/* Authors: * Pavel Zuna * Adam Young * Endi Dewata * John Dennis * Petr Vobornik * * Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat * see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ define([ 'dojo/_base/declare', 'dojo/Deferred', 'dojo/Evented', 'dojo/keys', 'dojo/topic', './jquery', './json2', './_base/i18n', './auth', './datetime', './metadata', './builder', './reg', './rpc', './text', './util', 'exports' ], function(declare, Deferred, Evented, keys, topic, $, JSON, i18n, auth, datetime, metadata_provider, builder, reg, rpc, text, util, exports) { /** * @class * @singleton * * Defined in ipa module. Other modules extend it. * * There is a long-term goal to reduce the number of items in this namespace * and move them to separate modules. * */ var IPA = function () { var that = exports; that.jsonrpc_id = 0; // live server path that.url = '/ipa/ui/'; /** * jQuery AJAX options used by RPC commands * @property */ that.ajax_options = { type: 'POST', contentType: 'application/json', dataType: 'json', async: true, processData: false }; /** * i18n messages * @deprecated * @property {Object} */ that.messages = {}; /** * User information * * - output of ipa user-find --whoami */ that.whoami = {}; /** * Map of entities * @deprecated * @property {ordered_map} */ that.entities = $.ordered_map(); /** * Map of entity factories * @deprecated */ that.entity_factories = {}; /** * Number of currently active command calls - controls visibility of network indicator */ that.network_call_count = 0; /** * UI state * @property {boolean} initialized - Intialization completed: * - metadata * - user information * - server configuration */ that.ui = {}; /** * Load initialization data and initialize UI * @param {Object} params * @param {string} params.url - URL of JSON RPC interface * @param {Function} params.on_success - success callback * @param {Function} params.on_error - error callback */ that.init = function(params) { // if current path matches live server path, use live data if (that.url && window.location.pathname.substring(0, that.url.length) === that.url) { that.json_url = params.url || '/ipa/session/json'; that.login_url = params.url || '/ipa/session/login_kerberos'; } else { // otherwise use fixtures that.json_path = params.url || "test/data"; // that.login_url is not needed for fixtures } $.ajaxSetup(that.ajax_options); var batch = rpc.batch_command({ name: 'ipa_init', retry: false, on_success: function() { that.init_metadata({ on_success: params.on_success, on_error: params.on_error }); }, on_error: function(xhr, text_status, error_thrown) { // On IE the request is missing after authentication, // so the request needs to be resent. if (error_thrown.code === 909) { batch.execute(); } else { var ajax = this; var dialog = IPA.error_dialog({ xhr: xhr, text_status: text_status, error_thrown: error_thrown, command: batch }); dialog.on_cancel = function() { dialog.close(); if (params.on_error) { params.on_error.call(ajax, xhr, text_status, error_thrown); } }; dialog.open(); } } }); batch.add_command(rpc.command({ method: 'i18n_messages', on_success: function(data, text_status, xhr) { that.messages = data.texts; i18n.source = that.messages; } })); batch.add_command(rpc.command({ entity: 'config', method: 'show', on_success: function(data, text_status, xhr) { that.server_config = data.result; } })); batch.add_command(that.get_whoami_command(true)); batch.add_command(rpc.command({ method: 'env', on_success: function(data, text_status, xhr) { that.env = data.result; that.version = that.env.version; } })); batch.add_command(rpc.command({ entity: 'dns', method: 'is_enabled', on_success: function(data, text_status, xhr) { that.dns_enabled = data.result; } })); batch.add_command(rpc.command({ entity: 'trustconfig', method: 'show', retry: false, on_success: function(data, text_status, xhr) { that.trust_enabled = true; }, on_error: function(xhr, text_status, error_thrown) { that.trust_enabled = false; } })); batch.execute(); }; /** * Prepares `user-find --whoami` command * @protected * @param {boolean} batch - Specifies if it will be used as single command or * in a batch. */ that.get_whoami_command = function(batch) { return rpc.command({ entity: 'user', method: 'find', options: { whoami: true, all: true }, on_success: function(data, text_status, xhr) { that.whoami = batch ? data.result[0] : data.result.result[0]; that.principal = that.whoami.krbprincipalname[0]; } }); }; /** * Executes RPC commands to load metadata * @protected * @param {Object} params * @param {Function} params.on_success * @param {Function} params.on_error */ that.init_metadata = function(params) { var objects = rpc.command({ name: 'ipa_init_objects', method: 'json_metadata', options: { object: 'all' }, on_success: function(data, text_status, xhr) { metadata_provider.source.objects = data.result.objects; } }); var commands = rpc.command({ name: 'ipa_init_commands', method: 'json_metadata', options: { command: 'all' }, on_success: function(data, text_status, xhr) { metadata_provider.source.commands = data.result.commands; } }); var metadata_command = rpc.concurrent_command({ commands: [ objects, commands ], on_success: function(data, text_status, xhr) { IPA.ui.initialized = true; if (params.on_success) { params.on_success.call(this, data, text_status, xhr); } }, on_error: params.on_error }); metadata_command.execute(); }; /** * Register entity factory in global registry * @deprecated * @param {string} name - Entity name * @param {Function} factory - Entity factory */ that.register = function(name, factory) { reg.entity.remove(name); reg.entity.register({ type: name, factory: factory, spec: { name: name } }); }; /** * Return entity instance with given name from global entity registry * @deprecated * @param {string} name - entity name */ that.get_entity = function(name) { return reg.entity.get(name); }; /** * Display network activity indicator */ that.display_activity_icon = function() { that.network_call_count++; if (that.network_call_count === 1) { topic.publish('network-activity-start'); } }; /** * Hide network activity indicator * * - based on network_call_count */ that.hide_activity_icon = function() { that.network_call_count--; if (0 === that.network_call_count) { topic.publish('network-activity-end'); } }; that.obj_cls = declare([Evented]); return that; }(); /** * Framework objects created by factories should use this * instead of empty object when creating base objects. * * @class */ IPA.object = function(s) { return new IPA.obj_cls(); }; /** * Make request on Kerberos authentication url to initialize Kerberos negotiation. * * Set result to auth module. * * @member IPA */ IPA.get_credentials = function() { var status; var d = new Deferred(); function error_handler(xhr, text_status, error_thrown) { d.resolve(xhr.status); IPA.hide_activity_icon(); } function success_handler(data, text_status, xhr) { auth.current.set_authenticated(true, 'kerberos'); d.resolve(xhr.status); IPA.hide_activity_icon(); } var request = { url: IPA.login_url, cache: false, type: "GET", success: success_handler, error: error_handler }; IPA.display_activity_icon(); $.ajax(request); return d.promise; }; /** * Logout * * - terminate the session. * - reloads UI * * @member IPA */ IPA.logout = function() { function show_error(message) { var dialog = IPA.message_dialog({ name: 'logout_error', message: message, title: '@i18n:login.logout_error' }); dialog.open(); } function reload () { var l = window.location; l.assign(l.href.split('#')[0]); } function success_handler(data, text_status, xhr) { IPA.hide_activity_icon(); if (data && data.error) { show_error(data.error.message); } else { reload(); } } function error_handler(xhr, text_status, error_thrown) { IPA.hide_activity_icon(); if (xhr.status === 401) { reload(); } else { show_error(text_status); } } var command = { method: 'session_logout', params: [[], {}] }; var request = { url: IPA.json_url || IPA.json_path + '/session_logout.json', data: JSON.stringify(command), success: success_handler, error: error_handler }; IPA.display_activity_icon(); $.ajax(request); }; /** * Login by username and password * * @member IPA * @param {string} username * @param {string} password * @return {string} Logout status - {password-expired, denied, invalid, success} */ IPA.login_password = function(username, password) { var result = 'invalid'; var d = new Deferred(); function success_handler(data, text_status, xhr) { IPA.hide_activity_icon(); result = 'success'; auth.current.set_authenticated(true, 'password'); d.resolve(result); } function error_handler(xhr, text_status, error_thrown) { IPA.hide_activity_icon(); if (xhr.status === 401) { var reason = xhr.getResponseHeader("X-IPA-Rejection-Reason"); //change result from invalid only if we have a header which we //understand if (reason === 'password-expired' || reason === 'denied') { result = reason; } } d.resolve(result); } var data = { user: username, password: password }; var request = { url: '/ipa/session/login_password', data: data, contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', processData: true, dataType: 'html', type: 'POST', success: success_handler, error: error_handler }; IPA.display_activity_icon(); $.ajax(request); return d.promise; }; /** * Reset user's password * * @member IPA * @param {string} username * @param {string} old_password * @param {string} new_password * @return {Object} result * @return {string} result.status * @return {string} result.message */ IPA.reset_password = function(username, old_password, new_password, otp) { //possible results: 'ok', 'invalid-password', 'policy-error' var status, result, reason, invalid, failure, data, request; status = 'invalid'; result = { status: status, message: text.get('@i18n:password.reset_failure', "Password reset was not successful.") }; function success_handler(data, text_status, xhr) { result.status = xhr.getResponseHeader("X-IPA-Pwchange-Result") || status; if (result.status === 'policy-error') { result.message = xhr.getResponseHeader("X-IPA-Pwchange-Policy-Error"); } else if (result.status === 'invalid-password') { result.message = text.get('@i18n:password.invalid_password', "The password or username you entered is incorrect."); } return result; } function error_handler(xhr, text_status, error_thrown) { return result; } data = { user: username, old_password: old_password, new_password: new_password }; if (otp) { data.otp = otp; } request = { url: '/ipa/session/change_password', data: data, contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', processData: true, dataType: 'html', async: false, type: 'POST', success: success_handler, error: error_handler }; IPA.display_activity_icon(); $.ajax(request); IPA.hide_activity_icon(); return result; }; /** * Check if password is about to expired (based on * IPA.server_config.ipapwdexpadvnotify). If so, display a notification * message with a link to reset password dialog. * * @member IPA */ IPA.update_password_expiration = function() { var now, expires, notify_days, diff, message, container, notify; expires = rpc.extract_objects(IPA.whoami.krbpasswordexpiration); expires = expires ? datetime.parse(expires[0]) : null; notify_days = IPA.server_config.ipapwdexpadvnotify; notify_days = notify_days ? notify_days[0] : 0; notify = false; now = new Date(); container = $('.header-passwordexpires'); container.empty(); if (expires) { diff = expires.getTime() - now.getTime(); diff = Math.floor(diff / 86400000); if (diff <= notify_days) { notify = true; message = text.get('@i18n:password.expires_in'); message = message.replace('${days}', diff); container.append(message); } } container.toggle(notify); }; /** * Show password dialog for self-service change of password. * * @member IPA */ IPA.password_selfservice = function() { var reset_dialog = builder.build('dialog', { $type: 'user_password', args: [IPA.whoami.uid[0]] }); reset_dialog.succeeded.attach(function() { var command = IPA.get_whoami_command(); var orig_on_success = command.on_success; command.on_success = function(data, text_status, xhr) { orig_on_success.call(this, data, text_status, xhr); IPA.update_password_expiration(); }; command.execute(); }); reset_dialog.open(); }; /** * Build object with {@link builder}. * @member IPA * @param {Object} spec - contruction spec * @param {Object} context * @param {Object} overrides */ IPA.build = function(spec, context, overrides) { return builder.build(null, spec, context, overrides); }; /** * Create a object defined by spec with IPA.object as parent. * @member IPA * @param {Object} spec * @return {Object} new object with all properties as spec */ IPA.default_factory = function(spec) { spec = spec || {}; var that = IPA.object(); $.extend(that, spec); return that; }; /** * Helper function used to retrieve information about an object attribute from metadata * @member IPA * @param {string} entity_name * @param {string} name - attribute name */ IPA.get_entity_param = function(entity_name, name) { return