path: root/docs
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authorSamba Release Account <>1996-05-04 07:50:45 +0000
committerSamba Release Account <>1996-05-04 07:50:45 +0000
commit65968b294351d2612d1bf94236d1fcbf853c494e (patch)
tree2883fa12d227bc171a8bb342804d6378626dd0d2 /docs
Initial version imported to CVS
Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
6 files changed, 981 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/INSTALL.txt b/docs/INSTALL.txt
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+STEP 0. Read the man pages. They contain lots of useful info that will
+help to get you started. If you don't know how to read man pages then
+try something like:
+ nroff -man smbd.8 | more
+STEP 1. Building the binaries
+To do this, first edit the file source/Makefile. You will find that
+the Makefile has an entry for most unixes and you need to uncomment
+the one that matches your operating system.
+You should also edit the section at the top of the Makefile which
+determines where things will be installed. You need to get this right
+before compilation as Samba needs to find some things at runtime
+(smbrun in particular). There are also settings for where you want
+your log files etc. Make sure you get these right, and that the
+directories exist.
+Then type "make". This will create the binaries.
+Once it's successfully compiled you can use "make install" to install
+the binaries and manual pages. You can separately install the binaries
+and/or man pages using "make installbin" and "make installman".
+Note that if you are upgrading for a previous version of Samba you
+might like to know that the old versions of the binaries will be
+renamed with a ".old" extension. You can go back to the previous
+version with "make revert" if you find this version a disaster!
+STEP 2. The all important step
+At this stage you must fetch yourself a coffee or other drink you find
+stimulating. Getting the rest of the install right can sometimes be
+tricky, so you will probably need it.
+If you have installed samba before then you can skip this step.
+STEP 3. Create the smb configuration file.
+There are sample configuration files in the examples subdirectory in
+the distribution. I suggest you read them carefully so you can see how
+the options go together in practice. See the man page for all the
+The simplest useful configuration file would be something like this:
+ workgroup = MYGROUP
+ guest ok = no
+ read only = no
+which would allow connections by anyone with an account on the server,
+using either their login name or "homes" as the service name. (Note
+that I also set the workgroup that Samba is part of. See BROWSING.txt
+for defails)
+Note that "make install" will not install a smb.conf file. You need to
+create it yourself. You will also need to create the path you specify
+in the Makefile for the logs etc, such as /usr/local/samba.
+Make sure you put the smb.conf file in the same place you specified in
+the Makefile.
+STEP 4. Test your config file with testparm
+It's important that you test the validity of your smb.conf file using
+the testparm program. If testparm runs OK then it will list the loaded
+services. If not it will give an error message.
+Make sure it runs OK and that the services look resonable before
+STEP 5. Starting the smbd and nmbd.
+You must choose to start smbd and nmbd either as daemons or from
+inetd. Don't try to do both! Either you can put them in inetd.conf
+and have them started on demand by inetd, or you can start them as
+daemons either from the command line or in /etc/rc.local. See the man
+pages for details on the command line options.
+The main advantage of starting smbd and nmbd as a daemon is that they
+will respond slightly more quickly to an initial connection
+request. This is, however, unlilkely to be a problem.
+Step 5a. Starting from inetd.conf
+NOTE; The following will be different if you use NIS or NIS+ to
+distributed services maps.
+Look at your /etc/services. What is defined at port 139/tcp. If
+nothing is defined then add a line like this:
+netbios-ssn 139/tcp
+similarly for 137/udp you should have an entry like:
+netbios-ns 137/udp
+Next edit your /etc/inetd.conf and add two lines something like this:
+netbios-ssn stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/samba/bin/smbd smbd
+netbios-ns dgram udp wait root /usr/local/samba/bin/nmbd nmbd
+The exact syntax of /etc/inetd.conf varies between unixes. Look at the
+other entries in inetd.conf for a guide.
