=begin rdoc UpState - An Upstart state machine prototype Author: Casey Dahlin =end require 'set' unless Array.instance_methods.include? "product" class Array #:nodoc: def product(*others) return self.map{ |x| [x] } if others.size == 0 self.map do |x| (others[0].product(*others[1..-1])).map{ |y| [x] + y } end.inject([]){ |x,y| x+y } end end end module UpState # Occurs when the state machine becomes inconsistent class ConsistencyFault < StandardError; end ENABLE_TRACE = false def trace(*args) return unless ENABLE_TRACE $stderr.puts *args end =begin rdoc An instance of State exists whenever a state can become true without having to toggle any other states, or whenever a state _is_ true. =end class State attr :deps # What are our dependencies? attr :holds # Holds that are had on this state attr :status # Are we up? Down? Getting there? class << self attr :depends # What states does this state depend on? attr :caused_by # What events can cause this state? attr :rising_edge # What do we do as we're coming up? attr :falling_edge # What do we do as we're going down? protected attr_writer :depends attr_writer :caused_by attr_writer :rising_edge attr_writer :falling_edge end @@states = Set.new # Set of activatable states @@state_types = Set.new # Set of state types # Create a new state. +deps+ is a list of DSTuple objects def initialize(deps) raise NoMethodError if self.class == State @holds = Set.new @deps = deps.to_set @status = :down return if @@states.include? self @@states.add self hold(:system) if self.class.caused_by.include? Event::Epsilon end # Returns true if this state should be raised if +event+ is occuring def react_to?(event) return false if @status != :down @caused_by.each do |x| return true if x === event end return false end # Make sure our deps are satisfied, and remove ourselves from the list of # states if they aren't def check_deps trace "Dep check on #{self}" @deps.each do |dep| dep = dep.state next if dep.status != :down raise ConsistencyFault, "Lost dep on #{dep} without notify for #{self}" if @status != :down trace " Purging..." @@states.delete self #self.methods.each{ |x| define_method(x, :"*args"){ raise ConsistencyFault, "Operation on dead state" } } self.freeze return end end # Puts the class name and parameters def to_s "#{name} (#{@status.to_s})" end # The name of this state def name "#{self.class.name.split("::").last}#{params.inspect}" end # Prints a string that uses TTY color escapes def to_s_color colors = { :up => "1;32", :down => "1;31", :rising => "0;32", :dropping => "0;31", } "\e[%sm%s\e[0;49m" % [colors[status], name] end # Hold this state. Holding a state informs the system that you would like it # to come up or remain up. +hold+ can be an object of type Hold, an object of # type State to establish that said state depends on this one, or one of # :user or :system to establish that the user or system # has an interest in keeping this service running def hold(hold, params = {}) hold = Hold::Dep.new(hold) if hold.is_a? State hold = Hold::User.new(params) if hold == :user hold = Hold::System.new(params) if hold == :system raise TypeError unless hold.is_a? Hold trace "#{self} being held with #{hold}" @holds.add hold rise if @holds.size == 1 self end # Release a hold on this state. Arguments are the same as for +hold+. def release(hold, params = {}) hold = Hold::Dep.new(hold) if hold.is_a? State hold = Hold::User.new(params) if hold == :user hold = Hold::System.new(params) if hold == :system raise TypeError unless hold.is_a? Hold trace "#{self} being released from #{hold}" @holds.delete hold drop if @holds.size == 0 self end # Set this state to untrue def drop becomes_defunct(true) end # Parameters to this state def params @deps.map{ |x| x.params }.inject({}){ |x,y| x.merge y }.merge \ @holds.map{ |x| x.params }.inject({}){ |x,y| x.merge y } end # Set this state to untrue without running any falling edge code def becomes_defunct(drop=false) return unless @status == :up @status = :dropping break_holds if @holds.size > 0 if drop trace "Dropping #{self}" self.class.falling_edge.call(params) else trace "#{self} becomes defunct" end @deps.each{ |x| x.state.release(self) } @status = :down State.gc State.depsolve_all end # Determine if two State objects are equivalent def ==(other) self.hash == other.hash end # eql? is the same as == alias :eql? :== # Match this State object to Dependencies or other State objects def ===(other) return other === self if other.is_a? Dependency return self == other end # Our ID is a function of our class and deps def hash (self.class.hash ** 2 + self.params.sort.hash) % 0x4000000000000000 end # A state is rooted in a set of states if any state in the set which it _may_ # depend on, it _does_ depend on, and if all of its depended states are rooted # in the set. def rooted_in(set) @deps.inject(true){ |x,y| x and y.state.rooted_in set } and \ self.class.depends.map{ |x| set.select{ |y| x === y } } \ .inject([]){ |x, y| x+y }.to_set.subset? @deps.map{ |x| x.state }.to_set end # Create a new type of state. +name+ is capitalized and postfixed with "State" # to create the new state class name. +depends+ is a series of Dependency # Objects. This method is not defined in subclasses of State. def State.new_type(name, caused_by, depends) name = name.capitalize + "State" raise NameError, "State already exists" if self.const_defined? name newtype = const_set(name, Class.new(State)) newtype.depends = depends newtype.caused_by = caused_by newtype.rising_edge = Proc.new{} newtype.falling_edge = Proc.new{} newtype.instance_eval do undef :new_type, :process_event, :gc, :depsolve_all end @@state_types.add newtype newtype.depsolve newtype end # Handle the occurance of an event. This method is not defined in subclasses # of State. def State.process_event(event) raise TypeError unless event.is_a? Event count = 0 @@states.select{ |x| x.status == :up }.each do next unless x.react_to? event x.hold(:system) count += 1 end count end # Remove inactive states whose deps are no longer satisfied. This method is # not defined in subclasses of State. def State.gc @@states.each{ |x| x.check_deps } nil end # Look at the list of active states and see how the deps of this state could # be met def State.depsolve active_states = @@states.select{ |x| x.status == :up } candidates = @depends.map do |d| active_states.map{ |s| DSTuple.new(d, s) }.select{ |x| x.valid? } end return nil if candidates.include? [] unless candidates == [] candidates = candidates[0].product(*candidates[1..