# Authors: # Martin Nagy # Jason Gerard DeRose # # Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ Test the `ipalib.config` module. """ import os from os import path import sys import socket from ipatests.util import raises, setitem, delitem, ClassChecker from ipatests.util import getitem, setitem, delitem from ipatests.util import TempDir, TempHome from ipalib.constants import TYPE_ERROR, OVERRIDE_ERROR, SET_ERROR, DEL_ERROR from ipalib.constants import NAME_REGEX, NAME_ERROR from ipalib import config, constants, base from ipaplatform.paths import paths # Valid environment variables in (key, raw, value) tuples: # key: the name of the environment variable # raw: the value being set (possibly a string repr) # value: the expected value after the lightweight conversion good_vars = ( ('a_string', u'Hello world!', u'Hello world!'), ('trailing_whitespace', u' value ', u'value'), ('an_int', 42, 42), ('int_repr', ' 42 ', 42), ('not_a_float', '3.14', u'3.14'), ('true', True, True), ('true_repr', ' True ', True), ('false', False, False), ('false_repr', ' False ', False), ('none', None, None), ('none_repr', ' None ', None), ('empty', '', None), # These verify that the implied conversion is case-sensitive: ('not_true', u' true ', u'true'), ('not_false', u' false ', u'false'), ('not_none', u' none ', u'none'), ) bad_names = ( ('CamelCase', u'value'), ('_leading_underscore', u'value'), ('trailing_underscore_', u'value'), ) # Random base64-encoded data to simulate a misbehaving config file. config_bad = """ /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAlgCWAAD//gAIT2xpdmVy/9sAQwAQCwwODAoQDg0OEhEQExgoGhgWFhgx IyUdKDozPTw5Mzg3QEhcTkBEV0U3OFBtUVdfYmdoZz5NcXlwZHhcZWdj/8AACwgAlgB0AQERAP/E ABsAAAEFAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAQIDBQYH/8QAMhAAAgICAAUDBAIABAcAAAAAAQIAAwQRBRIh MUEGE1EiMmFxFIEVI0LBFjNSYnKRof/aAAgBAQAAPwDCtzmNRr1o/MEP1D6f7kdkRakgBsAtoQhk xls/y3Z113I11mhiUc1ewCf1Oq4anJgINdhLhQoextfedmYrenfcvdzaFQnYAE08XhONTWEK8+js Fpo1oqAKoAA8CWjoJJTHM8kJ5jsiOiszAKD1+IV/hmW76rosbfnlh1Pp3Mah2srCnXQE9YXiel/c p5r7uVj2CwxPTuFjjmdLbteNwmrLwsYe3TjsD8cmjKV43ycy+3o76D4llFuXmuCoZEPczXVOSsLv f5lgGpNZLxJL2jnvMar0/wAOp6jHDH/uO4RViY9f/KpRdfC6k3R9fRyj+pRZVkWKqF10e+hCKaFq XlH/ALlmhK7Met/uUGZ5ow8XL57lU8/Yt4lx4jUOJphLobTe/wDaHeZLxHXtJEya9o5lFzCqpmPY CUYoPtDfc9TLj0G5jZvHaMFirAs++oEHq9U4rbNiMp8a6wO/1Zbzn2alC+Nx8P1JfdeBboA+AILx rin8pfbA1ynvKuFUXZOXXkLbzOp2R56andL2G45MmO0RPWWLEe8GzaffoKb/ADI44Pt9ZXxAuuFa axtgp0BOSPCcviNX8n3Aw8KTNHB4FiY9StkobLWHVSeghq8M4bkAhKKyV6Hl8RV8MwMZG1Uuz3Jn IcUQJlMFGlJ6D4hfpymy7iChHKqvVtefxO7Ai1txLBIn7pcojN3jGVhQO0ZgCNfM5ZHycTLycSkr yhtqD4Bmrfw5cuqsm6xHXyp1seRLcHCp4dQy1bOzslj1MzeJ5dVFnuMVdgOiHxOWzrmyMg2Nrbde k3vR2OTddcd6A5R8GdZqOo67k4wXrLAQPMRKnzImMZEzm+P1nFz6cxQeVujagWR6jsYiqivlH/Ux 1M+7jWY30i7QHx1gF11tjGyxiSfmVc+503pPidVROHYNNY21b/adVZZySo3uOo1qIZQYd9RCzfYm TUk/qW71LjGkTA+IYiZmM1T9N9j8Gee5+McXJem0/Wp8GUK6KOi7b5MgzFjsxpJHZGDKSCOxE3cD OvsxbbLc9lsT7Vc73KX4ln3q1ZyVrPx2J/uAjLyan37z7B+Zp4vqPJqKi0K4EvzvUt1qBMdfb+T5 gycfzkXXuc35InfE6nO8Y9SjFc1Yqh2Hdj2mH/xFxR26XgD/AMRJf45mWMqW5bBD3KqAZlZtb++7 kEqTsHe//sG1CcTBvy7OWpD+Sewhz8CyKCTYAQPiGV0LVWPdxqQNADQ6zL4nWq2gopU6+ofmA8x3 1MlvfeIGbnBeCHitRt94IFbRGus2U9H08v13sT+BNHjeX/D4bY4OmP0rPPbHLMWJ2Yy2EDQjVsos BdeYDx8wo5L5KpSdLWPAE1+G8NrFtBKgOAXPTf6mzViql5ZBoE87eJZkKbOQ8m+Yjf5EBzcO621y GCqD0H41Obzq7U6vzM577HTXgzPPeOIvM1eB59nD8xXVj7bHTr8iej1MtlauvUMNgzi/V2ctliYy HYTq37nMExpZXRZYpZVJUdzNjg+FXYwZgdhv6nVVUJU/uH7iNf1CARrtF0IB113M7jTNVjFl2xJA 