+NOTE: Some unixes already have entries like netbios_ns (note the
+underscore) in /etc/services. You must either edit /etc/services or
+/etc/inetd.conf to make them consistant.
+NOTE: On many systems you may need to give the nmbd a -B parameter to
+specify the broadcast address of your interface. Run ifconfig as root
+if you don't know what the broadcast is for your net. nmbd tries to
+determine it at run time, but fails on some unixes. See the section on
+"testing nmbd" for a method of finding if you need to do this.
+!!!WARNING!!! Many unixes only accept around 5 parameters on the
+command line in inetd. This means you shouldn't use spaces between the
+options and arguments, or you should use a script, and start the
+script from inetd.
+Restart inetd, perhaps just send it a HUP. If you have installed an
+earlier version of nmbd then you may need to kill nmbd as well.
+Step 5b. Alternative: starting it as a daemon
+To start the server as a daemon you should create a script something
+like this one, perhaps calling it "startsmb"
+/usr/local/samba/bin/smbd -D
+/usr/local/samba/bin/nmbd -D
+then make it executable with "chmod +x startsmb"
+You can then run startsmb by hand or execute it from /etc/rc.local
+To kill it send a kill signal to the processes nmbd and smbd.
+STEP 7. Try listing the shares available on your server
+smbclient -L yourhostname
+Your should get back a list of shares available on your server. If you
+don't then something is incorrectly setup. Note that this method can
+also be used to see what shares are available on other LanManager
+clients (such as WfWg).
+If you choose user level security then you may find that Samba requests
+a password before it will list the shares. See the smbclient docs for
+details. (you can force it to list the shares without a password by
+adding the option -U% to the command line. This will not work with
+non-Samba servers)
+STEP 8. try connecting with the unix client. eg:
+smbclient '\\yourhostname\aservice'
+Typically the "yourhostname" would be the name of the host where you
+installed smbd. The "aservice" is any service you have defined in the
+smb.conf file. Try your user name if you just have a [homes] section
+in smb.conf.
+For example if your unix host is bambi and your login name is fred you
+would type:
+smbclient '\\bambi\fred'
+NOTE: The number of slashes to use depends on the type of shell you
+use. You may need '\\\\bambi\\fred' with some shells.
+STEP 9. Try connecting from a dos/WfWg/Win95/NT/os-2 client. Try
+mounting disks. eg:
+net use d: \\servername\service
+Try printing. eg:
+net use lpt1: \\servername\spoolservice
+print filename
+Celebrate, or send me a bug report!
+If nothing works and you start to think "who wrote this pile of trash"
+then I suggest you do step 2 again (and again) till you calm down.
+Then you might read the file DIAGNOSIS.txt and the FAQ. If you are
+still stuck then try the mailing list or newsgroup (look in the README
+for details). Samba has been successfully installed at thousands of
+sites worldwide, so maybe someone else has hit your problem and has
+overcome it. You could also use the WWW site to scan back issues of
+the samba-digest.
+When you fix the problem PLEASE send me some updates to the
+documentation (or source code) so that the next person will find it
+If you have instalation problems then go to DIAGNOSIS.txt to try to
+find the problem.
+By default Samba uses a blank scope ID. This means all your windows
+boxes must also have a blank scope ID. If you really want to use a
+non-blank scope ID then you will need to use the -i <scope> option to
+nmbd, smbd, and smbclient. All your PCs will need to have the same
+setting for this to work. I do not recommend scope IDs.
+The SMB protocol has many dialects. Currently Samba supports 4, called
+You can choose what protocols to support in the smb.conf file. The
+default is NT1 and that is the best for the vast majority of sites.
+In older versions of Samba you may have found it necessary to use
+COREPLUS. The limitations that led to this have mostly been fixed. It
+is now less likely that you will want to use less than LANMAN1. The
+only remaining advantage of COREPLUS is that for some obscure reason
+WfWg preserves the case of passwords in this protocol, whereas under
+LANMAN1, LANMAN2 or NT1 it uppercases all passwords before sending them,
+forcing you to use the "password level=" option in some cases.