-1]).map{ |x| x.to_set } \ .select{ |x| x.size == 0 or x.inject(true){ |st, y| st and y.rooted_in x } } else candidates = [Set.new] end candidates.each{ |x| self.new x } nil end # Depsolve all state classes. This method is not defined in subclasses of # State. def State.depsolve_all @@state_types.each{ |x| x.depsolve } nil end # Hold all states of a class def State.hold(type, params = {}) @@states.select{ |x| x.is_a? self }.map{ |x| x.hold(type, params) } end # Release all states of a class def State.release(type, params = {}) @@states.select{ |x| x.is_a? self }.map{ |x| x.release(type, params) } end private # Set this state to true def rise return if @status == :up trace "Raising #{self}" @status = :rising @deps.each{ |x| x.state.hold(self) } self.class.rising_edge.call(params) @status = :up State.depsolve_all end # Inform other states that they may no longer depend on this one def break_holds @holds.each{ |x| trace "breaking #{x} on #{self}"; x.clear } @holds = Set.new end end =begin rdoc A Hold is placed on a State when something has an interest in that State being up. States drop automatically when they cease to have any holds on them. =end class Hold attr :params # Parameters of this hold # +params+ should be a hash of parameters. def initialize(params = {}) raise NoMethodError if self.class == Hold raise TypeError unless params.is_a? Hash @params = params end # Inform interested parties that this hold can no longer be maintained, and # that the held state is going to drop. def clear; end # The non-dep holds have no interesting attributes and may be compared # solely by type def ==(other) #:nodoc: self.class == other.class end # eql? is the same as == def eql?(other); self == other; end # The default to_s just prints the type of hold def to_s self.class.name end # A hold placed when the system has an interest in something being running class System < Hold; end # A hold placed when the user has asked for something to be running class User < Hold; end # A hold place when a state is depended on by another state. class Dep < Hold # +dependent+ must be an object of type State def initialize(dependent) raise TypeError unless dependent.is_a? State @dependent = dependent end def params; {}; end #:nodoc: # Kill the dependent state so that the depended state can drop def clear @dependent.drop end # Prints the state who has this hold def to_s "hold by #{@dependent}" end # Two Dep holds are equal if they have the same dependent def ==(other) return other == @dependent if other.is_a? State return other.dependent == @dependent if other.is_a? Dep return false end protected attr :dependent # State which depends on what we hold end end =begin rdoc A Dependency is a notion of a state which might satisfy the needs of another state. It will contain the type of the state and perhaps some sort of patterns which certain parameters must conform to, but it does not necessarily contain enough info to define a state in its entirety. =end class Dependency attr :params # What parameters do we expect? attr :stateclass # What class of state do we match? attr :remap # Parameters our dependent wants to get under another name. # A dependency is created from a class of state to match, and a hash of # parameters. The parameters in the hash can be string values to match or # Regex objects def initialize(stateclass, params = {}, remap = {}) raise TypeError unless State > stateclass raise TypeError unless params.is_a? Hash @stateclass = stateclass @params = params @remap = remap end # Two dependencies are equal if any given set would be either matched by both # or rejected by both def ==(other) return false unless other.is_a? Dependency return(other.stateclass == @stateclass and other.params == params) end # Tests for equality between dependencies or matching between a dependency and # a state def ===(other) return(self.match(other) or self == other) end # Determines if a state meets this dependency def match(other) return false unless other.is_a? @stateclass return false if (@params.keys - other.params.keys).size > 0 @params.each do |x,y| return false unless y === other.params[x] end return true end end =begin rdoc A DSTuple is a pairing of a Dependency and a state that meets it. =end class DSTuple attr :dep # What dependency do we resolve? attr :state # How do we resolve it? # DSTuples are born of a Dependency, and a State which satisfies it def initialize(dep, state) @dep = dep @state = state end # Is our state rooted in the given set of DSTuples? def rooted_in(set) @state.rooted_in set.map{ |x| x.state } end # Does this DSTuple represent a sane resolution? def valid? @dep === @state end # What parameters does this tuple provide to its parent? def params result = {} input = @state.params @dep.params.each_key{ |x| result[(@dep.remap[x] or x)] = input[x] } result end end =begin rdoc An event indicates something happening to the system that may cause a state change =end class Event attr :name # What happened? attr :params # Where/when/why/how/to what did it happen? # Params should be a series of specific properties of this event in hash form def initialize(name, params = {}) @name = name @params = params end # Epsilon is defined as "An event which occurs whenever its occuring would # cause change in the system" Epsilon = self.new("ε") # Two Events are equal if their params are equal and their name is the same def ==(other) other.is_a? Event and \ @params == other.params and \ @name == other.name end # Two Events match if any common params match and their name is the same def ===(other) return false unless other.is_a? Event and @name == other.name @params.each do |x, y| return false unless y === other.params[x] end return true end end end # module UpState