# author: Jonathan Dieter # # mostly taken from yumRepo.py (part of yum) with a few minor modifications # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # Copyright 2005 Duke University import os import re import time import types import urlparse from yum import Errors from urlgrabber.grabber import URLGrabber import urlgrabber.mirror from urlgrabber.grabber import URLGrabError from yum.repos import Repository from yum import repoMDObject from yum import parser from yum import config from yum import misc class PrestoRepository(Repository): """ This is an actual repository object Configuration attributes are pulled in from config.RepoConf. """ def __init__(self, repo, conduit): Repository.__init__(self, repo.id) # If there's a specific deltarpm url, use that is_different = False if conduit.confString(repo.id, 'deltaurl'): self.baseurl = [conduit.confString(repo.id, 'deltaurl')] is_different = True conduit.info(5, 'Manual url set from presto.conf: %s' % self.baseurl) elif repo.deltaurl != []: self.baseurl = repo.deltaurl is_different = True conduit.info(5, 'Manual url set from repository conf file: %s' % self.baseurl) else: self.baseurl = repo.baseurl # If there's a specific mirrorlist, use that if conduit.confString(repo.id, 'deltamirrorlist'): self.mirrorlist = conduit.confString(repo.id, 'deltamirrorlist') self.baseurl = None is_different = True conduit.info(5, 'Manual mirrorlist set from presto.conf: %s' % self.mirrorlist) elif repo.deltamirrorlist != None: self.mirrorlist = repo.deltamirrorlist self.baseurl = None is_different = True conduit.info(5, 'Manual mirrorlist set from repository conf file: %s' % self.mirrorlist) else: if self.baseurl == repo.baseurl: self.mirrorlist = repo.mirrorlist else: self.mirrorlist = None self.conduit = conduit self.urls = [] self.is_different = is_different if is_different: self.repoMDFile = 'repodata/prestomd.xml' self.metadata_cookie_fn = 'presto_cachecookie' else: self.repoMDFile = 'repodata/repomd.xml' self.metadata_cookie_fn = 'cachecookie' self.repoXML = None self.cache = 0 self.mirrorlistparsed = 0 self.yumvar = {} # empty dict of yumvariables for $string replacement self._proxy_dict = {} self.http_headers = {} # throw in some stubs for things that will be set by the config class self.basecachedir = "" self.cachedir = "" self.pkgdir = "" self.hdrdir = "" self.enabled = True # holder for stuff we've grabbed self.retrieved = { 'deltas':0 } # callbacks self.keepalive = repo.keepalive self.bandwidth = repo.bandwidth self.retries = repo.retries self.throttle = repo.throttle self.proxy = repo.proxy self.proxy_username = repo.proxy_username self.proxy_password = repo.proxy_password self.timeout = repo.timeout self.http_caching = repo.http_caching self.failovermethod = repo.failovermethod self.metadata_expire = repo.metadata_expire self.basecachedir = repo.basecachedir self.callback = repo.callback self.failure_obj = repo.failure_obj self.mirror_failure_obj = repo.mirror_failure_obj self.interrupt_callback = repo.interrupt_callback self.drpm_list = {} self.parent = repo repo.p_repo = self def __getProxyDict(self): self.doProxyDict() if self._proxy_dict: return self._proxy_dict return None # consistent access to how proxy information should look (and ensuring # that it's actually determined for the repo) proxy_dict = property(__getProxyDict) def ready(self): """Returns true if this repository is setup and ready for use.""" return self.repoXML is not None def __cmp__(self, other): if self.id > other.id: return 1 elif self.id < other.id: return -1 else: return 0 def __str__(self): return self.id def _checksum(self, sumtype, file, CHUNK=2**16): """takes filename, hand back Checksum of it sumtype = md5 or sha filename = /path/to/file CHUNK=65536 by default""" try: return misc.checksum(sumtype, file, CHUNK) except (Errors.MiscError, EnvironmentError), e: raise Errors.RepoError, 'Error opening file for checksum: %s' % e