+The main advantage of LANMAN2 and NT1 is support for long filenames with some
+clients (eg: smbclient, Windows NT or Win95).
+See the smb.conf manual page for more details.
+Note: To support print queue reporting you may find that you have to
+use TCP/IP as the default protocol under WfWg. For some reason if you
+leave Netbeui as the default it may break the print queue reporting on
+some systems. It is presumably a WfWg bug.
+To use a printer that is available via a smb-based server from a unix
+host you will need to compile the smbclient program. You then need to
+install the script "smbprint". Read the instruction in smbprint for
+more details.
+There is also a SYSV style script that does much the same thing called
+smbprint.sysv. It contains instructions.
+One area which sometimes causes trouble is locking.
+There are two types of locking which need to be performed by a SMB
+server. The first is "record locking" which allows a client to lock a
+range of bytes in a open file. The second is the "deny modes" that are
+specified when a file is open.
+Samba supports "record locking" using the fcntl() unix system
+call. This is often implemented using rpc calls to a rpc.lockd process
+running on the system that owns the filesystem. Unfortunately many
+rpc.lockd implementations are very buggy, particularly when made to
+talk to versions from other vendors. It is not uncommon for the
+rpc.lockd to crash.
+There is also a problem translating the 32 bit lock requests generated
+by PC clients to 31 bit requests supported by most
+unixes. Unfortunately many PC applications (typically OLE2
+applications) use byte ranges with the top bit set as semaphore
+sets. Samba attempts translation to support these types of
+applications, and the translation has proved to be quite successful.
+Strictly a SMB server should check for locks before every read and
+write call on a file. Unfortunately with the way fcntl() works this
+can be slow and may overstress the rpc.lockd. It is also almost always
+unnecessary as clients are supposed to independently make locking
+calls before reads and writes anyway if locking is important to
+them. By default Samba only makes locking calls when explicitly asked
+to by a client, but if you set "strict locking = yes" then it will
+make lock checking calls on every read and write.
+You can also disable by range locking completely using "locking =
+no". This is useful for those shares that don't support locking or
+don't need it (such as cdroms). In this case Samba fakes the return
+codes of locking calls to tell clients that everything is OK.
+The second class of locking is the "deny modes". These are set by an
+application when it opens a file to determine what types of access
+should be allowed simultaneously with it's open. A client may ask for
+DENY_NONE, DENY_READ, DENY_WRITE or DENY_ALL. There are also special
+compatability modes called DENY_FCB and DENY_DOS.
+You can disable share modes using "share modes = no". This may be
+useful on a heavily loaded server as the share modes code is very
+If you have different usernames on the PCs and the unix server then
+take a look at the "username map" option. See the smb.conf man page
+for details.
diff --git a/docs/MIRRORS b/docs/MIRRORS
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+The main Samba site is in pub/tridge/samba/. Contact for help with this site.
+Mirror sites include:
+There are several others. Give archie a try.
+SCO binaries available from:
+ (built by
+AIX and DEC OSF/1 binaries are available from:
+ (built by
+Http sites include:
diff --git a/docs/OS2.txt b/docs/OS2.txt
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+This describes how to use smbclient to connect to an OS/2 server.
+Knowing this allows you to use a OS/2 printer from unix.
+How to login to an OS/2 server
+Sample setup for OS/2 server running LanMan 2.2:
+ OS/2 Server Name : \\OBV11
+ OS/2 User Account : ARNE
+ OS/2 Password : xxx
+ OS/2 shared service 1 : LASER02
+ OS/2 Shared service 2 : PCPROGS
+ Samba NetBIOS name : KLATREMUS
+First, the two servers were started with the commands
+smbd and nmbd -n KLATREMUS.
