path: root/ipaclient/remote_plugins/2_164/
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Diffstat (limited to 'ipaclient/remote_plugins/2_164/')
1 files changed, 319 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipaclient/remote_plugins/2_164/ b/ipaclient/remote_plugins/2_164/
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index 000000000..89049f257
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+++ b/ipaclient/remote_plugins/2_164/
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+# Copyright (C) 2016 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license
+# pylint: disable=unused-import
+import six
+from . import Command, Method, Object
+from ipalib import api, parameters, output
+from ipalib.parameters import DefaultFrom
+from ipalib.plugable import Registry
+from ipalib.text import _
+from ipapython.dn import DN
+from ipapython.dnsutil import DNSName
+if six.PY3:
+ unicode = str
+__doc__ = _("""
+Migration to IPA
+Migrate users and groups from an LDAP server to IPA.
+This performs an LDAP query against the remote server searching for
+users and groups in a container. In order to migrate passwords you need
+to bind as a user that can read the userPassword attribute on the remote
+server. This is generally restricted to high-level admins such as
+cn=Directory Manager in 389-ds (this is the default bind user).
+The default user container is ou=People.
+The default group container is ou=Groups.
+Users and groups that already exist on the IPA server are skipped.
+Two LDAP schemas define how group members are stored: RFC2307 and
+RFC2307bis. RFC2307bis uses member and uniquemember to specify group
+members, RFC2307 uses memberUid. The default schema is RFC2307bis.
+The schema compat feature allows IPA to reformat data for systems that
+do not support RFC2307bis. It is recommended that this feature is disabled
+during migration to reduce system overhead. It can be re-enabled after
+migration. To migrate with it enabled use the "--with-compat" option.
+Migrated users do not have Kerberos credentials, they have only their
+LDAP password. To complete the migration process, users need to go
+to and authenticate using their
+LDAP password in order to generate their Kerberos credentials.
+Migration is disabled by default. Use the command ipa config-mod to
+enable it:
+ ipa config-mod --enable-migration=TRUE
+If a base DN is not provided with --basedn then IPA will use either
+the value of defaultNamingContext if it is set or the first value
+in namingContexts set in the root of the remote LDAP server.
+Users are added as members to the default user group. This can be a
+time-intensive task so during migration this is done in a batch
+mode for every 100 users. As a result there will be a window in which
+users will be added to IPA but will not be members of the default
+user group.
+ The simplest migration, accepting all defaults:
+ ipa migrate-ds ldap://
+ Specify the user and group container. This can be used to migrate user
+ and group data from an IPA v1 server:
+ ipa migrate-ds --user-container='cn=users,cn=accounts' \
+ --group-container='cn=groups,cn=accounts' \
+ ldap://
+ Since IPA v2 server already contain predefined groups that may collide with
+ groups in migrated (IPA v1) server (for example admins, ipausers), users
+ having colliding group as their primary group may happen to belong to
+ an unknown group on new IPA v2 server.
+ Use --group-overwrite-gid option to overwrite GID of already existing groups
+ to prevent this issue:
+ ipa migrate-ds --group-overwrite-gid \
+ --user-container='cn=users,cn=accounts' \
+ --group-container='cn=groups,cn=accounts' \
+ ldap://
+ Migrated users or groups may have object class and accompanied attributes
+ unknown to the IPA v2 server. These object classes and attributes may be
+ left out of the migration process:
+ ipa migrate-ds --user-container='cn=users,cn=accounts' \
+ --group-container='cn=groups,cn=accounts' \
+ --user-ignore-objectclass=radiusprofile \
+ --user-ignore-attribute=radiusgroupname \
+ ldap://
+Migration will log warnings and errors to the Apache error log. This
+file should be evaluated post-migration to correct or investigate any
+issues that were discovered.
+For every 100 users migrated an info-level message will be displayed to
+give the current progress and duration to make it possible to track
+the progress of migration.
+If the log level is debug, either by setting debug = True in
+/etc/ipa/default.conf or /etc/ipa/server.conf, then an entry will be printed
+for each user added plus a summary when the default user group is
+register = Registry()
+class migrate_ds(Command):
+ __doc__ = _("Migrate users and groups from DS to IPA.")
