Description -l es doc
+Este paquete contiene una extensa documentación sobre SAMBA, incluyendo
+FAQ (Preguntas de Uso Frecuente), documentación sobre el uso y algunos
+%Description -l fr doc
+Ce paquetage contient une documentation complète sur Samba, y compris
+une FAQ détaillée de son utilisation et un certain nombre d'exemples.
+%Description -l it doc
+Questo pacchetto contiene la documentazione su SAMBA tra cui una FAQ
+una esaustiva documentazione d'uso e un certo numero di esempi.
+%Description -l pt doc
+Este pacote contém alguma documentação extensa sobre o SAMBA, incluindo a FAQ,
+alguma documentação compreensiva sobre a utilização e alguns exemplos.
+%Description -n smbfs
+This package includes the tools necessary to mount filesystems from
+SMB servers.
+%Description -l de -n smbfs
+Dieses Paket enthält die nötigen Tools, um Dateisysteme von SMB-Servern
+zu mounten.
+%Description -l es -n smbfs
+este paqeute incluye las herramientas necesarias para montar sistemas de
+ficheros de servidores SMB.
+%Description -l fr -n smbfs
+Ce paquetage contient les outils nécessaires pour monter des systèmes
+de fichiers sur des serveurs SMB.
+%Description -l it -n smbfs
+Questo pacchetto contiene gli strumenti necessari per montare filesystem
+da server SMB.
+%Description -l pt -n smbfs
+Este pacote contém as ferramentas necessárias para montar sistema de
+ficheiros de servidores SMB.
+%Description -n swat
+SWAT allows a Samba administrator to configure the complex smb.conf
+file via a Web browser. It also provides links to all the configurable
+options in the smb.conf file allowing an administrator to easily look
+up the effects of any change.
+%Description -l de -n swat
+Mit SWAT kann ein Samba-Administrator die komplexe smb.conf
+Datei mit Hilfe eines Web-Browsers konfigurieren. Es stellt auch Links zu
+allen konfigurierbaren Optionen in der smb.conf Datei bereit, wodurch ein
+Administrator die Auswirkungen einer Änderung leicht nachvollziehen kann.
+%Description -l es -n swat
+SWAT permite a un administrador de Samba configurar el complejo fichero
+smb.conf mediante una navegador web. También proporciona enlaces a todas las
+opciones configurables en el fichero smb.conf, permitiendo al administrador
+comprobar fácilmente los efectos de cualquier cambio.
+%Description -l fr -n swat
+SWAT permet à un administrateur Samba de configurer le fichier smb.conf
+complexe via un navigateur Web. Il fournit également des liens d'aide pour
+toutes les options configurables dans le fichier smb.conf permettant à un
+administrateur de consulter aisément les effets d'une modification.
+%Description -l it -n swat
+SWAT permette ad un amministratore Samba di configurare il complesso file
+smb.conf attraverso un browser Web. SWAT ha anche dei link di aiuto per
+tutte le opzioni di configurazione del file smb.conf.
+%Description -l pt -n swat
+O SWAT permite a um administrador de Samba configurar o complexo ficheiro
+smb.conf através de uma interface Web. Fornece também referências para
+todas as opções configuraveis no smb.conf, permitindo a um admnistrador
+verificar rapidamente o efeite de qualquer alteração.