+Command to connect to a the shared printer LASER02 on the OS/2 server:
+ smbclient '\\OBV11\LASER02' xxx -n ARNE -U ARNE -P
+and to connect to the shared drive 'PCPROGS':
+ smbclient '\\OBV11\PCPROGS' xxx -n ARNE -U ARNE
+If login to the OS/2 server fails:
+The remarkable OS/2 server requires NetBIOS name to be equal to User name.
+This was the only combination of (NetBIOS name, User name) that allowed login.
+Password xxx must be in upper case, case in user name is unimportant.
+The OS/2 server responds with "Bad password - name/password pair"
+if the password is illegal (in lowercase, for example).
+If correct user name and password, but invalid NetBIOS name is given,
+it responds with "... SMBtcon failed. ERRDOS - 65".
+The OS/2 server can disable login from a list of workstations (PCs)
+corresponding to the NetBIOS name (-n option). I set it up to
+allow login from any workstation.
+(I experimented quite a lot with the -U and -n options, printed and browsed
+the MS SMB protocol docs and the RFC's, then read some comp.protocols.smb,
+got some tips, tried some "stupid" command line options,
+and at last I got it working!)
diff --git a/docs/README.OS2 b/docs/README.OS2
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+Samba 1.9.15p8 for OS/2 : REQUIRES emx 0.9b.
+Please read the file README, which contains general information about
+the configuration and use of Samba.
+Notes specific to OS/2 port:
+Filenames have been shortened to 8.3 in case anyone is using FAT.
+Files affected are:
+smb.conf -> smb.cfg smbclient -> smbclnt.exe
+smbstatus -> smbstat.exe nmblookup -> nmblook.exe
+As I only use HPFS, I can't guarantee this will work on FAT systems,
+although I have tried to stick to 8.3 filenames. I have noticed some
+temporary files being created with long filenames by smbd when I tried
+printing (which does not work yet anyway). nmbd will not be able to
+create browse lists on FAT systems, as it uses temporary files with
+long file names.
+smb.cfg should be in the directory smbd is started from. The path to
+smb.cfg is a compile time option, so if you are compiling from source
+you can set this to an absolute path to remove this restriction.
+User home directories not supported. This doesn't make much sense on
+OS/2. I haven't actually disabled anything, so if you try setting
+this up, behaivour is undefined.
+Password support is incomplete (I have found a crypt() routine, but
+lack of passwd file support in the EMX libraries make support difficult
+without major changes).
+Printing does not appear to be working. OS/2's lpq gives output in a
+different format than the versions of lpq already supported by samba.
+This will be easy to accomodate, but there is not much point until I can
+get lpr working properly.
+Source is available from the Samba WWW site :
+EMX 0.9b is available from,, and
+other OS/2 FTP sites. contains the required libraries.
+Known problems:
+Printing does not work. I have tried using REXX scripts with path info
+built in, and watched the processes startup properly but nothing comes
+out of the printer (remote via lpr in this case).
+If you can get it going, please let me know how you did it.
+The output from OS/2's lpq.exe is not understood by smbd, so all querys
+about the print queue say it is empty. Printing doesn't work anyway,
+so I have not attempted to fix this yet.
+Temporary files are created with long filenames (when printing, and updating
+browse list)
+Bug reports for the OS/2 port should be sent to Jason Rumney <>.
+Change log:
+Changes from release 1 to release 2.
+nmblookup (nmblook.exe) is included, and works.
+An attempt at password support was made using the gnuufc crypt routines,
+but then I found that a lot of functions in the EMX libraries to do with
+passwd files don't actually do anything.
+Browse lists should now work if you use HPFS and set your lock directory
+to an absolute pathname.
diff --git a/docs/Warp.txt b/docs/Warp.txt
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+Here is some advice from (Wade Maxfie
+to use Samba with OS/2 Warp.
+Note that you may also find
+ Can I use Samba with Warp?
+ Yes. The MSClient software at in the Bussys
+(lanman os2 directory) will work, sort of. It is version 2.2c.