5ROey88OrVOugOy67TDs+89NRKdSYILdRC8ZQVJ+PHyJs4fqe3EoFPLzBexPxOdusa2xndiWY7JM qMUNrzOTAfHC9XO9/E3vT9blVJB0o2Zu3MAoYrsL13Ii0Muw3XvJG9KkDOeqjf6gWcw5A33XN9nX tOeyMRFWy3Jch+bX7mXmCsW/5RBXUoHaOIRi2asAJ0IRbjqzll3o/EAaRiltDojgv2E1aePmhEWq rsNHZ7wir1K/8Y1vUCSCAd+IXiZ9b1gLYvN07trXTUD4rxN2TkUgEts8p2NDtD0t5MVGchr2Xe99 hMPNvD1LX5J2TuZhGyYwBijjfiHU5bJXrnYfqBRtRtSbIBWG3+xI6HiLUWz8xA9RuaVNrMAPfB5x r6v9MLr4S1il7LaxyjY69Jl5eG+Kyhiv1jYIMGYMO8etGscKoJJ8Cbp4bVg4ivaq22t3G/tmRYo5 zyjQ+JRFFET01GB0Yid9YiYh1l9KgEHqT8Tco/hewA/NzgdQdwTNGNTY3uU2crL9HN00ZlovNzfV oCanBrBRk1rpCHPUkQjjYoW4GtwAw30MDpuxvbAvpJceR5mXFFEY0W4o4mpg0XNXutQxPUHxLb8q 7mRDyszLr6esz8u++9wL2LcvQb8RXCkhBV3A6mR5rEVSrdFPT8SBLMdsdmWe6P8AUAx+TB4oooxi i1Jmt0+5dfuOLbANB2H6MjzNzc2zv5ji1g2+5/MYnbb+Yh+T0kubUY940UUbUWtRpJN8w1CfebkK WfUu+/mDOAGOjsRo0UkIo+pPl6Rckl7ehuR1INGAj9u0kW2nXvK45YlQp1odukaICSAjgSQWf//Z """ # A config file that tries to override some standard vars: config_override = """ [global] key0 = var0 home = /home/sweet/home key1 = var1 site_packages = planet key2 = var2 key3 = var3 """ # A config file that tests the automatic type conversion config_good = """ [global] string = Hello world! null = None yes = True no = False number = 42 floating = 3.14 """ # A default config file to make sure it does not overwrite the explicit one config_default = """ [global] yes = Hello not_in_other = foo_bar """ class test_Env(ClassChecker): """ Test the `ipalib.config.Env` class. """ _cls = config.Env def test_init(self): """ Test the `ipalib.config.Env.__init__` method. """ o = self.cls() assert list(o) == [] assert len(o) == 0 assert o.__islocked__() is False def test_lock(self): """ Test the `ipalib.config.Env.__lock__` method. """ o = self.cls() assert o.__islocked__() is False o.__lock__() assert o.__islocked__() is True e = raises(StandardError, o.__lock__) assert str(e) == 'Env.__lock__() already called' # Also test with base.lock() function: o = self.cls() assert o.__islocked__() is False assert base.lock(o) is o assert o.__islocked__() is True e = raises(AssertionError, base.lock, o) assert str(e) == 'already locked: %r' % o def test_islocked(self): """ Test the `ipalib.config.Env.__islocked__` method. """ o = self.cls() assert o.__islocked__() is False assert base.islocked(o) is False o.__lock__() assert o.__islocked__() is True assert base.islocked(o) is True def test_setattr(self): """ Test the `ipalib.config.Env.__setattr__` method. """ o = self.cls() for (name, raw, value) in good_vars: # Test setting the value: setattr(o, name, raw) result = getattr(o, name) assert type(result) is type(value) assert result == value assert result is o[name] # Test that value cannot be overridden once set: e = raises(AttributeError, setattr, o, name, raw) assert str(e) == OVERRIDE_ERROR % ('Env', name, value, raw) # Test that values cannot be set once locked: o = self.cls() o.__lock__() for (name, raw, value) in good_vars: e = raises(AttributeError, setattr, o, name, raw) assert str(e) == SET_ERROR % ('Env', name, raw) # Test that name is tested with check_name(): o = self.cls() for (name, value) in bad_names: e = raises(ValueError, setattr, o, name, value) assert str(e) == NAME_ERROR % (NAME_REGEX, name) def test_setitem(self): """ Test the `ipalib.config.Env.__setitem__` method. """ o = self.cls() for (key, raw, value) in good_vars: # Test setting the value: o[key] = raw result = o[key] assert type(result) is type(value) assert result == value assert result is getattr(o, key) # Test that value cannot be overridden once set: e = raises(AttributeError, o.