#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2014 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license # """ Download keys from LDAP to local HSM. This program should be run only on replicas, not on DNSSEC masters. """ from binascii import hexlify from datetime import datetime import dns.dnssec import fcntl import logging import os from pprint import pprint import subprocess import socket import sys import systemd.daemon import systemd.journal import time import ipalib from ipapython.dn import DN from ipapython.ipa_log_manager import root_logger, standard_logging_setup from ipapython import ipaldap from ipapython import ipautil from ipaserver.plugins.ldap2 import ldap2 from ipaplatform.paths import paths from ipapython.dnssec.abshsm import sync_pkcs11_metadata, ldap2p11helper_api_params, wrappingmech_name2id from ipapython.dnssec.ldapkeydb import LdapKeyDB from ipapython.dnssec.localhsm import LocalHSM import _ipap11helper DAEMONNAME = 'ipa-dnskeysyncd' PRINCIPAL = None # not initialized yet WORKDIR = '/tmp' def hex_set(s): out = set() for i in s: out.add("0x%s" % hexlify(i)) return out def update_metadata_set(log, source_set, target_set): """sync metadata from source key set to target key set Keys not present in both sets are left intact.""" log = log.getChild('sync_metadata') matching_keys = set(source_set.keys()).intersection(set(target_set.keys())) log.info("keys in local HSM & LDAP: %s", hex_set(matching_keys)) for key_id in matching_keys: sync_pkcs11_metadata(log, source_set[key_id], target_set[key_id]) def find_unwrapping_key(log, localhsm, wrapping_key_uri): wrap_keys = localhsm.find_keys(uri=wrapping_key_uri) # find usable unwrapping key with matching ID for key_id, key in wrap_keys.iteritems(): unwrap_keys = localhsm.find_keys(id=key_id, cka_unwrap=True) if len(unwrap_keys) > 0: return unwrap_keys.popitem()[1] def ldap2replica_master_keys_sync(log, ldapkeydb, localhsm): ## LDAP -> replica master key synchronization # import new master keys from LDAP new_keys = set(ldapkeydb.master_keys.keys()) \ - set(localhsm.master_keys.keys()) log.debug("master keys in local HSM: %s", hex_set(localhsm.master_keys.keys())) log.debug("master keys in LDAP HSM: %s", hex_set(ldapkeydb.master_keys.keys())) log.debug("new master keys in LDAP HSM: %s", hex_set(new_keys)) for mkey_id in new_keys: mkey_ldap = ldapkeydb.master_keys[mkey_id] for wrapped_ldap in mkey_ldap.wrapped_entries: unwrapping_key = find_unwrapping_key(log, localhsm, wrapped_ldap.single_value['ipaWrappingKey']) if unwrapping_key: break # TODO: Could it happen in normal cases? assert unwrapping_key is not None, "Local HSM does not contain suitable unwrapping key for master key 0x%s" % hexlify(mkey_id) params = ldap2p11helper_api_params(mkey_ldap) params['data'] = wrapped_ldap.single_value['ipaSecretKey'] params['unwrapping_key'] = unwrapping_key.handle params['wrapping_mech'] = wrappingmech_name2id[wrapped_ldap.single_value['ipaWrappingMech']] log.debug('Importing new master key: 0x%s %s', hexlify(mkey_id), params) localhsm.p11.import_wrapped_secret_key(**params) # synchronize metadata about master keys in LDAP update_metadata_set(log, ldapkeydb.master_keys, localhsm.master_keys) def ldap2replica_zone_keys_sync(log, ldapkeydb, localhsm): ## LDAP -> replica zone key synchronization # import new zone keys from LDAP new_keys = set(ldapkeydb.zone_keypairs.keys()) \ - set(localhsm.zone_privkeys.keys()) log.debug("zone keys in local HSM: %s", hex_set(localhsm.master_keys.keys())) log.debug("zone keys in LDAP HSM: %s", hex_set(ldapkeydb.master_keys.keys())) log.debug("new zone keys in LDAP HSM: %s", hex_set(new_keys)) for zkey_id in new_keys: zkey_ldap = ldapkeydb.zone_keypairs[zkey_id] log.debug('Looking for unwrapping key "%s" for zone key 0x%s', zkey_ldap['ipaWrappingKey'], hexlify(zkey_id)) unwrapping_key = find_unwrapping_key(log, localhsm, zkey_ldap['ipaWrappingKey']) assert unwrapping_key is not None, \ "Local HSM does not contain suitable unwrapping key for ' \ 'zone key 0x%s" % hexlify(zkey_id) log.debug('Importing zone key pair 0x%s', hexlify(zkey_id)) localhsm.import_private_key(zkey_ldap, zkey_ldap['ipaPrivateKey'], unwrapping_key) localhsm.import_public_key(zkey_ldap, zkey_ldap['ipaPublicKey']) # synchronize metadata about zone keys in LDAP & local HSM update_metadata_set(log, ldapkeydb.master_keys, localhsm.master_keys) # delete keys removed from LDAP deleted_keys = set(localhsm.zone_privkeys.keys()) \ - set(ldapkeydb.zone_keypairs.keys()) for zkey_id in deleted_keys: localhsm.p11.delete_key(localhsm.zone_pubkeys[zkey_id].handle) localhsm.p11.delete_key(localhsm.zone_privkeys[zkey_id].handle) # IPA framework initialization ipalib.api.bootstrap() ipalib.api.finalize() standard_logging_setup(verbose=True, debug = True) # debug=ipalib.api.env.debug) log = root_logger log.setLevel(level=logging.DEBUG) # Kerberos initialization PRINCIPAL = str('%s/%s' % (DAEMONNAME, ipalib.api.env.host)) log.debug('Kerberos principal: %s', PRINCIPAL) ipautil.kinit_hostprincipal(paths.IPA_DNSKEYSYNCD_KEYTAB, WORKDIR, PRINCIPAL) log.debug('Got TGT') # LDAP initialization ldap = ipalib.api.Backend[ldap2] # fixme log.debug('Connecting to LDAP') ldap.connect(ccache="%s/ccache" % WORKDIR) log.debug('Connected') ### DNSSEC master: key synchronization ldapkeydb = LdapKeyDB(log, ldap, DN(ipalib.api.env.container_dnssec_keys, ipalib.api.env.basedn)) # TODO: slot number could be configurable localhsm = LocalHSM(paths.LIBSOFTHSM2_SO, 0, open(paths.DNSSEC_SOFTHSM_PIN).read()) ldap2replica_master_keys_sync(log, ldapkeydb, localhsm) ldap2replica_zone_keys_sync(log, ldapkeydb, localhsm) sys.exit(0)