+ First, uncloack os2ver. (attrib -h -r -s c:\os2ver). It is a
+text file. change to 20=netwksta.sys. Also add
+20=setup.exe. Another change will be needed, a .vdd file. I remember
+it came up during the installation as being a wrong version. I wrote
+the name down, changed os2ver to include it, and restarted the
+ Here is a copy of my os2ver
+Re-cloak os2ver. (attrib +h +r +s c:\os2ver)
+Run the installation from an OS/2 Box. Note that your mouse wont work,
+use the TAB key to move around, enter to select hilighted items.
+Here is a copy of my Config.sys file regarding the Laman entries.
+Note even though the version is 2.2c, it reports 2.2a in the text.
+ If you have an NE2000 card, don't reboot, or you'll be sorry.
+enable the automatic backup mechanism for recovering old config.sys and
+other files in OS/2. It paid for itself during this installation nightm
+before I knew better!)
+ Next, (or perhaps before this), if you have an NE2000 adaptor,
+get the ns2000 files from (in I manually
+patched protocol.ini to refer to that adaptor, and copied it into my
+c:\lanman directory. Note that I also modified the driver to be loaded
+in the config.sys to the ns2000.os2. It might install as an "other"
+ A command file "startup.cmd" is placed in c:\. This file is
+automatically run when OS/2 Warp starts.
+Here is a copy of my startup file. Note that Warp sometimes fails to
+login properly to the server. I solve this by checking for the
+existance of a file, and rerunning the loing if that file fails to
+NET LOGON maxfield mypassword /y
+rem net use f: \\packard90\d$
+rem net use g: \\linuxone\cdromsdir
+rem net use h: \\linuxone\public
+if not exist f:\wildcat\wildcat.exe goto relogin
+ Finally, the system expects to be on a domain with a domain
+server. BTW, TCP/IP and NetBeui allow simultaneous communication with
+Os/2 lanserver 4.0, and Samba. (Note: Lanserver 4.0 won't yet to
+TCP/IP. (Well,it might, but it crashes before I get to that point, so I
+havent' been able to enable it))
+I have not yet tried with only a SAMBA server on the domain.
+ I would be glad to try to answer any questions at above e-mail
+address, if I can.
diff --git a/docs/samba.faq b/docs/samba.faq
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+ Frequently Asked Questions
+ about the
+ SAMBA Suite
+ (FAQ version 1.9.02, Samba version 1.09.02)
+This FAQ was originally prepared by Karl Auer ( and is
+currently maintained by Paul Blackman (
+As Karl originally said, 'this FAQ was prepared with lots of help from numerous
+net.helpers', and that's the way I'd like to keep it. So if you find anything
+that you think should be in here don't hesitate to contact me.
+Thanks to Karl for the work he's done, and continuing thanks to Andrew Tridgell
+for developing Samba.
+Note: This FAQ is (and probably always will be) under construction. Some
+sections exist only as optimistic entries in the Contents page.
+ * SECTION ONE: General information
+ All about Samba - what it is, how to get it, related sources of
+ information.
+ * SECTION TWO: Compiling and installing Samba on a Unix host
+ Common problems that arise when building and installing Samba under
+ Unix.
+ * SECTION THREE: Common client problems
+ Common problems that arise when trying to communicate from a client
+ computer to a Samba server. All problems which have symptoms you see
+ at the client end will be in this section.
+ * SECTION FOUR: Specific client problems
+ This section covers problems that are specific to certain clients,
+ such as Windows for Workgroups or Windows NT. Please check Section
+ Three first!
+ * SECTION FIVE: Specific client application problems
+ This section covers problems that are specific to certain products,
+ such as Windows for Workgroups or Windows NT. Please check Sections
+ Three and Four first!
+ * SECTION SIX: Miscellaneous
+ All the questions that aren't classifiable into any other section.
+SECTION ONE: General information
+* 1: What is Samba?
