Presto: A project to add delta rpm support into yum for Fedora users A list of presto-enabled repositories is available there. Installation: ============= 1- Install yum-presto on your system (yum -y install yum-presto) 2- Either use a repository that already has presto enabled in it or modify your .repo files so they contain the following: deltaurl = where is replaced with a valid presto repository 3- Now install an old rpm from a presto-enabled repository using rpm, then try updating it using yum. The plugin should kick in, try to download the drpm, reconstruct the full rpm, and yum should install that. Notes: ====== Presto will read the deltaurl from two possible locations: 1. The repository's .repo file ("deltaurl =") 2. Appended to /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/presto.conf in the form: [repository] deltaurl = Presto.conf has the following options in [main]: keepdeltas=1 Always keep deltas in cache no matter what keepcache is set to. neverkeepdeltas=1 Always remove deltas after creating full rpms. exitondownloadfailure=0|1 If there is a problem downloading the deltarpm, exit rather than trying to download the full rpm. Note: If you specify neither keepdeltas nor neverkeepdeltas, presto will follow the keepcache option in yum.conf.