def dump(self): output = '[%s]\n' % self.id vars = ['id', 'bandwidth', 'enabled', 'keepalive', 'proxy', 'proxy_password', 'proxy_username', 'retries', 'throttle', 'timeout', 'mirrorlist', 'cachedir' ] vars.sort() for attr in vars: output = output + '%s = %s\n' % (attr, getattr(self, attr)) output = output + 'baseurl =' for url in self.urls: output = output + ' %s\n' % url return output def check(self): """self-check the repo information - if we don't have enough to move on then raise a repo error""" if len(self.urls) < 1: raise Errors.RepoError, \ 'Cannot find a valid deltaurl for repo: %s' % self.id def doProxyDict(self): if self._proxy_dict: return self._proxy_dict = {} # zap it proxy_string = None if self.proxy not in [None, '_none_']: proxy_string = '%s' % self.proxy if self.proxy_username is not None: proxy_parsed = urlparse.urlsplit(self.proxy, allow_fragments=0) proxy_proto = proxy_parsed[0] proxy_host = proxy_parsed[1] proxy_rest = proxy_parsed[2] + '?' + proxy_parsed[3] proxy_string = '%s://%s@%s%s' % (proxy_proto, self.proxy_username, proxy_host, proxy_rest) if self.proxy_password is not None: proxy_string = '%s://%s:%s@%s%s' % (proxy_proto, self.proxy_username, self.proxy_password, proxy_host, proxy_rest) if proxy_string is not None: self._proxy_dict['http'] = proxy_string self._proxy_dict['https'] = proxy_string self._proxy_dict['ftp'] = proxy_string def __headersListFromDict(self): """Convert our dict of headers to a list of 2-tuples for urlgrabber.""" headers = [] keys = self.http_headers.keys() for key in keys: headers.append((key, self.http_headers[key])) return headers def setupGrab(self): """sets up the grabber functions with the already stocked in urls for the mirror groups""" if self.failovermethod == 'roundrobin': mgclass = urlgrabber.mirror.MGRandomOrder else: mgclass = urlgrabber.mirror.MirrorGroup headers = tuple(self.__headersListFromDict()) self.grabfunc = URLGrabber(keepalive=self.keepalive, bandwidth=self.bandwidth, retry=self.retries, throttle=self.throttle, progress_obj=self.callback, proxies = self.proxy_dict, failure_callback=self.failure_obj, interrupt_callback=self.interrupt_callback, timeout=self.timeout, http_headers=headers, reget='simple') self.grab = mgclass(self.grabfunc, self.urls, failure_callback=self.mirror_failure_obj) def dirSetup(self): """make the necessary dirs, if possible, raise on failure""" cachedir = os.path.join(self.parent.basecachedir, self.id) deltasdir = os.path.join(cachedir, 'deltas') self.parent.setAttribute('deltasdir', deltasdir) self.setAttribute('cachedir', cachedir) cookie = cachedir + '/' + self.metadata_cookie_fn self.setAttribute('metadata_cookie', cookie) for dir in [cachedir, self.parent.deltasdir]: if self.cache == 0: if os.path.exists(dir) and os.path.isdir(dir): continue else: try: os.makedirs(dir, mode=0755) except OSError, e: raise Errors.RepoError, \ "Error making cache directory: %s error was: %s" % (dir, e) else: if not os.path.exists(dir): raise Errors.RepoError, \ "Cannot access repository dir %s" % dir def baseurlSetup(self): """go through the baseurls and mirrorlists and populate self.urls with valid ones, run self.check() at the end to make sure it worked""" goodurls = [] if self.mirrorlist and not self.mirrorlistparsed: mirrorurls = getMirrorList(self.mirrorlist, self.proxy_dict) self.mirrorlistparsed = 1 for url in mirrorurls: url = parser.varReplace(url, self.yumvar) self.baseurl.append(url) for url in self.baseurl: url = parser.varReplace(url, self.yumvar) (s,b,p,q,f,o) = urlparse.urlparse(url) if s not in ['http', 'ftp', 'file', 'https']: print 'not using ftp, http[s], or file for repos, skipping - %s' % (url) continue else: goodurls.append(url) self.setAttribute('urls', goodurls) self.check() self.setupGrab() # update the grabber for the urls def __get(self, url=None, relative=None, local=None, start=None, end=None, copy_local=0, checkfunc=None, text=None, reget='simple', cache=True): """retrieve file from the mirrorgroup for the repo relative to local, optionally get range from start to end, also optionally retrieve from a specific baseurl""" # if local or relative is None: raise an exception b/c that shouldn't happen # if url is not None - then do a grab from the complete url - not through # the mirror, raise errors as need be # if url is None do a grab via the mirror group/grab for the repo # return the path to the local file # Turn our dict into a list of 2-tuples headers = self.