+Samba is a suite of programs which work together to allow clients to access
+Unix filespace and printers via the SMB (Session Message Block) protocol.
+In practice, this means that you can redirect disks and printers to Unix disks
+and printers from Lan Manager clients, Windows for Workgroups 3.11 clients,
+Windows NT clients and OS/2 clients. There is also a Unix client program
+supplied as part of the suite which allows Unix users to use an ftp-like
+interface to access filespace and printers on any other SMB servers.
+The components of the suite are (in summary):
+ * smbd, the SMB server. This handles actual connections from clients
+ * nmbd, the Netbios name server, which helps clients locate servers
+ * smbclient, the Unix-hosted client program
+ * smbrun, a little 'glue' program to help the server run external
+ programs
+ * testprns, a program to test server access to printers
+ * testparms, a program to test the Samba configuration file for
+ correctness
+ * smb.conf, the Samba configuration file
+ * smbprint, a sample script to allow a Unix host to use smbclient to
+ print to an SMB server
+The suite is supplied with full source (of course!) and is GPLed.
+The primary creator of the Samba suite is Andrew Tridgell. Later versions
+incorporate much effort by many net.helpers. The man pages and this FAQ were
+written by Karl Auer.
+* 2: What is the current version of Samba?
+At time of writing, the current version was 1.9.12. If you want to be sure
+check the bottom of the change-log file.
+* 3: Where can I get it?
+The Samba suite is available via anonymous ftp from The
+latest and greatest versions of the suite are in the directory:
+Development (read "alpha") versions, which are NOT necessarily stable and which
+do NOT necessarily have accurate documentation, are available in the directory:
+Note that binaries are NOT included in any of the above. Samba is distributed
+ONLY in source form, though binaries may be available from other sites. Recent
+versions of some Linux distributions, for example, do contain Samba binaries
+for that platform.
+* 4: What platforms are supported?
+Many different platforms have run Samba successfully. The platforms most widely
+used and thus best tested are Linux and SunOS.
+At time of writing, the Makefile claimed support for:
+ * SunOS
+ * Linux with shadow passwords
+ * Linux without shadow passwords
+ * SOLARIS 2.2 and above (aka SunOS 5)
+ * SVR4
+ * OSF1 (alpha only)
+ * OSF1 with NIS and Fast Crypt (alpha only)
+ * OSF1 V2.0 Enhanced Security (alpha only)
+ * AIX
+ * BSDI
+ * NetBSD
+ * NetBSD 1.0
+ * HP-UX
+ * SGI
+ * SGI IRIX 4.x.x
+ * SGI IRIX 5.x.x
+ * FreeBSD
+ * NeXT 3.2 and above
+ * NeXT OS 2.x
+ * NeXT OS 3.0
+ * ISC SVR3V4 (POSIX mode)
+ * ISC SVR3V4 (iBCS2 mode)
+ * A/UX 3.0
+ * SCO with shadow passwords.
+ * SCO with shadow passwords, without YP.
+ * SCO with TCB passwords
+ * SCO 3.2v2 (ODT 1.1) with TCP passwords
+ * intergraph
+ * DGUX
+ * Apollo Domain/OS sr10.3 (BSD4.3)
+* 5: How can I find out more about Samba?
+There are two mailing lists devoted to discussion of Samba-related matters.
+There is also the newsgroup, comp.protocols.smb, which has a great deal of
+discussion on Samba.
+Send email to Make sure the subject line is blank, and
+include the following two lines in the body of the message:
+ subscribe samba Firstname Lastname
+ subscribe samba-announce Firstname Lastname
+Obviously you should substitute YOUR first name for "Firstname" and YOUR last
+name for "Lastname"! Try not to send any signature stuff, it sometimes confuses
+the list processor.
+The samba list is a digest list - every eight hours or so it regurgitates a
+single message containing all the messages that have been received by the list
+since the last time and sends a copy of this message to all subscribers.