+ takes_args = (
+ parameters.Str(
+ 'ldapuri',
+ cli_name='ldap_uri',
+ label=_(u'LDAP URI'),
+ doc=_(u'LDAP URI of DS server to migrate from'),
+ ),
+ parameters.Password(
+ 'bindpw',
+ cli_name='password',
+ label=_(u'Password'),
+ doc=_(u'bind password'),
+ ),
+ )
+ takes_options = (
+ parameters.DNParam(
+ 'binddn',
+ required=False,
+ cli_name='bind_dn',
+ label=_(u'Bind DN'),
+ default=DN(u'cn=directory manager'),
+ autofill=True,
+ ),
+ parameters.DNParam(
+ 'usercontainer',
+ cli_name='user_container',
+ label=_(u'User container'),
+ doc=_(u'DN of container for users in DS relative to base DN'),
+ default=DN(u'ou=people'),
+ autofill=True,
+ ),
+ parameters.DNParam(
+ 'groupcontainer',
+ cli_name='group_container',
+ label=_(u'Group container'),
+ doc=_(u'DN of container for groups in DS relative to base DN'),
+ default=DN(u'ou=groups'),
+ autofill=True,
+ ),
+ parameters.Str(
+ 'userobjectclass',
+ multivalue=True,
+ cli_name='user_objectclass',
+ label=_(u'User object class'),
+ doc=_(u'Objectclasses used to search for user entries in DS'),
+ default=(u'person',),
+ autofill=True,
+ ),
+ parameters.Str(
+ 'groupobjectclass',
+ multivalue=True,
+ cli_name='group_objectclass',
+ label=_(u'Group object class'),
+ doc=_(u'Objectclasses used to search for group entries in DS'),
+ default=(u'groupOfUniqueNames', u'groupOfNames'),
+ autofill=True,
+ ),
+ parameters.Str(
+ 'userignoreobjectclass',
+ required=False,
+ multivalue=True,
+ cli_name='user_ignore_objectclass',
+ label=_(u'Ignore user object class'),
+ doc=_(u'Objectclasses to be ignored for user entries in DS'),
+ default=(),
+ autofill=True,
+ ),
+ parameters.Str(
+ 'userignoreattribute',
+ required=False,
+ multivalue=True,
+ cli_name='user_ignore_attribute',
+ label=_(u'Ignore user attribute'),
+ doc=_(u'Attributes to be ignored for user entries in DS'),
+ default=(),
+ autofill=True,
+ ),
+ parameters.Str(
+ 'groupignoreobjectclass',
+ required=False,
+ multivalue=True,
+ cli_name='group_ignore_objectclass',
+ label=_(u'Ignore group object class'),
+ doc=_(u'Objectclasses to be ignored for group entries in DS'),
+ default=(),
+ autofill=True,
+ ),
+ parameters.Str(
+ 'groupignoreattribute',
+ required=False,
+ multivalue=True,
+ cli_name='group_ignore_attribute',
+ label=_(u'Ignore group attribute'),
+ doc=_(u'Attributes to be ignored for group entries in DS'),
+ default=(),
+ autofill=True,
+ ),
+ parameters.Flag(
+ 'groupoverwritegid',
+ cli_name='group_overwrite_gid',
+ label=_(u'Overwrite GID'),
+ doc=_(u'When migrating a group already existing in IPA domain overwrite the group GID and report as success'),
+ default=False,
+ autofill=True,
+ ),
+ parameters.Str(
+ 'schema',
+ required=False,
+ cli_metavar="['RFC2307bis', 'RFC2307']",
+ label=_(u'LDAP schema'),
+ doc=_(u'The schema used on the LDAP server. Supported values are RFC2307 and RFC2307bis. The default is RFC2307bis'),
+ default=u'RFC2307bis',
+ autofill=True,
+ ),
+ parameters.Flag(
+ 'continue',
+ required=False,
+ label=_(u'Continue'),
+ doc=_(u'Continuous operation mode. Errors are reported but the process continues'),
+ default=False,
+ autofill=True,
+ ),
+ parameters.DNParam(
+ 'basedn',
+ required=False,
+ cli_name='base_dn',
+ label=_(u'Base DN'),
+ doc=_(u'Base DN on remote LDAP server'),
+ ),
+ parameters.Flag(
+ 'compat',
+ required=False,
+ cli_name='with_compat',
+ label=_(u'Ignore compat plugin'),
+ doc=_(u'Allows migration despite the usage of compat plugin'),
+ default=False,
+ autofill=True,
+ ),
+ parameters.Str(
+ 'cacertfile',
+ required=False,
+ cli_name='ca_cert_file',
+ label=_(u'CA certificate'),
+ doc=_(u'Load CA certificate of LDAP server from FILE'),
+ ),
+ parameters.Bool(
+ 'use_def_group',
+ required=False,
+ cli_name='use_default_group',
+ label=_(u'Add to default group'),
+ doc=_(u'Add migrated users without a group to a default group (default: true)'),
+ default=True,
+ autofill=True,
+ ),
+ parameters.Str(
+ 'scope',
+ cli_metavar="['base', 'subtree', 'onelevel']",
+ label=_(u'Search scope'),
+ doc=_(u'LDAP search scope for users and groups: base, onelevel, or subtree. Defaults to onelevel'),
+ default=u'onelevel',
+ autofill=True,
+ ),
+ parameters.Str(
+ 'exclude_groups',
+ required=False,
+ multivalue=True,
+ doc=_(u'groups to exclude from migration'),
+ default=(),
+ autofill=True,
+ ),
+ parameters.Str(
+ 'exclude_users',
+ required=False,
+ multivalue=True,
+ doc=_(u'users to exclude from migration'),
+ default=(),
+ autofill=True,
+ ),
+ )
+ has_output = (
+ output.Output(
+ 'result',
+ dict,
+ doc=_(u'Lists of objects migrated; categorized by type.'),
+ ),
+ output.Output(
+ 'failed',
+ dict,
+ doc=_(u'Lists of objects that could not be migrated; categorized by type.'),
+ ),
+ output.Output(
+ 'enabled',
+ bool,
+ doc=_(u'False if migration mode was disabled.'),
+ ),
+ output.Output(
+ 'compat',
+ bool,
+ doc=_(u'False if migration fails because the compatibility plug-in is enabled.'),
+ ),
+ )