+#%patch0 -p1
+#%patch1 -p1
+#%patch2 -p1
+# instead of patch (to help configuration) ... ;^)
+%{fixUP} -vbT source/ -e '
+ s:we don.t use sbindir because we want:if you want : +
+ s:(the previous releases of Samba):$1, please use: +
+ s:(SBINDIR\s*=\s*\@)b:# ./configure --sbindir=\\\$(BINDIR)\n${1}sb: +
+ s:/log\.(\S+):/log/samba.d/${1}d: +
+ s:(PASSWD_PROGRAM\s*=\s*)(/bin):$1/usr$2:
+# s:^(LIBS\s*=):AUTH_$1: +
+for i in {cvs.,change-}log; do [ ! -f ../$i ] || mv ../$i source; done
+mv swat/help/welcome.html docs
+%{fixUP} -vT docs -e '
+ s:/usr/local/samba/bin/(smb(client|run)):/usr/bin/$1:g +
+ s:/usr/local/samba/bin/((s|n)mbd|swat|smbstatus):/usr/sbin/$1:g +
+ s:/usr/local/samba/var/locks:/var/lock/samba.d: +
+ s:/usr/local/samba/(var|lib)/log:/var/log/samba.d/smb: +
+ s:/usr/local/samba/swat:/usr/share/samba/swat:g +
+ s:/usr/local/samba/lib:%{EtcSamba}:g +
+ s:/usr/local/samba/printers:/var/spool/samba:g +
+ s:/usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd:/usr/bin/smbpasswd:g +
+ s:/usr/local/samba/netlogon:%{LSBservedir}/netlogon:g;
+mv docs/welcome.html swat/help
+for i in docs/*/smb.conf.5*; do
+ %{fixUP} -vT $i -e '
+ s:users\.map:smbusers:g +
+ s:SAMBA_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/lib:%{EtcSamba}: +
+ s:None \(set in compile\)\.:(see above).: +
+ s:/usr/local/:/usr/:g;
+ '
+%{fixUP} -vT docs/textdocs/Faxing.txt -e '
+ s:/usr/local/etc/:/etc/: +
+ s:/usr/local/:/usr/:;
+%{fixUP} -vT docs/docbook/projdoc/ENCRYPTION.sgml -e '
+ s:/usr/local/samba/private:%{EtcSamba}:g +
+ +
+ s:the Samba source directory:/usr/bin:;
+%{fixUP} -vT docs/htmldocs/make_smbcodepage.1.html -e '
+ s:/usr/local/samba:/usr/bin/:g;
+for i in htmldocs/DOMAIN_MEMBER.html htmldocs/Samba-HOWTO-Collection.html \
+ htmldocs/samba-pdc-faq.html htmldocs/samba-pdc-howto.html \
+ htmldocs/smbclient.1.html htmldocs/smbd.8.html \
+ docbook/projdoc/DOMAIN_MEMBER.sgml htmldocs/DOMAIN_MEMBER.html \
+ docbook/faq/samba-pdc-faq.sgml docbook/howto/samba-pdc-howto.sgml \
+ docbook/manpages/smbclient.1.sgml docbook/manpages/smbd.8.sgml \
+ docbook/projdoc/ENCRYPTION.sgml manpages/smbclient.1 manpages/smbd.8 ; do
+%{fixUP} -vT docs/$i -e '
+ s:/usr/local/samba/private/FOREST.SLEEPY.SID:/var/lock/samba.d/FOREST.SLEEPY.SID: +
+ s:/usr/local/samba/private:/usr/bin:g +
+ s:/usr/local/samba/bin:/usr/bin:g +
+ s:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:g +
+ s:/usr/local/src/samba:/usr/src/samba:g ;'
+%{fixUP} -vT docs/docbook/manpages/make_smbcodepage.1.sgml -e '
+ s:/usr/local/samba:/usr/bin:g ;
+%{fixUP} -vT docs/htmldocs/samba-pdc-faq.html -e '
+ s:/usr/local/src:/usr/src:g ;
+# End of DirtyHack(TM)
+cd source
+CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" LDFLAGS="-s" ./configure \
+ --prefix='$(DESTDIR)/usr' \
+ --localstatedir='$(DESTDIR)/var' \
+ --libdir='$(DESTDIR)%{EtcSamba}' \
+ --with-privatedir='$(LIBDIR)' \
+ --with-lockdir='$(DESTDIR)/var/lock/samba.d' \