+If you stop being interested in Samba, please send another email to Make sure the subject line is blank, and include the
+following two lines in the body of the message:
+ unsubscribe samba
+ unsubscribe samba-announce
+* 6: Something's gone wrong - what should I do?
+[#] *** IMPORTANT! *** [#]
+DO NOT post messages on mailing lists or in newsgroups until you have carried
+out the first three steps given here!
+Firstly, see if there are any likely looking entries in this FAQ!
+Secondly, read the man pages for smbd, nmbd and smb.conf, looking for topics
+that relate to what you are trying to do.
+Thirdly, if there is no obvious solution to hand, try to get a look at the log
+files for smbd and/or nmbd for the period during which you were having
+problems. You may need to reconfigure the servers to provide more extensive
+debugging information - usually level 2 or level 3 provide ample debugging
+info. Inspect these logs closely, looking particularly for the string "Error:".
+If you successfully solve a problem, please mail me a succinct description of
+the symptom, the problem and the solution, so I can incorporate it in the next
+version of the FAQ.
+SECTION TWO: Compiling and installing Samba on a Unix host
+SECTION THREE: Common client problems
+* 1: I can't see the Samba server in any browse lists!
+*** Until the FAQ can be updated, please check the file:
+*** for more information on browsing.
+If your GUI client does not permit you to select non-browsable servers, you may
+need to do so on the command line. For example, under Lan Manager you might
+connect to the above service as disk drive M: thusly:
+ net use M: \\mary\fred
+The details of how to do this and the specific syntax varies from client to
+client - check your client's documentation.
+* 2: Some files that I KNOW are on the server doesn't show up when I view the
+directories from my client!
+If you check what files are not showing up, you will note that they are files
+which contain upper case letters or which are otherwise not DOS-compatible (ie,
+they are not legal DOS filenames for some reason).
+The Samba server can be configured either to ignore such files completely, or
+to present them to the client in "mangled" form. If you are not seeing the
+files at all, the Samba server has most likely been configured to ignore them.
+Consult the man page smb.conf(5) for details of how to change this - the
+parameter you need to set is "mangled names = yes".
+* 3: Some files on the server show up with really wierd filenames when I view
+the directories from my client!
+If you check what files are showing up wierd, you will note that they are files
+which contain upper case letters or which are otherwise not DOS-compatible (ie,
+they are not legal DOS filenames for some reason).
+The Samba server can be configured either to ignore such files completely, or
+to present them to the client in "mangled" form. If you are seeing strange file
+names, they are most likely "mangled". If you would prefer to have such files
+ignored rather than presented in "mangled" form, consult the man page
+smb.conf(5) for details of how to change the server configuration - the
+parameter you need to set is "mangled names = no".
+* 4: My client reports "cannot locate specified computer" or similar.
+This indicates one of three things: You supplied an incorrect server name, the
+underlying TCP/IP layer is not working correctly, or the name you specified
+cannot be resolved.
+After carefully checking that the name you typed is the name you should have
+typed, try doing things like pinging a host or telnetting to somewhere on your
+network to see if TCP/IP is functioning OK. If it is, the problem is most
+likely name resolution.
+If your client has a facility to do so, hardcode a mapping between the hosts IP
+and the name you want to use. For example, with Man Manager or Windows for
+Workgroups you would put a suitable entry in the file LMHOSTS. If this works,
+the problem is in the communication between your client and the netbios name
+server. If it does not work, then there is something fundamental wrong with
+your naming and the solution is beyond the scope of this document.
+If you do not have any server on your subnet supplying netbios name resolution,
+hardcoded mappings are your only option. If you DO have a netbios name server
+running (such as the Samba suite's nmbd program), the problem probably lies in
+the way it is set up. Refer to Section Two of this FAQ for more ideas.
+By the way, remember to REMOVE the hardcoded mapping before further tests :-)
+* 5: My client reports "cannot locate specified share name" or similar.
