/* Authors: * Petr Vobornik * * Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat * see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ define(['dojo/_base/declare', 'dojo/_base/array', 'dojo/dom', 'dojo/dom-construct', 'dojo/dom-prop', 'dojo/dom-class', 'dojo/dom-style', 'dojo/dom-attr', 'dojo/query', 'dojo/Evented', 'dojo/on', '../jquery', '../ipa'], function(declare, array, dom, construct, prop, dom_class, dom_style, attr, query, Evented, on, $, IPA) { return declare([Evented], { /** * Creates UI for freeipa.navigation.menu. Provides an event when * a menu items is selected. * * @class widgets.Menu */ /** * @event item-select(menu_item) */ /** * Object store of menu items * @protected * @property {navigation.Menu} */ menu: null, /** * dom_node of this widget. FIXME: move to superclass (none yet) * @property {HTMLElement} */ dom_node: null, /** * Turns off update on data change * @property {boolean} */ ignore_changes: false, /** * Css class for nodes containing a submenu of certain level_class * @property {string} */ level_class: 'menu-level', /** * Renders widget's elements */ render: function() { if (this.dom_node) { construct.empty(this.dom_node); } this.dom_node = this._render_children(null, null, this.dom_node, null, 1); return this.dom_node; }, /** * Render submenu container of given level * * @protected * @param {Number} level submenu level */ _render_level_container: function(level, parent) { var lvl_class = this._get_lvl_class(level); var type_cls = 'nav'; if (level === 1) { type_cls = 'nav navbar-nav navbar-primary persistent-secondary'; } else if (level === 2) { type_cls = 'nav navbar-nav navbar-persistent'; } else { type_cls = 'dropdown-menu'; } var cont = construct.create('ul', { 'class': type_cls + ' ' + lvl_class }); return cont; }, /** * Render item and submenu to container */ _render_item: function(menu_item, container, level) { var self = this; var click_handler = function(event) { if (event.defaultPrevented) return; self.item_clicked(menu_item, event); event.preventDefault(); }; var item_node = construct.create('li', { 'data-name': menu_item.name, click: click_handler }); var a_node = construct.create('a', {}, item_node); var children = this._get_children(menu_item); if (level > 1 && children.total > 0) { dom_class.add(item_node, 'dropdown-submenu'); dom_class.add(a_node, 'dropdown-toggle'); prop.set(item_node, 'onclick', undefined); attr.set(a_node, 'data-toggle', 'dropdown'); attr.set(a_node, 'data-target', '#'); $(a_node).dropdown(); } this._update_item(menu_item, item_node); // create submenu this._render_children(menu_item, children, null, item_node, level + 1); construct.place(item_node, container); }, /** * Render children of menu_item or top level items if menu_item is * null. * * @protected * @param {navigation.MenuItem|null} menu_item * @param {Object|null} children query result * @param {HTMLElement|null} item_container container for children * @param {HTMLElement|null} container container for item_container * @param {number} level */ _render_children: function(menu_item, children, item_container, container, level) { if (children === null) { children = this._get_children(menu_item); } if (!item_container) { item_container = this._render_level_container(level, container); } if (children.total > 0) { array.forEach(children, function(menu_item) { this._render_item(menu_item, item_container, level); }, this); } if (container) { construct.place(item_container, container); // use jQuery resize to make use of window.resize throttling $(window).bind('resize', function() { this._adjust_size(container, item_container, level); }.bind(this)); } return item_container; }, _get_children: function(menu_item) { var name = menu_item ? menu_item.name : null; var children = this.menu.items.query({ parent: name, hidden: false }, { sort: [{attribute:'position'}]}); return children; }, _get_lvl_class: function(level) { return this.level_class + '-' + level; }, /** * Updates content of li_node associated with menu_item base on * menu_item's state. * * @protected * @param {navigation.MenuItem|string} menu_item * @param {HTMLElement} [li_node] */ _update_item: function(menu_item, li_node) { if (typeof menu_item === 'string') { menu_item = this.menu.items.get(menu_item); } if (!li_node) { li_node = query('li[data-name=\''+menu_item.name+'\']')[0]; // Quit for non-existing nodes. // FIXME: maybe change to exception if (!li_node) return; } dom_class.toggle(li_node, 'disabled', !!menu_item.disabled); dom_class.toggle(li_node, 'active', menu_item.selected); dom_style.set(li_node, { display: menu_item.hidden ? 'none': 'default' }); var a_node = query('a', li_node)[0]; prop.set(a_node, 'href', '#' + menu_item.name); prop.set(a_node, 'textContent', menu_item.label); prop.set(a_node, 'title', menu_item.title || menu_item.label); }, /** * Displays only supplied menu items. * @param {navigation.MenuItem[]} menu_items Items to show */ select: function(menu_items) { // hide all except top level var exception = this._get_lvl_class(1); query('div.submenu', this.dom_node).forEach(function(submenu_node) { if (dom_class.contains(submenu_node, exception)) return; dom_style.set(submenu_node, { display: 'none' }); }, this); // show and update selected array.forEach(menu_items, function(item) { this._update_item(item); }, this); // to force adjusting of item sizes $(window).trigger('resize'); }, /** * Handles changes in this.menu object. * * @protected * @param {navigation.MenuItem} object * @param {number} removedFrom * @param {number} insertedInto */ _items_changed: function(object, removedFrom, insertedInto) { if (this.ignore_changes) return; if (removedFrom === -1 && insertedInto === -1) { this._update_item(object); } else { // on add or removal, replace whole menu this.render(); this.select(this.menu.selected); } }, /** * Sets this.menu and starts to watch its changes * @param {navigation.Menu} menu */ set_menu: function(menu) { this.menu = menu; //get all items var q = menu.items.query(); q.observe(this._items_changed.bind(this), true); on(this.menu, 'selected', function(event) { this.select(event.new_selection); }.bind(this)); }, /** * Internal handler for clicking on menu item. * Raises item-select event. * @protected * @param {navigation.MenuItem} menu_items */ _item_clicked: function(menu_item) { this.emit('item-select', menu_item); }, /** * Handles click on menu item. * * Intended for overriding. * * @param {navigation.MenuItem} menu_item * @param {Event} event */ item_clicked: function(menu_item/*, event*/) { this._item_clicked(menu_item); }, /** * Adjust parent size according to child size * @param {HTMLElement} parent parent menu item container * @param {HTMLElement} child child menu item container * @param {number} level level of the child menu item */ _adjust_size: function(parent, child, level) { if (level !== 2) return; var child_height = dom_style.get(child, 'height'); var absolute = dom_style.get(child, 'position') === 'absolute'; if (child_height && absolute) { dom_style.set(parent, 'marginBottom', child_height+'px'); } } }); });