/* Authors: * Pavel Zuna * Adam Young * Endi Dewata * John Dennis * Petr Vobornik * * Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat * see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ define([ 'dojo/_base/lang', 'dojo/Deferred', './auth', './ipa', './text', './util', 'exports' ], function(lang, Deferred, auth, IPA, text, util, rpc /*exports*/) { /** * Call an IPA command over JSON-RPC. * * @class rpc.command * * @param {Object} spec - construct specification * @param {string} spec.name - command name (optional) * @param {string} spec.entity - command entity(name) (optional) * @param {string} spec.method - command method * @param {string[]} spec.args - list of arguments, e.g. ['username'] * @param {Object} spec.options - dict of options, e.g. {givenname: 'Petr'} * @param {Function} spec.on_success - callback function if command succeeds * @param {Function} spec.on_error - callback function if command fails * */ rpc.command = function(spec) { spec = spec || {}; var that = IPA.object(); /** @property {string} name Name */ that.name = spec.name; /** @property {entity.entity} entity Entity */ that.entity = spec.entity; /** @property {string} method Method */ that.method = spec.method; /** @property {string[]} args Command Arguments */ that.args = $.merge([], spec.args || []); /** @property {Object} options Option map */ that.options = $.extend({}, spec.options || {}); /** * Success handler * @property {Function} * @param {Object} data * @param {string} text_status * @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr */ that.on_success = spec.on_success; /** * Error handler * @property {Function} * @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr * @param {string} text_status * @param {{name:string,message:string}} error_thrown */ that.on_error = spec.on_error; /** * Allow retrying of execution if previous ended as error * * Manifested by error dialog. Set it to `false` for custom error dialogs or * error handling without any dialog. * @property {Boolean} retry=true */ that.retry = typeof spec.retry == 'undefined' ? true : spec.retry; /** @property {string} error_message Default error message */ that.error_message = text.get(spec.error_message || '@i18n:dialogs.batch_error_message', 'Some operations failed.'); /** @property {ordered_map.} error_messages Error messages map */ that.error_messages = $.ordered_map({ 911: 'Missing HTTP referer.
You have to configure your browser to send HTTP referer header.' }); /** * Get command name * * - it's `entity.name + '_' + method` * - or `method` * @return {string} */ that.get_command = function() { return (that.entity ? that.entity+'_' : '') + that.method; }; /** * Add argument * @param {string} arg */ that.add_arg = function(arg) { that.args.push(arg); }; /** * Add arguments * @param {string[]} args */ that.add_args = function(args) { $.merge(that.args, args); }; /** * Set option * @param {string} name * @param {Mixed} value */ that.set_option = function(name, value) { that.options[name] = value; }; /** * Extends options map with another options map * * @param {{opt1:Mixed, opt2:Mixed}} options */ that.set_options = function(options) { $.extend(that.options, options); }; /** * Add value to an option * * - creates a new option if it does not exist yet * - for option overriding use `set_option` method * @param {string} name * @param {Mixed} value */ that.add_option = function(name, value) { var values = that.options[name]; if (!values) { values = []; that.options[name] = values; } values.push(value); }; /** * Get option value * @return {Mixed} */ that.get_option = function(name) { return that.options[name]; }; /** * Remove option from option map */ that.remove_option = function(name) { delete that.options[name]; }; /** * Check result for warnings and process them * @param {Object} result */ that.process_warnings = function(result) { var msgs = result.messages; if (!result.messages) return; for (var i=0,l=msgs.length; i 1) { var name = text.get('@i18n:errors.ipa_error', 'IPA Error'); var message = member[i][1]; if(member[i][0]) message = member[i][0] + ': ' + message; errors.add(command, name, message, text_status); } } } } } return errors; }; /** * Check if command accepts option * @param {string} option_name * @return {Boolean} */ that.check_option = function(option_name) { var metadata = IPA.get_command_option(that.get_command(), option_name); return metadata !== null; }; /** * Encodes command into JSON-RPC command object * @return {Object} */ that.to_json = function() { var json = {}; json.method = that.get_command(); json.params = []; json.params[0] = that.args || []; json.params[1] = that.options || {}; return json; }; /** * Encodes command into CLI command string * @return {string} */ that.to_string = function() { var string = that.get_command().replace(/_/g, '-'); for (var i=0; i 0) { var ajax = this; var dialog = IPA.error_dialog({ xhr: xhr, text_status: text_status, error_thrown: { name: text.get('@i18n:dialogs.batch_error_title', 'Operations Error'), message: that.error_message }, command: that, errors: that.errors.errors, visible_buttons: [ 'ok' ] }); dialog.on_ok = function() { dialog.close(); if (that.on_success) that.on_success.call(ajax, data, text_status, xhr); }; dialog.open(); } else { if (that.on_success) that.on_success.call(this, data, text_status, xhr); } }; /** * Internal XHR error handler * @protected * @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr * @param {string} text_status * @param {{name:string,message:string}} error_thrown */ that.batch_command_on_error = function(xhr, text_status, error_thrown) { // TODO: undefined behavior if (that.on_error) { that.on_error.call(this, xhr, text_status, error_thrown); } }; return that; }; /** * Call multiple IPA commands over JSON-RPC separately and wait for every * command's response. * * - concurrent command fails if any command fails * - result is reported when each command finishes * * @class rpc.concurrent_command * * @param {Object} spec - construct specification * @param {Array.