+ --with-swatdir='$(DESTDIR)/usr/share/swat' \
+ --with-swatdir='$(DESTDIR)/usr/share/swat' \
+ --with-sambabook='$(DESTDIR)/usr/share/swat/using_samba' \
+ --with-configdir='$(DESTDIR)'%{EtcSamba} \
+ --with-codepagedir='$(DESTDIR)'/usr/share/samba/codepages \
+ --without-smbwrapper \
+ --with-smbmount \
+ --with-pam \
+ --with-pam_smbpass \
+ --with-netatalk \
+ --with-quotas \
+ --with-syslog \
+ --with-utmp
+make LOGFILEBASE=/var/log/samba.d all
+make LOGFILEBASE=/var/log/samba.d nsswitch/
+make LOGFILEBASE=/var/log/samba.d smbfilter debug2html
+make LOGFILEBASE=/var/log/samba.d bin/smbspool
+mkdir -p $DESTDIR/etc/{{rc.d/init,logrotate,pam}.d,sysconfig/daemons,skel/Samba}
+mkdir -p $DESTDIR/var/{lo{ck,g}/samba.d,spool/samba}
+mkdir -p $DESTDIR/usr/share/swat/using_samba/{gifs,figs}
+mkdir -p $DESTDIR/lib/security
+mkdir -p $DESTDIR/%{LSBservedir}/{netlogon,profiles,Public}
+mkdir -p $DESTDIR/usr/share/samba/codepages/src $DESTDIR/sbin
+make -C source install
+make LOGFILEBASE=/var/log/samba.d -C source install
+strip $DESTDIR/usr/bin/smb{mnt,umount}
+#mv $DESTDIR/usr/bin/{make,add,conv}* $DESTDIR/usr/sbin
+cp -p source/codepages/codepage_def.??? $DESTDIR/usr/share/samba/codepages/src
+# Install the nsswitch library extension file
+install -m 755 source/nsswitch/ $DESTDIR/lib/
+# Make link for wins resolver
+ln -s $DESTDIR/lib/
+ln -s $DESTDIR/lib/
+# install -m 755 source/nsswitch/ $DESTDIR/lib/
+# # Make link for winbind resolver
+# ln -s $DESTDIR/lib/
+# ln -s $DESTDIR/lib/
+# install -m 755 source/nsswitch/ $DESTDIR/lib/security
+# install -m 755 source/bin/wbinfo $DESTDIR/usr/bin
+for f in debug2html smbfilter smbspool; do
+ install -m 755 source/bin/$f $DESTDIR/usr/sbin/$f
+cp -p $VVS/samba.init $DESTDIR/etc/rc.d/init.d/samba
+ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/samba $DESTDIR/usr/sbin
+cp -p $VVS/smb.conf.sample $DESTDIR%{EtcSamba}/smb.conf.sample
+cp -p $VVS/smb.conf $DESTDIR%{EtcSamba}/smb.conf
+cp -p $VVS/smbusers $DESTDIR%{EtcSamba}
+cp -p $VVS/smbprint $DESTDIR/usr/bin
+#cp -p $VVS/smbadduser.perl $DESTDIR/usr/bin/smbadduser
+#cp -p $VVS/make_smbpasswd.perl $DESTDIR/usr/bin/make_smbpasswd
+#cp -p $VVS/convertsmbpasswd.perl $DESTDIR/usr/bin/convertsmbpasswd
+#cp -p $VVS/updatesmbpasswd.perl $DESTDIR/usr/bin/updatesmbpasswd
+cp -p $VVS/findsmb $DESTDIR/usr/bin
+cp -p $VVS/samba.daemon $DESTDIR/etc/sysconfig/daemons/samba
+cp -p $VVS/samba.pam $DESTDIR/etc/pam.d/samba
+cp -p $VVS/samba.logrotate $DESTDIR/etc/logrotate.d/samba
+cp -p $VVS/README.home $DESTDIR/etc/skel/Samba/README.txt
+cp -p $VVS/README.Public $DESTDIR/%{LSBservedir}/Public/README.txt
+cp -p $VVS/README.profiles $DESTDIR/%{LSBservedir}/profiles/README.txt
+# Add PAM smbpass facility
+mv $DESTDIR/usr/bin/ $DESTDIR/lib/security
+for f in testparm testprns; do
+ ln -s $f $DESTDIR/usr/bin/smb$f
+ ln -s $f.1 $DESTDIR/usr/man/man1/smb$f.1
+ln -s make_smbcodepage $DESTDIR/usr/bin/mksmbcodepage
+#ln -s make_smbpasswd $DESTDIR/usr/bin/mksmbpasswd
