path: root/install/ui/src/freeipa
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Diffstat (limited to 'install/ui/src/freeipa')
1 files changed, 281 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/install/ui/src/freeipa/certificate.js b/install/ui/src/freeipa/certificate.js
index 0aa270039..cba50171b 100755
--- a/install/ui/src/freeipa/certificate.js
+++ b/install/ui/src/freeipa/certificate.js
@@ -21,7 +21,9 @@
+ 'dojo/on',
+ './datetime',
@@ -31,10 +33,11 @@ define([
+ './widgets/DropdownWidget',
- lang, builder, metadata_provider, IPA, $, menu,
- phases, reg, rpc, text, widget_mod) {
+ lang, on, builder, datetime, metadata_provider, IPA, $, menu,
+ phases, reg, rpc, text, widget_mod, DropdownWidget) {
var exp = IPA.cert = {};
@@ -1107,40 +1110,294 @@ IPA.cert.certs_widget = function(spec) {
return that;
+ * certificate widget
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @extends IPA.input_widget
+ */
+IPA.cert.cert_widget = function(spec) {
+ spec = spec || {};
+ var that = IPA.input_widget(spec);
+ IPA.table_mixin().apply(that);
+ that.certificate = null;
+ that.create = function(container) {
+ that.widget_create(container);
+ that.container = container;
+ that.container.addClass('cert-container col-sm-12');
+ var spinner_spec = {
+ name: 'working-notification'
+ };
+ that.spinner = IPA.working_widget(spinner_spec);
+ that.spinner.create(that.container);
+ that.cert_subject = $('<div />', {
+ style: 'font-weight: bold;',
+ text: ''
+ }).appendTo(that.container);
+ that.table_layout = that.create_layout().appendTo(that.container);
+ var tr = that.create_row().appendTo(that.table_layout);
+ that.create_header_cell('@i18n:objects.cert.serial_number', ':')
+ .appendTo(tr);
+ that.cert_sn = that.create_cell('', '', 'cert-value').appendTo(tr);
+ tr = that.create_row().appendTo(that.table_layout);
+ that.create_header_cell('@i18n:objects.cert.issued_by', ':')
+ .appendTo(tr);
+ that.cert_issuer = that.create_cell('', '', 'cert-value').appendTo(tr);
+ tr = that.create_row().appendTo(that.table_layout);
+ that.create_header_cell('@i18n:objects.cert.valid_from', ':')
+ .appendTo(tr);
+ that.cert_valid_from = that.create_cell('', '', 'cert-value')
+ .appendTo(tr);
+ tr = that.create_row().appendTo(that.table_layout);
+ that.create_header_cell('@i18n:objects.cert.valid_to', ':')
+ .appendTo(tr);
+ that.cert_valid_to = that.create_cell('', '', 'cert-value')
+ .appendTo(tr);
+ that.dropdown =, {
+ $ctor: DropdownWidget,
+ toggle_text: text.get('@i18n:actions.title'),
+ toggle_class: 'btn btn-default dropdown-toggle',
+ toggle_icon: 'caret',
+ right_aligned: true,
+ name: 'cert-actions',
+ 'class': 'dropdown cert-actions',
+ items: [
+ {
+ name: 'view',
+ label: text.get('@i18n:buttons.view'),
+ handler: that.open_view_dialog
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'get',
+ label: text.get('@i18n:buttons.get'),
+ handler: that.open_get_dialog
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'download',
+ label: text.get(''),
+ handler: that.perform_download
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'revoke',
+ label: text.get('@i18n:buttons.revoke'),
+ disabled: true,
+ handler: that.open_revoke_dialog
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'remove_hold',
+ label: text.get('@i18n:buttons.remove_hold'),
+ disabled: true,
+ handler: that.perform_remove_hold
+ }
+ ]
+ });
+ on(that.dropdown, 'item-click', function(item) {
+ if (!item.disabled && item.handler) {
+ item.handler();
+ }
+ });
+ that.container.append(that.dropdown.render());
+ that.table_layout.appendTo(that.container);
+ that.create_error_link(that.container);
+ };
+ that.get_custom_actions = function() {
+ return that.dropdown;
+ };
+ that.update_displayed_data = function() {
+ that.revoke_note = $('<div />', {
+ text: text.get('@i18n:objects.cert.revoked_status'),
+ style: 'display: none',
+ 'class': 'watermark'
+ }).appendTo(that.container);
+ var cert = that.certificate;
+ if (cert) {
+ that.cert_subject.text(IPA.cert.parse_dn(cert.subject).cn);
+ that.cert_sn.text(cert.serial_number);
+ that.cert_issuer.text(IPA.cert.parse_dn(cert.issuer).cn);
+ that.cert_valid_from.text(cert.valid_not_before);
+ that.cert_valid_to.text(cert.valid_not_after);
- if (!l) {