+This message indicates that your client CAN locate the specified server, which
+is a good start, but that it cannot find a service of the name you gave.
+The first step is to check the exact name of the service you are trying to
+connect to (consult your system administrator). Assuming it exists and you
+specified it correctly (read your client's doco on how to specify a service
+name correctly), read on:
+ * Many clients cannot accept or use service names longer than eight
+ characters.
+ * Many clients cannot accept or use service names containing spaces.
+ * Some servers (not Samba though) are case sensitive with service names.
+ * Some clients force service names into upper case.
+* 6: My client reports "cannot find domain controller", "cannot log on to the
+network" or similar.
+Nothing is wrong - Samba does not implement the primary domain name controller
+stuff for several reasons, including the fact that the whole concept of a
+primary domain controller and "logging in to a network" doesn't fit well with
+clients possibly running on multiuser machines (such as users of smbclient
+under Unix).
+Seeing this message should not affect your ability to mount redirected disks
+and printers, which is really what all this is about.
+For many clients (including Windows for Workgroups and Lan Manager), setting
+the domain to STANDALONE at least gets rid of the message.
+* 7: Printing doesn't work :-(
+Make sure that the specified print command for the service you are connecting
+to is correct and that it has a fully-qualified path (eg., use "/usr/bin/lpr"
+rather than just "lpr").
+Make sure that the spool directory specified for the service is writable by the
+user connected to the service. In particular the user "nobody" often has
+problems with printing, even if it worked with an earlier version of Samba. Try
+creating another guest user other than "nobody".
+Make sure that the user specified in the service is permitted to use the
+Check the debug log produced by smbd. Search for the printer name and see if
+the log turns up any clues. Note that error messages to do with a service ipc$
+are meaningless - they relate to the way the client attempts to retrieve status
+information when using the LANMAN1 protocol.
+If using WfWg then you need to set the default protocol to TCP/IP, not Netbeui.
+This is a WfWg bug.
+If using the Lanman1 protocol (the default) then try switching to coreplus.
+Also not that print status error messages don't mean printing won't work. The
+print status is received by a different mechanism.
+* 8: My programs install on the server OK, but refuse to work properly.
+There are numerous possible reasons for this, but one MAJOR possibility is that
+your software uses locking. Make sure you are using Samba 1.6.11 or later. It
+may also be possible to work around the problem by setting "locking=no" in the
+Samba configuration file for the service the software is installed on. This
+should be regarded as a strictly temporary solution.
+In earlier Samba versions there were some difficulties with the very latest
+Microsoft products, particularly Excel 5 and Word for Windows 6. These should
+have all been solved. If not then please let Andrew Tridgell know.
+SECTION FOUR: Specific client problems
+* 1: Are any MacIntosh clients for Samba.
+In Rob Newberry's words (, Sun, 4 Dec 1994):
+The answer is "No." Samba speaks SMB, the protocol used for Microsoft networks.
+The Macintosh has ALWAYS spoken Appletalk. Even with Microsoft "services for
+Macintosh", it has been a matter of making the server speak Appletalk. It is
+the same for Novell Netware and the Macintosh, although I believe Novell has
+(VERY LATE) released an extension for the Mac to let it speak IPX.
+In future Apple System Software, you may see support for other protocols, such
+as SMB -- Applet is working on a new networking architecture that will make it
+easier to support additional protocols. But it's not here yet.
+Now, the nice part is that if you want your Unix machine to speak Appletalk,
+there are several options. "Netatalk" and "CAP" are free, and available on the
+net. There are also several commercial options, such as "PacerShare" and
+"Helios" (I think). In any case, you'll have to look around for a server, not
+anything for the Mac.
+Depending on you OS, some of these may not help you. I am currently
+coordinating the effort to get CAP working with Native Ethertalk under Linux,
+but we're not done yet.
+SECTION FIVE: Specific client application problems
+SECTION SIX: Miscellaneous
+Maintained By Paul Blackman,