+#ln -sf convert_smbpasswd $DESTDIR/usr/bin/convertsmbpasswd
+ln -s ../usr/bin/smbmnt $DESTDIR/sbin/mount.smbfs
+cat <<-'EoH' > $DESTDIR%{EtcSamba}/lmhosts
+ localhost
+DOCD="$DESTDIR/%{_defaultdocdir}/samba-%{Version}"; mkdir -p $DOCD
+ln -sf ../Copyrights/GPL-2.0 $DOCD/COPYING
+cp -p README README-smbmount Manifest Read-Manifest-Now $DOCD
+cp -p WHATSNEW.txt Roadmap $DOCD
+cp -a docs examples $DOCD
+mv $DOCD/docs/htmldocs/wfw_slip.htm $DOCD/docs/wfw_slip.html
+rm -rf $DOCD/docs/{htmldocs,manpages,yodldocs}
+rm -rf $DOCD/examples/{svr4-startup,printing}
+rm -rf $DOCD/CVS $DOCD/*/CVS $DOCD/*/*/CVS $DOCD/*/*/*/CVS
+cp -p swat/README $DOCD/README.swat
+# This is the O'Reily Samba Book - on-line
+for i in docs/htmldocs/using_samba/*.html
+install -m644 $i $DESTDIR/usr/share/swat/using_samba
+for i in docs/htmldocs/using_samba/figs/*.gif
+install -m644 $i $DESTDIR/usr/share/swat/using_samba/figs
+for i in docs/htmldocs/using_samba/gifs/*.gif
+install -m644 $i $DESTDIR/usr/share/swat/using_samba/gifs
+%{fixUP} -vT $DOCD/examples -e 's:/usr/local/bin/:/usr/bin/:g;'
+%{fixUP} -vT $DESTDIR/etc/samba.d -e 's:\@samba_home\@:%{LSBservedir}:'
+%{mkLists} -c samba
+cat << 'EOF' | %{mkLists} -d samba
+Samba base
+%{LSBservedir} config-IGNORED
+^/(etc|var|home|tmp) config-IGNORED
+swat swat
+%{_defaultdocdir}/samba-[^/]+/$ base
+%{_defaultdocdir}/samba- doc
+cat << 'EOF' | %{mkLists} -f -a samba
+\.old$ IGNORED
+Samba/README.txt base
+^/etc config-IGNORED
+%{_defaultdocdir}/samba-[^/]+/(COPYING|README$) base base
+%{_defaultdocdir}/samba-[^/]+/(COPYING|README$) base
+%{_defaultdocdir}/samba- doc
+smb(mount|mnt|umount) smbfs
+mount.smbfs smbfs
+swat swat
+lisa --SysV-init install samba S91 3:4:5 K09 0:1:2:6
+%Post -n swat
+lisa --inetd install swat stream tcp nowait.400 root /usr/sbin/tcpd swat
+perl -pi -e '$s=1 if /^swat/;
+ print "swat:ALL EXCEPT\n" if eof && ! $s' /etc/hosts.deny
+lisa --SysV-init remove samba $1
+# We want to remove the browse.dat and wins.dat files so they can not
+# interfer with a new version of samba!
+rm -f /var/lock/samba/{browse,wins}.dat
+%PostUn -n swat
+lisa --inetd disable swat $1
+[ -x /usr/sbin/swat ]||perl -ni -e '/^swat\s*\:/||print' /etc/hosts.deny
+%Files -f files-samba-base
+%config %attr(755,root,root) /etc/rc.d/init.d/samba
+%config %attr(644,root,root) /etc/sysconfig/daemons/samba
+%config %attr(644,root,root) /etc/pam.d/samba
+%config %attr(644,root,root) /etc/logrotate.d/samba
+%config %attr(-,root,root) %{EtcSamba}
+%dir %attr(755,root,root) /var/lock/samba.d
+%dir %attr(755,root,root) /var/log/samba.d
+%dir %attr(1777,root,root) /var/spool/samba
+%dir %attr(755,root,root) %{LSBservedir}
+%dir %attr(755,root,root) %{LSBservedir}/netlogon
+%dir %attr(755,root,root) %{LSBservedir}/profiles
+%dir %attr(755,root,root) %{LSBservedir}/Public
+%Files doc -f files-samba-doc
+%Files -n smbfs -f files-samba-smbfs
+%Files -n swat -f files-samba-swat
+* Mon Jan 01 1997 ...