metadata_provider.get(['@mo-param', entity_name, name].join(':')); }; /** * Helper function used to retrieve information about an command argument from metadata * @member IPA * @param {string} command_name * @param {string} arg_name - argument name */ IPA.get_command_arg = function(command_name, arg_name) { return metadata_provider.get(['@mc-arg', command_name, arg_name].join(':')); }; /** * Helper function used to retrieve information about an command option from metadata * @member IPA * @param {string} command_name * @param {string} option_name - argument name */ IPA.get_command_option = function(command_name, option_name) { return metadata_provider.get(['@mc-opt', command_name, option_name].join(':')); }; /** * Helper function used to retrieve information about an attribute member * @member IPA * @param {string} obj_name - object(entity) name * @param {string} member - attribute member */ IPA.get_member_attribute = function(obj_name, member) { var obj = metadata_provider.get('@mo:'+obj_name); if (!obj) { return null; } var attribute_members = obj.attribute_members; for (var a in attribute_members) { var objs = attribute_members[a]; for (var i = 0; i < objs.length; i += 1) { if (objs[i] === member){ return a; } } } return null; }; /** * Dirty dialog * * Should be used as an indication of unsaved changes on page when leaving the * page. Offers user to safe/reset the changes or cancel the action. * * @class * @extends IPA.dialog * @param {Object} spec * @param {IPA.facet} spec.facet - Dirty facet * @param {string} [spec.message] - Displayed message */ IPA.dirty_dialog = function(spec) { spec = spec || {}; spec.title = spec.title || '@i18n:dialogs.dirty_title'; spec.width = spec.width || '25em'; var that = IPA.dialog(spec); /** @property {facet.facet} facet Facet*/ that.facet = spec.facet; /** @property {string} message Dirty message*/ that.message = text.get(spec.message || '@i18n:dialogs.dirty_message'); /** @inheritDoc */ that.create_content = function() { that.container.append(that.message); }; that.create_button({ name: 'save', label: '@i18n:buttons.save', click: function() { that.facet.update(function() { that.close(); that.callback(); }); } }); that.create_button({ name: 'revert', label: '@i18n:buttons.revert', click: function() { that.facet.reset(); that.close(); that.callback(); } }); that.create_button({ name: 'cancel', label: '@i18n:buttons.cancel', click: function() { that.close(); } }); /** * Function which is called when user click on 'update' or 'delete' button */ that.callback = function() { }; return that; }; /** * Error dialog * * Serves for notifying an error in RPC command. * * @class * @extends IPA.dialog * @mixins IPA.confirm_mixin * @param {Object} spec */ IPA.error_dialog = function(spec) { spec = spec || {}; spec.id = spec.id || 'error_dialog'; spec.name = 'error_dialog'; spec.title = spec.error_thrown.name; var that = IPA.dialog(spec); IPA.confirm_mixin().apply(that); /** @property {XMLHttpRequest} xhr Command's xhr */ that.xhr = spec.xhr || null; /** @property {string} text_status Command's text status */ that.text_status = spec.text_status || ''; /** @property {{name:string,message:string}} error_thrown Command's error */ that.error_thrown = spec.error_thrown || {}; /** @property {rpc.command} command Command */ that.command = spec.command; /** @property {rpc.error_list} errors Errors */ that.errors = spec.errors; /** @property {string[]} visible_buttons=['retry', 'cancel'] Visible button names */ that.visible_buttons = spec.visible_buttons || ['retry', 'cancel']; /** @inheritDoc */ that.create_content = function() { if (that.error_thrown.url) { $('

', { text: text.get('@i18n:errors.url', 'URL')+': '+that.error_thrown.url }).appendTo(that.container); } var error_message = $('

', {}); error_message.append(util.beautify_message(that.error_thrown.message)); error_message.appendTo(that.container); if(that.errors && that.errors.length > 0) { //render errors var errors_title_div = $('
', { 'class': 'errors_title' }).appendTo(that.container); var show_details = $('', { href: '#', title: text.get('@i18n:dialogs.show_details'), text: text.get('@i18n:dialogs.show_details') }).appendTo(errors_title_div); var hide_details = $('', { href: '#', title: text.get('@i18n:dialogs.hide_details'), text: text.get('@i18n:dialogs.hide_details'), style : 'display: none' }).appendTo(errors_title_div); var errors_container = $('