} spec.commands - IPA commands to execute * @param {Function} spec.on_success - callback function if each command succeed * @param {Function} spec.on_error - callback function one command fails * */ rpc.concurrent_command = function(spec) { spec = spec || {}; var that = IPA.object(); /** @property {rpc.command[]} commands Commands */ that.commands = []; /** * Success handler * @property {Function} */ that.on_success = spec.on_success; /** * Error handler * @property {Function} */ that.on_error = spec.on_error; /** * Add commands * @param {rpc.command[]} commands */ that.add_commands = function(commands) { if(commands && commands.length) { for(var i=0; i < commands.length; i++) { that.commands.push({ command: commands[i] }); } } }; /** * Execute the commands one by one. */ that.execute = function() { var command_info, command, i; //prepare for execute for(i=0; i < that.commands.length; i++) { command_info = that.commands[i]; command = command_info.command; if(!command) { var dialog = IPA.message_dialog({ name: 'internal_error', title: text.get('@i18n:errors.error', 'Error'), message: text.get('@i18n:errors.internal_error', 'Internal error.') }); break; } command_info.completed = false; command_info.success = false; command_info.on_success = command_info.on_success || command.on_success; command_info.on_error = command_info.on_error || command.on_error; command.on_success = function(command_info) { return function(data, text_status, xhr) { that.success_handler.call(this, command_info, data, text_status, xhr); }; }(command_info); command.on_error = function(command_info) { return function(xhr, text_status, error_thrown) { that.error_handler.call(this, command_info, xhr, text_status, error_thrown); }; }(command_info); } //execute for(i=0; i < that.commands.length; i++) { command = that.commands[i].command; command.execute(); } }; /** * Internal error handler * @protected */ that.error_handler = function(command_info, xhr, text_status, error_thrown) { command_info.completed = true; command_info.success = false; command_info.xhr = xhr; command_info.text_status = text_status; command_info.error_thrown = error_thrown; command_info.context = this; that.command_completed(); }; /** * Internal success handler * @protected */ that.success_handler = function(command_info, data, text_status, xhr) { command_info.completed = true; command_info.success = true; command_info.data = data; command_info.text_status = text_status; command_info.xhr = xhr; command_info.context = this; that.command_completed(); }; /** * Check if all commands finished. * If so, report it. * @protected */ that.command_completed = function() { var all_completed = true; var all_success = true; for(var i=0; i < that.commands.length; i++) { var command_info = that.commands[i]; all_completed = all_completed && command_info.completed; all_success = all_success && command_info.success; } if(all_completed) { if(all_success) { that.on_success_all(); } else { that.on_error_all(); } } }; /** * Call each command's success handler and `on_success`. * @protected */ that.on_success_all = function() { for(var i=0; i < that.commands.length; i++) { var command_info = that.commands[i]; if(command_info.on_success) { command_info.on_success.call( command_info.context, command_info.data, command_info.text_status, command_info.xhr); } } if(that.on_success) { that.on_success(); } }; /** * Call each command's error handler and `on_success`. * @protected */ that.on_error_all = function() { if(that.on_error) { that.on_error(); } else { var dialog = IPA.message_dialog({ name: 'operation_error', title: text.get('@i18n:dialogs.batch_error_title', 'Operations Error'), message: text.get('@i18n:dialogs.batch_error_message', 'Some operations failed.') }); dialog.open(); } }; that.add_commands(spec.commands); return that; }; /** * Error list * * Collection for RPC command errors. * * @class rpc.error_list * @private */ rpc.error_list = function() { var that = IPA.object(); /** Clear errors */ that.clear = function() { that.errors = []; }; /** Add error */ that.add = function(command, name, message, status) { that.errors.push({ command: command, name: name, message: message, status: status }); }; /** Add errors */ that.add_range = function(error_list) { that.errors = that.errors.concat(error_list.errors); }; /** * Check if there are no errors * @return {Boolean} */ that.is_empty = function () { return that.errors.length === 0; }; that.clear(); return that; }; /** * Error handler for rpc.command which handles error #4304 as success. * * 4304 is raised when part of an operation succeeds and the part that failed * isn't critical. * @member IPA * @param {IPA.entity_adder_dialog} adder_dialog */ rpc.create_4304_error_handler = function(adder_dialog) { var set_pkey = function(result) { var pkey_name = adder_dialog.entity.metadata.primary_key; var args = adder_dialog.command.args; var pkey = args[args.length-1]; result[pkey_name] = pkey; }; return function (xhr, text_status, error_thrown) { var ajax = this; var command = adder_dialog.command; var data = error_thrown.data; var dialog = null; if (data && data.error && data.error.code === 4304) { dialog = IPA.message_dialog({ name: 'error_4304_info', message: data.error.message, title: adder_dialog.title, on_ok: function() { data.result = { result: {} }; set_pkey(data.result.result); command.on_success.call(ajax, data, text_status, xhr); } }); } else { dialog = IPA.error_dialog({ xhr: xhr, text_status: text_status, error_thrown: error_thrown, command: command }); } dialog.open(); }; }; /** * Property names to identify objects and values to extract in * `rpc.extract_objects(array)` method. * @type {Array} */ rpc.extract_types = ['__base64__', '__datetime__', '__dns_name__']; /** * Extract values from specially encoded objects * * ''' * // from * [{"__datetime__": "20140625103152Z"}] * // to * ["20140625103152Z"] * ''' * * - in-place operations, modifies input array * - object properties to extract are defined in `rpc.extract_types` * - other types are left intact * * @param {Array} values * @return {Array} */ rpc.extract_objects = function(values) { if (!values) return values; var et = rpc.extract_types; for (var i=0, l=values.length; i