__headersListFromDict() # We will always prefer to send no-cache. if not (cache or self.http_headers.has_key('Pragma')): headers.append(('Pragma', 'no-cache')) headers = tuple(headers) if local is None or relative is None: raise Errors.RepoError, \ "get request for Repo %s, gave no source or dest" % self.id if self.cache == 1: if os.path.exists(local): # FIXME - we should figure out a way return local # to run the checkfunc from here else: # ain't there - raise raise Errors.RepoError, \ "Caching enabled but no local cache of %s from %s" % (local, self) if url is not None: ug = URLGrabber(keepalive = self.keepalive, bandwidth = self.bandwidth, retry = self.retries, throttle = self.throttle, progress_obj = self.callback, copy_local = copy_local, reget = reget, proxies = self.proxy_dict, failure_callback = self.failure_obj, interrupt_callback=self.interrupt_callback, timeout=self.timeout, checkfunc=checkfunc, http_headers=headers, ) remote = url + '/' + relative try: result = ug.urlgrab(remote, local, text=text, range=(start, end), ) except URLGrabError, e: raise Errors.RepoError, \ "failed to retrieve %s from %s\nerror was %s" % (relative, self.id, e) else: try: result = self.grab.urlgrab(relative, local, text = text, range = (start, end), copy_local=copy_local, reget = reget, checkfunc=checkfunc, http_headers=headers, ) except URLGrabError, e: raise Errors.RepoError, "failure: %s from %s: %s" % (relative, self.id, e) return result def getPackage(self, package, checkfunc = None, text = None, cache = True): remote = package.returnSimple('relativepath') local = package.localPkg() basepath = package.returnSimple('basepath') return self.__get(url=basepath, relative=remote, local=local, checkfunc=checkfunc, text=text, cache=cache ) def metadataCurrent(self): """Check if there is a metadata_cookie and check its age. If the age of the cookie is less than metadata_expire time then return true else return False""" val = False if os.path.exists(self.metadata_cookie): cookie_info = os.stat(self.metadata_cookie) if cookie_info[8] + self.metadata_expire > time.time(): val = True # WE ARE FROM THE FUTURE!!!! elif cookie_info[8] > time.time(): val = False return val def setMetadataCookie(self): """if possible, set touch the metadata_cookie file""" check = self.metadata_cookie if not os.path.exists(self.metadata_cookie): check = self.cachedir if os.access(check, os.W_OK): fo = open(self.metadata_cookie, 'w+') fo.close() del fo def setup(self, cache): try: self.cache = cache self.baseurlSetup() self.dirSetup() except Errors.RepoError, e: raise try: self._loadRepoXML(text=self) except Errors.RepoError, e: raise Errors.RepoError, ('Cannot open/read %s file for repository: %s' % (self.repoMDFile, self)) def _loadRepoXML(self, text=None): """retrieve/check/read in repomd.xml from the repository""" remote = self.repoMDFile if self.is_different: local = self.cachedir + '/prestomd.xml' else: local = self.cachedir + '/repomd.xml' if self.repoXML is not None: return if self.cache or self.metadataCurrent(): if not os.path.exists(local): raise Errors.RepoError, 'Cannot find %s file for %s' % (self.repoMDFile, self) else: result = local else: checkfunc = (self._checkRepoXML, (), {}) try: result = self.