    ', { 'class' : 'error-container', style : 'display: none' }).appendTo(that.container); for(var i=0; i < that.errors.length; i++) { var error = that.errors[i]; if(error.message) { var error_div = $('
  • ', {}); error_div.append(util.beautify_message(error.message)); error_div.appendTo(errors_container); } } show_details.click(function() { errors_container.show(); show_details.hide(); hide_details.show(); hide_details.focus(); return false; }); hide_details.click(function() { errors_container.hide(); hide_details.hide(); show_details.show(); show_details.focus(); return false; }); } }; /** * Create dialog buttons * @protected */ that.create_buttons = function() { // When a user initially opens the Web UI without a Kerberos // ticket, the messages including the button labels have not // been loaded yet, so the button labels need default values. var visible = that.visible_buttons.indexOf('retry') > -1; var label = text.get('@i18n:buttons.retry', 'Retry'); that.create_button({ name: 'retry', label: label, visible: visible, click: function() { that.on_retry(); } }); visible = that.visible_buttons.indexOf('ok') > -1; label = text.get('@i18n:buttons.ok', 'OK'); that.create_button({ name: 'ok', label: label, visible: visible, click: function() { that.on_ok(); } }); visible = that.visible_buttons.indexOf('cancel') > -1; label = text.get('@i18n:buttons.cancel', 'Cancel'); that.create_button({ name: 'cancel', label: label, visible: visible, click: function() { that.on_cancel(); } }); }; /** * Retry handler * @protected */ that.on_retry = function() { that.close(); that.command.execute(); }; /** * OK button handler * @protected */ that.on_ok = function() { that.close(); }; /** * Cancel button and negative confirmation handler * @protected */ that.on_cancel = function() { that.close(); }; /** * Positive confirmation handler * @protected */ that.on_confirm = function() { if (that.visible_buttons.indexOf('retry') > -1) that.on_retry(); else that.on_ok(); }; that.create_buttons(); return that; }; /** * Shorten text to desired number of characters. * * If shortened, '...' is appended to the shortened text. * @member IPA * @param {string} value - text to shorten * @param {number} max_length - maximum number of characters * @return {string} shortened text */ IPA.limit_text = function(value, max_length) { if (!value) return ''; var limited_text = value; if (value.length && value.length > max_length) { limited_text = value.substring(0, max_length - 3)+'...'; } return limited_text; }; /** * Convert strings to options. * @member IPA * @param {string[]} values - options as strings * @return {Array.<{value,label}>} options */ IPA.create_options = function(values) { var options = []; for (var i=0; i', { 'class': 'notification-area' }); notification_area.appendTo('#notification'); } var alert = IPA.alert_helper.create_alert('msg', message, type); var el = IPA.alert_helper.render_alert(alert, true); notification_area.append(el); el.alert(); if (!timeout) { // compute timeout, based on text length // get text length without whitespace chars (misleading with // multiple inner HTML elements) var l = el.text().replace(/\s+/g, ' ').length; var ratio = IPA.config.message_timeout_length; if (l < ratio) timeout = IPA.config.message_timeout; else { timeout = l/ratio*IPA.config.message_timeout; } } window.setTimeout(function() { el.alert('close'); }, timeout); }; /** * Get number of succeeded commands in RPC command * @member IPA * @param {Object} data - RPC command data * @return {number} */ IPA.get_succeeded = function(data) { var succeeded = data.result.completed; if (typeof succeeded !== 'number') { succeeded = 0; for (var i = 0; i< data.result.results.length; i++) { if (data.result.results[i].completed === 1) { succeeded++; } } } return succeeded; }; /** * Global configuration * @member IPA * @property {number} default_priority - command default priority. Used in * 'update info' concept * @property {number} message_timeout - timeout for notification messages * @property {number} message_timeout_length - longer messages will be displayed * longer */ IPA.config = { default_priority: 500, message_timeout: 5000, // [ms] message_timeout_length: 50 // [chars] }; return IPA; });