- that.content_el.append(that.create_status(
- 'missing',
- text.get('@i18n:objects.cert.missing'),
- 'fa fa-warning'));
+ that.handle_revocation_reason(cert.revocation_reason);
+ };
+ that.toggle_revoked_note = function(show) {
+ if (show) {
+ that.revoke_note.css('display', 'block');
+ else {
+ that.revoke_note.css('display', 'none');
+ }
+ };
- if (l && !that.certs_visible) {
+ that.handle_revocation_reason = function(reason) {
+ // Skip certificates which are not issued by ipa's CA
+ if (that.certificate.revoked === undefined) return;
- var msg = text.get('@i18n:objects.cert.present');
- msg = msg.replace('${count}', l);
- that.content_el.append(
- that.create_status('present', msg, 'fa fa-check'));
+ var dd_menu = that.get_custom_actions();
- IPA.button({
- name: 'show',
- label: '',
- click: function() {
- that.certs_visible = true;
- that.create_certs();
- }
- }).appendTo(that.content_el);
+ if (reason && reason === 6) {
+ dd_menu.enable_item('remove_hold');
+ dd_menu.disable_item('revoke');
+ that.toggle_revoked_note(true);
+ }
+ else if (reason === null || reason === undefined) {
+ dd_menu.enable_item('revoke');
+ dd_menu.disable_item('remove_hold');
+ }
+ else if (typeof reason === 'number' && reason >= 0 &&
+ reason < IPA.cert.CRL_REASON.length) {
+ dd_menu.disable_item('revoke');
+ that.toggle_revoked_note(true);
that.update = function(values) {
- that.certificates = values;
- that.create_certs();
+ var certificate = values[0];
+ if (!certificate ) certificate = {};
+ that.certificate = certificate;
+ that.update_displayed_data();
- that.clear = function() {
- that.content_el.empty();
+ = function() {
+ return that.certificate.certificate;
+ };
+ that.compose_dialog_title = function() {
+ var cert = that.certificate;
+ var cn, o;
+ if (cert.subject) {
+ cn = IPA.cert.parse_dn(cert.subject).cn;
+ o = IPA.cert.parse_dn(cert.subject).o;
+ }
+ else {
+ cn = o = text.get('@i18n:objects.cert.unspecified');
+ }
+ var r = text.get('@i18n:objects.cert.view_certificate');
+ r = r.replace('${entity}', cn);
+ r = r.replace('${primary_key}', o);
+ return r;
+ };
+ that.open_view_dialog = function() {
+ var spec = {
+ title: that.compose_dialog_title(),
+ certificate: that.certificate
+ };
+ var dialog = IPA.cert.view_dialog(spec);
+ };
+ that.open_get_dialog = function() {
+ var spec = {
+ title: that.compose_dialog_title(),
+ certificate: that.certificate.certificate
+ };
+ var dialog = IPA.cert.download_dialog(spec);
+ };
+ that.perform_download = function() {
+ var data_uri = IPA.cert.create_data_uri(that.certificate.certificate);
+ IPA.cert.perform_download(data_uri);
+ };
+ that.open_revoke_dialog = function() {
+ var spec = {
+ title: that.compose_dialog_title(),
+ message: '@i18n:objects.cert.revoke_confirmation',
+ ok_label: '@i18n:buttons.revoke',
+ on_ok: function() {
+ var command_spec = {
+ hide_activity_icon: true,
+ notify_activity_end: function() {
+ that.spinner.emit('hide-spinner');
+ },
+ notify_activity_start: function() {
+ that.spinner.emit('display-spinner');
+ },
+ on_success: function() {
+ var reason = parseInt(dialog.get_reason(), 10);
+ that.handle_revocation_reason(reason);
+ that.facet.certificate_updated.notify();
+ IPA.notify_success('@i18n:objects.cert.revoked');
+ }
+ };
+ var sn = that.certificate.serial_number;
+ var revocation_reason = dialog.get_reason();
+ IPA.cert.perform_revoke(command_spec, sn, revocation_reason);
+ }
+ };
+ var dialog = IPA.cert.revoke_dialog(spec);
+ };
+ that.perform_remove_hold = function() {
+ var spec = {
+ title: that.compose_dialog_title(),
+ message: '@i18n:objects.cert.remove_certificate_hold_confirmation',
+ ok_label: '@i18n:buttons.remove_hold',
+ on_ok: function () {
+ var command_spec = {
+ hide_activity_icon: true,
+ notify_activity_end: function() {
+ that.spinner.emit('hide-spinner');
+ },
+ notify_activity_start: function() {
+ that.spinner.emit('display-spinner');
+ },
+ on_success: function() {
+ that.toggle_revoked_note();
+ that.handle_revocation_reason();
+ that.facet.certificate_updated.notify();
+ IPA.notify_success('@i18n:objects.cert.hold_removed');
+ }
+ };
+ var sn = that.certificate.serial_number;
+ IPA.cert.perform_remove_hold(command_spec, sn);
+ }
+ };
+ var dialog = IPA.confirm_dialog(spec);
return that;