__get(relative=remote, local=local, copy_local=1, text=text, reget=None, checkfunc=checkfunc, cache=self.http_caching == 'all') except URLGrabError, e: raise Errors.RepoError, 'Error downloading file %s: %s' % (local, e) # if we have a 'fresh' repomd.xml then update the cookie self.setMetadataCookie() try: self.repoXML = repoMDObject.RepoMD(self.id, result) except Errors.RepoMDError, e: raise Errors.RepoError, 'Error importing %s from %s: %s' % (self.repoMDFile, self, e) def _checkRepoXML(self, fo): if type(fo) is types.InstanceType: filepath = fo.filename else: filepath = fo try: repoMDObject.RepoMD(self.id, filepath) except Errors.RepoMDError, e: raise URLGrabError(-1, 'Error importing %s for %s: %s' % (self.repoMDFile, self, e)) def checkMD(self, fn, mdtype): """check the metadata type against its checksum""" thisdata = self.repoXML.getData(mdtype) (r_ctype, r_csum) = thisdata.checksum # get the remote checksum if type(fn) == types.InstanceType: # this is an urlgrabber check file = fn.filename else: file = fn try: l_csum = self._checksum(r_ctype, file) # get the local checksum except Errors.RepoError, e: raise URLGrabError(-3, 'Error performing checksum') if l_csum == r_csum: return 1 else: raise URLGrabError(-1, 'Metadata file does not match checksum') def retrieveMD(self, mdtype): """base function to retrieve metadata files from the remote url returns the path to the local metadata file of a 'mdtype' mdtype must be 'deltas'.""" try: thisdata = self.repoXML.getData(mdtype) except Errors.RepoMDError: self.enabled = False self.conduit.info(5, "No drpms available for %s" % self.id) return (r_base, remote) = thisdata.location fname = os.path.basename(remote) local = self.cachedir + '/' + fname if self.retrieved.has_key(mdtype): if self.retrieved[mdtype]: # got it, move along return local if self.cache == 1: if os.path.exists(local): try: self.checkMD(local, mdtype) except URLGrabError, e: raise Errors.RepoError, \ "Caching enabled and local cache: %s does not match checksum" % local else: return local else: # ain't there - raise raise Errors.RepoError, \ "Caching enabled but no local cache of %s from %s" % (local, self) if os.path.exists(local): try: self.checkMD(local, mdtype) except URLGrabError, e: pass else: self.retrieved[mdtype] = 1 return local # it's the same return the local one try: checkfunc = (self.checkMD, (mdtype,), {}) local = self.__get(relative=remote, local=local, copy_local=1, checkfunc=checkfunc, reget=None, cache=self.http_caching == 'all') except URLGrabError, e: raise Errors.RepoError, \ "Could not retrieve %s matching remote checksum from %s" % (local, self) else: self.retrieved[mdtype] = 1 return local def getPrestoXML(self): """this gets you the path to the primary.xml file, retrieving it if we need a new one""" return self.retrieveMD('deltas') def setCallback(self, callback): self.callback = callback self.setupGrab() def setFailureObj(self, failure_obj): self.failure_obj = failure_obj self.setupGrab() def setMirrorFailureObj(self, failure_obj): self.mirror_failure_obj = failure_obj self.setupGrab() def setInterruptCallback(self, callback): self.interrupt_callback = callback self.setupGrab() def getMirrorList(mirrorlist, pdict = None): """retrieve an up2date-style mirrorlist file from a url, we also s/$ARCH/$BASEARCH/ and move along returns a list of the urls from that file""" returnlist = [] if hasattr(urlgrabber.grabber, 'urlopen'): urlresolver = urlgrabber.grabber else: import urllib urlresolver = urllib scheme = urlparse.urlparse(mirrorlist)[0] if scheme == '': url = 'file://' + mirrorlist else: url = mirrorlist try: fo = urlresolver.urlopen(url, proxies=pdict) except urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabError, e: print "Could not retrieve mirrorlist %s error was\n%s" % (url, e) fo = None if fo is not None: content = fo.readlines() for line in content: if re.match('^\s*\#.*', line) or re.match('^\s*$', line): continue mirror = re.sub('\n$', '', line) # no more trailing \n's (mirror, count) = re.subn('\$ARCH', '$BASEARCH', mirror) returnlist.append(mirror) return returnlist