__setitem__, key, raw) assert str(e) == OVERRIDE_ERROR % ('Env', key, value, raw) # Test that values cannot be set once locked: o = self.cls() o.__lock__() for (key, raw, value) in good_vars: e = raises(AttributeError, o.__setitem__, key, raw) assert str(e) == SET_ERROR % ('Env', key, raw) # Test that name is tested with check_name(): o = self.cls() for (key, value) in bad_names: e = raises(ValueError, o.__setitem__, key, value) assert str(e) == NAME_ERROR % (NAME_REGEX, key) def test_getitem(self): """ Test the `ipalib.config.Env.__getitem__` method. """ o = self.cls() value = u'some value' o.key = value assert o.key is value assert o['key'] is value for name in ('one', 'two'): e = raises(KeyError, getitem, o, name) assert str(e) == repr(name) def test_delattr(self): """ Test the `ipalib.config.Env.__delattr__` method. This also tests that ``__delitem__`` is not implemented. """ o = self.cls() o.one = 1 assert o.one == 1 for key in ('one', 'two'): e = raises(AttributeError, delattr, o, key) assert str(e) == DEL_ERROR % ('Env', key) e = raises(AttributeError, delitem, o, key) assert str(e) == '__delitem__' def test_contains(self): """ Test the `ipalib.config.Env.__contains__` method. """ o = self.cls() items = [ ('one', 1), ('two', 2), ('three', 3), ('four', 4), ] for (key, value) in items: assert key not in o o[key] = value assert key in o def test_len(self): """ Test the `ipalib.config.Env.__len__` method. """ o = self.cls() assert len(o) == 0 for i in xrange(1, 11): key = 'key%d' % i value = u'value %d' % i o[key] = value assert o[key] is value assert len(o) == i def test_iter(self): """ Test the `ipalib.config.Env.__iter__` method. """ o = self.cls() default_keys = tuple(o) keys = ('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five') for key in keys: o[key] = 'the value' assert list(o) == sorted(keys + default_keys) def test_merge(self): """ Test the `ipalib.config.Env._merge` method. """ group1 = ( ('key1', u'value 1'), ('key2', u'value 2'), ('key3', u'value 3'), ('key4', u'value 4'), ) group2 = ( ('key0', u'Value 0'), ('key2', u'Value 2'), ('key4', u'Value 4'), ('key5', u'Value 5'), ) o = self.cls() assert o._merge(**dict(group1)) == (4, 4) assert len(o) == 4 assert list(o) == list(key for (key, value) in group1) for (key, value) in group1: assert getattr(o, key) is value assert o[key] is value assert o._merge(**dict(group2)) == (2, 4) assert len(o) == 6 expected = dict(group2) expected.update(dict(group1)) assert list(o) == sorted(expected) assert expected['key2'] == 'value 2' # And not 'Value 2' for (key, value) in expected.items(): assert getattr(o, key) is value assert o[key] is value assert o._merge(**expected) == (0, 6) assert len(o) == 6 assert list(o) == sorted(expected) def test_merge_from_file(self): """ Test the `ipalib.config.Env._merge_from_file` method. """ tmp = TempDir() assert callable(tmp.join) # Test a config file that doesn't exist no_exist = tmp.join('no_exist.conf') assert not path.exists(no_exist) o = self.cls() o._bootstrap() keys = tuple(o) orig = dict((k, o[k]) for k in o) assert o._merge_from_file(no_exist) is None assert tuple(o) == keys # Test an empty config file empty = tmp.touch('empty.conf') assert path.isfile(empty) assert o._merge_from_file(empty) == (0, 0) assert tuple(o) == keys # Test a mal-formed config file: bad = tmp.join('bad.conf') open(bad, 'w').write(config_bad) assert path.isfile(bad) assert o._merge_from_file(bad) is None assert tuple(o) == keys # Test a valid config file that tries to override override = tmp.join('override.conf') open(override, 'w').write(config_override) assert path.isfile(override) assert o._merge_from_file(override) == (4, 6) for (k, v) in orig.items(): assert o[k] is v assert list(o) == sorted(keys + ('key0', 'key1', 'key2', 'key3', 'config_loaded')) for i in xrange(4): assert o['key%d' % i] == ('var%d' % i) keys = tuple(o) # Test a valid config file with type conversion good = tmp.join('good.conf') open(good, 'w').write(config_good) assert path.isfile(good) assert o._merge_from_file(good) == (6, 6) added = ('string', 'null', 'yes', 'no', 'number', 'floating') assert list(o) == sorted(keys + added) assert o.string == 'Hello world!' assert o.null is None assert o.yes is True assert o.no is False assert o.number == 42 assert o.floating == '3.14' def new(self, in_tree=False): """ Set os.environ['HOME'] to a tempdir. Returns tuple with new Env instance and the TempHome instance. This helper method is used in testing the bootstrap related methods below. """ home = TempHome() o = self.cls() if in_tree: o.in_tree = True return (o, home) def bootstrap(self, **overrides): """ Helper method used in testing bootstrap related methods below. """ (o, home) = self.new() assert o._isdone('_bootstrap') is False o._bootstrap(**overrides) assert o._isdone('_bootstrap') is True e = raises(StandardError, o._bootstrap) assert str(e) == 'Env._bootstrap() already called' return (o, home) def test_bootstrap(self): """ Test the `ipalib.config.Env._bootstrap` method. """ # Test defaults created by _bootstrap(): (o, home) = self.new() o._bootstrap() ipalib = path.dirname(path.abspath(config.__file__)) assert o.ipalib == ipalib assert o.site_packages == path.dirname(ipalib) assert o.script == path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) assert o.bin == path.dirname(path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) assert o.home == home.path assert o.dot_ipa == home.join('.ipa') assert o.in_tree is False assert o.context == 'default' assert o.confdir == paths.ETC_IPA assert o.conf == paths.IPA_DEFAULT_CONF assert o.conf_default == o.conf # Test overriding values created by _bootstrap() (o, home) = self.bootstrap(in_tree='True', context='server') assert o.in_tree is True assert o.context == 'server' assert o.conf == home.join('.ipa', 'server.conf') (o, home) = self.bootstrap(conf='/my/wacky/whatever.conf') assert o.in_tree is False assert o.context == 'default' assert o.conf == '/my/wacky/whatever.conf' assert o.conf_default == paths.IPA_DEFAULT_CONF (o, home) = self.bootstrap(conf_default='/my/wacky/default.conf') assert o.in_tree is False assert o.context == 'default' assert o.conf == paths.IPA_DEFAULT_CONF assert o.conf_default == '/my/wacky/default.conf' # Test various overrides and types conversion kw = dict( yes=True, no=False, num=42, msg='Hello, world!', ) override = dict( (k, u' %s ' % v) for (k, v) in kw.items() ) (o, home) = self.new() for key in kw: assert key not in o o._bootstrap(**override) for (key, value) in kw.items(): assert getattr(o, key) == value assert o[key] == value def finalize_core(self, ctx, **defaults): """ Helper method used in testing `Env._finalize_core`. """ # We must force in_tree=True so we don't load possible config files in # /etc/ipa/, whose contents could break this test: (o, home) = self.new(in_tree=True) if ctx: o.context = ctx # Check that calls cascade down the chain: set_here = ('in_server', 'logdir', 'log') assert o._isdone('_bootstrap') is False assert o._isdone('_finalize_core') is False assert o._isdone('_finalize') is False for key in set_here: assert key not in o o._finalize_core(**defaults) assert o._isdone('_bootstrap') is True assert o._isdone('_finalize_core') is True assert o._isdone('_finalize') is False # Should not cascade for key in set_here: assert key in o # Check that it can't be called twice: e = raises(StandardError, o._finalize_core) assert str(e) == 'Env._finalize_core() already called' return (o, home) def test_finalize_core(self): """ Test the `ipalib.config.Env._finalize_core` method. """ # Test that correct defaults are generated: (o, home) = self.finalize_core(None) assert o.in_server is False assert o.logdir == home.join('.ipa', 'log') assert o.log == home.join('.ipa', 'log', 'default.log') # Test with context='server' (o, home) = self.finalize_core('server') assert o.in_server is True assert o.logdir == home.join('.ipa', 'log') assert o.log == home.join('.ipa', 'log', 'server.log') # Test that **defaults can't set in_server, logdir, nor log: (o, home) = self.finalize_core(None, in_server='IN_SERVER', logdir='LOGDIR', log='LOG', ) assert o.in_server is False assert o.logdir == home.join('.ipa', 'log') assert o.log == home.join('.ipa', 'log', 'default.log') # Test loading config file, plus test some in-tree stuff (o, home) = self.bootstrap(in_tree=True, context='server') for key in ('yes', 'no', 'number'): assert key not in o home.write(config_good, '.ipa', 'server.conf') home.write(config_default, '.ipa', 'default.conf') o._finalize_core() assert o.in_tree is True assert o.context == 'server' assert o.in_server is True assert o.logdir == home.join('.ipa', 'log') assert o.log == home.join('.ipa', 'log', 'server.log') assert o.yes is True assert o.no is False assert o.number == 42 assert o.not_in_other == 'foo_bar' # Test using DEFAULT_CONFIG: defaults = dict(constants.DEFAULT_CONFIG) (o, home) = self.finalize_core(None, **defaults) assert list(o) == sorted(defaults) for (key, value) in defaults.items(): if value is object: continue if key == 'mode': continue assert o[key] == value, '%r is %r; should be %r' % (key, o[key], value) def test_finalize(self): """ Test the `ipalib.config.Env._finalize` method. """ # Check that calls cascade up the chain: (o, home) = self.new(in_tree=True) assert o._isdone('_bootstrap') is False assert o._isdone('_finalize_core') is False assert o._isdone('_finalize') is False o._finalize() assert o._isdone('_bootstrap') is True assert o._isdone('_finalize_core') is True assert o._isdone('_finalize') is True # Check that it can't be called twice: e = raises(StandardError, o._finalize) assert str(e) == 'Env._finalize() already called' # Check that _finalize() calls __lock__() (o, home) = self.new(in_tree=True) assert o.__islocked__() is False o._finalize() assert o.__islocked__() is True e = raises(StandardError, o.__lock__) assert str(e) == 'Env.__lock__() already called' # Check that **lastchance works (o, home) = self.finalize_core(None) key = 'just_one_more_key' value = u'with one more value' lastchance = {key: value} assert key not in o assert o._isdone('_finalize') is False o._finalize(**lastchance) assert key in o assert o[key] is value