+$Id: samba2.spec.tmpl,v 1.3 2001/06/01 12:33:16 jerry Exp $
diff --git a/packaging/Caldera/OpenLinux/smb.conf b/packaging/Caldera/OpenLinux/smb.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e62c7bf1e4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/Caldera/OpenLinux/smb.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Samba config file created using SWAT
+# from localhost (
+# Global parameters
+ workgroup = MYGROUP
+ server string = Samba Server on Caldera OpenLinux
+ encrypt passwords = Yes
+ username map = /etc/samba.d/smbusers
+ password level = 8
+ username level = 8
+ log file = /var/log/samba.d/smb.%m
+ max log size = 200
+ socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
+ logon path = \\%L\Profiles\%U
+ dns proxy = No
+ printing = cups
+ comment = Home Directories
+ path = %H/Samba
+ username = %S
+ valid users = %S
+ writeable = Yes
+ create mask = 0750
+ only user = Yes
+ browseable = No
+ comment = Samba Network Logon Service
+ path = @samba_home@/netlogon
+ guest ok = Yes
+ share modes = No
+ path = @samba_home@/profiles
+ writeable = Yes
+ guest ok = Yes
+ browseable = No
+ comment = All Printers
+ path = /var/spool/samba
+ create mask = 0700
+ printable = Yes
+ browseable = No
+ comment = Public Stuff
+ path = @samba_home@/Public
+ write list = @users
diff --git a/packaging/RedHat/makefile-path.patch b/packaging/RedHat/makefile-path.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 88d5222e09a..00000000000
--- a/packaging/RedHat/makefile-path.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
---- samba-2.0.1/source/ Tue Dec 1 22:32:20 1998
-+++ samba-2.0.1/source/ Wed Dec 2 17:11:33 1998
-@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
- BINDIR = @bindir@
- # we don't use sbindir because we want full compatibility with
- # the previous releases of Samba
--SBINDIR = @bindir@
-+SBINDIR = @sbindir@
- LIBDIR = @libdir@
--VARDIR = @localstatedir@
-+VARDIR = /var/log/samba
- MANDIR = @mandir@
diff --git a/packaging/RedHat/smbadduser b/packaging/RedHat/smbadduser
deleted file mode 100755
index 2f38bf28f1a..00000000000
--- a/packaging/RedHat/smbadduser
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# smbadduser - Written by Mike Zakharoff
-unalias *
-set path = ($path)
-set smbpasswd = /etc/smbpasswd
-set user_map = /etc/smbusers
-# Set to site specific passwd command
-set passwd = "cat /etc/passwd"
-#set passwd = "niscat passwd.org_dir"
-#set passwd = "ypcat passwd"
-set line = "----------------------------------------------------------"
-if ($#argv == 0) then
- echo $line
- echo "Written: Mike Zakharoff email:"
- echo ""
- echo " 1) Updates $smbpasswd"
- echo " 2) Updates $user_map"
- echo " 3) Executes smbpasswd for each new user"
- echo ""
- echo "smbadduser unixid:ntid unixid:ntid ..."
- echo ""
- echo "Example: smbadduser zak:zakharoffm johns:smithj"
- echo $line
- exit 1
-touch $smbpasswd $user_map
-set new = ()
-foreach one ($argv)
- echo $one | grep ':' >& /dev/null
- if ($status != 0) then
- echo "ERROR: Must use unixid:ntid like -> zak:zakharoffm"
- continue
- endif
- set unix = `echo $one | awk -F: '{print $1}'`
- set ntid = `echo $one | awk -F: '{print $2}'`
- set usr = `eval $passwd | awk -F: '$1==USR {print $1}' USR=$unix`
- if ($#usr != 1) then
- echo "ERROR: $unix Not in passwd database SKIPPING..."
- continue
- endif
- set tmp = `cat $smbpasswd | awk -F: '$1==USR {print $1}' USR=$unix`
- if ($#tmp != 0) then
- echo "ERROR: $unix is already in $smbpasswd SKIPPING..."
- continue
- endif
- echo "Adding: $unix to $smbpasswd"
- eval $passwd | \
- awk -F: '$1==USR { \
- printf( "%s:%s:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:%s:%s:%s\n", $1, $3, $5, $6, $7) }' USR=$unix >> $smbpasswd
- if ($unix != $ntid) then
- echo "Adding: {$unix = $ntid} to $user_map"
- echo "$unix = $ntid" >> $user_map
- endif
- set new = ($new $unix)
-# Enter password for new users
-foreach one ($new)
- echo $line
- echo "ENTER password for $one"
- smbpasswd $one
diff --git a/packaging/RedHat/smbw.patch b/packaging/RedHat/smbw.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0abbfdf73f6..00000000000
--- a/packaging/RedHat/smbw.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- samba-2.0.0/source/smbwrapper/ Mon Oct 5 22:37:01 1998
-+++ samba-2.0.0/source/smbwrapper/ Mon Oct 5 22:37:51 1998
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- #! /bin/sh
- if [ ! -f ${SMBW_LIBDIR}/ ]; then
- echo You need to set LIBDIR in smbsh
diff --git a/packaging/Solaris/postinstall b/packaging/Solaris/postinstall
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0b7f40a85d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/Solaris/postinstall
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+cat <<EOF
+All files comprising the Samba Server have been installed.
+You can configure Samba by creating a configuration file at
+${BASEDIR}/samba/lib/smb.conf. For details on configuration,
+refer to the Samba man pages under ${PKG_INSTALL_ROOT}/usr/share/man
+and the documentation at ${BASEDIR}/samba/docs.
+Beginners can also refer to the excellent "Using Samba" book published
+by O'Reilly and Associates and officially supported by the Samba Team.
+This book is supplied with this package and can be accessed at